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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
should i get married?    03/30/25  (18)
OZY Fest: LJL at this GC shitlib trash    03/30/25  (105)
The Gen X Career Meltdown (NYT)    03/30/25  (3)
Worldwide anti-DOGE protests    03/30/25  (4)
It's amazing to see the mass psychosis of a nation. Didn't think I'd see fascism    03/30/25  (36)
Playing Xbox atm    03/30/25  (7)
i have an ENORMOUS, URGENT problem and i need help ASAP    03/30/25  (2)
Panties&underwear are a scam..Diapers or nothing only! Underwear=no purpose    03/30/25  (8)
Made a pop punk song about RSF    03/30/25  (8)
Chicks won’t even ACKNOWLEDGE anymore you if you’re short    03/30/25  (1)
T or F: Anyone who says they need to move to XYZ bc of COL is a coward    03/30/25  (7)
'fascism' is when murder rate drops by 90% (El Salvador), public approval >90%    03/30/25  (2)
*talks into collar radio* 'We need a phenotype check down here, stat.'    03/30/25  (3)
i'm rederederetransitioning    03/30/25  (1)
Why isn’t phenotype inequality a national crisis    03/30/25  (4)
Charles XII’s phenotype is ghastly and the shaved head does nothing for him    03/30/25  (22)
a woman i've gone out with twice sent me a diaper as a conversation starter    03/30/25  (2)
a woman i've gone out with twice sent me a podcast as a conversation starter    03/30/25  (36)
“Playing to phenotype” is a soul alteringly & spirit crushing concept    03/30/25  (5)
What the FUCK is this new Denny’s menu item??    03/30/25  (6)
My favorite horror film? Scary Movie 5 (OYT)    03/30/25  (6)
OYT: let me show you how to text sugar babies (hvac)    03/30/25  (32)
BREAKING: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 SOON TO BE LOCATED    03/30/25  (30)
NYT article on how the U.S. has helped Ukraine slay russian orcs to death    03/30/25  (1)
good morning    03/30/25  (2)
I'm not white & it deals me a severe narcissistic injury, some thoughts    03/30/25  (55)
'What've you been up to?' 'I've been really leaning into my phenotype.'    03/30/25  (1)
Tim Miller is going to murder someone    03/30/25  (1)
If you weren't born with a good phenotype, just give up.    03/30/25  (25)
"Did you submit Phenotype Verification yet? That's all we need to move forward."    03/30/25  (2)
WHAT ARE YOU    03/30/25  (1)
Online friends want to extract phenotype data from me    03/30/25  (15)
everyone in fantasy games is white & pretty    03/30/25  (7)
hidden phenotypes infesting online forums    03/30/25  (20)
The "United States" isn't even united    03/30/25  (1)
can't believe how tremendously cucked even "right-wing" euros are about the US    03/30/25  (2)
It's all yours! Yeah yeah    03/30/25  (2)
Women fuck and go with some questionable dudes! It's amazing    03/30/25  (8)
Chad: “wait, stop, I have a gf” … evan39: *grins* *glug-glug* *gulp*    03/30/25  (2)
“white culture?” more like white cancer.    03/30/25  (12)
Minorities exist outside my house. Is a random encounter worth the risk?    03/30/25  (4)
maybe i’m actually gay 🤔    03/30/25  (1)
just being real    03/30/25  (1)
"Hell on Wheels" Obese black rams his tricked out rascal scooter into Teslas    03/30/25  (8)
When I call AMEX Customer Support, I have Phone Sex w/the ChennaiGuy who answers    03/30/25  (4)
Denmark bends the knee - status quo of Greenland doesn’t work    03/30/25  (36)
Euros try to launch a space rocket, doesn’t go so well (video)    03/30/25  (1)
SNL destroyed trumpmo bitch bois tonite re signal chat    03/30/25  (13)
Currently reading "The Kuomintang Debacle of 1949"    03/30/25  (1)
Bbooom blasted on peyote, wheeling wheelchair in circles on Indian reservation    03/30/25  (1)
can i drink your pee? pls sir    03/30/25  (4)
We all know Creed, Staind, & My Chemical Romance are top bands of last 30 years    03/30/25  (2)
Poors/proles/bumbshomeless disrespect resources&wonder about their position!    03/30/25  (1)
I can't jog/exercise outside because of racism    03/30/25  (1)
i'm extremely mentally ill and poorly educated    03/30/25  (6)
i'm a mormon    03/30/25  (9)
i need a hard anal pounding. daddy pls    03/30/25  (1)
Enjoy this chick; my kinda girl    03/30/25  (1)
Kai: let's play seven minutes in heaven. Ivanka: we need to get out the leaven!    03/30/25  (3)
hello bees tp! I’m interested in getting to know you better…    03/30/25  (11)
Rate my cat (epah) (pic)    03/30/25  (11)
milo sucks    03/30/25  (1)
Rate this ass ;)    03/30/25  (2)
nanopenis    03/30/25  (2)
Did people in the 15th century have telescope eyesight to see planets in night    03/30/25  (1)
Tim Walz v. Tim Kaine at UFC 315 in Butte    03/30/25  (2)
Prior to trial, a Daubert challenge was advanced against the Male Anal Sex Exper    03/30/25  (2)
Mmm Chad!!! *glorp* *glorp* *gulp* aahhh so delicious! (evan39)    03/30/25  (2)
The Doors 'The End' plays as Bboom wanders around Indian tribal lands    03/30/25  (2)
Indian burial cave pictographs of bald retard in wheelchair discovered (Nat Geog    03/30/25  (6)
I just want a Chad to call my own    03/30/25  (4)
Bboom showing up in special episode of COPS filmed on Indian reservation    03/30/25  (1)
vid of Bbooom in wheelchair being escorted off Indian tribal land by authorities    03/30/25  (3)
would you take a first date to an obscure screening of Another 48 Hours (1990)?    03/30/25  (1)
Trump is NSAM’s boss LJL    03/30/25  (1)
Boom lying whores will destroy a man's life (evan39)    03/30/25  (3)
biz idea: a generation of computers that don't work    03/30/25  (2)
Trump tariffs explained    03/30/25  (2)
"We're basically Gods because we made Google autocomplete write college essays"    03/30/25  (21)
Former Twitter CEO fires the fuck out of 931 employees with sudden e-mail    03/30/25  (30)
Sotomayor now more hunchbacked than RBG    03/30/25  (2)
Book of Revelation is about discovering poaster phenotypes after death    03/30/25  (4)
I let a tranny touch my peepee and finger my butt (evan39)    03/30/25  (26)
Hey cons you can't accidentally follow Big Dick Bottom on any app    03/30/25  (4)
Is Looking Glass - Brandy (1969) a good song or not?    03/30/25  (3)
Cons: Israel killed JFK; Also cons: I stand with RFK against Hamas    03/30/25  (1)
Maybe Waltz gives the most amazing BJs in Washington and that's why he's safe    03/30/25  (1)
"oh hey we're downwardly mobile too" (jd vances boobs watching the stock market)    03/30/25  (5)
Big Dick Bbooom inadvertently triggering regime collapse    03/30/25  (1)
Bbooom's Indian name is "rolls with no hair"    03/30/25  (1)
signal thing was just a flex even though the operation actually happened lmao    03/30/25  (4)
vance on signal chat fuckup: "i'm just happy to be included in stuff"    03/30/25  (5)
“Sry meant to send a dick pic” (trump official texting 13 yo nuclear secrets    03/30/25  (11)
Hey shitcons do you know what data your carrier can see when u use Signal?    03/30/25  (1)
Hegseth tweeting launch codes after confusing drink he roofied for his own    03/30/25  (18)
Indo great IRL(Boom) never needed the "internet"    03/30/25  (1)
Staying offline I'd always be rich famous drowning in pussy fun(Boom)    03/30/25  (1)
T/F: Signal is secure against interception/monitoring    03/30/25  (5)
Are car companies really going to repatriate jobs back to US?    03/30/25  (1)
Trump orders Waltz to produce old selfies with his wife by 8am on Monday    03/30/25  (1)
They can bury my reporting all they want, it doesn't matter, damage is done    03/30/25  (2)
timewave zero, vonnegut and hermeneutics    03/30/25  (2)
Unless you've lost a loved one in the last year, u should volunteer at a hospice    03/30/25  (4)
this site is shit, the self awareness here is shit, you are pretty much all shit    03/30/25  (3)
You are less than an ant to the being that constructed this place    03/30/25  (2)
Bboom we're gonna make them pay friend. We're gonna make them all pay    03/30/25  (2)
love the joe rogan experience    03/30/25  (1)
Hey libs go radiocarbon date some oil. Tell us how old it is you stupid donkeys    03/30/25  (4)
Hey libs, how come iron bends but rocks don't?    03/30/25  (3)
I Spent My 20s Backpacking Around The World Instead Of Settling Down. This Is Wh    03/30/25  (21)
Hey libs why isn't cannibalism legal?    03/30/25  (5)
Hey libs rate this billionaire's biography    03/30/25  (6)
Hey libs, the latest science now implies the existence of God    03/30/25  (54)
I can't, my proprioception.    03/30/25  (4)
The Proprioceptional Stance    03/30/25  (2)
Spaceporn has secret knowledge about proprioception    03/30/25  (6)
psycho karen needs some crowbar therapy    03/30/25  (1)
Charles: exposed, humiliated for racism; NSAM: yuge lib, never racist or antisem    03/30/25  (3)
kinda hard to overstate how bad my farts smell    03/30/25  (1)
Ben Shapiro: Why does it matter who shot JFK?    03/30/25  (30)
You need to smoke more weed    03/30/25  (7)
XO fight club, who do you want to fight    03/30/25  (18)
Charles: gets Tucker to use throwaway memes; NSAM: nukes Waltz through RT    03/30/25  (1)
Accidentally jizzed my pants at a restaurant tonight    03/30/25  (6)
Vance/Waltz 2028 rising on Polymarket    03/30/25  (2)
"But could this white woman be even older" (Graham Hancock)    03/30/25  (33)
America will never be great again    03/30/25  (2)
Listening to Joe Rogan while watching Graham Hancock and reading Dennis McKenna    03/30/25  (4)
OldHLSDude we need more stories about the weird guy from MIT    03/30/25  (14)
Ricky's dad went through a "desert catboy phase"    03/30/25  (2)
Steel can sapporo 12 or 18 packs at Costco is a phenomenal deal    03/30/25  (7)
dennis mckenna shrieking when i demonstrate my penis interconnects to his ass    03/30/25  (3)
   03/30/25  (1)
"Real Esatte"=pure plain and simple FRAUD    03/30/25  (7)
Sending chick that went weird in Omaha messages out of blue on burner    03/30/25  (4)
Grab and pound that pussy and ass 🤪 or you're the pussy    03/30/25  (7)
Americans need to look in the mirror and correct their weird evil bullshit    03/30/25  (4)
what are some jokes every kid should know?    03/30/25  (19)
Stop playing people's especially Americans BS games..especially women    03/30/25  (2)
people that do psychedelics have to do them over and over    03/30/25  (1)
Alex Jones tweets that he wants to snarf Tulsi’s asshold lol    03/30/25  (6)
Favorite Taco Casa meal itt    03/30/25  (1)
Do you liek Taco Casa? U know what it is    03/30/25  (3)
RATE This Biglaw Tax Partner (PIC)    03/30/25  (4)
Out in the west Texas town of El Paso I fell in love with a Mexican girl    03/30/25  (7)
Grab all the fat pussy&ass too&enjoy otherwise you're a pussy    03/30/25  (5)
sadness    03/30/25  (3)
Red Dragon: Getting Hannibal's point of view HD CLIP    03/30/25  (1)
Have you been to Winstar World outside of Dallas? Just admit it    03/30/25  (6)
Shapiro: Why does it matter who killed Christ?    03/30/25  (9)

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