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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Ask Pensive stuff    05/09/24  (75)
pretty incredible AI generated music    05/09/24  (4)
Holy shit, I forgot this happened in Afghanistan - video    05/09/24  (11)
Delta Boeing 757 has declared an emergency - link    05/09/24  (11)
Costco pizza = 10x better than any faggot “pizzaria” in NYC    05/09/24  (33)
UNC Chapel Hill Streaking Tradition! Rate cocks and phenotypes ITT    05/09/24  (5)
Real talk: Panda Express orange chicken >>>> any dish at Per Se    05/09/24  (31)
My brokerage/401k accounts are trans-age. They identify as a UMC 50 year old's    05/09/24  (1)
Golden Arches Theory of Peace replaced by Panda Express Orange Chicken Peace    05/09/24  (4)
BAML associate dies from overwork    05/09/24  (31)
2+ hour sex sessions with wife. Full on dick in pussy for the entire time.    05/09/24  (226)
I'm so glad I hate the taste of coffee. People spend way too much on it    05/09/24  (1)
what are good things to buy to improve quality of life    05/09/24  (24)
LOL if your house was built after ~2013    05/09/24  (30)
"3B is the orange chicken" (alzabo teaching me how to code)    05/09/24  (26)
New CHINESE Aircraft Carrier is veddy Gorgeous    05/09/24  (12)
Is Shakespeare worth teaching in High School    05/09/24  (79)
now I understand why Candy Rode hates gunneratttt (gooneratttt) so much    05/09/24  (4)
Family man survived the Special Forces. BofA FIG associate hours killed him.    05/09/24  (46)
Is there any recording of Barron Trump speaking?    05/09/24  (1)
What do you think of Necheles's cross examination of Stormy?    05/09/24  (1)
Thoughts on the ongoing Gunner vs. Zurich goon battle    05/09/24  (14)
gunnerattt gooning out and edging with trannies on discord server    05/09/24  (18)
Indian lawyer files an “objection” accusing judge of racism every time she l    05/09/24  (145)
any other bros suffer from premature ejaculation?    05/09/24  (43)
when i say Asian, you say Pussy    05/09/24  (20)
Remember “world music?”    05/09/24  (7)
US General: new technology drastically favors the defense in warfare - link    05/09/24  (15)
Barron Trump is actually 3 Barrons Trump stacked on top of each other    05/09/24  (2)
sex is exhausting; wtf sex havers?    05/09/24  (6)
I want a fat smelly bar slut to sit on my face    05/09/24  (4)
LJL @ non-silver havers    05/09/24  (4)
rate my 40 year old work wife    05/09/24  (81)
a bunch of sex-having thing-doing losers here apparently    05/09/24  (2)
“Dicked down by a no-haired clown” (opening of SPJR song Brought to the USA    05/09/24  (30)
still LOL @ gunerattt getting dumped by gf for liking hentai porn    05/09/24  (17)
I'm staying 8 min walk from US Embassy in Tehran    05/09/24  (23)
rate the white female rapper    05/09/24  (1)
in a dead-end job, a midlaw firm. the east end goys and west end earls.    05/09/24  (52)
Shrews in Sleeveless Dresses Slutting It Up    05/09/24  (5)
gunneratttt snorting two lines of Viagra before entering tranny discord server    05/09/24  (1)
This IVF doctor at Cornell makes $9m a year    05/09/24  (14)
Rate this sporty blonde girl enthusiastically tossing an Asian man’s salad    05/09/24  (6)
Telling your high school friends you’re back in town for cancer treatment    05/09/24  (45)
rich retired friend wants to learn how to fly    05/09/24  (2)
Ukrainians repel Russian assault - video    05/09/24  (3)
Asian rapper Soup Dogg    05/09/24  (2)
"And in the afternoon, as the Wagies retreat, the Sinecured and Wealthy emerge."    05/09/24  (3)
Jewish Rapper Shtup Dogg    05/09/24  (1)
two can poast dat low effort content    05/09/24  (3)
Hindi rapper Anoop Dogg    05/09/24  (3)
Why the anger here? Why not help each other and everyone?    05/09/24  (2)
Queen transferred power to a corgi just before dying    05/09/24  (15)
Lindsey Graham grilling Sec. Austin on Israel aid - link    05/09/24  (3)
Queen Elizabeth replaces Harry and Meghan with two corgis (link)    05/09/24  (6)
who came up with “huge faggy salad.” That always makes me lol hard    05/09/24  (13)
I believe the people here are truly good IRL and want the best    05/09/24  (12)
Golden retrievers, yellow labs, corgis holding interdenominational christian    05/09/24  (24)
thought "im gay" was peak xo but i love men is even better    05/09/24  (12)
A shrew's bloated little pooch-belly churning impacted poop and 1200mg of Advil    05/09/24  (11)
"The palace corgis would only bark at me." - Meghan Markle    05/09/24  (5)
ur corgi mix dog to U: "stop fetishizing hapa girls" *resumes eating*    05/09/24  (2)
20 Years Ago, Ten Strangers Hatched a Plan in Strip Club. Now They Rule Guyana (    05/09/24  (2)
Soft Tooth (for Bboom)    05/09/24  (7)
At dentist. All of the assistants are smoking hot. Shoulda been a dentist. Fml.    05/09/24  (27)
Ann Coulter tells Vivek she likes him but would never vote for a turdskin (link)    05/09/24  (48)
You could easily have it all if you wanted..all along it was yours it really was    05/09/24  (2)
"it's like an updoot" (gunneratttt explaining blank bump)    05/09/24  (8)
Do you actually like staying in hotel rooms?    05/09/24  (37)
sex isn't fun    05/09/24  (6)
Everyone and everything is good and perfect&I just must believe this    05/09/24  (1)
showed up to date & it turns out 1) she's deaf 2)she brought her asl interpreter    05/09/24  (9)
William Briggs proposes a new political paradigm: high/low cynicism and belief    05/09/24  (7)
2D women are objectively more attractive than 3D women    05/09/24  (10)
Dominic TTThiem Retiring At 30 #tennis    05/09/24  (1)
Theo Vonn/Lex Fridman both suck equally imo    05/09/24  (2)
So many poasters are outted that xo is basically Facebook now    05/09/24  (3)
“What the fuck are you doing?” “Building a country.”    05/09/24  (1)
Men who cry for reasons other than the loss of a loved one    05/09/24  (3)
Biden: "If You Like Your Plumber, You Can Keep Your Plumber"    05/09/24  (2)
T he is breakdancing Bitcoiner dad started his own business    05/09/24  (1)
"I Still Unload:" This man is a "poaster" who unloads his "thoughts" o    05/09/24  (8)
Netflix roast of Tom Brady is 180    05/09/24  (2)
I'll never get used to computers booting quickly    05/09/24  (12)
"My Toilet Still Unloads": This Man Doesn't Need To Hire A Plumber    05/09/24  (2)
Gooneratttt has joined the discord server    05/09/24  (1)
why does 90% of food come in a “bowl” now?    05/09/24  (19)
Thoughts on the ongoing Kendrick vs. Drake rap battle    05/09/24  (121)
why does 99% of poop go in a “toilet bowl” now? (TT)    05/09/24  (3)
   05/09/24  (1)
why does 90% of food hurt my “bowels” now? (Biglaw Shrew)    05/09/24  (1)
why do 90% of haircuts done with a “bowl” now? (NYUUG, on his exile to Korea    05/09/24  (1)
the hentai porn to troon pipeline    05/09/24  (3)
a golden retriever was looking at me today like he knew me    05/09/24  (14)
Daily Mail: “Barron is already laying the groundwork to become God Emperor”    05/09/24  (17)
$1 million HHI is solidly middle class    05/09/24  (5)
why does 90% of food come in a “toilet bowl” now?    05/09/24  (1)
Dinesh D'Souza's JIZZ swimming arnd Ann Coulter's Barren Womb for 35 years tp    05/09/24  (1)
sometimes farmers move all of their cattle into pens to install new equipment    05/09/24  (32)
Canadian friend referred to euthanasia clinic for kitchen sink leak    05/09/24  (1)
Telling your high school friends you’re back in town for toilet repair    05/09/24  (1)
Lauren Boebert: "I like giving hand jobs. So what?" (link:    05/09/24  (14)
most recent paycheck had $4.73 deduction for plumbers insurance fml    05/09/24  (4)
USC/Rutgers game oct 26@ Coliseum will feature swordfight to the death at halfti    05/09/24  (1)
A Two-Tier Plumbing Economy: Why The Poor Can't Hire Anyone To Fix A Leak (NYT)    05/09/24  (1)
A slurry of seed oil, bugs and soybeans is all you need    05/09/24  (1)
Thailand to recriminalize marijuana by year end    05/09/24  (43)
"Sir, this is a Mendys!" (xo poaster to fellow xo poaster)    05/09/24  (1)
MH370 Conclusively Solved (link)    05/09/24  (24)
How racist do you think Vivek is on his Twitter alt accounts    05/09/24  (5)
LeBron: "What had happened was ..."    05/09/24  (2)
Dem. Senator: 30 thousand more Palestinians must die - link    05/09/24  (6)
Gad Saad: Jews are the victims in everything and do no wrong    05/09/24  (1)
Lulziest Foreign Currency Names    05/09/24  (8)
Current state of humanity is absolutely insane    05/09/24  (1)
travelling for work is vastly over-rated the majority of the time    05/09/24  (37)
The State of Microsoft’s Xbox division    05/09/24  (4)
Mothers Day is this Sunday. Don't forget    05/09/24  (3)
What would it take to make XO unbearable for you?    05/09/24  (5)
current pop culture is in a terrible state    05/09/24  (4)
Plumber Charging Us An Annual Administrative Fee To Remain Customers    05/09/24  (1)
Australian sex offender paid $500,000 (330k USD) in disability benefits    05/09/24  (2)
Screamed "I STILL UNLOAD" when ejaculating in adopted son last night    05/09/24  (3)
Steve Sailer went on the Red Scare podcast lmao    05/09/24  (18)
called a plumber yesterday, they are "not taking new customers" like a doctor    05/09/24  (17)
CSLG's hold music is Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo by Bloodhound Gang.    05/09/24  (1)
Screamed "I STILL UNLOAD" when ejaculating in wife last night    05/09/24  (2)
Spaceporn supporters report ITT    05/09/24  (88)
Screamed "I STILL UNLOAD" when wife refused sex last night    05/09/24  (1)
"I still carry the load" this man is a Jokic who beats niggers at niggerball    05/09/24  (1)
Lots of woman supporters on here recently    05/09/24  (1)
Most of life is about how you slowly descend into your own inability to produce    05/09/24  (17)
Most of life is about how you slowly descend into your own inability to unload    05/09/24  (4)
"The State of Gaming" (3,000,000k results on google)    05/09/24  (11)
OYT what are your thoughts on the State of Gaming    05/09/24  (12)
The State of Gaming in 2023    05/09/24  (2)
The State of Bethesda    05/09/24  (2)
The State of the Middle Class    05/09/24  (7)
This is how I picture Emilio looking IRL    05/09/24  (10)
US soldier arrested in Russia is a pro-Russian Trumpmo - link    05/09/24  (41)
You could've done anything all along..can do anything right now moving forward    05/09/24  (3)
"we like to put our feet up" (1 bn muslims on why they need a disputed sliver of    05/09/24  (4)
lol @spaceporn trolling the greatbort    05/09/24  (9)
Why do you push the bull crap friends? When you know better?    05/09/24  (1)
NYC sued for denying gay employees in vitro fertilization coverage (Reuters)    05/09/24  (5)
Reminder: you people ran away FLW for being mean to simp crew    05/09/24  (8)
Chris Cuomo: Covid vax has permanently fucked my health up    05/09/24  (26)

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