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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Bad news cons. George Conway says you’ll need to be deprogrammed like 1984    06/08/24  (24)
Biglaw starts at 225k and is 550k only 8 years in..easy $ for 0 work at desk    06/08/24  (5)
I literally hate everyone/everything proles/poors worship..complete fools    06/08/24  (3)
evan39 all a bunch of sick fraud shit    06/08/24  (3)
evan39 ever had a coworker "win" money "gambling"&cum back begging 4 job?    06/08/24  (1)
"America" did not "create" 227,000 "jobs" in May    06/08/24  (7)
So why is this ugly Caitlin Clark bitch famous?    06/08/24  (7)
PSA nice housing is still not affordable    06/08/24  (44)
Jeffrey Epstein’s ghost: “Haha, we genociding & u can’t do nuthin    06/08/24  (1)
Seeking Edible Arrangement is a cannibal matchmaking service    06/08/24  (4)
Does anyone have a list of TOMMY TURDSKIN MONIKERS?    06/08/24  (387)
evan39, rate John Adams' grandson's views on Jewry    06/08/24  (6)
Drunkard how do you adjust the idle on a 2015 Mazda 3?    06/08/24  (5)
Pretty sure I suffered a hiatal hernia while taking a massive shit    06/08/24  (1)
From the River to the Sea, Pajeet Shall Shit With Glee    06/08/24  (1)
I’s the firstest with the mostest when I fought for Bedford Forrest    06/08/24  (5)
Funniest thing is I can’t believe “incel” is any sort of thing    06/08/24  (2)
From the river to the sea, convert to Christianity    06/08/24  (4)
man they did Feech La Manna real dirty    06/08/24  (1)
Unintended consequence of Covid censorship backfire Al Jazeera and pro Palestine    06/08/24  (4)
Joe Biden shits himself at D-Day    06/08/24  (74)
🚨 New Columbia Law Review statement 🚨    06/08/24  (4)
'Go fuck yourself!' 'I just did.' '.. What?'    06/08/24  (3)
russians are getting smoked in their own backyard now (video)    06/08/24  (1)
Penetrative homosexual sex us both wrong and scarring    06/08/24  (23)
Wake up you angry, lying and cheating fraud fucks!    06/08/24  (2)
TT's Twitter account was taken down by Mossad (proof)    06/08/24  (18)
Sport fraud/Tay Tay/casino/lotto/junk food taking all retarded masses money    06/08/24  (2)
Always shit people..haters&frauds no matter when and where    06/08/24  (1)
ATACMS daylight arrival on Russian base - video    06/08/24  (9)
lil worried about my bud whose been getting into "coin dealing"    06/08/24  (1)
BTR-82 fucking OBLITERATES Bradley in close combat (video)    06/08/24  (5)
the point of life is to masturbate and have fun    06/08/24  (5)
You can always be your “hometown” age    06/08/24  (1)
AZN Pussy Made Me GAY: An Autobiography    06/08/24  (3)
Wow I can make $175k as a UPS! Btw your body breaks down at 32!    06/08/24  (7)
How are the masses so fucked in the head? I wouldn't pay penny 2 support anythin    06/08/24  (3)
Can't tell the truth anywhere except here..but need to run the retards off    06/08/24  (3)
Do “scholars” still think their work is important?    06/08/24  (1)
Was Hitler right?(evan39)    06/08/24  (74)
Cowstack everything is individual..I'm literally fresh completely alone fresh    06/08/24  (6)
I call flame on this age bs&other shit..hometown looks no different since baby    06/08/24  (2)
White "judges" sure do give blacks harsh sentences for nothing    06/08/24  (7)
TT why don't you run an insurance $cam like C$LG friend?    06/08/24  (16)
im sad. let’s talk bros.    06/08/24  (26)
any downside to taking steroids in your 40s? paging hegemon    06/08/24  (12)
227,000 blowjobs America=fraudlies we all got cheated    06/08/24  (3)
Most Americans are fat, lazy, wasteful and crooked liars    06/08/24  (6)
172k+++ ups employee hehe    06/08/24  (5)
UPS drivers make well over 170k+++ lol    06/08/24  (15)
WTF - Gamestop is basically manipulating market to save hedge funds    06/08/24  (32)
No Palestinian ever charged me 8.5% on a student loan    06/08/24  (19)
Should I go to Russia midjuly?    06/08/24  (1)
Rate this map of America    06/08/24  (3)
Libs: why is Russia's economy so strong right now? Where are they getting money?    06/08/24  (17)
Civ lit bros, I need some help suing American Airlines    06/08/24  (53)
White people challenged to figure out what black people are saying    06/08/24  (1)
Girl on left seems perfect - sfw    06/08/24  (27)
What is the best green bottle pilsner?    06/08/24  (9)
Good city to buy cash flowing rental properties?    06/08/24  (84)
State your household net worth percentile itt using this calculator    06/08/24  (3)
Judo Gene LeBell made Steven Seagal shit his pants    06/08/24  (1)
Anyone watch Under Siege (1992): seems so easy to take over a Navy ship    06/08/24  (18)
had a nowag yell at me at the library because my keyboard was too loud    06/08/24  (1)
Jaques Cartier was the least prestigious navigator of his era    06/08/24  (3)
How are you bros weathering the Zyn crisis?    06/08/24  (20)
race mixing is disgusting, evil    06/08/24  (1)
Black high school teacher is leading authority on Mongol war tactics (video)    06/08/24  (1)
Reminder: NOTHING has topped Deadwood.    06/08/24  (84)
Trump mistral incoming: juror leaked verdict day before announcement (link)    06/08/24  (36)
Just gave my 7-year old an Apple Watch, she's in heaven    06/08/24  (3)
Rate this mid-30s party girl whose confident in her bikini body    06/08/24  (7)
No Palestinian ever accused you of being Palestinian while denying that he’s P    06/08/24  (2)
Asian fucking pussy    06/08/24  (2)
Should I buy this Morristown, NJ house set on 5.7 acres with a private lake?    06/08/24  (31)
Lord of the Rings plot hole    06/08/24  (28)
Women really are just there to jack off into otherwise what's the point    06/08/24  (1)
One of my biggest pet peeves: eating before sex    06/08/24  (9)
Best book on peloponnesian war?    06/08/24  (10)
Day 2 of no drink done. Anyone else doing a dry June?    06/07/24  (33)
Pizzagate was real; the election was stolen; CIA killed JFK; lab leak was real    06/07/24  (11)
The condition of your asshole = direct correlation w/ yr relationship to Christ    06/07/24  (4)
Lol libs: Hunter Tweets judge "is corrupt," and the AUSA is a "Biden Hater" (lin    06/07/24  (51)
dupa cum ITT    06/07/24  (1)
Trump narrows down list of VP candidates to seven names    06/07/24  (137)
😭 ALEX JONES 😭    06/07/24  (6)
Roaring Kitty seems EXTREMELY mentally ill on his stream today lmao    06/07/24  (28)
How much AZN pussy is there in NYC vs other cities in the US    06/07/24  (21)
'How's *THIS* for a surprise!" Fetterman shouts as he pulls u onto his erection.    06/07/24  (4)
1-bedroom go down in price in MFH?    06/07/24  (18)
Yukmouth ft. Mac Dre - Welcome 2 da Bay.mp3    06/07/24  (1)
*** The JEWISH PEDOPHILE is angry again! ***    06/07/24  (1)
"Correction, your honor. He's a 180 poaster."    06/07/24  (5)
Jeffrey Epstein and Roseanne Barr had a baby named "correction" tp    06/07/24  (43)
Can't wait for another Friday night on the computer    06/07/24  (39)
Amazing stat about Spain - link    06/07/24  (1)
"I don’t HATE them, I just don’t want to LIVE around th—Hi, who just joine    06/07/24  (25)
We started out as just friends. Then I raped you.    06/07/24  (2)
What if Israel knew of the Hamas attack?    06/07/24  (3)
Trump trash: "Fani Willis got free trip" Also: "Clarence Thomas $4m in gifts ok"    06/07/24  (1)
No Palestinian ever told me women can have a dick and balls    06/07/24  (1)
No Palestinian ever DDOS’d my only form of social interaction    06/07/24  (31)
No Palestinian ever told me that FTX and FTX.us were two distinct entities    06/07/24  (25)
No Palestinian ever made me watch 3 shitty hours of Midsommar    06/07/24  (13)
No Palestinian ever photoshopped a transsexual beaver into blues clues    06/07/24  (14)
No Palestinian ever ushered in 6 million illegals in 3 years to our country    06/07/24  (6)
Women have unreasonable dating standards. I make amazing Friday night poasts but    06/07/24  (3)
Spaceporn naked in his bathroom singing "So Fresh, So Clean" by Outkast (video)    06/07/24  (1)
What is the best kind of rape?    06/07/24  (3)
Trey Parker & Matt Stone drop $40 million renovating Casa Bonita    06/07/24  (8)
in 1800s passenger ships sank constantly. like 1 in 4    06/07/24  (4)
i have longevity in this fucking game    06/07/24  (2)
Anthony Fauci is a profoundly evil man.    06/07/24  (6)
" ... for the protein. Hi, who just joined?"    06/07/24  (66)
Real talk: who is more retarded conservatives or liberals?    06/07/24  (3)
laughing at all these losers poasting on a friday night    06/07/24  (9)
"Hi, who just joined?" "It'ssss meee, the virusssss" *everyone disconnects*    06/07/24  (217)
covid mass hysteria was nuts but the George Floyd shit was on another level    06/07/24  (19)
Legal expert says fixing benzo's gaping fuckhole is ‘out of reach’    06/07/24  (5)
Golf bros, I finally caved in and shortened my driver shafts    06/07/24  (10)
1 of 1 you fucking subhuman filth chattel goyim    06/07/24  (1)
On Friday night, a partner died in New York. Someone threw him out of a window    06/07/24  (20)
porn ruined for me: got old, low T, now can't stop imagining the smell    06/07/24  (1)
Hey correction tp, you're a worthless fucking piece of shit, go away    06/07/24  (21)
When you can afford anything, you desire nothing.    06/07/24  (13)
Cali fast food restaurants EXPANDING after $20 min wage law. Fuck cons.    06/07/24  (1)
No Palestinian in biglaw ever left Friday evening and made me work all weekend    06/07/24  (4)
"... and it's all a giant rigged kike casino. Hi! Who just joined?"    06/07/24  (14)
“sure, but SIX MILLION? Gimme a break—hello, who just joined?”    06/07/24  (58)
"It's sunset, so at least we have 24 hours free of their meddling.. who just joi    06/07/24  (14)
"... and then one day, for no reason at all- Hi, who just joined?"    06/07/24  (14)
Did concentration camp tattoos have any consistency or verifiability?    06/07/24  (2)
"... won't survive blacked October. Hello, who just joined?"    06/07/24  (1)
I never want to play golf again    06/07/24  (3)
POLL: Trump conviction has had no impact    06/07/24  (2)
I am selling my coins and giving up on numismatics forever because I’m a retar    06/07/24  (9)
Miss Alabama signs $25,000 porn conract.    06/07/24  (3)
Wife asked me—wouldn’t it be nice to keep something for your sons?    06/07/24  (6)
Anyone else at the state bar annual meeting    06/07/24  (17)
My wife literally put one child to bed, then took the oldes to the pool    06/07/24  (4)
Lifehack: Elective C-Sections    06/07/24  (8)
"I kinda got the ick, Becky. He told me Jews aren't a monolith and aren't all in    06/07/24  (3)
Benzo, at what age was your fuck-hole clinically destroyed?    06/07/24  (1)
We had no idea we were living a good life back then.    06/07/24  (5)
things were magic with this coked out mentally ill cum void    06/07/24  (1)
How many bar complaints have you had?    06/07/24  (1)
ofc dinosaurs are kike flame    06/07/24  (2)
What is the NIGGER situation in Pittsburgh?    06/07/24  (6)
Is Biden further gone mentally than Reagan near the end of his 2nd term?    06/07/24  (6)

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