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"I hate my autistic child and I'm divorcing my husband because of it."    05/12/24  (55)
How do you explain men who marry women like this (pic)    05/12/24  (42)
Modern women are kinda 180 they just wanna be fucked and left alone    05/12/24  (37)
WaPo: "Our daughter wanted a mommy, so she picked one of her dads"    05/12/24  (36)
The #1 thing that bothers me right now are all the ads for mental health online    05/12/24  (33)
azn girl teacher on run after raping 17 yr old boy in her classroom    05/12/24  (29)
Let's talk about our impostor syndrome in this thread    05/12/24  (28)
Never retiring would feel more doable if time off were permitted    05/12/24  (27)
Why would you ever buy blinds or drapes for your home's windows?    05/12/24  (26)
When you guys post net worth is it HHNW?    05/12/24  (25)
I'm Gay (Poasted from Iran)    05/12/24  (23)
Should I ditch my long term BF before traveling?    05/12/24  (23)
Roger Marshall (R-KS): Designate student protestors as terrorists and no-fly lis    05/12/24  (22)
South Korea: Many People are dying poor; National Pension unfunded    05/12/24  (22)
I have no friends    05/12/24  (21)
Rowed a 6:35 2k today. Prestigious?    05/12/24  (20)
What is the threshold for a prestigious UG or Graduate degree?    05/12/24  (20)
Video of me getting a BJ from a Russian whore    05/12/24  (20)
I'm going to pound a load into my wife's pussy at 11 pm    05/12/24  (20)
Israel Flubs Eurovision As Televoters Turn Back On The Now-Pariah State    05/12/24  (19)
Henry Winkler’s net worth is $40 million according to this site    05/12/24  (18)
MAGA voter discovers he's an illegal immigrant (link)    05/12/24  (18)
Getting worried about disco fries tp    05/12/24  (18)
This is an amazing video of what Amerikkkan life was like 50 years ago    05/12/24  (17)
I think I could die any day now    05/12/24  (17)
Go on reddit and you'll appreciate xo    05/12/24  (17)
Those guys and that kid all died in that submarine    05/12/24  (17)
Will you fuck your wife in the ass for Mother’s Day?    05/12/24  (15)
OldHLSDude will u be my boomer bf if ur wife dies    05/12/24  (14)
Antisemite DUke Students Walk Out Of Seinfeld’s Commencement Speech    05/12/24  (14)
Funny how most "winning" lotto Tix r sold@sketchy Cali gas station or Publix FL    05/12/24  (13)
ITT link the best StoneToss comics.    05/12/24  (13)
Emilio rate the Americanness of this photograph    05/12/24  (12)
What are your top 5 Italian songs?    05/12/24  (12)
Flash: Putin shakes up government to avoid coup, Shoigu, Lavrov out - link    05/12/24  (12)
As Israel Steps Up Attacks, 300,000 Gazans Are on the Move    05/12/24  (12)
Parents Upset Over New Nintendo Console - Super Nintendo - Circa 1991    05/12/24  (12)
How prestigious is a UCONN JD?    05/12/24  (11)
I fucking hate my wife. If you’re single don’t bother with marriage    05/11/24  (11)
Boycotts are not enough. People need to exit the room when they enter.    05/12/24  (10)
Benzo has the exact same view on every single issue as the DNC    05/12/24  (10)
Can’t believe jews aren’t somehow behind “A Serbian Film”    05/12/24  (9)
Russian advance elements are now 12 miles from Kharkov    05/12/24  (9)
red hot chili peppers guy, 61, with 19 year old gf    05/12/24  (9)
You know you can just quit your job if it's stressing you out, right    05/12/24  (9)
my wife's forbidden body    05/12/24  (8)
China is a paper tiger and a shithole.    05/12/24  (8)
Fucking my hairdresser this Wednesday    05/12/24  (8)
Does there seem to be a limited number of new mega celebrities?    05/12/24  (8)
Western game developers are retarded and suck at making games atm    05/12/24  (8)