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Why are libs so obsessed with "high speed rail"?    05/08/24  (231)
"doordash" is such a SPS scam waste    05/08/24  (106)
Jamie Dimon: America is fucked based on its debt in about 10 years    05/08/24  (63)
the secret to long subthreads is getting gunneratttt to sperg out imo    05/07/24  (33)
The past few months validates everything Jews have said about antisemitism    05/07/24  (31)
Swordfish is a big no imo    05/07/24  (30)
Sydney Sweeney is self-sabotaging, rocks black short-haired look at Met Gala    05/07/24  (29)
What do you imagine your parents think/feel about you?    05/07/24  (29)
Biden just lost re-election today 05/07/2024    05/07/24  (28)
US soldier arrested in Russia is a pro-Russian Trumpmo - link    05/07/24  (28)
TO THE POASTER FLESHLIGHT: Come in this thread    05/08/24  (28)
Bought my house for $740k in 2021. Now worth $1.2M. Lmao.    05/08/24  (25)
Legitimate ways to make extra $20/month?    05/07/24  (25)
Stormy Daniels is testifying today and Trump is losing his shit    05/07/24  (21)
Is McDonald's basically a tech company because of its app? Undervalued P/E?    05/07/24  (20)
Besides Lizzo, has any other female celeb been primarily famous for being fat?    05/07/24  (20)
Boy Scouts of America (1910-2024)    05/07/24  (20)
Rate this Israeli bulldozer in Rafah    05/08/24  (19)
People here act like Biden could do/not do something that hurts election chances    05/08/24  (18)
50 year old blonde woman is haunted after normal dinner party with maga types    05/08/24  (17)
BP CEO says company needs 70% less coders due to AI    05/08/24  (17)
SP's poetry is beautiful imo    05/07/24  (16)
I don’t want to be alive any longer    05/08/24  (16)
OYT why bother shaving head when you’re WFH and have No Friends    05/07/24  (15)
"high speed rail" only makes sense in a few US cities    05/08/24  (15)
HYPO: You accidentally expose yourself to deadly radiation; have c. 12 hours    05/08/24  (15)
Took my mixed kids to Train Town last Sunday    05/07/24  (14)
Rate this $450k house in Virginia    05/07/24  (14)
Nigger in stolen Lambo crashes during high speed chase    05/07/24  (14)
High-speed rail but it's Spaceporn railing SPJr.    05/07/24  (14)
STICKY: jewish posters no longer allowed here    05/07/24  (14)
luis i think i may be over 150 rn. can grab a chunk of stomach    05/07/24  (13)
The truly ugly exist on another plane    05/07/24  (13)
Retarded shrew running noisy faucet at intervals & clearing phlegm for hours    05/07/24  (13)
Watchmen tp was by far one of the funniest shticks xo ever had    05/08/24  (13)
The typical XO poaster returns home from a day's work - video    05/07/24  (12)
Black women say they would rather work w white men than white women. Wonder why    05/07/24  (12)
can u actually go inside egypt's pyramids    05/07/24  (11)
nonstop ads for cunt stench products now    05/08/24  (11)
A FIRST!!! A jew faces repercussions for disturbing behavior at protest    05/07/24  (11)
Israel getting pwned by US government lawyers    05/07/24  (11)
Pictures out of Rafah are pretty wild.    05/07/24  (11)
Took my Asian kid to Pound Town last Sunday    05/07/24  (11)
Bechdel test but it's whether two poasters can talk w/o saying "I'm gay"    05/07/24  (10)
can a deranged jewish quotemo bump this to remind people jews are insane?    05/07/24  (10)
I cannot fathom why media or anyone with eyes gives a fuck about Caitlin Clark?    05/07/24  (10)
Libs hate democracy, life, and themselves.    05/07/24  (9)
Lol at Stormy's retarded "testimony"    05/07/24  (9)
So Kristie Noem lied once and she's done but Trump lies all the fucking time?    05/08/24  (9)
My life is a fucking mess    05/08/24  (9)