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The more I learn about the Trump trial the more I realize its all fraud and lies    05/14/24  (25)
Headed to XO Japan, taking Qs (RSF)    05/14/24  (10)
whats the difference between schizoid and aspergers?    05/14/24  (8)
The advertising industry in India seems a lot more intense than in the west:    05/14/24  (8)
Little fucker is about to chow down on some extra chunky homemade stew    05/14/24  (7)
Fuentes attacks Hamas    05/14/24  (6)
TikTok whore slimes gym equipment    05/13/24  (5)
40 years old, started railing ritalin nightly, rate my life    05/14/24  (5)
Failed HS pre calc and 25 years later it STILL haunts me    05/14/24  (4)
Ceiling Fan: Separate Switch For Light & Fan -- CR Or Is Same Switch CR?    05/14/24  (3)
why do most people prefer to buy non-organic milk?    05/14/24  (3)
Rate this warning from the White House    05/13/24  (2)
Animals are spying on you, but not on behalf of the government    05/14/24  (2)
"hot sauce" is nigh unfathomably prole    05/14/24  (2)
Boomers are frauds aren't they.. everyone after them makes less is more educated    05/14/24  (2)
bout to have a large can of Dinty Moore stew. earl you ain't got shit on this    05/14/24  (2)
ricky sold his soul for two tabs of acid and a mcdouble    05/14/24  (2)
Has TDNW tp been formally diagnosed with autism?    05/14/24  (2)
IS OUR STRENGTH    05/14/24  (2)
“Gaming” is at the lowest point it’s ever been in my lifetime right now    05/14/24  (2)
*u and ur anarcho-communist gf shouting ISRAEL WILL FALL at the college hillel*    05/14/24  (2)
I want to live. I want to give. I've been a miner of poasts of gold.    05/13/24  (1)
This is how science says whales evolved.    05/13/24  (1)
Smoke-Filled Skies Leave Midwest Fearing Another Season of Polluted Air    05/13/24  (1)
Cory Booker is a black man who tried desperately to be Jewish.    05/13/24  (1)
seems Karslstack is getting the attention of professional shitlib trolls    05/14/24  (1)
nic pizza (true detective) doing movie with xo vince vaughn and xo shane gillis    05/14/24  (1)
Humanity is fraud..just complains with no plan to fix    05/14/24  (1)
She placed my hand on my wife's penis, and my wife's hand on my pussy.    05/13/24  (1)
ramen noodles are still 180 to me    05/13/24  (1)
make it make sense    05/13/24  (1)
Samuel Colt died of gout at the age of 47.    05/13/24  (1)
Certified shitlawyer? Certified pedophile. (Kendrick Lamar)    05/13/24  (1)
death wish    05/13/24  (1)
just bought 2 strains of weed from my lesbian neighbor    05/14/24  (1)
siomethign really gay about this young OKC team    05/14/24  (1)
Twitter fingers turn to chicken fingers. You're getting bodied by a eating nigga    05/14/24  (1)
Aleksandar Ranković did nothing wrong    05/14/24  (1)