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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Finland (NATO member for 18 months) trying to start WW3    12/26/24  (7)
Doesnt matter if ur skinny doesnt matter if ur fat U can dress up a like a pajee    12/26/24  (1)
There's a Long Line of Cars and They're Trying to Get Through    12/26/24  (3)
You'll Be Commissioning a Symphony in Pajeet    12/26/24  (3)
Rohit's NEET and Pajeet (formerly White's)    12/26/24  (1)
So Elon and Vivek both already sold out Americans in favor of foreigners?    12/26/24  (5)
Should I pay FedEx $50 or could they cause me problems?    12/26/24  (15)
The "United Healthcare" CEO deserved to die..didn't he?    12/26/24  (24)
21% of Iceland is now Foreign Born 😂    12/26/24  (29)
the Peak Midwits here love Elon lmao    12/26/24  (9)
FizzKidd decomposing in culvert after xo "meetup"    12/26/24  (46)
NYE trip starts TONIGHT LFGGGGGG! (RSF)    12/26/24  (1)
This chick plans to fuck 1000 guys in a day    12/26/24  (116)
Stats Handsome wouldn't invite me over for Christmas Eve/Day (FizzKidd)    12/26/24  (4)
Would you date Beth Dutton?    12/26/24  (31)
Logging into xo now is like having sex with benzo    12/26/24  (1)
Poll: how many times per day do you log into XO?    12/26/24  (6)
That rush you get right before clicking "Proceed to autoadmit.com (unsafe)"    12/26/24  (3)
JD Vance: "If I had a son, he'd look like he needs an H1-B to work in America"    12/26/24  (1)
YouTube streamer goes to Macys, tries on, farts in, 80 pairs of Levi jeans    12/26/24  (1)
Sad how the masses are such weak pussies=why?    12/26/24  (1)
Gorgeous VIVEK calls out LAZY Retarded Birdshit American Culture!    12/26/24  (56)
It's all fraud.. no one cares    12/26/24  (1)
blasting and spraying thick green nasal mucus on clients documents tp    12/26/24  (4)
Watching the pro-Ukrainians on xo flirt w nuclear annihilation is interesting    12/26/24  (235)
Psycho Karen shoving entire Polly O part skim string cheese snack into urethra    12/26/24  (2)
So voicing concern about nuclear Armageddon is spreading Ru propaganda?    12/26/24  (4)
ChatGPT down again    12/26/24  (3)
What the hell is with "smokers" and their annoying BS?    12/26/24  (7)
The Camp of the Jeets    12/26/24  (4)
"at least i had fun at the gay bars" (tsinah after getting no offered by cslg)    12/26/24  (14)
DOGE: “Inefficiencies in sexy laddy show bobs and vagene are unacceptable and    12/26/24  (3)
The USA is a call-center work camp overflowing with Pajeets – if you can keep    12/26/24  (1)
Another shooting    12/26/24  (13)
why does the cost of living keep going up?    12/26/24  (66)
Interesting how trans kids are mostly pure white Anglo/Nordic types nowadays    12/26/24  (18)
Annual health insurance costs hit record high: >$20,000    12/26/24  (107)
Movie scene in which Guy Pearce shoots a midget point blank in the head.    12/26/24  (8)
What’s all this rhetoric about US standard of living declining? It’s improvi    12/26/24  (13)
what exactly does "white nationalist" mean    12/26/24  (23)
So the box outted CSLG to his wife as a cheater    12/26/24  (82)
HAPPY KWANZAA, NIGGERS!!    12/26/24  (25)
China's GINI coefficient: 52.23%; USA: 85%    12/26/24  (48)
In 15 years first world countries are going to look like the Mad Max movies.    12/26/24  (29)
We live in a sinister matriarchy    12/26/24  (9)
USA 100th globally in homicide rate    12/26/24  (14)
Blasting load full of microplastics (no sperm) into blue-haired tranny    12/26/24  (18)
Gun Homicide Rate for US WHITES 420 times that of FRANCE    12/26/24  (13)
It will cost hundreds of billions to deport the illegals (WSJ)    12/26/24  (49)
Being burned alive is the shittiest way to go    12/26/24  (30)
demon freemason motherfuckers coming at me hard irl today    12/26/24  (1)
A thin male penis penetrating the urethra of a girthy female penis    12/26/24  (7)
CONTURDS: adios mother fuckers. Enjoy Greenland bitches.    12/26/24  (11)
I can’t spend 2025 trying to login to this site 50 times a day, I can’t do t    12/26/24  (4)
DOGE: why America’s indoor plumbing is unnecessary, plenty of good streets    12/26/24  (3)
Proles and their mixed-race mongrel children on Facebook    12/26/24  (26)
if anglos are so great why do they create self-destructive social systems    12/26/24  (28)
why did narcissistic bpd tbtp narc out our boy cslg    12/26/24  (2)
AMERICAN WHITE CULTURE is so fuckin stupid and irrational    12/26/24  (84)
Lol @ that Vivek statement what a fucking shithead    12/26/24  (38)
DOGE identifies major waste in boondoggle program at ICE called "eVerify":    12/26/24  (13)
Elon announces plan to organize X by caste    12/26/24  (2)
You can post for years and then wake up one day    12/26/24  (3)
FUCK patels. FUCK prajeets. FUCK h1bs. and FUCK india.    12/26/24  (3)
Russia shot down that plane from Azerbaijan lmao (link)    12/26/24  (4)
I thought the joke was "feed and seed", what is the "field and seed" joke    12/26/24  (9)
Fuck "Christnas"    12/26/24  (8)
Do you want to exterminate&burn homeless fools&their trash?    12/26/24  (7)
The "man" is the fraud you fags    12/26/24  (5)
You can post for years and then wake up one day and be done here    12/26/24  (16)
DOGE: "Potomac River shld be used for Burials instead of Arlington Cemetery"    12/26/24  (6)
Cons do you disagree with Mark Cuban here?    12/26/24  (1)
DOGE: US needs a formal caste system. Cowgod: *ahem*    12/26/24  (1)
DOGE report shows how much time and $ is wasted on wiping, flushing, handwashing    12/26/24  (11)
Hypo: Americans want to buy Chinese EVs for $6k instead of $35k for Elonshit    12/26/24  (13)
China unveils 6th gen fighter jet. US has shit.    12/26/24  (1)
DOGE: how DOD can eliminate widows' pensions    12/26/24  (1)
Need a favor from HAtp    12/26/24  (1)
So "Trump 47" is just Elon and Kushner in a trenchcoat w/ a blond toupee on top?    12/26/24  (7)
Did not having “Trump 47 is a Pajeet Trojan horse” on my 2025 bingo card hah    12/26/24  (4)
some random useless thoughts of OYT for your perusal    12/26/24  (11)
Vance will never be POTUS if MAGA goes full anti-Pajeet    12/26/24  (3)
DOGE: "Presidential Candidates should have to Submit Biodata w/Astrological Sign    12/26/24  (2)
NEX PLAYGROUND wins Console of the Year-- OYT & Doodikoff are finished IMO    12/26/24  (1)
A day in the life of Donald Trump's Greater Israel.    12/26/24  (65)
DOGE: "USA shld just file Credit Card Dispute for it's National Debt"    12/26/24  (2)
Bethesda Has A Todd Howard Problem...    12/26/24  (7)
DOGE: “Arranged marriages will become the official policy of the United States    12/26/24  (3)
Just tested positive for Covid. Possible to get over in 3 days?    12/26/24  (8)
Red lines of the counter-elite    12/26/24  (98)
Why is Dick short for Richard and Bob short for Robert?    12/26/24  (2)
Mods, we need a separate subreddit for each hyper-specific discussion topic.    12/26/24  (1)
found some matching Christmas outfits in your trash haha    12/26/24  (2)
Thoughts on BakerHostetler DC?    12/26/24  (8)
Reminder: xo literally went through a flat earth phase for about 6 mos last year    12/26/24  (22)
Gavin Newscum spent $24B of YOUR MONEY to bring bumfights to ur doorstep 24/7    12/26/24  (3)
“Can I kiss you?” doobs: “Gonna cost extra”    12/26/24  (3)
DOGE says govt fees for Air India to land at JFK and SFO shld be waived    12/26/24  (1)
happy jonbenet day everyone    12/26/24  (4)
Can we send rach a prepaid visa to autorenew the AutoAdmit certificates    12/26/24  (4)
lol CSLG has a 180 life and kids, his wife will never leave him    12/26/24  (21)
OldHLSDude: yeah I remember that faggot Scott Turow    12/26/24  (4)
If you don't like Vivek, don't understand his statement, then you don't love USA    12/26/24  (1)
the right HATES this (link)    12/26/24  (5)
Vivek: America needs more Screeches, fewer Zachs and Slaters:    12/26/24  (6)
who is ready for Squid Games season 2    12/26/24  (8)
Why Aren’t We Talking About How Christmas Started In Africa? (WaPo)    12/26/24  (8)
Proceed to xoxohth.com (unsafe)    12/26/24  (5)
Found the butthole pics from box...ty!    12/26/24  (6)
I remain shocked anyone would ever willingly meet another person from this board    12/26/24  (37)
Ok at some point money isn’t worth it do you guys agree    12/26/24  (20)
Lolyers: Congress must use its power to block Trump from taking office    12/26/24  (10)
Top Ten 32X RPGs (422 views)    12/26/24  (6)
A Hanukkah Miracle: Shitlaw King Jew & Mental Ill Slut Jew Drama Lasted 8 Days    12/26/24  (3)
hey whok, remember when you'd ask mr.jinx, "how's you're daughter?"    12/26/24  (3)
Rating poasters as how Gunneratttt would simp for them    12/26/24  (32)
great job on keeping security certificates up-to-date rach    12/26/24  (12)
whok, how's you're daughter?    12/26/24  (11)
what is the EPICENTER of 20-26 yr old JEWISH PUSSY in MFH rn?    12/26/24  (7)
gunnerattt tp taking a bunch of Xanax and Klonopin for Christmas!    12/26/24  (19)
RSF what was the damage at the Chinese restaurant yesterday brej    12/26/24  (2)
Mrs. RSF: 3 figure body count. RSF: 3 figure wonton count on xmas    12/26/24  (1)
nuns with keyhole cutouts in habit    12/26/24  (1)
A letter to 32X    12/26/24  (6)
2:04 am roll call    12/26/24  (35)
Xbox Situation is Sad    12/26/24  (1)
The Deserved Downfall of Xbox    12/26/24  (1)
Space Station keeps dodging debris from China’s 2007 satellite weapon test    12/26/24  (3)
Microsoft Sucks at Everything    12/26/24  (1)
FizzKid developing SH Xmas Arc for months, Box 12/24: "CSLG TRIED TO KISS ME!"    12/26/24  (5)
List of historical out-of-place artifacts (e.g. Antikythera mechanism)    12/26/24  (12)
He called me “bro.” I wished he meant something more.    12/26/24  (22)
The Creation Engine Did Nothing Wrong | It's Bethesda!    12/26/24  (1)
File for SSDI and Witness the Great Becumming™    12/26/24  (8)
Mickey Barreto’s five-year stay cost him only $200.57 (NYT)    12/26/24  (3)
CSLG got rejected by the Box?    12/26/24  (341)
Neo vs Agents | The Matrix Reloaded [Open Matte]    12/26/24  (13)
Best Nightlife Haiti? Planning My Dream Trip!!    12/26/24  (38)
Going to be soooooo 180 so have GREELAND under U.S. control    12/26/24  (19)
Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson    12/26/24  (1)
gunneraTTTT If I suck you off will you please rig mpm for me?    12/26/24  (7)
Western Canada, Greenland, Panama Canal, all ripe for the taking    12/26/24  (7)
Is Doobs or the RBI still relevant threats, or or are we truly irrelevant now?    12/26/24  (3)
BigLaw Chronicles: GoT War Stories from the Partner's Lounge    12/26/24  (59)
“You Can Never Trust a Rising 2L”: A Law Student’s BigLaw OCI Showdown    12/26/24  (28)
Evan39: Christmas Cheer Is Out of Stock 😞 (... But not the notes)    12/26/24  (3)
The State of OYT's sex life    12/26/24  (9)
4 "billion" years & basically nothing on "Earth" happened    12/26/24  (32)
Keisha took her third "ADA break" of the day. I kept working.    12/26/24  (24)

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