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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
I had a dream MPA did anal to FizzKidd and she said it "didn't count"    09/21/24  (8)
Political scientist says Kamala headed for largest defeat since Dukakis (link)    09/21/24  (10)
Rate this discussion panel lineup in D.C. later this month    09/21/24  (4)
Redditors think the S&P500 provides a Guaranteed 8% Return    09/21/24  (165)
jcm rating poasters as works of entertainment    09/21/24  (145)
Free money: USC -4 @ Michigan    09/21/24  (1)
Best not to think about the "whys" of vacation sex    09/21/24  (1)
Change one word of a movie to “Spaceporn”    09/21/24  (79)
JMU is up by 5 SCORES at halftime against ACC darling 3-0 UNC. also fuck FSU    09/21/24  (3)
Jesus, lots of subliminal messaging in this Trump campaign pic    09/21/24  (1)
B1G Title Game: Oregon vs USC. ACC Title Game: Cal vs Stanford.    09/21/24  (13)
is there way we can crowdfund extermination of all jews & the stupid fucking ide    09/21/24  (2)
Dumb blonde birdbrain "journalist" nepo baby grills Bill O'Reilly    09/21/24  (14)
TT are expats shocked when they hear you speak perfect American English?    09/21/24  (61)
bro, twitter is completely off the hook in 2024, beats xo    09/21/24  (31)
MYPILLOW 1488    09/21/24  (7)
cock of michael obama tp is my best friend    09/21/24  (1)
That is Illinois best team in 80 years took ot Nebraska still 3-1 all is ahead    09/21/24  (1)
Valeria Golino used to look hot in the 90s, now looks like 90yo israeli grandma    09/21/24  (1)
Israel just nuked Lebanon    09/21/24  (8)
Photo Dump from BALI AIR SHOW today    09/21/24  (12)
TT are asians shocked when they see that chocobar?    09/21/24  (3)
Casey's Nationalism    09/21/24  (1)
This NIGGA named SPEED is going arnd ASIA and it's pathetic shit    09/21/24  (5)
TT are asians shocked when they see you shit in the street?    09/21/24  (2)
Update: Women still have rights for some reason    09/21/24  (3)
cowed outted on twitter (link)    09/21/24  (1)
Mainlining’s Machine needs to be stopped ASAP, it’s completely out of contro    09/21/24  (3)
PM Modi’s historic US visit begins, receives heroic welcome    09/21/24  (1)
Going on family vacation and it's causing extreme anxiety    09/21/24  (11)
Rate PIC from India-USA joint military exercise Yudh Abhyas 2024    09/21/24  (6)
"the Mahchine thinks it’s been... too long. The Hose agrees."    09/21/24  (1)
evan39 its Mainlining ITT come here quickly...we have minutes not day s    09/21/24  (8)
Emilio Estevez tp flashing u the "ok" sign as u aim alien energy weapon at DC    09/21/24  (72)
Mainlining Chaos at HHM: Billables, Bagels, and Boom    09/21/24  (6)
Help me maximize my wagecuck job !?    09/21/24  (1)
Help this teen find a top surgeon.    09/21/24  (2)
I would cautiously recommend against Mainlining moving to Kauai    09/21/24  (3)
Im sure Gay Guys have problems too, but not as much as 1 straight guy Mainlining    09/21/24  (15)
evan39...Kum ITT... my "Mahchine" has a note for you (only)    09/21/24  (15)
Evan39: Do You see? (Mainlining's Machine)    09/21/24  (11)
Evan39 panting heavily, squinting in confusion    09/21/24  (7)
Big tits at the gym    09/21/24  (1)
"I, Evan39, have witnessed the Mahchine in its full splendor."    09/21/24  (5)
This whole simulation may exist only for you    09/21/24  (12)
Israel should bomb the hezbollah funerals too    09/21/24  (2)
“Why am I always the only adult in the room?” (spaceporn at an orgy)    09/21/24  (15)
How I wrestled dogs    09/21/24  (60)
*tsinah throwing his toupee at jason mraz like they're panties at a white snake    09/21/24  (234)
The Cosmos is all there is, all there ever was, and ever will be - Carl Sagan,    09/21/24  (16)
unbelievable luck. skunk sprayed my brand new toupee while i was camping    09/21/24  (30)
How was this a win for Israel?    09/21/24  (118)
Technically, a pepperoni lover's pizza need have no pepperoni at all.    09/21/24  (66)
can't wait for the classic ACC matchup of Cal vs Florida StaTTTe    09/21/24  (7)
Video of Russia turtle tank eating mines like Pac-Man dots    09/21/24  (3)
Rate my new tattoos (FizzKidd)    09/21/24  (7)
Anyone watch this Arcane series that is supposed to be good?    09/21/24  (3)
lube up Minne$oTTTa! Hawks coming for you!!    09/21/24  (1)
Rate this AZNgirl Mom BERATING her own kids for being ugly 100% AZNS    09/21/24  (31)
Why are so many people complete faggots?    09/21/24  (4)
The burried truths about Germany's invasion of Poland in 1939    09/21/24  (2)
Real inflation is 20%+. Thanks libs    09/21/24  (8)
"I'm here for the pizza party," said the depressed Zionist    09/21/24  (3)
Reminder: Australia has 28 MILLION ppl, contributes NOTHING to Western Culture    09/21/24  (18)
Trump's gonna win    09/21/24  (1)
"I'm here for the pizza party," said the depressed lawyer    09/21/24  (305)
BAM! You must trade lives with Karlstack, CSLG, or TSINAH, which one?    09/21/24  (60)
Shrews at work tried flirting with me (evan39)    09/21/24  (10)
Help this teen pick an outfit (link)    09/21/24  (5)
Why is israel allowed to molest militants in this manner?    09/21/24  (1)
BREAKING: Kamala Harris accepts Oct. 23rd debate on CNN    09/21/24  (19)
Is it even going out on a limb to think Trump wins?    09/21/24  (13)
Why are there no white cornerbacks?    09/21/24  (4)
Sim programmers discussing explosive new content in this week's patch    09/21/24  (4)
JMU to score 100 on Mack Brown    09/21/24  (9)
Luis celebrating being cancer free    09/21/24  (2)
lowercase weed moniker tp    09/21/24  (7)
tfw you realize you call a priest a 'nigger' on twitter    09/21/24  (4)
Over 50% of the Nigga Male pop lives in the area around my ANUS    09/21/24  (1)
Victimized by predatory naked fat women    09/21/24  (3)
Flags in football are ruining the sport    09/21/24  (2)
ive been playing video games with 40yos who literally rage every time they lose    09/21/24  (41)
Do you only believe in Supernatural when your failure in the natural?    09/21/24  (1)
Karlstack 21/9 megathread    09/21/24  (3)
Taking this 23 y/o Latina bartender on a trip (pics)    09/21/24  (17)
Best luggage? Tumi vs. Travelpro vs. CHAD Briggs & Riley    09/21/24  (59)
have you ever had gay sex    09/21/24  (10)
Help this teen pick an penis (link)    09/21/24  (1)
My wife has like 10 relatives that I have to buy a birthday gift for    09/21/24  (4)
Just read a new Facebook conspiracy theory from a Trumpmo    09/21/24  (1)
geoguessr is so gay for paywalling their shit    09/21/24  (1)
Axl Rose asked Nirvana to perform at his wedding. Kurt said no.    09/21/24  (7)
Seems unfair B1G saddled Ohio State with Marshall after a bye.    09/21/24  (2)
Remember Hillary's "delete your account" tweet    09/21/24  (1)
Trump on his base: "You just tell them, and they believe it. They just do."    09/21/24  (55)
Boom I remember "2004" like yesterday (evan39)    09/21/24  (2)
where would 150k/year stretch the furthest in a livable part of the US?    09/21/24  (81)
New Order's "Every Little Counts" is about Spaceporn's genitalia    09/21/24  (1)
*Kurt Russell exhales in the snow, decides it doesn't matter if JCM is doobs*    09/21/24  (169)
(((Jews stole it all from you)))    09/21/24  (1)
(((Jews)))    09/21/24  (1)
Most (((people))) don't seem to know or care where they're at..don't care about    09/21/24  (1)
The Jewish Problem    09/21/24  (4)
Thiel: US voting is fraud    09/21/24  (60)
There's no way Kurt Cobain shot himself to death with a shotgun    09/21/24  (2)
China's "Beautiful AZNgirl Governor" Jailed Over Affairs With 58 Staff Members    09/21/24  (10)
do we really think there's 8 billion people here    09/21/24  (2)
In this house, we believe in gender fluidity and decolonization.    09/21/24  (1)
Playing Mario Kart with my kid and pornstar I met at the weed dispensary (CSLG)    09/21/24  (28)
Results from International Collegiate Programming Contest are in & LJL Birdshits    09/21/24  (8)
She’s not going to win. I’ve accepted it.    09/21/24  (37)
Pope Francis changing Nicene Creed to “In this House We Believe” litany    09/21/24  (14)
Tommy is not smart.    09/21/24  (12)
Trumpmo DESTROYED in one short devastating tweet (NSFW)    09/21/24  (1)
Rate this text a zoomer girl sent me    09/21/24  (27)
Have you ever had sex that reconceptualizes the nature of intercourse?    09/21/24  (3)
George W Bush's Brother Neil LOVES furking CHINA (u mad Birdshitz?)    09/21/24  (5)
My poasts are 100% performance art and ironic cultural commentary    09/21/24  (6)
Obamacare was a joke and so was Robert's opinion    09/21/24  (8)
Books That Literally All White Men Own: The Definitive List    09/21/24  (16)
"Jews control EVERYTHING!" *skeptical look * * pager explodes *    09/21/24  (31)
“Right when I was really pumping the dooky chute good”    09/21/24  (2)
🚩🚩🚩OFFICIAL 2023 NFL DRAFT DAY THREE THREAD🚩🚩🚩    09/21/24  (133)
Carry me back yeah to old Virginny    09/21/24  (1)
getting a pump b4 I head to the pool    09/21/24  (3)
RATE Guy Fieri's ousted producer's description of him    09/21/24  (10)
Buying a 3M home. FMA bros.    09/21/24  (251)
MPA's spooky season ongoing film thread 2024    09/21/24  (16)
Sad just a bunch of pussies..redditors are true pussies    09/21/24  (1)
Watching The Goonies right now on CMT    09/21/24  (1)
Mark Robinson is fat as fuck. This alone should've disqualified him    09/21/24  (3)
A video of Michael Rappaport doing his part to end antisemitism (link)    09/21/24  (1)
"its so cute!" she says with a smile that doesnt reach her eyes    09/21/24  (20)
Gorgeous CHINA build 1,813km Bridge in 5 years for $27b    09/21/24  (40)
have you ever had straight sex    09/21/24  (3)
you're crazy if you don't have an escape plan from the United Sharts of America    09/21/24  (1)
Israel's Pager Bombs Have No Place in a Just War.    09/21/24  (1)
Lynn Conway tp here, taking Qs    09/21/24  (39)
Ur HS GF, awe dawning on her face when she realizes she can do better    09/21/24  (34)
I live NICER in $30 hotel rooms in Asia than in NYC/SF    09/21/24  (5)
Worth 40m on paper in illiquid equity taking qs    09/21/24  (1)
Disco Fries greet Narendra Modi upon his arrival in Philadelphia, USA    09/21/24  (1)
(((Salesforce))) on the hot seat for facilitating sex trafficking    09/21/24  (1)
Tamerlane and setstein on safari, shooting elephants & bantu    09/21/24  (5)
GJR you need to read this    09/21/24  (1)
Rate this tattoo    09/21/24  (6)
I caught feelings for a grindr nympho    09/21/24  (2)
The Work From Home Free-for-All Is Coming to an End (WSJ)    09/21/24  (49)

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