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The more I learn about the Trump trial the more I realize its all fraud and lies    05/14/24  (219)
I emailed Mark Cuban to confirm it was really his Substack account who replied    05/14/24  (64)
anon conservahero Lomez outted    05/14/24  (53)
How the hell was Moby considered a sex symbol in the 90s and 2000s?    05/14/24  (50)
Rate this map of test scores by county in the United States    05/14/24  (49)
Being a lawn guy beats grilling, golfing, or snobby beer tasting.    05/14/24  (41)
When did Jewish high IQ emerge?    05/14/24  (36)
has anyone ever dated a legit british woman?    05/14/24  (34)
An exploration of gnosticism    05/14/24  (34)
you have one life    05/14/24  (30)
ITT we list people who did nothing wrong    05/14/24  (29)
I get at least 10 messages a day on Grindr from dudes begging to suck my dick    05/13/24  (27)
Finishing up my cross-country road trip, taking q's (TSINAH)    05/14/24  (25)
ITT: We list the posters who are the most "offputting"    05/14/24  (25)
Hey Joo Non Alcoholic Iranian Beer    05/14/24  (24)
how the fuck are you supposed to start burner accounts in 2024    05/14/24  (23)
Bill Burr completely destroys Bill Maher for supporting Israel    05/13/24  (22)
“Gaming” is at the lowest point it’s ever been in my lifetime right now    05/14/24  (22)
ITT post the knife you plan on carrying tomorrow.    05/14/24  (21)
Only legit movie stars under 30 are Timothee and Zendaya    05/14/24  (21)
what prole chicken sandwich or chicken fingers should i get    05/14/24  (19)
Failed HS pre calc and 25 years later it STILL haunts me    05/14/24  (19)
Twitter thread pwns "men" who have weird hobbies.    05/14/24  (19)
All you need to know: gunneratttt owns a Tesla    05/13/24  (19)
So GPT 4o can listen, see, and converse in real time? WTF    05/14/24  (18)
Good News - Hollywood Writers are suffering    05/14/24  (17)
Trump trial predictions: conviction or no?    05/13/24  (17)
Crazy that HS girls post things like this on Instagram    05/14/24  (17)
Does majority of XO still believe fresh fruit/veg “doesn’t do anything”?    05/14/24  (17)
High Noons are a 180 jewscam    05/14/24  (17)
Cons all this humiliation of Trump is payback for Clinton/Lewinsky    05/14/24  (17)
Im writing a personal jurisdiction brief. I love the law sometimes.    05/14/24  (17)
why do blacks attack total strangers    05/13/24  (16)
#1 irl hobby rn is rejecting women    05/13/24  (16)
Headed to XO Japan, taking Qs (RSF)    05/14/24  (15)
Nick Fuentes seems pretty cr. Do you guys listen to his podcasts?    05/14/24  (14)
Ceiling Fan: Separate Switch For Light & Fan -- CR Or Is Same Switch CR?    05/14/24  (14)
I’m looking for a man in finance. Trust fund. 6’5”. Blue eyes.    05/13/24  (14)
Sega Saturn outsold Xbox Series X Life-to-date    05/13/24  (13)
whats the difference between schizoid and aspergers?    05/14/24  (13)
I went to Petco today and there was a naked lady walking around    05/14/24  (13)
Global population will probably start shrinking soon    05/13/24  (12)
U.N. Cuts "Gaza Health Ministry" Death Toll Figures by Half lmao    05/14/24  (12)
Rory McIlroy divorcing his hot age adjusted 9.5 wife    05/14/24  (12)
“I, Donald J. Trump, make this payment for the purpose of committing fraud”    05/14/24  (11)
Trump enthusiasm ebbing, hardly any truck parades or boat parades this time.    05/13/24  (11)
*u and ur anarcho-communist gf shouting ISRAEL WILL FALL at the college hillel*    05/14/24  (11)
i want to kill someone    05/13/24  (10)
the loss of the monoculture has been devastating    05/13/24  (10)
When old fathers won’t admit their irrelevance and want to control even beyond    05/13/24  (10)