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the Japanese word for penguin is "business goose"    05/05/24  (43)
Just went to Costco. Holy fuck people are shit.    05/05/24  (32)
I feel like all the doomsaying about America is overblown    05/05/24  (28)
should i get a points or cash back credit card    05/05/24  (16)
How did common people in Shakespeare's era understand his plays    05/05/24  (16)
The State of Final Fantasy    05/05/24  (13)
A girl I matched with told me that she's going on 50 dates this summer.    05/05/24  (12)
Only time I get depressed on the internet is when I see Dunning-Kruger takes on    05/05/24  (11)
Whats an acceptable "business" for a young rich person to have?    05/05/24  (11)
No honey we can’t have date night this weekend. Tommy t is going to iran    05/05/24  (10)
My wife keeps flashing her tits at me    05/05/24  (9)
Me, disco, and Emilio cheering on the Sugar Land Space Cowboys    05/05/24  (7)
Boom paid $300 to lick refried beans out of a tranny hooker's ass crack    05/05/24  (7)
will this Gaza stuff hurt Biden? He can just steal election, right?    05/05/24  (7)
Entire concept of 'Israel' is so mind blowing to me    05/05/24  (7)
people who leave comments complaining about free YouTube videos?    05/05/24  (7)
In Thailand they eat a dish called "Nam Pia" which is pre-digested cowshit    05/05/24  (7)
Mid 20th C your career was SHIT if you didnt have Pendulum Balls on desk    05/05/24  (7)
how bad is Prolesylvania for anyone under 50?    05/05/24  (6)
so instead of getting hostages back Israel killed most of them?    05/05/24  (6)
Netanyahu: in 2018 letter asks Qatar to fund Hamas, calls Hamas an “asset” (    05/05/24  (6)
"I need a REAL MAN," shrieked the woman, who never had a father    05/05/24  (6)
16th century acting troupe at The Globe reminding u not to forget to like & subs    05/05/24  (6)
Ohtani with 2 homers against the Braves    05/05/24  (6)
in retrospect Night at the Roxbury is a top 3 comedy of the 90s    05/05/24  (5)
EPAH: "Just embrace the slow descent into danger, poverty, and miscegenation    05/05/24  (5)
6’2" 200 lbs. Rate me (pic)    05/05/24  (5)
Kristy Noem is an idiot. Her response to the Kim Jong Un lie is low intelligence    05/05/24  (5)
Blasting load full of microplastics (no sperm) into blue-haired tranny    05/05/24  (5)
joe rogan explaining how having children is like an insane DMT trip man    05/05/24  (4)
Hypo: Ur being deposed, OC asks "Have u ever heard of the website 'Autoadmit'?"    05/05/24  (4)
Sam Altman's sister is an escort (Xo catnip article)    05/05/24  (4)
Ole Miss monkey boy and boom will debate Israel war tonight at 9pm on threads    05/05/24  (4)
Why Bethesda DESERVED Starfield    05/05/24  (4)
FUCK ISRAEL    05/05/24  (4)
Your bussy ain't worth the Truvada    05/05/24  (4)
Tell me about El Salvador?    05/05/24  (4)
Rate this scholar showing his teacher who is really in charge    05/05/24  (4)
Rate this corrupt swamp lobbyist's suicide    05/05/24  (4)
World history will be measured before and after JP Staples    05/05/24  (4)
TommyT I will either convert to Hinduism or learn Hindi but not both    05/05/24  (4)
the fedbot cybernetic gnostic hell you live in tp    05/05/24  (4)
your ride or die friends-with-benefits bipolar "girlfriend"    05/05/24  (4)
Started bottomining...is GrindR any good?    05/05/24  (3)
Chicken teriyaki at the mall    05/05/24  (3)
Found FizzKidd's YouTube channel    05/05/24  (3)
The biggest pieces of shit post on Sundays. 98% bitch boi scum.    05/05/24  (3)
Frat kicks Ole Miss monkey boy out (link)    05/05/24  (3)
US temporarily suspends assembly of floating dock off Gaza and hands control to    05/05/24  (3)
hey ricky, u forgot something at the gym ...    05/05/24  (3)