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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Call me crazy but 140+ IQ young men shouldn't be sacrificed to cover the    03/23/25  (3)
Mainlining Offers a Proposition to Evan39 & Boom - Monarch    03/23/25  (2)
The average woman can fit 4.5 golf balls in her pussy & 12” dildo in ass    03/23/25  (7)
This Brett Gardner son death thing is one of the saddest things of 2025    03/23/25  (3)
ITT: we list examples of PEAK clown world    03/23/25  (219)
"Women" shld be raised to be OBEDIENT to Men...    03/23/25  (20)
A bus is a big ass car - get in    03/23/25  (1)
Skiing is the perfect pastime for RSF. No thinking. Just go down the hill.    03/23/25  (2)
A man slept on the steps of a burned-out church. I wished I could trade places.    03/23/25  (14)
9373736 day of skiing in Aspen Soo CR (RSF)    03/23/25  (12)
i imagine Bboom and Mainlining look like Cait Sith IRL    03/23/25  (6)
Evan39: “Tabitha dismissed my workplace complaint AGAIN. I will be contacting    03/23/25  (11)
My podcast with Graham Stephan is now live, brothers (CSLG)    03/23/25  (27)
kikearoni , great kike moniker    03/23/25  (5)
HOLD MY LA CROIX    03/23/25  (5)
Chances this supposed hidden recording of JD Vance is legit? - link    03/23/25  (1)
Do girls (re: under 18) ever apologize?    03/23/25  (32)
nig yid cycle is a horrific economic anchor (u have to turn a blind eye whitey!)    03/23/25  (6)
Sunday Night Dread Megathread 3/23    03/23/25  (8)
FLW is Spokane livable these days    03/23/25  (7)
Shocker: Trump already caving on April 2 tariffs - link    03/23/25  (1)
there's no such thing as being gay    03/23/25  (6)
is there any pleasure on earth as great as a circle of Christian friends by a fi    03/23/25  (9)
Jesus replied to Gunnerattt, "Ye must be born again."    03/23/25  (6)
which WOC will be the eventual new Xena warrior princess    03/23/25  (4)
NYCmos: Have you ever taken the “bus”    03/23/25  (41)
Just caught another week long ban on X, what a pussy bullshit forum    03/23/25  (1)
Becky u won't be laughing when he's playing 2077 at 540 frames    03/23/25  (6)
were there bros who fought against mass adoption of the wheel    03/23/25  (3)
what kind of occult links does Red Bull have    03/23/25  (2)
I denounce Cronus/Saturn, Satan and his Talmud, and the Neolithic Revolution    03/23/25  (6)
in a just world at least 50k traitors would be hanging from gallows    03/23/25  (8)
Life is fundamentally meaningless March mega thread    03/23/25  (8)
Graham Stephan to RSF in interview: “Did you get breast implants?”    03/23/25  (7)
Professional Goals 🌠🤩🎆    03/23/25  (4)
Anyone have a mother who is supremely selfish and solipsistic?    03/23/25  (4)
My podcast with Paul Graham is now live, brothers (Pensive)    03/23/25  (1)
Disco fries EVISCERATES RSF    03/23/25  (2)
Gay sex is so unnatural that gay men can't do it without drugs?    03/23/25  (9)
xo lena dunham crushing it with new netflix deal    03/23/25  (1)
is Ed Helms the most successful weird theater kid ever?    03/23/25  (38)
We need common sense Quran-based reforms in this country    03/23/25  (5)
Poop fell out of my butt in the locker room at Steamworks    03/23/25  (1)
Do Pokemon masters have their Dittos take female form and then fuck them?    03/23/25  (11)
hold on babe unhinged nigger psychopath tp said that was debunked    03/23/25  (9)
*opens a bottle of Pinot Grigio*    03/23/25  (9)
OYT is your hair growing back in?    03/23/25  (1)
ITT poast a pic of ur Sunday    03/23/25  (14)
Epistemic Humility v Metaphysical Certitude    03/23/25  (4)
Women are 180 (WSJ)    03/23/25  (95)
ITT: We track vandalized Tesla cars, dealerships, and charging infrastructure    03/23/25  (459)
My wife refuses to drink my piss 😭    03/23/25  (4)
Where is JCM? Is she plastered watching bball?    03/23/25  (8)
mormons are the real israelites    03/23/25  (8)
Fucked slightly overweight college sophomore. 100x better than fit 35 yo shre    03/23/25  (18)
Soundblaster allows.my computer to provide audio output    03/23/25  (2)
what can i put on jewish television that will truly repulse the viewers    03/23/25  (7)
Wife gets upset now when I do chores without her asking    03/23/25  (15)
lol libs Tesla is not a car company so quit valuing it like one    03/23/25  (1)
I like to put his fingers in my mouth after they go deep in my asshole    03/23/25  (7)
NYT: We Were Badly Misled About COVID    03/23/25  (132)
Went to Target today, Nintendo and PS5 had own aisles. None for Xbox.    03/23/25  (5)
it was just kind of accepted that you could go to Kroger and this would happen    03/23/25  (1)
Letting gays fuck each others anuses and then adopt children is peak modernity    03/23/25  (1)
Cucumbers congrats on ur new book!    03/23/25  (1)
*rides the Q10 bus to/from JFK*    03/23/25  (16)
LLM show the secret to unlocking intelligence is to think longer before you act    03/23/25  (1)
Drop-Off Due Diligence -- a short story by Scrivener's Error    03/23/25  (19)
whenever I see a jew I just lol    03/23/25  (1)
easier to list things jews aren't involved in    03/23/25  (13)
HuffPost woman’s story is a good window into mental illness    03/23/25  (27)
Rate this Garfield t-shirt for 9/11    03/23/25  (4)
any day now my Mossad Operation Talpiot Unit 8200 handler will reach out to me    03/23/25  (2)
Scandinavian Kings rise up!    03/23/25  (1)
Ogun lightning bolt strike disco fries and family    03/23/25  (1)
WTF is going on? Venkatesh, wheel in the TV cart!    03/23/25  (1)
Elon Musk releases load on TBF's face: "That's all you got today for me daddy?"    03/23/25  (1)
Alex Jones is a community college retard    03/23/25  (6)
did your school wheel out a TV for you to watch september 11th on?    03/23/25  (18)
Philosophers of XO: is it true that you only live once? (YOLO?)    03/23/25  (4)
Pamela Jo Jo Bondi: "U DON'T HAVE A FUCKING FIRST AMENDMENT NOW!"    03/23/25  (1)
whenever I see a Staples I just lol    03/23/25  (6)
Russian troops take 4 Syrian towns and butcher HTS forces in bid to setup rump    03/23/25  (1)
You guys realize $TRUMP coin is going to be a 500x moonshot soon right?    03/23/25  (1)
Libs are women that manufacture a crisis to do the stupid things they want    03/23/25  (11)
Took my half Asian kids to Sons of Norway pancake breakfast. Bad experience    03/23/25  (44)
JD Vance on Greenland: "It's not good, we're going to have to do something"-link    03/23/25  (2)
so TMFs new house used to be the gas station from Great Gatsby??    03/23/25  (28)
Fag Hegseth already deleting tweets, taking it up the ass from courts    03/23/25  (3)
lol libs ur all gonna die    03/23/25  (4)
"Wow thats a heckin chonker of a doggo, does he get the zoomies    03/23/25  (4)
Cybertruck Jingle set to Love Shack: Tiiiiiiiin Roof! Combusted!    03/23/25  (1)
Provo, UT hype house    03/23/25  (10)
🚨 Superstar rapper Big Mexx assassinated in Chicago 🚨    03/23/25  (1)
Help, prude aging wife won’t do my weird sex fetishes    03/23/25  (109)
Sorry bro, but I just want to feel the tip of your cock with my tongue    03/23/25  (1)
Good morning, I’m here brand new poaster I was banned from Reddit    03/23/25  (2)
Pay $21.96 extra for Exit Row seat on 3.5h Flight?    03/23/25  (20)
women are disgusting, spray piss everywhere, wear poop-smeared thongs    03/23/25  (3)
chill crunchy libs shooting RPGs at Cybertrucks    03/23/25  (2)
man, some women really like sex. like really, really like sex.    03/23/25  (46)
Trumpmo arrested for driving his car into a group of Tesla protesters in FL    03/23/25  (1)
Hey cons even if libs stop vandalizing Teslas its sales won’t recover    03/23/25  (2)
Trump revokes John McCain's security clearance (WSJ)    03/23/25  (1)
they had that Aber woman killed 4 investigating Russia&Republican aligned fraud    03/23/25  (1)
MARCH MADNESS THREAD    03/23/25  (57)
Vin Diesel is brown because he is Gypsy (Romani)    03/23/25  (1)
Autist Writes C&P Letters Flattering Random Pols & Celebs, Poasts Replies (Link)    03/23/25  (3)
PSA: Southern Water Oak makes an incredible smoking wood for meats    03/23/25  (2)
What was up with "subliminal messages" in ads growing up?    03/23/25  (6)
Solo Leveling is a 180 Manhwa. Any other good ones to read?    03/23/25  (6)
I'm already liking White Lotus s3 better than s2.    03/23/25  (131)
Imagine catching your wife getting plowed by a college basketball team    03/23/25  (125)
Tucker Max: "I got scammed out of $20 million, was about to fly private air"    03/23/25  (52)
A fussy is a female bussy    03/23/25  (19)
lanky biracial college basketball players w cute afros    03/23/25  (39)
JCM, want to split an apartment with me in Bangor?    03/23/25  (2)
so strange how Canadians don’t want more rights and more money    03/23/25  (2)
Women have stinky gymsocks filled with poop smeared bloody tampons    03/23/25  (2)
literally can't take women anymore    03/23/25  (2)
literally can't take women anywhere    03/23/25  (2)
rate the "first Swedes" in official Swedish state TV "History Of Sweden" (video)    03/23/25  (13)
zen mind, noob's mind    03/23/25  (2)
Rate this girl doing an ABBA cover - video    03/23/25  (1)
the US military is a shitshow right now    03/23/25  (18)
Hey guys check out this awesome “X” link    03/23/25  (14)
4D Chess. annex canada and make all canadians illegal aliens    03/23/25  (5)
Old men who want to impregnate their own daughters    03/23/25  (1)
lighting up a Djarum on the gym treadmill    03/23/25  (2)
tired of c*cumb*rs posting about d*ck    03/23/25  (1)
NYT: It’s Trump vs. the Courts, and It Won’t End Well for Trump    03/23/25  (11)
Amerikkka furking SUCKS and growing up there is like having CANCER for life    03/23/25  (25)
Oh my g*d they killed Jessica Alba    03/23/25  (2)
They just sh*t Jessica Alba on the steps of the Whi*e Ho*se    03/23/25  (3)
5 years ago #Coronavirus killed 4 Billion people    03/23/25  (6)
Reddit is FURIOUS that grocery prices are falling under Trump (link)    03/23/25  (3)
The Last Summit of Disco Fries (TP): A Tale of Hubri$ and Effortlessne$$    03/23/25  (12)
Rose is displeased. What to DOOO?    03/23/25  (43)
Kai Trump Shoots Back-To-Back +17's In Tourney Amid Tiger Drama    03/23/25  (2)
Canadians Know Americans. They Don’t Want to Be One. (NYT Opinion)    03/23/25  (44)
Why the Shipping Industry Isn’t Rushing Back to the Red Sea (NYT)    03/23/25  (7)
Playboy model Kendra Wilkinson says she has a ‘sex problem’ after Hugh Hefne    03/23/25  (11)
Mainlining we're all "here" tonight (evan39)    03/23/25  (31)
Underrated aspect of Denver is lack of niggers    03/23/25  (9)
Bald red-faced lawyer condemning fellatio as "life-denying act" (link)    03/23/25  (3)
how online are you on a typical day?    03/23/25  (11)

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