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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
you getting in on GME pt 2?    05/14/24  (2)
The more I learn about the Trump trial the more I realize its all fraud and lies    05/14/24  (32)
There is a freight train of election audits coming (lsd)    05/14/24  (53)
πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ Big party when Trump is declared winner later this year! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰    05/14/24  (3)
Ceiling Fan: Separate Switch For Light & Fan -- CR Or Is Same Switch CR?    05/14/24  (9)
There will be a LOT more whistleblowers coming (lsd)    05/14/24  (112)
Cons remember your “audits”?    05/14/24  (1)
Had my son take a container of my weekend stew over to my buddy    05/14/24  (57)
They are meme stocking you out of cheap bitcoin    05/14/24  (1)
Little fucker and I just wrote our own latest chapter of Jacktales    05/14/24  (64)
So Trump not being able to campaign & say stupid shit -> up 8 on Biden?    05/14/24  (2)
No AZ audit chatter? Hmph.    05/14/24  (147)
All these people testifying under oath that Trump cheated on his wife    05/14/24  (32)
Tried to play “The Aristocrats” with the little fucker but ran and hid    05/14/24  (8)
Rate this map of test scores by county in the United States    05/14/24  (28)
Pervy sex-addicted nymphomaniac can't stop touching herself (NY Post)    05/14/24  (9)
jet lagged little fucker ran into my bedroom at 6 am today, jumping and screamin    05/14/24  (27)
Just making Trump sit in a room he doesn’t want to be in every day is 180    05/14/24  (2)
What was the cultural impact of Mr. Big - "To Be With You" (1992)    05/14/24  (4)
I just made equity partner at Jackson Lewis. I’m so proud of myself.    05/14/24  (13)
They don’t have Trump on tape specifically admitting every element of the crim    05/14/24  (4)
Every industry short on workers, hiring anybody off the street. No litigators    05/14/24  (2)
3 cops shot dead in France; bus passenger films the gunmen:    05/14/24  (4)
Just read jacktales to the little fucker. lol he didnt know what hit him.    05/14/24  (57)
Will housing prices ever go down?    05/14/24  (48)
Being a lawn guy beats grilling, golfing, or snobby beer tasting.    05/14/24  (9)
“Gaming” is at the lowest point it’s ever been in my lifetime right now    05/14/24  (8)
Fun fact: Conseula would JUMP to sell silver to Germanus for 3 nomismata    05/14/24  (74)
Failed HS pre calc and 25 years later it STILL haunts me    05/14/24  (11)
Markets should have big swings every day, these flat days are BORING    05/14/24  (24)
“Jinx, wait, I haven’t put the lube on ye—HYUNGHHHHHHHH!!!”
   05/14/24  (14)
Only legit movie stars under 30 are Timothee and Zendaya    05/14/24  (21)
Whok shouting "AAOW!" like James Brown as Jinx's cock slips in    05/14/24  (7)
We haven't heard from TommyT in a while 😬    05/14/24  (4)
ITT we list people who did nothing wrong    05/14/24  (11)
Not trying to be a dick, but my kids are better than yours. They just are.    05/14/24  (2)
whats the difference between schizoid and aspergers?    05/14/24  (9)
Orcs get destroyed by Mark Cuban email response (link    05/14/24  (8)
ITT post the knife you plan on carrying tomorrow.    05/14/24  (16)
Found dirte tp’s twitter. He’s doing great    05/14/24  (1)
Should I buy a new car? Details inside.    05/14/24  (30)
40 years old, started railing ritalin nightly, rate my life    05/14/24  (7)
I emailed Mark Cuban to confirm it was really his Substack account who replied    05/14/24  (63)
sell used diaper$ online for jew money? (Boom)    05/14/24  (8)
lol whok, Wolves buttfuckin Jokic like Jinx does to u    05/14/24  (5)
Headed to XO Japan, taking Qs (RSF)    05/14/24  (13)
So "Jokic's" reign is already over & Anthony Edwards is going to be Jordan II?    05/14/24  (8)
Anyone else know guys who turned super beta/lib after marriage and kids?    05/14/24  (58)
Remember how, in 2015-16, Y Combinator went into an all-out war with PENSIVE?    05/14/24  (3)
Home prices now falling toward record lows    05/14/24  (1)
good morning    05/14/24  (1)
*u and ur anarcho-communist gf shouting ISRAEL WILL FALL at the college hillel*    05/14/24  (6)
“Poaster? What part of the bort are your people from?”    05/14/24  (1)
ricky sold his soul for two tabs of acid and a mcdouble    05/14/24  (3)
It's even worse than you think tp    05/14/24  (1)
Lindsey Graham: Israel should be allowed to use nukes on Gaza    05/14/24  (9)
The Beatles escaped boomer band status    05/14/24  (3)
White self-determination and existence runs through Israel (Consuela substack)    05/14/24  (1)
it’s disgusting how spaceporn normalizes homosexual rape of minor children    05/14/24  (8)
Fuentes attacks Hamas    05/14/24  (7)
Germline engineering for hot slutty bimbos and genius chads nationalism.    05/14/24  (3)
Aleksandar RankoviΔ‡ did nothing wrong    05/14/24  (1)
bout to have a large can of Dinty Moore stew. earl you ain't got shit on this    05/14/24  (2)
XO loves pro-muslims now    05/14/24  (56)
trump secretly being recorded: "i committed 34 felonies"    05/14/24  (3)
North Korea testing 12-barrel rocket artillery system in Ukraine    05/14/24  (6)
Little fucker is about to chow down on some extra chunky homemade stew    05/14/24  (7)
Erdogan: Over 1,000 Hamas members being treated in hospitals in Turkey    05/14/24  (3)
Jack off to all over your high school yearbook?    05/14/24  (8)
it once rained for 2 million years (link)    05/14/24  (16)
Humanity is fraud..just complains with no plan to fix    05/14/24  (1)
Boomers are frauds aren't they.. everyone after them makes less is more educated    05/14/24  (2)
Nothing is adding up..you just aren't fucking    05/14/24  (5)
Twitter fingers turn to chicken fingers. You're getting bodied by a eating nigga    05/14/24  (1)
the horror is that high IQ whites really do make the best cultures    05/14/24  (167)
List other retarded stuff besides reddit and quora?    05/14/24  (4)
Fucklaw: shouldn't US PISA scores be dropping since it's getting browner    05/14/24  (6)
why do most people prefer to buy non-organic milk?    05/14/24  (3)
So GPT 4o can listen, see, and converse in real time? WTF    05/14/24  (14)
what prole chicken sandwich or chicken fingers should i get    05/14/24  (19)
The advertising industry in India seems a lot more intense than in the west:    05/14/24  (8)
Man with no friends giggling to himself because he typed "asking for a friend"    05/14/24  (4)
asian pussy asian pussy asian pussy asian pussy asian pussy asian pussy asian    05/14/24  (9)
ITT: We list the posters who are the most "offputting"    05/14/24  (25)
I fucking hate my wife. If you’re single don’t bother with marriage    05/14/24  (47)
Libs almost panicking about the audit(s)    05/14/24  (116)
IS OUR STRENGTH    05/14/24  (2)
nic pizza (true detective) doing movie with xo vince vaughn and xo shane gillis    05/14/24  (1)
Boom are women lying whores?    05/14/24  (3)
"hot sauce" is nigh unfathomably prole    05/14/24  (2)
Is podcasting a uniquely Anglo-American phenomenon?    05/14/24  (38)
FizzKidd would rather chase $15k NW Karlstack than $150mm NW exeunt    05/14/24  (88)
seems Karslstack is getting the attention of professional shitlib trolls    05/14/24  (1)
Has TDNW tp been formally diagnosed with autism?    05/14/24  (2)
Is holding a vote before the Tribal Assembly on a "holy day" even improper?    05/14/24  (2)
Animals are spying on you, but not on behalf of the government    05/14/24  (2)
siomethign really gay about this young OKC team    05/14/24  (1)
I get hard knowing all these shrews will die alone 18000000    05/14/24  (4)
just bought 2 strains of weed from my lesbian neighbor    05/14/24  (1)
Biden accidentally (?) calls Ilhan Omar "my great friend Mullah Omar"    05/14/24  (4)
Scott Steiner tears into Ric Flair on Monday Night Nitro    05/14/24  (3)
I get at least 10 messages a day on Grindr from dudes begging to suck my dick    05/13/24  (27)
"FUUUUUCK LIBS!" Henry Aaron shrieks as he's airlifted onto a Whale's dick    05/13/24  (14)
death wish    05/13/24  (1)
Are there any thread topics that don't cause nyuug to lollercaust hard?    05/13/24  (5)
Cory Booker is a black man who tried desperately to be Jewish.    05/13/24  (1)
Certified shitlawyer? Certified pedophile. (Kendrick Lamar)    05/13/24  (1)
TikTok whore slimes gym equipment    05/13/24  (5)
Never seen a US ambassador make a campaign ad before - video    05/13/24  (9)
Smoke-Filled Skies Leave Midwest Fearing Another Season of Polluted Air    05/13/24  (1)
this hostel has a bad raccoon problem    05/13/24  (5)
Evolutionary theorists: confirm that this is how you believe whales evolved    05/13/24  (6)
Sorry Sir your 7 year arousal cycle's apogee is breaking the networks    05/13/24  (6)
Rate this warning from the White House    05/13/24  (2)
This is how science says whales evolved.    05/13/24  (1)
Most consequential casting decision in history    05/13/24  (44)
Samuel Colt died of gout at the age of 47.    05/13/24  (1)
make it make sense    05/13/24  (1)
I want to live. I want to give. I've been a miner of poasts of gold.    05/13/24  (1)
ramen noodles are still 180 to me    05/13/24  (1)
Melinda Gates played it 180    05/13/24  (9)
Trump trial predictions: conviction or no?    05/13/24  (17)
That boomer idiot couple you know with 1.5 million dollar House    05/13/24  (23)
Bill Burr completely destroys Bill Maher for supporting Israel    05/13/24  (22)
She placed my hand on my wife's penis, and my wife's hand on my pussy.    05/13/24  (1)
Asian women jogging to assfaggots apartment like relievers from bullpen    05/13/24  (16)
why do blacks attack total strangers    05/13/24  (16)
Tawnee Stone is a grandmother    05/13/24  (12)
How do 2 SEALs get lost in the water?    05/13/24  (42)
U.N. Cuts "Gaza Health Ministry" Death Toll Figures by Half lmao    05/13/24  (2)
Sounds like Biden will let Israel have 500 lb but not 2k lb bombs    05/13/24  (1)
"doordash" is such a SPS scam waste    05/13/24  (121)
kevin spacey jerked off in a theater during opening scene of saving private ryan    05/13/24  (1)
Not 1 but two of my enemies died gruesomely    05/13/24  (2)
Crazy that HS girls post things like this on Instagram    05/13/24  (15)
We groypers now, right bros?    05/13/24  (3)
Trump has dementia and is experiencing rapid mental deterioration (daily mail)    05/13/24  (4)
Chomsky called Karlstack “some homo horseshit” in Paris Review (link    05/13/24  (2)
Cougars have made it to the midwest, Wisconsin, Michigan...    05/13/24  (3)
Someone to lovingly grill your corpse after your death    05/13/24  (3)
"Round of Applause" by Waka Flocka is 180000    05/13/24  (1)
And why Vaporeon not Gothorita or Jynx? --hello, who just joined?    05/13/24  (5)
High Noons are a 180 jewscam    05/13/24  (8)
Sick of this bullcrap    05/13/24  (1)
Feeding instructions into ChatGPT to create TBF poasts    05/13/24  (42)
Western game developers are retarded and suck at making games atm    05/13/24  (32)
When did Jewish high IQ emerge?    05/13/24  (32)
Nick Fuentes seems pretty cr. Do you guys listen to his podcasts?    05/13/24  (13)

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