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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
why are southern whites so inferior to their northern betters?    03/30/25  (29)
The Jameela Jamil of Jurisprudence is my subjective 10/10 (link)    03/30/25  (5)
poasters, how often do you 1. shower 2. shave 3. shampoo    03/30/25  (5)
Trump: We'll Bomb Iran, The Likes Of Which They Have Never Seen Before    03/30/25  (2)
Son got accepted into these UC: Santa Barbara, Irvine, Davis, Santa Cruz. Which    03/30/25  (42)
M. Night and Mel quietly working on Signs 2 script (link)    03/30/25  (19)
M. Night Shyamalan: living the dream on every level (gorgeous wife, movies)    03/30/25  (9)
Think I might be on the verge of divorce    03/30/25  (29)
ever get so high you think the CIA dosed u    03/30/25  (4)
What are the top CIA Psychedelic Intel project currently    03/30/25  (4)
He wrote "I'm gay", but was he really?    03/30/25  (4)
office shrews *everywhere* will be taking sexcations on office bracket winnings    03/30/25  (2)
Starting a new podcast with Graham Stephan (CSLG)    03/30/25  (47)
Steamworks Summons -- a short story by Scrivener's Error    03/30/25  (12)
OK so tell us SP, what's your favorite sh-" "Cuties"    03/30/25  (1)
Women fuck and go with some questionable dudes! It's amazing    03/30/25  (10)
Alienware releases “AI diapers” so you can poast ‘Im gay’ nonstop (link)    03/30/25  (4)
Local pizza place “The Cuttingtable,” leafy 90s suburbia, Perry Como 🍕    03/30/25  (54)
Made a pop punk song about RSF    03/30/25  (31)
Jameela Jamil holding 2 iPhones, one logged in as TBF, one as Tommy T (link)    03/30/25  (19)
   03/30/25  (7)
ITT: post AI visualizations of XO memes or famous threads    03/30/25  (171)
I told Grok my high school GPA/SAT and grad year    03/30/25  (1)
poasters, how often do you poast on 1. XO 2. Autoadmit 3. ZoZo    03/30/25  (1)
TBF tp, the Punjabi Princess Jasmine riding her sacred cow named "Singh Heil"    03/30/25  (73)
Rate my buns (pic)    03/30/25  (18)
Chris Hansen really needs to take a closer look at XO    03/30/25  (4)
me and emilio tp holding hands watching homeward bound 2: lost in san francisco    03/30/25  (5)
incest show    03/30/25  (1)
America collapsing and on fire everywhere=fucked    03/30/25  (1)
a woman i've gone out with twice sent me a diaper as a conversation starter    03/30/25  (6)
why do french girls always have "tired" eyes    03/30/25  (3)
evan39 america is a helllhole war zone blood bath! Read this    03/30/25  (1)
I'm already liking White Lotus s3 better than s2.    03/30/25  (172)
u ever put ur dick in a korean girl's pussy?    03/30/25  (2)
freshly fucked male asshole    03/30/25  (15)
Trump may try backdoor method to third term- as VP - link    03/30/25  (23)
"noooo, that's a 120 IQ thing!" squawked the ZoZo autist    03/30/25  (1)
Leaving for FIRST trip of 2025: NZ, Samoa, Tonga, Fiji, Vanuatu, Solomon, Papua    03/30/25  (29)
The older I get the more cr prostitution seems    03/30/25  (76)
tulsi gabbard sitting on ur face while doing an interview on fox news tp    03/30/25  (1)
luis finding a message in a bottle sent by freddie from diaper island    03/30/25  (59)
The Gen X Career Meltdown (NYT)    03/30/25  (36)
is rick strassman controlled opposition    03/30/25  (1)
nowags are fucked no matter what; if they go back to China,    03/30/25  (11)
Your bitch pregnant again?    03/30/25  (3)
Reminder that Thiel gave money to Yud but not you    03/30/25  (3)
LOL TSLA crashing hard since billionaire told proles to buy it on FNC    03/30/25  (1)
All-day gay sexathon    03/30/25  (9)
"at least 3 trannies can't be marines anymore" (trump voter losing medicaid)    03/30/25  (18)
Hey man wanna get wonked out and psychotic on this dmt shit    03/30/25  (1)
It's over, Trumpkins. Check and mate. Over 80 HLS professors signed a letter    03/30/25  (1)
CSLG: Documentary on Netflix. RSF: Accusing pumo of eating with chopsticks.    03/30/25  (2)
It's amazing to see the mass psychosis of a nation. Didn't think I'd see fascism    03/30/25  (78)
Emilio, link me to your review of the Count of Monte Cristo (2002)    03/30/25  (22)
Only Irish people are truly white. All other northern europeans are asian mutts.    03/30/25  (44)
What will America be like when it is 75%+ Latino?    03/30/25  (32)
American Civil War 2, when will this start?    03/30/25  (9)
st, yann's university in queens, ny    03/30/25  (1)
Dear Peter Thiel, George Soros, Rockefellers and Pritzkers    03/30/25  (3)
Golden retriever dressed like Don Johnson with a golden briefcase full of tennis    03/30/25  (43)
Actual gay nigger with AIDS here    03/30/25  (3)
Big bouncing titties smacking your face    03/30/25  (6)
My understanding of why some males are bronies    03/30/25  (23)
Psychedelics are literal useless    03/30/25  (2)
Three years into my gambling addiction, I'm up $100K    03/30/25  (20)
Korean chick styles on redditors with $83,000 golf club set    03/30/25  (8)
i spent most of my sunday watching videos of golden retrievers doing things    03/30/25  (9)
remote viewing into emilio's interior castle during boring compliance training    03/30/25  (21)
Birthright citizenship, known as jus soli, is offered in the following countries    03/30/25  (28)
Emilio when are watching Away (2019) and Flow (2024) again?    03/30/25  (5)
Sara Tonin    03/30/25  (1)
crooks dressed up in the soiled trappings of "the law"    03/30/25  (1)
Cucumbers doggystyling 20 y/o college chick while Schwifty Song plays    03/30/25  (1)
Best way to get into golf?    03/30/25  (2)
In hindsight, all the gender craziness started with the Bronies    03/30/25  (1)
you don't even really realize you're employing demons irl until its too late    03/30/25  (18)
Why are white people much better than other races?    03/30/25  (102)
"We hate Wong Kim Ark, don't we, folks?"    03/30/25  (6)
I know I have a book in me    03/30/25  (34)
Female teacher "forced" male students to gangbang her wearing Scream masks    03/30/25  (4)
Husband of teacher who raped 13 y/o student defends her. Concerned dad IRATE    03/30/25  (7)
Benzo do you have HIV?    03/30/25  (1)
Yeah covid was all a lie but more importantly ITS SPELLED KYIV NOT KIEV DID U KN    03/30/25  (13)
Is there a Secret Knowledge Marketplace    03/30/25  (1)
Now that i've spent 48 hours on computer, I'm ready for the weekend    03/30/25  (3)
Gamer, Husband, Dad, in that order    03/30/25  (6)
soon...the south will rise again...dont say you werent warned,    03/30/25  (59)
When will this teacher rape end? Poor 16 year old virgins are under attack.    03/30/25  (12)
maybe i’m actually gay 🤔    03/30/25  (4)
ITT: Calvin Coolidge attacks MPA    03/30/25  (3)
Anyone in med school going into a non-surgical residency besides psychiatry fuct    03/30/25  (24)
Trump going for third term, Trump for life    03/30/25  (1)
Ben Shapiro: Why does it matter who shot JFK?    03/30/25  (34)
Team Anthony or Team Knox?    03/30/25  (3)
HARSHEST OF REALITIES: Only WHITE males deserve life    03/30/25  (19)
Purple Haze is the most over-promoted song of all time for no good reason    03/30/25  (5)
Living 25 Years in a Train Tunnel - Man Shares His Amazing Story    03/30/25  (2)
LOL, lonely azn men    03/30/25  (11)
Another woman caught fucking her dog    03/30/25  (163)
Girl who slept with 1000 men does a "cum walk" on the street (link)    03/30/25  (84)
Trump: "I'm gonna steal everything&give it to Israel."Trumpenproles:"
;he loves us
   03/30/25  (3)
sick frauds manipulate your minds because they can't control theirs    03/30/25  (1)
1% of your income deducted forever or permanent sore in roof of mouth?    03/30/25  (6)
"CBT" is how elites control their own families but it's too advanced for dumbs    03/30/25  (13)
In-House bros, how many work emails this weekend?    03/30/25  (1)
Karen! Get ITT and lick my scrotum.    03/30/25  (1)
I’m starting to think you may be a faggot    03/30/25  (10)
daniel gay jewess    03/30/25  (1)
"HYPNOTIZE MINDS" has just joined the call    03/30/25  (9)
What got most destroyed by cucumbers: evan39's grocery career or MASE?    03/30/25  (1)
everything is controlled opposition    03/30/25  (2)
Trump: 25% tariff on foreign cars - link    03/30/25  (38)
how do i obtain elite funding for my book    03/30/25  (2)
Sports aren't good anymore. Boring and gay shit    03/30/25  (1)
We all know Creed, Staind, & My Chemical Romance are top bands of last 30 years    03/30/25  (5)
Cucumbers: "This pussy clean, this pussy juicy!"    03/30/25  (4)
will george soros give me $500k for secret knowledge?    03/30/25  (1)
Why are you so antisemitic?    03/30/25  (1)
At this second, Cucumbers is thrusting his penis into a Black vagina    03/30/25  (4)
Got a new gym membership —and a creampie    03/30/25  (1)
This place is dead I saw these posts yesterday    03/30/25  (24)
benzo's hovel as a substitute uterus    03/30/25  (1)
Poll: 70% of American white women “envy” Chelsea Handler’s lifestyle (link    03/30/25  (1)
cleared an easy five figures tp    03/30/25  (2)
Do Koi fish know that they're big?    03/30/25  (4)
i'm a woman    03/30/25  (1)
imagine casey anthony slitting your throat then have sbux doordashed to ur apt w    03/30/25  (4)
Mainlining we're all "here" tonight (evan39)    03/30/25  (50)
how tf has bernie sanders been running the same shtick for 40 years?    03/30/25  (3)
Aliens aren't "here" brother    03/30/25  (2)
Pretty much everything you did with crypto in 2019 will be uncovered    03/30/25  (3)
Talmudic hypo: free beer due to license issue    03/30/25  (2)
Hegseth SNL skit - video    03/30/25  (2)
Rate my cat (epah) (pic)    03/30/25  (22)
FUNNY HOW?!?!?    03/30/25  (8)
Psychedelics open your being to spiritual promiscuity    03/30/25  (5)
powerful kike with evil thoughts and intentions tp is ricky alt of 2025 so far    03/30/25  (28)
Elites are controlling the psychedelics narrative    03/30/25  (1)
Lol, is this Trump ad real? - video    03/30/25  (1)
The internet is mass mental illness    03/30/25  (2)
Just criminals stole it all again in Cali $527,000,000.00+++ FUCK    03/30/25  (1)
how good was casey anthony's pussy?    03/30/25  (5)
New technology has allowed them to make new arrests using Silk Road data    03/30/25  (1)
$600k for 225 acres with river in WV    03/30/25  (45)
How good was Amanda Knox’s pussy?    03/30/25  (1)
There are fewer lower-income 'artists' and 'creatives' today than in the 50's    03/30/25  (10)
They just store your encrypted chats for 10 years till they can read them    03/30/25  (1)
"hi, bellevue?how many available beds do you- here, let me just fwd the thread"    03/30/25  (33)

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