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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Trump to Taliban: “if you harm a single American, I’m going to kill you”    07/02/24  (5)
NSAM coming here to schizo post whenever good news comes out for Trump    07/02/24  (6)
LOL @ The Goy Financial Wisdom, "Get 3 Estimates, Pick The Middle One"    07/02/24  (10)
Pay for Lawyers is So High People Are Comparing It to the N.B.A. (NYT)    07/02/24  (75)
NYT: The First Amendment is Out of Control (not flame)    07/02/24  (33)
🚨🚨🚨KAMALA SWITCHEROO INCOMING🚨🚨🚨    07/02/24  (67)
nyuug is the stupidest poster here    07/02/24  (10)
Cash balance plans discuss    07/02/24  (11)
REMINDER: this is the gook (pic inside)    07/02/24  (46)
voting RFK    07/02/24  (1)
What’s rent like in MFH these days    07/02/24  (11)
What seminary should I go to    07/02/24  (4)
Shitcon autists polled: why didn't Obama campaign for Biden in 2020? 0% respond    07/02/24  (1)
Rate this Vegas braw(Video Included)    07/02/24  (3)
Mossad threaten's Kamala's family: whoops it's a fake marriage to a gay jew    07/02/24  (1)
NSAM needs to be killed. I think even he is praying for it.    07/02/24  (2)
Can you get more idiots in 1 room than rogan, Howard a d weinstein lmao    07/02/24  (18)
Foreign doctors are revealed to be behind 60% of all sex assaults on patients    07/02/24  (5)
Kamala's big money supporters in big pharma: whoops they bet on Biden instead    07/02/24  (1)
S. Korea birth rate is 0.8. They are truly fucked.    07/02/24  (51)
Total amount of money funneled out of Ukraine and into Kamala's pockets: $0.0000    07/02/24  (1)
Guy in first world country, president hasn't been impeached, sup    07/02/24  (73)
Here's the deal: the power dynamic between Biden and Kamala is not obvious    07/02/24  (1)
Obama: "If my wife had a penis, she'd look....oh shit."    07/02/24  (1)
High odds Kamala becums POTUS no matter what, even as a lame duck    07/02/24  (1)
Full video of fighting banker released - link    07/02/24  (11)
Ricky listens to zoomer emo rap    07/02/24  (17)
Ljl at most XO lawyers thinking they've actually or "worked" or "work"    07/02/24  (15)
Jill Biden ike Wile E. Coyote trying to catch Kamala since Janaury 2021 why?    07/02/24  (1)
Ricky, give me some aggressive hood shit to workout to    07/02/24  (2)
Aides say incompetent Kamala sabotaging Biden's foreign agenda by accident    07/02/24  (1)
ran a 6.30 mile today    07/02/24  (9)
“I did not. Have. Financial. Relations. With that restaurant, Karma Sushi”    07/02/24  (2)
Obeezy is going even further off the rails.    07/02/24  (7)
Bboom, what kind of homosexual things are you doing rn?    07/02/24  (5)
If CSLG was a good person he would have gotten benzo a job a long time ago    07/02/24  (60)
Shitcons aren't seeing the rift between shitlibs right now. Stupid fucks.    07/02/24  (2)
Pedo Bill Cosby and the Globetrotters kicking the piss out of Klan guys    07/02/24  (1)
who's smarter: rsf or tsinah?    07/02/24  (2)
Watching The Man Without a Face (1993) and thinking back to childhood    07/02/24  (10)
bloodacre defending clsg is lmao pathetic    07/02/24  (27)
Living in a homeless shelter to save up money(Xo 2024)    07/02/24  (3)
Can't believe this Lincoln grocery store burned down in 2016?    07/02/24  (2)
How much better is working evenings versus overnights??    07/02/24  (13)
Dems eyeing Dr. Jill as replacement in new "Let's make it official" campaign (li    07/02/24  (1)
rwanadan hutus had some good ideas about dealing with tyrannical minority rule    07/02/24  (1)
DidnIsrael ever thank Hamas for exemplary treatment of hostages (incl Isr. soldi    07/02/24  (23)
Biden’s Lapses Are Said to Be Increasingly Common and Worrisome (NYT)    07/02/24  (7)
Canadian got pissed when I said I had never heard of "Terry Fox"    07/02/24  (1)
poerkan (Chinese sex pills spammer) is an early MPM candidate    07/02/24  (3)
Looking to get my dick sucked in Queens tonight. Who's game?    07/02/24  (3)
I pay $350/mo on streaming services and there's nothing to watch    07/02/24  (3)
Disco Fries arrives at closed Karma Sushi with family, pulls a Clark Griswold    07/02/24  (6)
33-yo white dude dismembers cute 19-yo WOC after a date:    07/02/24  (44)
Anyone going to Death Valley this weekend to enjoy the heatwave?    07/02/24  (1)
Oh Malk! U no brock Parestinian dead baby, make us look bad. U brock rite nao ok    07/02/24  (1)
Prominent NYC real estate mega couple DEAD by suicide    07/02/24  (4)
soon...the south will rise again...dont say you werent warned,    07/02/24  (46)
The lib implosion has been incredible    07/02/24  (1)
Every Christmas, chinks learn about Jews' true nature    07/02/24  (1)
Imgur tp with the dumbest post in XO history (link)    07/02/24  (1)
"15 dollars for a veggie roll? I know they are a shrewd people, very shrewd    07/02/24  (1)
Jesus was a jewish sorcerer magician rabbi who manipulated source energy    07/02/24  (3)
"Not even fat pig Rosie O'Donnell would eat at Karma Sushi." -- Trump    07/02/24  (2)
SCOTUS: Presidential immunity now also means presidential confidentiality    07/02/24  (1)
Friends, Poasters, Countrymen, lend me your ears. I come to bury Karma Sushi, no    07/02/24  (3)
just bought a golf bag for the range    07/02/24  (90)
NYT: "average" 25 y/o can run 1.5 miles in 12 minutes    07/02/24  (35)
I saw Tucker in Melbourne, it was 180.    07/02/24  (3)
X says Ballmer worth more than Gates. Why do people think they know Gates’ NW?    07/02/24  (2)
Captcha where you have to identify ideal patch of arm skin to fashion neopenis    07/02/24  (2)
Karma Sushi, defraud this man who wants water, give him Liquid Death and charge    07/02/24  (26)
John McCain: "The fundamentals of Karma Sushi are strong."    07/02/24  (5)
AOC looks kinda preggers in this photo from campaign event today (pic)    07/02/24  (13)
wtf is a "Gretchen Whitmer"    07/02/24  (2)
SECOND elected Democrat senator TURNS on Biden, is OK with Trump winning    07/02/24  (9)
Obama: "If I had a restaurant, it would look like Karma Sushi."    07/02/24  (1)
Doom 32x commercial features Scumbags    07/02/24  (5)
Obama’s half-sister tear-gassed    07/02/24  (1)
It’s not going to be Joe since his dementia is accelerating so make some money    07/02/24  (4)
GWB w/ bullhorn: "And the people who closed this restaurant down will hear    07/02/24  (6)
trump's golf swing is mesmerizing (link)    07/02/24  (26)
Column of Russian tanks rolling unimpeded through Brodyaga    07/02/24  (1)
Trump promises to move Karma Sushi to Jerusalem    07/02/24  (10)
Today's New York Post cover    07/02/24  (8)
Every single animal documentary is ruined by obviously fake sound effects    07/02/24  (5)
Peterman groaning@movie poster:"My colon's already been Inside Out 2x this week"    07/02/24  (1)
the service in the Mt Everest Karma Sushi location has really dropped in quality    07/02/24  (1)
Do all non-middle east oil muslims dream of unemployment in europe?    07/02/24  (1)
It's a top shop that runs a tight ship. Very hungry and eager to grow.    07/02/24  (3)
Odds there's a Karma Sushi lawsuit if you do PACER search rn?    07/02/24  (24)
Second Civil War has already started, people just don’t know it yet    07/02/24  (108)
What exactly is NYUUG's defense of low S.Korea birth rate?    07/02/24  (1)
MASE rate my EV prediction map ITT    07/02/24  (14)
When centimillionaires hang out and do rich guy shit, do they have staff settle    07/02/24  (4)
List terrible posters with sub 100 IQs    07/02/24  (26)
Trump is celebrating the 4th by giving classified docs to Putin    07/02/24  (1)
I guess MPA found out about Karma Sushi    07/02/24  (2)
I don’t make enough money and I am epically poor and my family is suffering    07/02/24  (18)
Lawyers seem miserable as fuck! is law a joke?    07/02/24  (5)
They'll question your mental fitness if you pass up the deals at Marco Rubio Toy    07/02/24  (1)
Who the fuck is Doug Burgum and why is he leading for VP lol    07/02/24  (6)
Everything disappears like nothing all swirrling    07/02/24  (1)
White Nebraska man shoots 7 Guatemalan immigrant "neighbors"    07/02/24  (4)
"Guy from a *cough* first world *cough cough* country...he--*gurgles* *dies*    07/02/24  (28)
Paralegal Mohammed opening 'Karma Shawarma'    07/02/24  (6)
OYT, what are you & black gf doing tonight    07/02/24  (21)
The "internet" is mostly fraud shit..give retards a platform whom didn't earn it    07/02/24  (7)
Some have all of the luck    07/02/24  (1)
It all disappeared right away nothing makes sense..    07/02/24  (1)
If You're Looking To Switch Out Your Old, Tired Car, Come To Marco Rubio    07/02/24  (2)
How much do partners in regional biglaw make?    07/02/24  (10)
Did Babe Ruth have his wife killed?    07/02/24  (5)
Azn CNN anchor found her HANDSOME    07/02/24  (2)
Ending it all tonight. Love you all.    07/02/24  (3)
My mothers dog attacked her last night    07/02/24  (105)
Trump negotiates with the Taliban    07/02/24  (10)
Lib Friend Blamed Karma Sushi Bankruptcy On Trump Overfeeding Restaurant's Fish    07/02/24  (3)
Coronavirus TARGETS NOWAGS <><><><>
   07/02/24  (13)
About to pull the trigger on a 2024 4runner (last year of current gen)    07/02/24  (1)
"The worm in my brain is horny ads fuck, baby." -- RFK Jr.    07/02/24  (2)
The DEFINITIVE List of NYUUG Predictions ITT (v2):    07/02/24  (110)
Y'all didn't see when Kamala took a huge shit on John McCain after he was det    07/02/24  (8)
Lao Gan Ma chili crisp is life changing stuff    07/02/24  (10)
Oh Malk! I hate a Azn mens, we have son we kirr him? Arexa carr Hirrary    07/02/24  (36)
ITT: We Archive the Brutal, One-Shot Kills of XOXO    07/02/24  (400)
Biden’s resignation speech will be printed in history books    07/02/24  (2)
GWB Blasting The Airwaves With "Karma Sushi Patrons For Truth" Ads    07/02/24  (1)
YOUR name is at the top of the ticket here at Marco Rubio Toyota. Come on down &    07/02/24  (2)
180 - the maximum number of EVs Biden could receive    07/02/24  (2)
Neurodivergent TradCath Podcast “Asperger’s Me”    07/02/24  (4)
Trump denies calling Karma Sushi patrons "suckers and losers"    07/02/24  (1)
homosexuals should be gassed    07/02/24  (1)
Rudy Giuliani has been disbarred.    07/02/24  (31)
Todd Akin: If it's an illegitimate sushi bar, the market has ways of shutting    07/02/24  (1)
Defunct LA Sushi Restaurant Reopens As Kamala Sushi (LA Times)    07/02/24  (3)
"And we give the DNC primary process back to you...the people"    07/02/24  (1)
George W. Bush on Karma Sushi: “Mission Accomplished”    07/02/24  (3)
The only reason to pick Trump over Kamala is judicial nominees    07/02/24  (5)
correction tp and sealclubber in mud pit retard battle    07/02/24  (2)
Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this $200 omakase set    07/02/24  (2)
mr.jinx, poasters are finding out about the depravities I consented to (whok)    07/02/24  (9)
Update:French socialists to drop out of 2nd round to help Macron regain majority    07/02/24  (49)
George Bush on Karma Sushi: “Read my lips: no new price hikes on water    07/02/24  (2)
"A sushi restaurant, madam, if you can keep it."    07/02/24  (2)
What percent of blacks are subhuman garbage?    07/02/24  (1)
FDA’s RACIST ban on brominated vegetable oil    07/02/24  (4)
RATE the blonde gf of the bowlcut Asian actor from Silicon Valley (WGWAG):    07/02/24  (2)

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