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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Dude in England FACE FUCKS woman to death    10/18/24  (11)
anyone that listens to Huberman Lab should 100% srsly KILL THEMSELVES ASAP    10/18/24  (8)
Los Angeles Has The Highest Home Price-To-Income Ratio In The US    10/18/24  (45)
Calling CSLG - unless you can do it, need you to refer the best auto collision    10/18/24  (20)
Hawk Tuah girl making billions getting rich. u: dwindling audience of dysgenics    10/18/24  (4)
Are apps or old fashioned methods better for scoring Asian pussy in 2024?    10/18/24  (2)
🚨 Israel kills Hamas chief Sinwar 🚨    10/18/24  (115)
Leaked video of 3rd grades forced by lib teachers to perform “Hawk Tuah Contes    10/18/24  (10)
is UChicago still based?    10/18/24  (1)
need a new job    10/18/24  (1)
Just one more COCK and I'll be done for good, just one more    10/18/24  (1)
homosexual information sharing website    10/18/24  (2)
disco fries, should I take a Carnival Cruise in December?    10/18/24  (1)
Me lambasting MASE over cocktails about his origins before he moved to NY    10/18/24  (1)
UwU BwO: MILF Pornography in Anti-Oedipus    10/18/24  (2)
MPA showing up to work in bright purple and yellow question mark suit    10/18/24  (22)
Math mastermen: should I pay $1700 to reduce mortgage APR by .25    10/18/24  (25)
NYT David Brooks: Why the Heck Isn't She Running Away With This?    10/18/24  (35)
Fuck I need some dick, and I need some SPOOKY Asian pussy    10/18/24  (1)
October is a time for SPOOKY Asian pussy    10/18/24  (27)
Why do Christopher Rim and Hafeez Lakhani appear in fake admissions articles?    10/18/24  (1)
Anyone watching the Al Smith dinner?    10/18/24  (73)
Friday afternoon casual chat thread (jcm)    10/18/24  (52)
asian pussy Friday happy hour    10/18/24  (23)
Won ~$7k at the local bar - what should I buy?    10/18/24  (12)
Einstein and Emptiness (aka Einstein was a fraud)    10/18/24  (2)
fma. the weekend is basically already over.    10/18/24  (4)
Trump cancelling appearances left and right, is something up? - link    10/18/24  (42)
Wait, so MASE is supposed to work at the Manhattan Institute?    10/18/24  (1)
if god loved you back, you wouldn't be striving this hard    10/18/24  (2)
his politics, like his hair loss, was progressive    10/18/24  (1)
Have xo “males” ever been collectively more pathetic and beta than they are    10/18/24  (1)
My thoughts after a month of aggressive online dating    10/18/24  (220)
any state tax experts here?    10/18/24  (26)
I chadded a married girl at work and now it’s really awkward    10/18/24  (263)
Rating poasters as upcoming desperate Kamala campaign Hail Marys    10/18/24  (170)
Is Montreal actually cool?    10/18/24  (44)
Is there any room for a pro-abortion MAGA in the current political environment?    10/18/24  (13)
gee i hope i can find my soul mate using fully online computer laptop    10/18/24  (4)
ricky remotely powered down your computer laptop at 3:35pm    10/18/24  (2)
america officially dead, just spent $100 on pad thai ingredients lol    10/18/24  (2)
uncle called out my toupee at sunday dinner    10/18/24  (33)
should i take job in flyover to be closer to grandparents    10/18/24  (19)
How many cousins do your kids have?    10/18/24  (7)
a computer accelerates the transformation of vagina into demon hole?    10/18/24  (2)
Fwd: URGENT: re new matter: See attached. Response due Monday. Thx.    10/18/24  (434)
Assfaggot rips prayer beads from Megachurch Girl's ass like a lawnmower cord    10/18/24  (101)
My thoughts after a month of aggressive online raping    10/18/24  (5)
"so what are we accelerating exactly haha"    10/18/24  (2)
havn't been able to read optimistic or political bloggers in awhile    10/18/24  (15)
Rate pics of me and my Indian Surfing Girlfriend (epah, pics)    10/18/24  (108)
Nate Silver: "JFC Trump is going to win"    10/18/24  (20)
John McCain refused to leave Nam when the Cong offered him up, bc it'd demoraliz    10/18/24  (66)
30% of CVS's Senior Executives are Pajeets    10/18/24  (14)
Gun to your head: Run DMC’s Ghostbusters or Bobby Brown’s On Our Own    10/18/24  (3)
bill murray: champagne all weekend, u: poast    10/18/24  (362)
UPenn girl has pussy leaked online    10/18/24  (26)
more enjoyable: herpes outbreak or reading mig threads?    10/18/24  (3)
You would not believe what some of the poasters here do IRL. Incredible things.    10/18/24  (4)
you will be alone forever. get used to it. you're defective.    10/18/24  (5)
(((The Economist))): America’s economy is bigger and better than ever    10/18/24  (37)
whats the ddx for waking up feeling like u got beat up    10/18/24  (16)
Technical question    10/18/24  (1)
your jewish    10/18/24  (4)
jcm rating poasters as moments in sports    10/18/24  (114)
"I'm fuckin' cumming my boi!" 'Don't stop. Don't stop pounding this hole of ex    10/18/24  (1)
good will hunting blackboard scene, but it's MiG trying to do long division    10/18/24  (8)
jcm how good was Twin Peaks Season 3    10/18/24  (2)
My thoughts after a month of aggressive online raping    10/18/24  (2)
Mig, shut up dude    10/18/24  (5)
My thoughts after a decade of aggressive online diapering    10/18/24  (2)
My thoughts after two decades of aggressive bottoming for jinx (whok)    10/18/24  (3)
typical cslg clients caught on video during their fraud    10/18/24  (4)
i camped outside under the moon last night    10/18/24  (6)
terminally single middle aged men crying someone told them the truth    10/18/24  (1)
MBA students in consulting getting start dates pushed back 12+ months    10/18/24  (24)
MY ASS MY ASS IN MY ASS    10/18/24  (1)
proles who own houses actually aren't that bad off from inflation    10/18/24  (16)
the Zevia energy drink cans are cr af    10/18/24  (1)
New Karlstack article: My 21 pieces of silver    10/18/24  (7)
Prediction: Vanquished Kamala will get a sweet MSNBC gig or Netflix deal, but    10/18/24  (3)
Nicotine is prole as fuck    10/18/24  (15)
Noticed something pretty scary    10/18/24  (16)
what time in the morning are you up and ready to kick ass?    10/18/24  (7)
ND is worthless trash will lose@ GaTech and next week Navy will fuck them up    10/18/24  (1)
My Wife Cheated and Now I Don’t Know Who I Am Anymore    10/18/24  (71)
My thoughts after a month of passive-aggressive online dating    10/18/24  (2)
Kamala campaign’s response to Trump at Al Smith Dinner    10/18/24  (14)
yeah man, visalia    10/18/24  (9)
David Beckham + Victoria Beckham's combined SAT score =    10/18/24  (6)
SHAMEFUL CONFESSION: I love generic 30s NPC shrews. Taking horrific abuse itt.    10/18/24  (8)
Latest Polling Averages Mich. Harris <1 N.C. Trump <1 Wis. Harris <1 Nev. Harris    10/18/24  (1)
What percent of "modernity" sucks    10/18/24  (3)
I get a notification on my AIM buddy list whenever Emilio posts im gay.    10/18/24  (10)
Does anyone have a list of TOMMY TURDSKIN MONIKERS?    10/18/24  (424)
Is 31 months a fair prison sentence for a mom who tweeted this?    10/18/24  (31)
If you like my poasting please consider signing up for my Patreon    10/18/24  (1)
Adam Duritz: A long October, and there's reason to believe maybe this shrew will    10/18/24  (2)
MASE is pro-vaxx    10/18/24  (23)
US Birdshit married to TRANNIE KIDNAPPED in southern HELLOSIRISTAN    10/18/24  (6)
It's actually insane that there hasn't been a real recession since 2009    10/18/24  (4)
BAM! you are dropped in Nunavut at this location. What do u do?    10/18/24  (168)
cr for a chill wasp bro to name his son, e.g., d’ontaivius jackson?    10/18/24  (1)
Ke$ha is looking a lot better these days    10/18/24  (30)
Taylor Swift joins the cat lady club (vid)    10/18/24  (1)
Rate this Gorgeous AZNgirl Aussie politician    10/18/24  (2)
Will be lolz when Trump wins popular vote but loses electrical college    10/18/24  (13)
Kamala Harris is melting down in her Fox News interview right now    10/18/24  (176)
If everything is priced in, why isn't the S&P 500's return the risk free rate    10/18/24  (5)
developers developers developers (4 cucumbers)    10/18/24  (16)
A young man named "Penis Boy" having a Faulknerian experience in a deep woods    10/18/24  (4)
My thoughts after a decade of aggressive online & offline bottoming (Peterman)    10/18/24  (3)
My Wife Sharted and Now I Don’t Know Who I Am Anymore    10/18/24  (1)
Trumpmos hate foreigners    10/18/24  (7)
Why did Trump do an interview on a puppy pad this morning    10/18/24  (1)
cogito, ergo im gay.    10/18/24  (1)
Why did Hillary refuse to go to "Wisconsin" ?    10/18/24  (45)
Ruinous Jewish power fleeing Kamala Horus as Emperor Trump warp blasts her soul    10/18/24  (1)
karlstack BENDS THE KNEE "idk what I was thinking. honestly love israel tbh"    10/18/24  (1)
Post-election SNL: Bowen Yang soulful piano rendition of Beware of the Boys    10/18/24  (2)
Trump's going to win    10/18/24  (1)
Analysts: Trump stuck in "dancing monkey" phase of campaign    10/18/24  (5)
Disco Fries ridiculed Luis for taking time off for being a public servant    10/18/24  (95)
Imagine signing legally binding contract to be with Ganges River 24-7    10/18/24  (12)
i lost track of who everyone else is on xo and i dont think it'll ever change    10/18/24  (219)
just a couple of poasters and gjr    10/18/24  (1)
Votecastr showing Clinton leading in FL, IA, NV, NH, OH, PA, WI    10/18/24  (20)
The new poster “niggerboi” is a fake. The original is “nigger boi”    10/18/24  (1)
The Next Twelve Months of Nate Silver's 538.com Headlines:    10/18/24  (401)
"I am racist and I do not respect women." *cheers and applause*    10/18/24  (2)
Prolapsr    10/18/24  (10)
The IDF's follies across the Lebanese border deserve their own book    10/18/24  (17)
angry nerds staring at screens fuming mad at realtors balling out of control    10/18/24  (1)
your netflix gf serving you a "Morale Meal" before bringing u to pumpkin farm    10/18/24  (15)
Rate this pic of the SMU cheer squad (trigger warning, libs)    10/18/24  (21)
no Becky he has an s&p500 index fund AND he's a redditor    10/18/24  (1)
Whats the cheapest european city to fly into?    10/18/24  (10)
Here in Brussels, people are going absolutely bonkers for kamala    10/18/24  (6)
Someone give this MBA bro whining about BS diversity a moniker    10/18/24  (3)
When is the Trump jre episode going to drop? I'm guessing not a Friday.    10/18/24  (6)
Nixon's female fans were colloquially known as "Dick Girls"    10/18/24  (11)
"my management style is fully informed by by lived experience" *queefs*    10/18/24  (1)
My thoughts after a half hour of aggressive hand holding    10/18/24  (5)
Could you kill a mountain lion armed with only a baseball bat?    10/18/24  (13)
Lawyers are scum and many of our problems are downstream of this    10/18/24  (6)
Nate Silver hack: challenge conventional wisdom cartoonishly until 11/4/2024    10/18/24  (1)
"You're a lawyer? I would have gone to law school, but my passion is bartending    10/18/24  (2)
Was about to grab lunch somewhere. Saw a judge I know sitting outside    10/18/24  (22)
Basically Trump needs to win one of MI, PA or WI to win?    10/18/24  (5)

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