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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
ITT dumb shit your wife has done    03/20/25  (1)
i would stop bitching about the jews if my histrionic jewish wife would visit    03/20/25  (2)
Mt. Everest sherpas now using drones to lift supplies from base camp    03/20/25  (2)
birdbrain wife running around city for a 'notary' she didn't even need lmfao    03/20/25  (4)
The collapse of Austin’s real estate market was obvious    03/20/25  (93)
Cowgod, what is your "EDC" handheld retro Gaming Console?    03/20/25  (9)
"Fuckhole for rent, this is Askav."    03/20/25  (1)
Being John Malkovich through the lens of phenotype and clique (Cowgod)    03/20/25  (3)
Sinful man gets into heaven by repoasting right wing twitter shit all day (link    03/20/25  (7)
"wife" is freaking out because she fucked up the divorce paperwork    03/20/25  (6)
instructing your birdbrain wife how to fill out the divorce forms tp    03/20/25  (2)
Oppenheimer but it's a woman and whole movie is about it not being her fault    03/20/25  (4)
me and the snoot dressed as elvis hanging out with gay men and not kissing    03/20/25  (2)
Anna Cramling Defeats 12 Opponents At 'Beach Chess' Tournament (link    03/20/25  (2)
The Aeneid is not canon.. just expanded universe bullshit    03/20/25  (49)
SP having spaghetti with Naht Truh Sun    03/20/25  (3)
One set of footprints: standing 69 w/ Luis as sun sets on Sri Lankan beach    03/20/25  (8)
Ernest Cline (Ready Player One author)'s poem about nerd sex is amazing    03/20/25  (6)
Ur overweight Asian wife trying to seduce you with bad Kim Possible cosplay    03/20/25  (6)
really sad how fiscally irresponsible Dem POTUSes are    03/20/25  (4)
Boner Police sending 3000 word screed to 'class notes' section of Tufts alum mag    03/20/25  (4)
Chinese guy from Bloodsport saying "Okay, UVA" as O'Melveny midlevel enters    03/20/25  (2)
Arrogant brilliant IFNBer Hardon Ellison    03/20/25  (4)
“An Irish Good Bi: The Story of Boner Police”    03/20/25  (3)
Zoomer chicks are constantly fucking up their life in random directions lol    03/20/25  (5)
Posh School Stages 'Woke' Shakespeare Play 'Julius She/Her' (xo Daily Mail)    03/20/25  (2)
GJR dragging the Duolingo owl to Latin Mass    03/20/25  (4)
if i touched ur penis would u cum? it would be very erotic. ur a big guy. 4 u    03/20/25  (2)
The Welsh Wendy O. Williams    03/20/25  (2)
And my friends are on law board Many more of them are Norwood 4s    03/20/25  (2)
"He is survived by his ex-gf, an 'ugly whore'" Newspaper: "We can't print that    03/20/25  (3)
   03/20/25  (2)
every room with a screen with xo on it is a hogarthian bedlam    03/20/25  (4)
computer madness tp did you know there's a song called computer madness    03/20/25  (2)
Why not put nuclear plants offshore    03/20/25  (18)
Deep down, you know it's perfectly legitimate to direct violence at libs    03/20/25  (1)
tim walz's son began licking your cat's face at 3:24 am    03/20/25  (2)
Serial Rapist Linked To 18 Assaults In Japan (Link) (TWIST)    03/20/25  (2)
LMFAO - every single Tesla Cybertruck recalled due to flimsy roof, etc    03/20/25  (18)
Independence Day Area 51 battle but it's shooting down TBF's shabbos string    03/20/25  (2)
Bboom good game to play with women is put stones & rocks in their mouth    03/20/25  (2)
Nutting exists without my consent    03/20/25  (2)
John Waters breaks his silence on Mr. Jinx: “Fucking stone that queer already    03/20/25  (2)
Rach it’s time to name the server “Department of Education” and take it to    03/20/25  (2)
Female stenographers on strike, demand to write in tallhand    03/20/25  (2)
Judge: "Haven't seen burn that bad in LA since tbtp shot plaintiff's counsel dow    03/20/25  (2)
Lab friend taking wife to Club Dingo    03/20/25  (2)
Wife agreed to let me keep a piss jug in the living room. 180.    03/20/25  (1)
and how do you connect with others? "I go online, press reply and poast a blank    03/20/25  (12)
The Bboom That Shouted Fraud At The Heart Of The World    03/20/25  (2)
using cum stone on mister homosexual to evolve him into monster homosexual    03/20/25  (2)
“Melanated Assailants?” *Succumbs Easily* (MASE)    03/20/25  (2)
That's why I say hey man nice email What a good email, man    03/20/25  (2)
Starbucks declares bankruptcy    03/20/25  (2)
Mutilated Asspussy's Shockingly Elastic (MASE)    03/20/25  (2)
Long lost White Snake-type song called “Phenotype”    03/20/25  (4)
the US military is a shitshow right now    03/20/25  (16)
Judge “Boasberg”, eh?    03/20/25  (22)
Trump held 96 rallies in 2024    03/20/25  (1)
Wife    03/20/25  (1)
DoorDash now allows you to take loan to order food from them. 1808000    03/20/25  (47)
Upset Watch: Drake Mallard tp singlehandedly beating Mizzou    03/20/25  (3)
What are all the asian whores from 10 years ago doing for a living now    03/20/25  (25)
ITT: We track vandalized Tesla cars, dealerships, and charging infrastructure    03/20/25  (421)
This redditor outlined all 392 major female phenotype, strap in for a long read    03/20/25  (8)
Did you circumcise your son(s)?    03/20/25  (2)
Tesla recalls ALL cybertrucks from 2023-Present. LMFAO.    03/20/25  (11)
what happened to headlines that say claimed baselessly or without evidence?    03/20/25  (1)
MARCH MADNESS THREAD    03/20/25  (29)
Ate some good black licorice and my IQ is exploding.    03/20/25  (2)
i was contacted by alien intelligence    03/20/25  (2)
Nick Rowley podcast on the Starbucks Verdict    03/20/25  (8)
you know what can’t be automated? Film Curation    03/20/25  (3)
Boy this is bad even for a lol white women    03/20/25  (3)
taking potpourri Qs on culture, politics, media, "the times"    03/20/25  (1)
Sonic & Knuckles Cliques    03/20/25  (12)
Jews: Proof God has a sense of humor, perfect phenotype for villainous heel race    03/20/25  (6)
ponder the aroma of Nancy Mace's cadet cot    03/20/25  (2)
Is "Invincible" worth the hype    03/20/25  (1)
EU POTUS has a supervillain name and phenotype    03/20/25  (2)
Are you for Trump.shuttering the education department?    03/20/25  (41)
College chick shows how to pick the right sized sports bra (video)    03/20/25  (2)
Why don't cosmologists take more shit for "dark matter" and "dark energy"?    03/20/25  (4)
Genetic data shows both Jews and Palestinians came from ancient Canaanites    03/20/25  (1)
spectrum queen searching for her autistic beau    03/20/25  (1)
Jordan Peterson voice: "Rape."    03/20/25  (33)
anyone who has ever read graham hancock is infinitely retarded    03/20/25  (13)
hopefully there won't be any black people there    03/20/25  (7)
Why Can't My Famous Gender Nonconforming Friends Get Laid? [VICE]    03/20/25  (160)
Losing to Razorback. Bill Self?    03/20/25  (1)
Treefingers 8-hour extended version    03/20/25  (1)
Shit missile armed in my turd chute, sir.    03/20/25  (1)
Gay men in hajibs demanding comedy specials now    03/20/25  (1)
"And then he raped me." "Oh, wow, okay, cool. So how was it?"    03/20/25  (5)
*slowly pacing w hands clasped behind back* "And when the Annunaki bred w gorill    03/20/25  (4)
feels like half of the time that you boot up computer    03/20/25  (2)
“It’s the Starbucks Verdict” (sung to tune of Final Countdown)    03/20/25  (1)
Teslas are the best electric car and some of the best American cars made    03/20/25  (16)
Libs painting Harris/Walz on Teslas in lamb blood to prevent Angel of Antifa    03/20/25  (1)
Worldwide Tesla sales rebounded bigly in February    03/20/25  (1)
Tesla (the band) CHANGES its name to Alset.'We cannot be associated with a Nazi'    03/20/25  (1)
Anyone here ever work at a high kinetic, high octane law firm?    03/20/25  (1)
libs have shit for brains    03/20/25  (77)
Rate Elon’s tranny son    03/20/25  (8)
Films by Console    03/20/25  (16)
March Madness is the greatest thing ever    03/20/25  (12)
If you still own a Tesla your insurance is about to go up    03/20/25  (32)
Gen Xer hasn't found work in 9 years    03/20/25  (21)
Texas has doubled in population in my lifetime. It hasn’t been good.    03/20/25  (62)
Outdoor swimming pools make no sense in the southeast USA    03/20/25  (88)
Macron looks like that one gay roommate you had in undergrad.    03/20/25  (4)
Where should I get one way ticket to&start with nothing? (boom)    03/20/25  (3)
Took the day off today -- No Rogan, no Tucker    03/20/25  (20)
chocolate chip mint ice cream is really good    03/20/25  (3)
"There are good people on both sides. Except Israel, fuck kikes" -Karlstack    03/20/25  (6)
If you ever wondered who would win a battle of wits between TBF and sealclubber,    03/20/25  (2)
Yeah Becky he posts online a lot but he’s irreverent 2 both sides. it’s hot    03/20/25  (22)
let a hundred skull shapes bloom, let a thousand phenotypes contend    03/20/25  (12)
Rockstar's western: you can't fuck. you get raped. women's rights. you have TB.    03/20/25  (7)
nowags are fucked no matter what; if they go back to China,    03/20/25  (5)
Are you for Trump shuttering the economy?    03/20/25  (1)
went to a dive bar last weekend and couldn't believe the phenotypes    03/20/25  (11)
Here's an overpriced shitcar, enjoy the vandalism and high insurance (Tesla)    03/20/25  (1)
im having a hard day    03/20/25  (4)
I feel like being a “millionaire” is nbd these days    03/20/25  (9)
Drop-Off Due Diligence -- a short story by Scrivener's Error    03/20/25  (17)
Louisville coach: “I’m gay” (link)    03/20/25  (1)
carnegie-mellon hype house    03/20/25  (1)
Making 100k is rare most people make 30 to 60k per year    03/20/25  (17)
Free NCAA March Madness protip for 2025: 9 seed CREIGHTON (great white hope)    03/20/25  (23)
jfk files tore the veil    03/20/25  (4)
Boston Celtics SOLD for $6.1 BILLION (link)    03/20/25  (1)
Everyone I know who is “really into whiskey” is a midwit NPC faggot    03/20/25  (34)
Mark Carney, Canadian sugarfoot is actually kind of preftigious    03/20/25  (1)
Rate the evidence Trump used to send this chill Venezuelan bro to a torture camp    03/20/25  (6)
I'm just gonna say it FF8 is chronically and severely underrated.    03/20/25  (7)
boomers could wash dishes for 2 years and buy a house lol    03/20/25  (2)
States by Clique    03/20/25  (5)
Damn this is some cold racist shit from Trump    03/20/25  (2)
do zoomers think "broccoli perms" are attractive    03/20/25  (3)
RSF + Eurofags: Question about an itinerary    03/20/25  (16)
Should I buy this Knife    03/20/25  (7)
Court ORDERS Trump to keep trannies in the military    03/20/25  (82)
OFFICIAL ZOZOADMIT PREDICTION THREAD: How will the Greatbort End?    03/20/25  (21)
Garfield strip where Jon brings home a Sony Aibo    03/20/25  (8)
"But babe, my internet friends say crunchwrap supremes are based and redpilled"    03/20/25  (11)
professor lex sitting backwards in a chair, showing blade runner to class    03/20/25  (4)
DOGE investing $1.4 BILLION in fraud and waste (link)    03/20/25  (1)

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