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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Ricky and I are at a local hip suburban coffee shop pastrymaxxing right now    06/13/24  (60)
all women would hop on a bbc if it were placed before them    06/13/24  (6)
god damn, capitalism is so fucking 180    06/13/24  (3)
the worst hotel in america is minimum $250 lol    06/13/24  (1)
I hate being a lawyer and want to die    06/13/24  (18)
what would disco fries be doing 500 years ago?    06/13/24  (5)
Biden @ G7 has no idea where he is, Italian PM has to tell him    06/13/24  (50)
Board genius HATP: "I never liked twins. On a good day he was mid."    06/13/24  (58)
No flying cars just fridge bodied women and masses of mystery meat mud people    06/13/24  (15)
Girl on left seems perfect - sfw    06/13/24  (76)
the "Upper Peninsula of Michigan" seems like fraud like OK panhandle    06/13/24  (1)
NYT interview with JD Vance. He explains how he became MAGA.    06/13/24  (75)
Does Chad need all the women even the slutty ones    06/13/24  (2)
instead of flying cars & space travel we have video games that simulate them.    06/13/24  (1)
I love ramming objects up my anus    06/13/24  (3)
instead of flying cars we have a victimhood hustler surveillance dystopia    06/13/24  (13)
It Follows sequel where you have to trick a friend into taking cursed screen    06/13/24  (2)
his name before he was president? unghh haha    06/13/24  (1)
ND Cal jury trial against “K&L Gates” in two weeks. Anyone have exp with the    06/13/24  (30)
CiCi's Pizza buffet is $8.99 now. Who can afford this?    06/13/24  (8)
Had a weird tipping situation at lunch today    06/13/24  (33)
I'm starting to think you-know-who is an actual generational talent.    06/13/24  (7)
Every time I smoke weed I turn into a Ricky alt    06/13/24  (31)
hagmaxxed and mensespilled brother    06/13/24  (4)
the horror is that high IQ whites really do make the best cultures    06/13/24  (180)
Swift hurts my ears how do people listen to this $hit :(    06/13/24  (1)
Is T Swift swifter than my nina    06/13/24  (2)
Got TEAR GASSED last night in Lyon    06/13/24  (55)
New One Jew Twenty Monikers cultural program seems to be going great    06/13/24  (2)
Lmao at faggot East Coast fags scared of "black bears"    06/13/24  (18)
Klebold was an internet poster    06/13/24  (3)
Boomerboat gets jumped and stabbed in North Canada    06/13/24  (2)
New Caledonia (France) is nice..middle of the pacific yet fine wine & cheese    06/13/24  (2)
Bank robber doc on Netflix is 170 imho    06/13/24  (3)
loaded up the same porn vid 3x today, ended up jerking to other bs everytime    06/13/24  (1)
Are ya'll wearing a buttplug rn or what    06/13/24  (2)
Paid myself 7.1 million so far this year (CSLG)    06/13/24  (30)
1488 kill every man and woman who isn't me    06/13/24  (1)
Rate Meriwether Lewis' 1805 descriptions of encounters with Grizz    06/13/24  (37)
keWL BewB piX    06/13/24  (1)
Respect people who brag way more than people who humble brag    06/13/24  (1)
rug on wall for greatly home value?    06/13/24  (3)
10% of French land is in South America ? Fraud?    06/13/24  (1)
Worth it to stay together for the kid(s)?    06/13/24  (17)
I've been a failure at everything in my life. Crazy that only I know    06/13/24  (5)
traditional, conservative, reserved male-male ass play    06/13/24  (6)
Entering the WSOP $250k high roller hold ‘em tournament tomorrow. (CSLG)    06/13/24  (3)
Aussie snow bunnies    06/13/24  (1)
I'm a fake brothers    06/13/24  (4)
Evan39, describe the flavor of Bboom's jizz    06/13/24  (2)
Do you know any men who use their wives maiden name lol    06/13/24  (1)
Jfc autoadmit is so boring now    06/13/24  (4)
i have to get away from the screens very soon    06/13/24  (25)
artsy suicidal emo gf wearing galaxy leggings and an owl necklace    06/13/24  (5)
2024 is basically already over    06/13/24  (8)
It’s crazy how GOP VPOTUS nominee is still a complete mystery at this point    06/13/24  (26)
My neighbor's dog just got taken by the gestapo    06/13/24  (4)
Xbox Series X|S vs PS5 (funy story)    06/13/24  (1)
"Yeah? Well what KIND of pumo are you?"    06/13/24  (3)
OYT/evan39 do you like my 32x threading    06/13/24  (11)
xo poaster threatens an FBI agent    06/13/24  (4)
Bad phenotypes emit waves of psychic malaise to surroundings    06/13/24  (53)
The winter never ends on the Norwegian Empire    06/13/24  (1)
Most nonsensical/deranged nation with a territory/dependency 1/2 around globe?    06/13/24  (1)
The Tamil Tom DeLonge playing in the Bengali Blink-182 band    06/13/24  (5)
PS5 Fans Beg Sony for a More Fulfilling Livestream in the Aftermath of Xbox Show    06/13/24  (6)
1976 last election w/o a Bush, Clinton, or Biden. O what a democracy!    06/13/24  (6)
Scenes from an Italian Restaurant - Middle Aged Dad Jam Band [feat "Weird Al" Ya    06/13/24  (6)
Butthole Baron    06/13/24  (1)
Stinker Claus    06/13/24  (2)
Lol just a bunch of thieves you're slaving for..veddy sad& fuck amerikkka    06/13/24  (2)
how obvious is a guy going to strip clubs in gym shorts?    06/13/24  (17)
Mainlining tp giving you a "pep talk"    06/13/24  (2)
Whitey has got to fucking go    06/13/24  (1)
The hottest American women/girls were not even passable not long ago ljl    06/13/24  (6)
"Please teach my creepy middle aged Jewish son how to rizz"    06/13/24  (3)
The "homeless" in America are given phone&food card which is traded 4 drugs    06/13/24  (16)
Why did/are you wasting life on pure fraud?    06/13/24  (10)
Most Americans are truly pathetic&accepting this fraud shit with no resistance    06/13/24  (14)
TT what are you doing to celebrate amerikkkan flag day tomorrow?    06/13/24  (3)
just beat baldurs gate 3, the game was 180 af, ending was rushed    06/13/24  (1)
prediction: RSF Will finally have kids next year at age 47    06/13/24  (2)
New FizzKidd LP dropped    06/13/24  (16)
Stop the fraud in its tracks. You stupid sheep. Do something about it. Wake up    06/13/24  (3)
Housebroken lab friend claims 'lab leak' theory is DEBUNKED    06/13/24  (14)
Protip: dress like"Bennett" from "Commando" at work    06/13/24  (4)
Vote vinyl vs hardwood vs engineered wood in manhattan    06/13/24  (34)
devastating compilation of Luka Doncic’s defensive skills (link)    06/13/24  (1)
XO ROAD TRIP to South of France starts TOMORROW (RSF)    06/13/24  (76)
is Shanghai a cr place to visit?    06/13/24  (10)
The Weimar Republic of the USA -- Biden: Hindenburg as Trump:Hitler?    06/13/24  (1)
Yo FizzKidd want to get railed by a 41yo white guy that likes classical music    06/13/24  (25)
Seems Pretty obvious to me which regular poster the colon cancer guy is    06/13/24  (26)
Mike Fart gets a big boner when I rip a stinker in his face.    06/13/24  (44)
Why not just nuke both Palestine and Israel?    06/13/24  (2)
Sitting in cash the last year and a half. LMAO    06/13/24  (24)
Zoomer Neale Hurston: Their Screens Were Watching God    06/13/24  (5)
Noticed something at the gym — white people smell like shit    06/13/24  (9)
'thee you on a bark night' (lab friend going as grimes for howloween)    06/13/24  (14)
*ricky zonked out in a k-hole* luis: "u ever tried dark chocolate?"    06/13/24  (27)
The “Stunning” Job Losses in Hollywood (LA Times)    06/13/24  (51)
Should I go to sweetgreen today. Haven’t been in 4-5 years    06/13/24  (11)
Kill Tony is a 180 show    06/13/24  (10)
NVDA is dead (link)    06/13/24  (1)
TT and nyuug's argument is that white culture sucks because of brown people    06/13/24  (14)
How many people actually care about the MCU plot lines?    06/13/24  (25)
how the furk is jamaal bowman not in jail rn???    06/13/24  (6)
Talladega Screens: The Texting of Swarthy Lantinx Zoomers    06/13/24  (1)
Screens Wide Open    06/13/24  (5)
Biden 's security agreement with Ukraine may have staying power - link    06/13/24  (1)
Don't Tell Mom the Screen's Dead    06/13/24  (2)
Lab friend won't shut up about dogpill    06/13/24  (18)
Adobe up 16% after earnings, literally every STOCK pumping cause of "AI"    06/13/24  (7)
My Big Fat Greek Screen    06/13/24  (2)
Ricky can I get a look at your posted in/by you    06/13/24  (17)
Kamala Harris is a pretty S. Asian woman, but she’s no TBF/TT, aesthetically    06/13/24  (5)
Biden now sending doppelgangers with masks to take interviews (link)    06/13/24  (2)
CSLG Paid Himself 62x what I made in wages first half of 2024    06/13/24  (2)
already sent 67 emails in June, calling a lid on this month    06/13/24  (1)
I hate how the high end XO poaster market is now diluted by AI    06/13/24  (4)
Karen, you fat bitch, lick my ass    06/13/24  (9)
#1 dating priority for girls: that you appear dangerous to other men    06/13/24  (14)
Protip: ancient civilizations were abandoned because they sucked    06/13/24  (7)
Alligators don’t necessarily know they have big jaws    06/13/24  (5)
Kamala is furking sitting pretty right now    06/13/24  (15)
Are athletes underpaid?    06/13/24  (15)
A View to a Screen    06/13/24  (18)
New Horror Flick: The Hills Have Eyes Glued to Screens    06/13/24  (3)
Is TBF in jail? He hasn't poasted in months    06/13/24  (18)
"A. I." *crowd cheers, stock goes up 20%*    06/13/24  (5)
been on the phone with my insurance company for nearly 6 hours today    06/13/24  (2)
sent like 10 emails today. exhausted.    06/13/24  (23)
My New Years Resolution is to be a non-consumer    06/13/24  (8)
Tesla's unsold inventory is creating stockpiles you can see from space    06/13/24  (1)
Daily Reminder: RCP "poll averages" are right wing bullshit, were off in 2022    06/13/24  (1)
DrakeMallard blushing when his bubbe calls him boychik in front of friends    06/13/24  (12)
Russiacucks how do you respond to this?    06/13/24  (33)
Gaetz: Trump trashed Ukraine aid during GOP meeting - link    06/13/24  (11)
i lost track of who everyone else is on xo and i dont think it'll ever change    06/13/24  (216)
Neurotic rumination over mundane social interactions tp    06/13/24  (4)
Law firm marketing: Firm is commented to this Market! They leased an office!    06/13/24  (1)
Alligators now eating HOMELESS in Florida. (DM)    06/13/24  (5)
rate this pic of Rishi rizzin Meloni    06/13/24  (5)
is Wegman's credited    06/13/24  (3)
Macron rules out resigning, ‘whatever the result’ of French election (link    06/13/24  (2)
99.99% psychologically condition to approve of Fraud and smile    06/13/24  (5)
Karen's slime can easily be used as an industrial solvent    06/13/24  (1)
Telehealth Startup Executives Charged With Fraud Over Adderall Prescriptions    06/13/24  (2)
Why is Tesla stock going up again? Company has garbage mgmt, products    06/13/24  (48)

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