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the Japanese word for penguin is "business goose"    05/05/24  (48)
That kid getting expelled & kicked out of frat is surreal even for current year    05/06/24  (43)
Just went to Costco. Holy fuck people are shit.    05/06/24  (40)
I feel like all the doomsaying about America is overblown    05/05/24  (31)
Neo-feudal aphorisms    05/06/24  (27)
Fatal flaw in Trump hush money trial    05/06/24  (25)
Isreal and Palestinemos have sucked all the energy out of US election    05/06/24  (25)
The Economist: Russia permanently losing gas export market share - link    05/06/24  (24)
Anyone seen The Roast of Tom Brady yet?    05/06/24  (23)
Family man survived the Special Forces. BofA FIG associate hours killed him.    05/06/24  (21)
Canadia to CHARGE Canadians $25,000 for leaving their shithole country    05/06/24  (20)
will this Jew get cancelled?    05/06/24  (20)
I feel bad for the good and average Jews just caught in the middle of this    05/06/24  (20)
Jewish Groups Get 94% of Homeland Security Grants    05/06/24  (19)
Zoomer IQ is lower than past gens    05/06/24  (18)
$150K in student loans gone -- BAM! -- just like that!    05/06/24  (18)
Anyone else here listen to the Twitter space w Elon & Fuentes last night?    05/06/24  (17)
How did common people in Shakespeare's era understand his plays    05/05/24  (16)
You'll always get fair prices and no Monkey Business here at JP Staples Toyota    05/06/24  (15)
The State of Final Fantasy    05/05/24  (15)
"Yeah I got booted outa Ole Miss for hootin' at a nigra."    05/06/24  (15)
Financial Planners are all scam artists - the key to personal finance is simple    05/06/24  (15)
"U made a powerful enemy" Rat-faced man hissed to 8yr old girl making peace sign    05/06/24  (15)
No honey we can’t have date night this weekend. Tommy t is going to iran    05/06/24  (14)
Rate NYPD blasting a TURD away in front of his MOM    05/06/24  (14)
Sam Hyde just annihilated Fizzkidd on his podcast    05/06/24  (14)
how bad is Prolesylvania for anyone under 50?    05/05/24  (13)
Netanyahu: in 2018 letter asks Qatar to fund Hamas, calls Hamas an “asset” (    05/05/24  (13)
How much Shakespeare do you have memorized    05/06/24  (13)
No Bear Ever Interrupted Me To Explain How I Can Actually Solve My Problems    05/06/24  (13)
So why is the only democracy in the middle east banning media outlets?    05/06/24  (13)
A girl I matched with told me that she's going on 50 dates this summer.    05/05/24  (12)
your ride or die friends-with-benefits bipolar "girlfriend"    05/05/24  (12)
Whats an acceptable "business" for a young rich person to have?    05/05/24  (12)
NYPOST: It's Frat Boy Summer, also fuck women!    05/06/24  (12)
How did Tom Brady's career survive Deflategate?    05/06/24  (11)
I want to kill the DDOSsing faggot    05/06/24  (11)
"The JP Staples Toyota dealership is right nearby," the realtor winks    05/06/24  (10)
My wife keeps flashing her tits at me    05/05/24  (9)
Jewish people are 120    05/05/24  (9)
gorgeous Iranians are getting chopped up by Ukrainian drones (link)    05/06/24  (9)
I've watched dozens of hours of documentaries about the Foreign Legion    05/06/24  (9)
16th century acting troupe at The Globe reminding u not to forget to like & subs    05/06/24  (9)
the server crapout is 180 - weeds out the normies and casuals    05/06/24  (9)
LOL Gaza protestors now going to Auschwitz & holocaust museums    05/06/24  (9)
Boom paid $300 to lick refried beans out of a tranny hooker's ass crack    05/05/24  (8)
Entire concept of 'Israel' is so mind blowing to me    05/05/24  (8)
Rate this scholar showing his teacher who is really in charge    05/05/24  (8)
Watch this lib vampire getting force-fed some garlic    05/05/24  (8)