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hypo: you can foresee exactly 1 roulette wheel spin per day    05/15/24  (18)
AIPAC spends $4 million to secretly funnel money and buy MD house seat (link)    05/15/24  (10)
just watched Drive for first time    05/15/24  (9)
King Charles unveils new official painting    05/15/24  (9)
(((correction))) tp = awful garbage    05/14/24  (8)
NFL kicker makes totally sane comments on trannies, gays, women; libs enraged    05/14/24  (7)
The Old Testament is hilariously bad compared to the New Testament.    05/14/24  (6)
Insane how xo is like an international cabal of lawyers plotting all the time,    05/14/24  (6)
"But the kiiiiiid is not my son" (SP singing in shower)    05/15/24  (6)
hypo: leanne hainsby and cheryl hines both naked in ur bedroom now    05/14/24  (5)
How many poasters here would be okay with their house burning to the ground?    05/14/24  (4)
Tucker interviews Aaron Rodgers (link)    05/14/24  (4)
Hegemon, thoughts on BERETTA PMX 9MM 30RD?    05/14/24  (4)
Best-selling video games in the United States by year (Proof PS1 is Fraud)    05/14/24  (3)
Jerry Seinfeld    05/15/24  (3)
Deer attacks dude - video    05/14/24  (2)
Cowgod what are your top five Gaming companies of all time?    05/14/24  (2)
question for the theologians    05/14/24  (2)
"Uh, no, spaceporn it's not a kit that assists rape. It's to collect evidence    05/14/24  (2)
Australians are the most annoying race of hostel dwellers    05/14/24  (2)
Starfish self-cloning 150 million years older than previously thought    05/15/24  (2)
Here are some things I hate: law; SFHs; insurance; paying for things; being fat    05/14/24  (1)
George Stephanopoulos: Yes, the Deep State is real, but we're the good guys! (Li    05/14/24  (1)
How Trump’s lawyer got the job    05/14/24  (1)
Abortions UP since Roe was overruled - link    05/14/24  (1)
"Please remain calm. Your regularly scheduled program of Autism has resumed."    05/14/24  (1)
like I was sayin', kike is the fruit of the ZoZo. You can barbecue it, boil it,    05/14/24  (1)
Cowgod if you could work in the writing team for any Game series, which would it    05/15/24  (1)
Rate this sharting strategy    05/15/24  (1)
Bobby Sands and the 1981 Hungerstrike (Documentary)    05/15/24  (1)
Who is this Harrison Buttfucker and why is everyone on twitter talking about him    05/15/24  (1)
(((corrupting every election out there)))    05/15/24  (1)
I finished on his face (SP painting his son's portrait)    05/15/24  (1)
"California Dreamin'" plays in background as Rudolph sucks off his bookie    05/15/24  (1)
White billionaire loses Senate primary to random black (NYT)    05/15/24  (1)
There's always something cooking at old joes place.    05/14/24  (1)
What’s the Best Way to Treat I.B.S.? A New Study Offers Clues.    05/14/24  (1)
🚨🚨Fake job megathread🚨🚨    05/14/24  (1)
Trump Trial! A-WHOO-WHO!    05/14/24  (1)
Rate this shorting strategy    05/15/24  (1)
Rate this sharding strategy    05/15/24  (1)
Everlast - What Its Like is basically a Scumbag anthem    05/15/24  (1)
(((no)))    05/15/24  (1)
Rate Valentina Gomez, GOP candidate for Missouri Sec State    05/15/24  (1)
Help me. I'm being sex trafficked    05/15/24  (1)
luis enchanting ur wife with gorgeous scent of saffron, rosewater and pistachios    05/15/24  (1)
Best EVOLUTIONARY explanation for DEPRESSION? Why only in some people?    05/15/24  (1)