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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
cr to take up polo to impress chicks?    05/10/24  (13)
Liquid Swords by GZA is the most underrated rap album of all time    05/10/24  (9)
One penis, two glans (pic)    05/10/24  (2)
Watch Tyson drop Larry "They Fairy" Holmes into the spirit realm    05/10/24  (2)
Autoadmit has taught me everything I know about Asian cultures    05/10/24  (36)
The Tamil Denis Villeneuve on finding inspiration in computer forums (link)    05/10/24  (2)
Rachmiel is the main protag of this Star Trek holodeck    05/10/24  (22)
How is Rachmiel not worth 3.2 billion?    05/10/24  (1)
Who is the most famous basketball player of all time?    05/10/24  (21)
Trump reveals Barron is now his chief advisor    05/10/24  (4)
Rate the reading skills of this diploma presenter - link    05/10/24  (3)
How is Michael Jordan worth 3.2 billion?    05/10/24  (35)
One tit, TWO nipples (pic)    05/10/24  (1)
Fizzkidd how is your vag smelling this evening?    05/10/24  (3)
Are you allowed to turn down sex at Steamworks?    05/10/24  (11)
rate these big tittied jewesses (pic)    05/10/24  (56)
Ukraine buying 60 percent of Chinese drones manufactured - link    05/10/24  (1)
Autoadmit poasting was always about typing “I love men” 🌺    05/10/24  (23)
cr to take up poasting to impress chicks?    05/10/24  (3)
180 thing about this Israeli war is it has brought disparate groups together    05/10/24  (32)
I found the official xo music video    05/10/24  (5)
TV in bedroom - prole?    05/10/24  (13)
FizzKidd had problems with talking to boys; she was lonely and tired and sad    05/10/24  (2)
Andrew Huberman doesn’t understand statistics (video)    05/10/24  (22)
I worked with this black girl in a warehouse for like 2 days (gibberish)    05/10/24  (32)
Jamie Dimon: How is Michael Jordan worth $3.2 billion?    05/10/24  (5)
Saying 100% objective things like AIPAC has too much influence = antisemitism?    05/10/24  (25)
It's funny you can basically fuck people over for $100,00 with no reprucussion    05/10/24  (1)
I smoked my first Philly to this poast. Never been the same.    05/10/24  (1)
St. Peter hitting you with multiple fun Talmud hypos    05/10/24  (2)
Just bullshit haters a 90yo Jordan would kick all these frauds asses    05/10/24  (1)
Why wld a 40-ish Unmarried Male get a furking Vasectomy?    05/10/24  (27)
what are good things to buy to improve quality of life    05/10/24  (51)
"Band 3 on Chambers and Partners?" St. Peter scoffed.    05/10/24  (1)
"40" isn't out of diapers in "2024" everything will be able to be regrow soon    05/10/24  (2)
Rate this extremely sexy woman going on a hunger strike for Gaza    05/10/24  (10)
I'm staying 8 min walk from US Embassy in Tehran    05/10/24  (47)
Civil War was only okay but a good “screw journalists” movie    05/10/24  (1)
can you fix her? (pic)    05/10/24  (19)
"Japanese Business" guy on TikTok/YouTube is blowing up, its mostly abt WGWAG    05/10/24  (2)
Your lovely California has thrown 10s of billions+&made homelessness worse    05/10/24  (1)
All of these places XO&the masses worship are hellholes..    05/10/24  (1)
Not a single "Kansas City" barbecue joint made the top 5 lol go San Antonio    05/10/24  (2)
We will bump this thread every day until DrakeMallard returns to xoxo    05/10/24  (144)
wtf jim simons named DNC as sole beneficiary of his estate (link)    05/10/24  (1)
"Jet Business" guy on TikTok/YouTube is blowing up, its mostly abt HEIGHT    05/10/24  (27)
DNC planning out of this world ballot harvesting more "votes" than resident$    05/10/24  (6)
Robert Malley, the son of a leftist, Jewish, Egyptian-born journalist, is the fo    05/10/24  (3)
Cliffs on why everyone is hating on gunneratttt lately?    05/10/24  (54)
Lol at xo claiming it's great to sign death warrant at 23 loans/marriage/kid    05/10/24  (26)
Your fat jewess netflix gf asking u if you like her tits more than Abby Shapiros    05/10/24  (5)
You were sold a bunch of fraud by lessers to eliminate competition    05/10/24  (1)
saw a dove flying & remembered Trump the Peaceful    05/10/24  (23)
Drop em out let me see those knockers let me get a good look at those big ham ho    05/10/24  (1)
you were born close to Pearl Harbor than to today    05/10/24  (6)
Nothing the masses worship is hard..it's all bullshit the way it's portrayed    05/10/24  (1)
animeboi, who is this giga-faggot that leaves a . on all of his replies    05/10/24  (26)
Is 10/7 one of the most successful military ops in history    05/10/24  (2)
How are all these tech founders also good at running businesses    05/10/24  (5)
do any non libs ask republican politicians wtf they're doing    05/10/24  (5)
waifish girls with aryan guys    05/10/24  (7)
Prole tell - thinking jewish people are smart    05/10/24  (11)
What do you think the odds are that the Alaska Hawaiian acquisition will close    05/10/24  (5)
I always lol when I see a lawyer pull up in a BMW    05/10/24  (27)
OOPS huge tits bursting out    05/10/24  (18)
Video chat with Candace Owens for only 5 grand a minute - link    05/10/24  (4)
Karen, you left your Valtrex on my dashboard    05/10/24  (5)
Cool shirt    05/10/24  (3)
Jim Simons dead. Will Rentech be revealed as a Ponzi?    05/10/24  (26)
wesley yang tp plz stop reposting karlstack, he's not gonna fuck you    05/10/24  (2)
Wilbur Mercer tp wtf is up with all of these trannys in high level military jobs    05/10/24  (3)
Jamie Dimon: I like physical silver. Mountains of silver.    05/10/24  (1)
Jamie Dimon: America is fucked based on its debt in about 10 years    05/10/24  (90)
Jamie Dimon: Store your dollars in the windowsill    05/10/24  (1)
Gibberish did you listen to the red scare episode with Steve Sailer    05/10/24  (1)
I'm just sick and tired of jews controlling everything and promoting evil stuff    05/10/24  (2)
Houston lawyer KILLED in McDonald's dispute    05/10/24  (116)
need to buy some sexy lingerie for my chubby asian wife    05/10/24  (12)
How to summon the will to continue living once drained of your virility?    05/10/24  (7)
As an impartial observer, what is the controversy about spaceporn?    05/10/24  (51)
Zero girls at the house (wife and daughters)...pizza tracker?    05/10/24  (1)
Holy shit these stats about women's economic influence. We live in a gynocracy.    05/10/24  (6)
My first thought every morning is: “I don’t want to be alive anymore”    05/10/24  (16)
I just put a couple silver dollars in my windowsill to see if they tone    05/10/24  (8)
Karlstack = scum    05/10/24  (2)
Has GC killed circuses yet?    05/10/24  (5)
How do lawyers deal with the added stress of supporting families?    05/10/24  (17)
So Consuela went all in because he thought normal function of markets = fraud?    05/10/24  (19)
Gibberish, why are you an alcoholic?    05/10/24  (30)
I let a tranny touch my peepee and finger my butt (evan39)    05/10/24  (17)
Bussy Riot    05/10/24  (2)
Is classifying payment for NDA as "legal expenses" even improper?    05/10/24  (8)
Cowgod, what’s the worst Final Fantasy game    05/10/24  (5)
Is holding a vote before the Tribal Assembly on a "holy day" even improper?    05/10/24  (1)
Why do jewish people love wars so much? seriously WTF?    05/10/24  (6)
Praying tonight’s solar storm fries all electronics on Earth    05/10/24  (1)
Best part of Tom Brady roast: don't mock Bob Kraft! My kids? All night bros    05/10/24  (8)
Turns out orc golf carts offer little protection from machine guns (vid)    05/10/24  (2)
Ever take a shit so perfect I grab it with ur bare hand?    05/10/24  (243)
Rate this incoming Colorado -Boulder freshman    05/10/24  (4)
You couldn’t get life insurance if I tried    05/10/24  (1)
Looking back at school yearbooks..could've had great life&made it to top:(    05/10/24  (18)
All the wrongs will be righted from all past    05/10/24  (10)
Hey friends all the damage that's possible has been done to me! Come at me    05/10/24  (1)
The San Antonio Football team !    05/10/24  (2)
How did you allow yourself to get so far behind? Or are you good?    05/10/24  (1)
When you had it all&fall between lowest of low..wow bullet ot fight?    05/10/24  (1)
Planet Fitness losing subscribers over trans shaving in women's locker room    05/10/24  (4)
Gunneratttt gets more pussy than you. Deal with it.    05/10/24  (2)
now I understand why Candy Rode hates gunneratttt (gooneratttt) so much    05/10/24  (17)
Cash grab plaintiffs bros, any way to sue this storage company?    05/10/24  (44)
UNC Chapel Hill Streaking Tradition! Rate cocks and phenotypes ITT    05/10/24  (8)
12yo you, seeing you now & fighting back tears- "why doesnt he fight back"    05/10/24  (261)
Why is TSINAH literally taking shits at Yale University?    05/10/24  (3)
you say "i'm gay", but is all this just about sex for you?    05/10/24  (1)
liszts st francis preaching to The Birds playing as birds tp blank bumps ur thr    05/10/24  (12)
Why are you doing this to yourselves? I'm all for you    05/10/24  (5)
Cheated/wasted..things should not be this way..top progress is being forced    05/10/24  (5)
Yale is awful, holy shit    05/10/24  (10)
Taking a shit at Woolsey Hall (TSINAH)    05/10/24  (2)
REMINDER: ur tax dollars funding rich ppl in Israel as Americans starve    05/10/24  (2)
The jewish billionaire will shriek if you make an antisemitism thought crime    05/10/24  (2)
>>>This "Basilisk of Banking" opened an after-hours 3rd place for at risk inner    05/10/24  (1)
Mental Health Protip: sit in room,drink vodka, think abt everyone whos wronged u    05/10/24  (163)
Jews (2% of population, 40% of elected officials) hissing about democracy    05/10/24  (3)
They control everything. Time to GBTI. Proof ITT    05/10/24  (2)
Youppi!    05/10/24  (1)
Is there gas in the car *benzo* there was gas in the carrrrrrr    05/10/24  (1)
Im going to spend $70k to convert my pool into an "in-door" pool    05/10/24  (5)
>>>Will Musk ever achieve Mars? 68 journalists question project substrate    05/10/24  (1)
>>>Grief on the ARPAnet Productions Floor: A Negevflix Original    05/10/24  (1)
Northern Canada is just like 1840s frontier, why not hie    05/10/24  (33)
Anyone else know guys who turned super beta/lib after marriage and kids?    05/10/24  (57)
Matt Damon: Wrote and starred in Good Will Hunting @ 24. You: poast    05/10/24  (9)
I'm doing all good in this world..doing my part and it will all work out(Boom)    05/10/24  (2)
Going to the XO South of France tomorrow, Soo CR! (RSF)    05/10/24  (25)
Classic MLB brawl from 1986, Reds (Eric Davis) vs Mets (Ray Knight)    05/10/24  (10)
35 y/o ibanker dies after 100 hour work week makes his heart explode (nypost)    05/10/24  (32)
Senator Tom Cotton: Target Israel and we will target you.    05/10/24  (30)
Man in Full - Netflix show based on Tom Wolfe novel    05/10/24  (7)
If you’re not watching the show Patriot on Prime ur literally insane and gay    05/10/24  (20)
Question for all you silver owners: is windowsill toning natural toning?    05/10/24  (2)
doodikoff bumble AI breaking its programming, refusing to buy croissant    05/10/24  (2)
ur old: weezer blue album is 30yo today    05/10/24  (19)
big titted jewess tp    05/10/24  (1)
meaty, fish-scented pissflaps    05/10/24  (36)
I don’t get why people rag on public school so much    05/10/24  (22)
doodikoff's ai dating concierge asking him how he feels about ruined orgasms    05/10/24  (4)
Bumble: future of dating is your AI dating another's AI until u find a match    05/10/24  (39)

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