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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
is Tennessee the most underrated state?    05/24/24  (51)
Suri Cruise looks like an ugly, bloated shitlib even at 18    05/24/24  (13)
Sucking on a monstrously huge dick for two hours straight    05/24/24  (8)
For the first time in 28 years, Super Mario 64 has been beaten without using the    05/24/24  (16)
I'm gonna down this 750ml bottle of White wine @ Turdeep Airport    05/24/24  (14)
Michelle Trachtenberg was an enormous waste of female beauty    05/24/24  (32)
Got a good feeling about the WOLVES this afternoon!    05/24/24  (4)
One Half Of PlayStation Players Still Haven't Upgraded To PS5, 4 years into cycl    05/24/24  (3)
How often do you fear "something terrible" will happen? Never/sometimes/often/al    05/24/24  (5)
ITT post the console you plan on playing tomorrow.    05/24/24  (9)
EPAH got an amazing case vs Apple for you    05/24/24  (2)
Biz Formation Question    05/24/24  (3)
I'm fairly well convinced something catastrophic is going to happen soon    05/24/24  (7)
Sp: Soy un perdedor I'm a ricehoal squancher, so why don't you kill me?    05/24/24  (19)
i got a feeling    05/24/24  (4)
Online celebrity lawyer Nick Rekieta arrested on guns and drug charges:    05/24/24  (24)
hey correction tp, what's your opinion of whokebe?    05/24/24  (7)
bug tp    05/24/24  (10)
Kasich: "Sarah Huckabee Sanders? Was she a... great big fat person?"    05/24/24  (138)
It’s prime drinkin time in Ireland right now lads bottoms up!    05/24/24  (1)
Hey Karlstack, this Harvard prof says faculty should be ALLOWED to plagiarize    05/24/24  (10)
When rach fixes the server this place is going to thrive    05/24/24  (3)
Please be patient I have a boner    05/24/24  (1)
Anyone telling you you couldn't or can't do this or that is a jealous hater    05/24/24  (4)
The AutoAdmit server has been straight aids today    05/24/24  (1)
Just got my "please be patient I have autism" cap    05/24/24  (5)
Trump placing tinier MAGA hat on top of tiny MAGA hat on ZIKAHEAD baby    05/24/24  (21)
Should I do a solo Irish vacay?    05/24/24  (6)
"Buzz buzz"says Kasich sticking the Zika syringe into the pregnant woman's belly    05/24/24  (59)
just copped some fifth row seats to Wolves/Mavs game 2    05/24/24  (9)
BLOODLINES fighting in the minyan / Oh man, look at those accusations go    05/24/24  (1)
still my favorite meme of all time    05/24/24  (1)
Jews seem to operate in a very stress-free way as if they’re assured of outcom    05/24/24  (17)
Retards eat undercooked bear meat, almost killed to death    05/24/24  (1)
Yelling at your TradWife in fluent Cantonese    05/24/24  (21)
Listen to the crap and you were cheated out of it all    05/24/24  (1)
NOWAG doesn't exist in the UK    05/24/24  (17)
one website to figure out which clothing/shoes brands arent SPS chink crap    05/24/24  (2)
Xoxo 2016: “TRUMP TAKING DOWN GC” xo 2024: “oh nice, Blackstone endorsemen    05/24/24  (3)
Notre Dame deserves to suffer    05/24/24  (7)
Trump to America: "Get down!" *fires shotgun at Global Capitalism in hallway*    05/24/24  (233)
Post some cr ska songs ITT to welcome in the warm weather.    05/24/24  (1)
you bodied that poast g    05/24/24  (1)
Freemason hitsquads    05/24/24  (10)
a dual biopic on Jung and Freuds time together would be 180    05/24/24  (11)
I’m taking a stand. Shopping for a second copy atm (FF7)    05/24/24  (2)
When Canceling an Election is Necessary to Save Democracy (NYT)    05/24/24  (4)
there's still time to bet everything u own Colorado State over UTexas week 1    05/24/24  (1)
Tommy now that your idea of Based Iran is dead where does the Hope Lie?    05/24/24  (2)
Morgan Spurlock was a huge vaxxcuck & had the jewish heart attack jabs    05/24/24  (5)
Morgan Spurlock (1970-2024) (Gen X)    05/24/24  (9)
I was always nice to SP and he harassed me for two days straight b4 I retaliated    05/24/24  (26)
Rate this old man commenting on his loneliness and failing health    05/24/24  (12)
I begged my wife to let me buy a Gaming Console, but she refused    05/24/24  (7)
cowgod bingo    05/24/24  (3)
Ricky put down the bong and attend to your bloodline curse    05/24/24  (21)
TBF was right, rednecks are deeply intimidating enemies    05/24/24  (5)
Please Bjork you are only making the bloodline curse worse    05/24/24  (2)
Dentists are always going nuts and getting naked in public    05/24/24  (11)
Anthony Fauci giant molar shaped bedroom set    05/24/24  (3)
Would you rather live inside of a mountain or on the sea floor    05/24/24  (17)
Blackstone CEO backs Trump    05/24/24  (2)
Chudjak Garfield    05/24/24  (2)
Rating poasters as places Johnny Paycheck has molested his son    05/24/24  (110)
Residential Home closing - how much attorney charge?    05/24/24  (7)
'harold lauder' tp = who is this mentally ill freak?    05/24/24  (3)
Who is this "harold lauder" basement virgin NOWAG that has been around for yrs    05/24/24  (8)
my son, aaron, puts alot of effort into posting about consoles on the internet.    05/24/24  (2)
White Boy Sumeria    05/24/24  (2)
Didn’t even realize consuela had sexy underage lithe daughters    05/24/24  (7)
Location of the failed "G-Spot" finally revealed after thousands of years (pic)    05/24/24  (2)
Rate this $1.8 million home in L.A.    05/24/24  (2)
Sega of America CEO charged with Ineffective Assistance of Console    05/24/24  (14)
ricky, the extraction point is compromised. abort. to repeat, abort.    05/24/24  (5)
Karlstack is becoming famous because of Turds    05/24/24  (15)
Hard pressed on my right. My center is yielding. Impossible to maneuver. Situati    05/24/24  (1)
Alien vs Predator but it’s nyuug feuding with spaceporn    05/24/24  (1)
Many zoomers have no console history at all. Just 10 years of iphone games    05/24/24  (10)
   05/24/24  (2)
Best Tom Clancy novel?    05/24/24  (10)
Karlst Ackman    05/24/24  (5)
bad built butch body tp is a hooknosed kike freak    05/24/24  (6)
waking up and thinking "everything i have done up to this point has been shit"    05/24/24  (3)
Local pizzeria exposed for using generic brand string cheeses on their pies.    05/24/24  (1)
FizzKidd put your bloodline curse in the body at 4:45 PM    05/24/24  (1)
Cowgod, rate this redditor's PS5 "mancave"    05/24/24  (1)
URMs/ORMs 100% do not have gens    05/24/24  (2)
The Aristocrats    05/24/24  (2)
What is Midgar an analogue for? (FF7 3/7 megathread)    05/24/24  (20)
sealclubber is laughably bad    05/24/24  (26)
.... "bring in the Blank Rome guys," your GC bellowed    05/24/24  (7)
Spaceporn singing at NAMBLA convention “we will we will squanch you”    05/24/24  (30)
Why do Gen Xers have a monopoly on righteous indignation?    05/24/24  (6)
Incredible work AIPAC    05/24/24  (29)
so FURIOSA: A MAD MAX Saga is a masterpiece? libs?    05/24/24  (7)
Behold, the patron Saint of the Internet    05/24/24  (1)
RATE my new zoomer haircut (Karlstack)    05/24/24  (29)
Insane video of ATACMS wrecking S-400 battery - link    05/24/24  (13)
Trekking to Everest in plus sized Birdshit Body    05/24/24  (1)
He's an easy bumper / He'll bump your shitty poast believe it    05/24/24  (8)
Nothing is as horrific as the reality of female vaginas    05/24/24  (3)
Day of the Jackal (1973) - worth watching?    05/24/24  (16)
The Curse of Shem Ba'al Hadad is keeping me from doing the dishes foid    05/24/24  (2)
The Final Verdict on the Legal Profession    05/24/24  (12)
You gain brouzouf    05/24/24  (4)
cisbigot cisbigot watcha gonna do, watcha gonna do when lynn's troons come 4 u    05/24/24  (4)
Havana - Camila Cabello | Piano Cover    05/24/24  (2)
Karl's tack    05/24/24  (1)
Indian CEOs have completed dominated Gen X    05/24/24  (6)
fuck karlstack    05/24/24  (4)
board gays are you attracted to guys like this? (pic)    05/24/24  (4)
Boomers will posthumously be lionized and Gen X blamed for everything imho    05/24/24  (2)
Devastating Swedenborg treatise about dentistry (link)    05/24/24  (5)
Biden DRAINS entire US Strategic Gasoline Reserve in order to lower prices for e    05/24/24  (29)
What % of Gen X got the vax?    05/24/24  (3)
"Karlstack? What are you 'stacking'?" "Jewish corpses brother"    05/24/24  (24)
State Of AAA Gaming In 2024...    05/24/24  (2)
AAA gaming is in a worrying state    05/24/24  (2)
The current state of AAA Games    05/24/24  (2)
The State of Gaming    05/24/24  (2)
The state of gaming in 2024.    05/24/24  (2)
I want to be obliterated by disco fries falling off a ladder on to me    05/24/24  (2)
Trump desperately and impotently trying to block release of biopic    05/24/24  (1)
Why is a beautiful woman like PF wasting her time on whokebe    05/24/24  (4)
Rate this 1965 PSA film claiming print media/porn was pushing degeneracy    05/24/24  (31)
"Brown Wave" engulfs Atlantic ocean as Modi declares Pajeet Boy Summer (link)    05/24/24  (3)
Reminder: Whok was too stupid to even get into a caribbean med school    05/24/24  (3)
feeling pretty dykey today    05/24/24  (1)
Khartoum (1966)    05/24/24  (4)
Now they’re taunting her at the airport 🤣    05/24/24  (1)
i lost track of who everyone else is on xo and i dont think it'll ever change    05/24/24  (206)
How often do you think about Ecbatana?    05/24/24  (1)
driveby archery in the rice paddies with your Qing dynasty gf    05/24/24  (2)
Last Shah of Iran had a furking JEWISH nose...    05/24/24  (9)
whok, you're not white. You're a muddy dark nigger Moroccan Jew lmaaooooo    05/24/24  (31)
Is it EVER okay to smoke weed in the Lucky 38?    05/24/24  (1)
Whok wants it in his butt. In his butt? Whok wants it in his butt. In his butt    05/24/24  (1)
Unleashing high potency cannabis on the populace was a huge mistake    05/24/24  (14)
Let me out of the casino Ricky    05/24/24  (14)
ITT we track whok's fake pregnancy. Fake birth date circa Nov 15, 2024    05/24/24  (26)
Everyone is saying summer '24 will be Pajeet Boy Summer    05/24/24  (28)
Just got fleeced for about a half a G in parking tickets    05/24/24  (10)
Personality-disordered women showing their assholes to internet strangers    05/24/24  (17)
whokebe, please go back to Africa    05/24/24  (15)
Big Crypto cash;)    05/24/24  (3)
Wheel of Fortune puzzle answer: RIGHT IN THE BUTT    05/24/24  (4)
McDonald’s is getting rid of free drink refills — and more fast-food chains    05/24/24  (102)
Women are Rats    05/24/24  (6)

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