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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Kelce has been struggling to get 30 yards&KC 3-0=rigged or legit?    09/24/24  (2)
"Why am I cutting nigger onto your chest?" "Just do it."    09/24/24  (6)
Josh Allen has the best story of any QB    09/24/24  (5)
Job offer in Kauai - take it?    09/24/24  (52)
It’s funny that women think ‘fuckboy’ is some sort of diss    09/24/24  (1)
Mark Antony Mocks Caesar Rome    09/24/24  (3)
The Chiefs people here in KC admitt they should have won anything    09/24/24  (2)
NFL Trivia: Who has the highest receiving yards before catch in an NFL season?    09/24/24  (16)
Rate this Asian girl golfer    09/24/24  (10)
Article: Young men seeking jihad because of Western feminazism    09/24/24  (11)
Is the US becoming more or less of a meritocracy?    09/24/24  (30)
Somebody please end the shitlib menace    09/24/24  (12)
Hypo: “alternative” politics with an aim other than elevating jewish gorks    09/24/24  (4)
This country fucking sucks if this is what they knowingly do to people    09/24/24  (2)
america is run by jews since 1965    09/24/24  (19)
What's with all the weird Kansas City stuff?    09/24/24  (13)
Amazing how easy it is for retards    09/24/24  (5)
The "NFL" is beyond laughable fraud    09/24/24  (8)
why does the cost of living keep going up?    09/24/24  (24)
What profession do you have the most disdain for?    09/24/24  (64)
Andy Reids fraud son let go brain damaging little girl..but execute innocent man    09/24/24  (2)
2+ minutes of German cops laying into smelly Arabs & dumb shitlibs    09/24/24  (2)
Whats up with nyuugs English? Its incoherent    09/24/24  (9)
"Trolling in the Shadow of Troy: Boom vs. Evan39"    09/24/24  (1)
Married guys, how do you get your wife turned on? Or any woman?    09/24/24  (35)
If Trump loses the election, it will be because of Ukrainecucks.    09/24/24  (2)
Pro tip: play 4K TV thru 4K Firestick. Increases the K exponentially to 16K    09/24/24  (16)
most pathetic xo sexpat: Tommy Turd, nyuug or Trump Team Six?    09/24/24  (17)
REMINDER: this is the gook (pic inside)    09/24/24  (57)
GOP candidate for North Carolina declares self a “black nazi” who loves tran    09/24/24  (55)
What is nyuug's net worth? $100k USD? 200?    09/24/24  (8)
What is NYUUG annual income and NW?    09/24/24  (7)
The fuck Is wrong with this nyuug ? Seems mentally ill as shit    09/24/24  (14)
is NYUUG in hiding now that his president is impeached?    09/24/24  (59)
Is NYUUG mentally ill? I honestly believe he's still a virgin. None of his shit    09/24/24  (67)
ITT nyuugs dutch girls Instagram pics    09/24/24  (29)
There is no way that nyuug is not a flame/shtick account    09/24/24  (27)
Is nyuug ok? Has he been seen after this?    09/24/24  (16)
can't find the GORGON tp's absolutely devastating screed about nyuug    09/24/24  (29)
Just realized what is so off putting about NYUUG's "conquests"    09/24/24  (21)
can we enter a COMPACT to entirely IGNORE nyuug?    09/24/24  (351)
Sad truth about nyuug    09/24/24  (83)
so let's get this straight about NYUUG    09/24/24  (209)
My job just unveiled new CFNM dress code    09/24/24  (11)
"Asians can't Innovate!" the Powergoy typed on his Chink made Phone    09/24/24  (7)
taking date apple phone picking tomorrow (doodikoff)    09/24/24  (19)
Hint: "Western Civilization" was just Jews/Birdshits exploiting others    09/24/24  (12)
New hate crime just dropped at Gettysburg College    09/24/24  (4)
Boston lawyer salaries?    09/23/24  (2)
Pretty sick of the race wars in this country    09/23/24  (50)
A white girl whispers to an Azn guy: "Just the tip." Why?    09/23/24  (56)
Modernity is a farce    09/23/24  (1)
Anglos and other British protestants created everything good. So weird ha ha    09/23/24  (26)
The 'WEST' is so FURKED, its completely LOLZY how quickly its collapsing    09/23/24  (28)
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned    09/23/24  (1)
Do Normies Understand What *The* DA Is & That *The* DA Doesnt Try Cases?    09/23/24  (11)
Woman conflicted between love for her child and shitpit that attacked her child    09/23/24  (12)
Diddy's actions seem totally legal    09/23/24  (19)
Kamala is flying Zelensky around Pennsylvania to campaign with her not flame    09/23/24  (2)
So Kamala never actually tried a case in her career as 'prosecutor'?    09/23/24  (22)
Jews: How's the whole "it's bad when white people do it but OK when we do it" th    09/23/24  (5)
The loss of communities that contained all social classes is the main problem    09/23/24  (6)
300 - Rhino Spear    09/23/24  (1)
Israel Mulls Plan To Indefinitely Expel 300,000 Palestinians From North Gaza    09/23/24  (27)
300 - Immortals lmao    09/23/24  (1)
2nd cousin: Eager for a porkin'. Shrew GF: Resembles Andrea Dworkin    09/23/24  (40)
Jake Paul's stomach? WHAT?    09/23/24  (1)
Best cities to spend a few months in if working fully remote?    09/23/24  (1)
300 - Persians Destroyed By The Rain!! [1080p - 60FPS]    09/23/24  (1)
300 | Leonidas Says Goodbye To His Wife And Son    09/23/24  (1)
What clique is Houellebecq?    09/23/24  (18)
crazy how much better ppl look when theyre thin    09/23/24  (3)
   09/23/24  (1)
Just saw a woman defuse a street fight literally using her pussy    09/23/24  (28)
Rome Mark Antony message to Pompey HD    09/23/24  (1)
going on an apple picking date with a corporate career woman tomorrow (lex)    09/23/24  (287)
Taking qs on French politics    09/23/24  (40)
Hannibal 2001 "Vide cor Meum" scene    09/23/24  (1)
But its an excellent store of value, mused the POWERGOY about an engagement ring    09/23/24  (3)
Dr. Hannibal's "I Think I'll Eat Your Heart" Scene (Full Opening) | Red Dragon    09/23/24  (1)
You won't get raped on price at Andrea Dworkin Subaru    09/23/24  (3)
Tucker Carlson '28 or '32 POTUS?    09/23/24  (2)
Whokebe used to host xo Freakoffs    09/23/24  (1)
How do you cope existing around a bunch of retards?    09/23/24  (1)
Republican VP candidate channels inner Paris Hilton with drag persona "DJ Dance"    09/23/24  (2)
lex explaining to biz shrew how every museum exhibit is about death and dread    09/23/24  (3)
RFK sues Olivia Nuzzi for sending him "way too many" nudes:    09/23/24  (52)
Why do white people deny their racism?    09/23/24  (38)
So Kamala's only goal was to prevent a Sestak presidency?    09/23/24  (4)
I'm so tired of tommy believing China could even approach Western Civilization    09/23/24  (1)
ronald dworkin writes like a pompous ass    09/23/24  (3)
REMINDER: Lauren Boebert did NOT specifically deny being an escort or abortions.    09/23/24  (80)
SSM, how prestigious is Ronald Dworkin?    09/23/24  (5)
RONALD DWORKIN HAS DIED!    09/23/24  (36)
Why does Ronald Dworkin look like that    09/23/24  (1)
Dear Prudie: Help, I’m Attracted to the Pit Bull That Mauled My Infant    09/23/24  (17)
90th percentile of household net worth still feels like middle class    09/23/24  (9)
Anyone here into legit analog synthesizers?    09/23/24  (1)
Mark Robinson: I'm fixin' to sue CNN over mean free speech stuff    09/23/24  (3)
Summon: lib cum farters    09/23/24  (2)
The 'Mahchine' cannot be denied anymore, Evan ;)    09/23/24  (9)
thick flabby cellulite thighs    09/23/24  (3)
NYE guest wants to bring dog. Wtf?    09/23/24  (116)
Gonna be so 180 to bump all the delusional “Kamala will win!” soypoasts    09/23/24  (2)
bigger cum farting queer: benzo or boogie down?    09/23/24  (14)
you feel his hand slowly reach into your shorts and grasp your cock    09/23/24  (1)
Zelensky going around threatening americans for not supporting him    09/23/24  (1)
SporTTTT is for fraud Fag$ stop PoasTTTIng Shit about it    09/23/24  (2)
first Ricky goes full schizo,then TT endorses Kamala.what other idols will fall?    09/23/24  (3)
90s bands with sentence-names: "Sixpence None The Richer" "They Might Be Giants"    09/23/24  (85)
44-y/o pot-bellied, bald Of Counsel's Redditting: "When do u become an adult?"    09/23/24  (1)
There's no such thing as "college football" in "2024"    09/23/24  (1)
"Half" or more of this "Economy" cannot survive w/o "GPS"    09/23/24  (1)
NFL refs rob Cincy.. hmm    09/23/24  (1)
The NFL is rigged! Keep hearing "Chiefs" should be 0-3 but are "3-0" ljl    09/23/24  (1)
Plans To Bomb Beirut, Tyre, Sidon, Baalbek, Pretty Much Wherever We Want    09/23/24  (1)
what happened to poastradamus    09/23/24  (1)
The "masses" are sad and pathetic    09/23/24  (4)
Evan, do you "see" what happens next?    09/23/24  (3)
The Bungles are back, baby.    09/23/24  (1)
I'll give respect to any lib who correctly guesses who I support for 2020 POTUS    09/23/24  (34)
JFC    09/23/24  (1)
Everything is impossible according to xo! But many literal retards have it all    09/23/24  (1)
Gen X: The Dying Children    09/23/24  (18)
ppl should be going house to house hunting down and killing libs    09/23/24  (1)
Gen X is Poor and will never retire and they’ll die penniless in a ditch (link    09/23/24  (16)
Any money you donate to charity will be wasted on Gen X guys and Pharmacists imo    09/23/24  (4)
Are these stupid ragheads gonna fight back or just let the jews cuck them?    09/23/24  (7)
Link to credited firearms to off yourself itt?    09/23/24  (27)
Fetterman is totally lucid now    09/23/24  (1)
Kamala in 2018 dancing/chanting "down with deportation" (video)    09/23/24  (3)
The pandemic’s negative—and possibly long-term—toll on Gen X    09/23/24  (2)
Here's what Song of Ice and Fire actually wants to be, and why George can't fini    09/23/24  (3)
Gen X literally caused ITE with their extremely low incomes    09/23/24  (12)
Sports fraud is clearly rigged snd the masses are pathetic    09/23/24  (1)
C$LG&others! Buy this couple some wedding gifts! You have the loot    09/23/24  (2)
   09/23/24  (6)
Israel still afraid to invade Lebanon for some reason    09/23/24  (1)
Thoughts on being able to legally carry 3oz of dope in "Missouri"?    09/23/24  (5)
🐍🦎 Zoobooks πŸ™πŸ¦‘πŸ¦πŸ¦€πŸ‘πŸ πŸŸ
   09/23/24  (2)
any cool new kike monikers lately?    09/23/24  (1)
PSA NVA in tunnels never got anything worse than a nosebleed at Khe Sanh    09/23/24  (1)
🎢🎢 I LOST MY RACE ON NUDE AFRICAAAA 🎢🎢    09/23/24  (14)
Trump: "I'm gonna meet Modi!" Modi: "No Chocobar for you, Birdshit"    09/23/24  (2)
Looks like she already blew up? Still fuckable?    09/23/24  (27)
What is this "Claude" and "Copilot" so-called "AI" shit bulslhit?    09/23/24  (2)
50/50 chance of getting Kauai on-site offer - accept?    09/23/24  (5)
Monica Lewinsky may have been part of another Zionist Epstein type op    09/23/24  (2)
Pretty sure Hezbollah stores missiles underground    09/23/24  (3)
Fly filmed buzzing around outside "space" station window.    09/23/24  (3)

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