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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
pretty clear that the abrahamic religions were all made up    07/04/24  (4)
I get stoned nearly every day, have for the last 20 years, and will never stop    07/04/24  (9)
My wife just peed on the new couch    07/04/24  (10)
The Biden senility tour continued today - link    07/04/24  (5)
This country is a pile of FAGGOT SHIT and FUCKING GARBAGE    07/04/24  (3)
So I’ve been 40 for like a week now (OYT)    07/04/24  (7)
About to deploy some pep    07/04/24  (6)
If Jesus Himself ejaculated in a dude's ass, what would happen?    07/04/24  (9)
Should I buy apt next door and convert?    07/04/24  (17)
Jeff Bezos 2 pizza rule means a meeting with 3 people    07/04/24  (2)
hatred has no place on xo.    07/04/24  (9)
Crypto probably getting cut in half in one day this week but no one gives a shit    07/04/24  (5)
AMERICA = SHIT    07/04/24  (2)
RSF, do you celebrate the 4th? Or do you feel no loyalty to your country?    07/04/24  (1)
FUCK “GOD” and FUCK OUR COUNTRY    07/04/24  (5)
Exeunt caught the last train for the coast ... the day the crypto died    07/04/24  (1)
Killing myself over how fucking stupid this faggot fucking shitfuck country is    07/04/24  (1)
What happened to the value of "NFTs" will happen to all crypto.    07/04/24  (1)
So the crypto scam is done?    07/04/24  (6)
Best delta 8 gummies    07/04/24  (6)
should I buy a half lb of weed later    07/04/24  (1)
mayor of shroomville clearing his schedule for a very important matter to discus    07/04/24  (1)
NYT: Trump campaign changing course after losing popularity with autistic lawyer    07/04/24  (1)
Thank God this stupid fucking holiday is almost over    07/04/24  (3)
Reddit has a sub dedicated to the Chris Watts murders    07/04/24  (3)
I’m starting to become Auntie Trump, after 8 years (Donald announcing transiti    07/04/24  (3)
Guy living in a first world country here, su... *vomits blood*    07/04/24  (12)
Just rewatched "Lost In Translation", realized they get together at the end    07/04/24  (11)
nyuug in 2019: "guy who lives in a first world fallout shelter here, sup"    07/04/24  (43)
CDC moves S.Korea to Level 3 Warning. nyuug FUCKED    07/04/24  (183)
i love witty banter too! maybe we can make 'sparklers' fly together haha    07/04/24  (2)
I’m starting to become anti Trump, after 8 years    07/04/24  (29)
met a crypto degenerate today not flame    07/04/24  (1)
Immigrants should "speak American" (Sarah Palin)    07/04/24  (29)
tories i know the election is bad but dont forget u also lost the colonies    07/04/24  (5)
*SNL intro voice* AND GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY GRAAANDPA    07/04/24  (3)
"Yeah, all my uncles say that" (boner police walking past Uncle Sam I Want You p    07/04/24  (1)
A blonde Ukrainian girl hand-makes dumplings for an Asian man. Why?    07/04/24  (2)
i'm a pretty high t guy (they didn't throw it into the harbor haha)    07/04/24  (2)
Bowlcut Asian geek from Silicon Valley is dating a blonde chick: (WGWAG):    07/04/24  (8)
forget about the roman candles, watch out for my roamin' hand-les haha;)    07/04/24  (1)
Michelle Obama Has A Big Package For Democrats This Election Season    07/04/24  (2)
How long after the first shells hit before nyuug self deports back to USA?    07/04/24  (15)
having a wife sounds awful    07/04/24  (21)
Apple lawyer ordered to pay SEC $1.15M fine for insider trading    07/04/24  (45)
Put. That cock. Down. Cocks are for closers. You think I'm fucking with you?    07/04/24  (1)
Libs believe "evolution" caused this stupid shit    07/04/24  (2)
this is bowlcut gook to ground control    07/04/24  (2)
High social status fanily invited us over for bbq today. Very nervous bros.    07/04/24  (22)
rating poasters as disco fries thread titles    07/04/24  (90)
looks like she’s back on cocaine    07/04/24  (1)
Cr thing to do knowing there's a good chance i'll be laid off in September?    07/04/24  (10)
i come off as a lesser to oversocialized gays    07/04/24  (1)
Very excited spaceporn has emerged from his dormant stage    07/04/24  (28)
why is ggtp pretending like he has something better to do than post rn    07/04/24  (6)
Biden announces he will be going to sleep by 8PM everyday    07/04/24  (47)
It’s impossible to “connect” with women except via sex    07/04/24  (18)
Biden's exit only being delayed b/c they can't agree on severance package    07/04/24  (3)
Lib crushed to death tearing down bronze Jefferson statue    07/04/24  (82)
Most Americans Think Trump is Unfit to Serve as President    07/04/24  (5)
Get your covid booster before drumpmf takes it away    07/04/24  (2)
How much better is working evenings versus overnights??    07/04/24  (15)
The only magazine I ever read was ESQUIRE in the early 2000s. I thought it was c    07/04/24  (1)
Montenegro vs Bulgaria vs Azerbaizhan. Discuss    07/04/24  (2)
Discuss Habib ukrops and Yankee scum    07/04/24  (2)
Will KAMALA HARRIS win in 2024?    07/04/24  (32)
UK About To Be Remade in Image of Deranged Cultural Elites (Tom Slater, Spiked)    07/04/24  (9)
1999: varsity blues, she's all that, cruel intentions, deep blue sea, idle hands    07/04/24  (4)
Biden: im healthy. Its just my brain thats the problem.    07/04/24  (2)
Being nude outdoors is 180    07/04/24  (4)
Ruling on $7.2M fees motion dropping July 8 🤞🤞    07/04/24  (12)
only like 5% of australia is habitable. basically montana size    07/04/24  (1)
Thoughts on Malta!? TT and others weigh in    07/04/24  (31)
Female hot dog eating champion is daughter of WGWAG    07/04/24  (1)
most of the "traditional" route for your 30s is not appealing to me    07/04/24  (1)
Scientists isolate gene preventing women from breaking down boxes before recycli    07/04/24  (5)
Mainlining i just took Ativan    07/04/24  (18)
taco belle & sebastian. 939838448838228 moniker brother    07/04/24  (25)
Lib friend invited me to "Interdependence Day BBQ"    07/04/24  (124)
My wife fucked our racist neighbor.    07/04/24  (249)
Just got a fuckin hernia doing squats    07/04/24  (29)
Purple Grimmace assfucking Ronald McDonald and shitting chicken nuggets out of h    07/04/24  (12)
Most overrated cuisine? Neapolitan pizza    07/04/24  (12)
I still lol @ Jocks’ lack of personality irl    07/04/24  (5)
Poasters with Obese Wives- do you ever actually have sex with them?    07/04/24  (5)
Twink lawyers can't eat entire pizza LOL    07/04/24  (3)
About 10 years ago, disco fries was showing us his $28 jack in the box reciept    07/04/24  (3)
can azns whistle?    07/04/24  (1)
what is even illegal about paying a pornstar to not disclose an affair?    07/04/24  (5)
Is it normal to request part-time hours right when you go on a PIP?    07/04/24  (8)
Everything is coming up Millhouse and I’ve been thinking of kms 24/7 for weeks    07/04/24  (4)
Girl i went to hs with is a kkr partner.    07/04/24  (4)
Trolling FF8 fanboys on Gamefaqs again    07/04/24  (6)
RATE Reese Witherspoon & Dotter In Matching Bare Midriff Outfits (PIC)    07/04/24  (12)
It is impossible to raise a family in a house with stairs    07/04/24  (22)
hillbillies shouting "1776" think it references # of comet pingpong hostages    07/04/24  (3)
Happy July 4, haha. I know you're an 'independent' woman but I'd love it if we    07/04/24  (12)
Labour ascendant in UK, nationalists on the Continent. What could go wrong?    07/04/24  (2)
UK 10pm Exit Polls Released    07/04/24  (27)
You answered every question!    07/04/24  (1)
cat: "do it again and see what happens" *runs 70 mph to hide from fireworks*    07/04/24  (6)
A Baptism in Humility (a Navy SEAL’s redemption)    07/04/24  (3)
Reporter confirms Biden is a reptilian - link    07/04/24  (16)
Which candidate will expose Annunaki organ harvesting happening here on US soil    07/04/24  (2)
YOU OWE    07/04/24  (4)
"and she dated a bald homosexual!" (tsinah zinging ex at annual 7/4 "hog roast")    07/04/24  (4)
Did you get your precious photos?    07/04/24  (1)
Elon Musk is a pretty ugly name    07/04/24  (11)
UK poors respond to nazis who tricked them into voting for Brexit    07/04/24  (1)
Wait KARMA SUSHI went under already?    07/04/24  (195)
Humanity never progre$$e$ and alway$ goe$ backward$    07/04/24  (6)
Could've worked biglaw lived at homeless shelter saved all $ then bailed big bux    07/04/24  (1)
lib friend calls them people experiencing obesity    07/04/24  (6)
Today is a good day to shoot yourself during the fireworks for sound cover    07/04/24  (2)
Obama: “Uh, uh, I can crouch down and lick it now, Mike”    07/04/24  (1)
have nothing to do in my free time, no hobbies, no motivation, nothing    07/04/24  (13)
Buckwild July 4 nigger thread. nigger nigger nigger NIGGER    07/04/24  (2)
"Humanity" i$ pure garbage and mu$t go    07/04/24  (6)
UK Exchequer Authorizes $15M In State Of The Art Air Fresheners For No. 10    07/04/24  (1)
RATE my Fourth of July food (TSINAH)    07/04/24  (32)
Cheatmo’d for the first time ever and feel horrible after    07/04/24  (50)
Meghan Markle to Henry: Where Pizza Express At?    07/04/24  (32)
Scotland Yard: Reports of "pipe crime" drop 74% after Rishi departure    07/04/24  (2)
Independence Day aliens observing 2024 DC, LA, NYC: "Haha, wow..."    07/04/24  (8)
UK auditors having to convert all the votes to metric    07/04/24  (1)
OK I’ve looked everywhere. There ARE no Black Surfing Girlfriends.    07/04/24  (3)
Sorry but as a successful lawyer I cant date woman who doesnt use Android phone    07/04/24  (1)
Sir Kier Moving Into No. 10, Finds The Toilets Dusty But Immaculate (XO DM)    07/04/24  (3)
ubiquitous female obesity, fridge-shaped bodies, mystery meat, longbutt    07/04/24  (2)
Hard to imagine how bad consuelas phenotype is. Probably hilariously lol    07/04/24  (3)
xo is a sanctuary city for mentally ill lawyers    07/04/24  (1)
Rishi Sunak entering the Columbia Law 2L transfer portal    07/04/24  (2)
Obesity is the most prole thing ever    07/04/24  (3)
holy shit Ricky these gummies are out of control bro    07/04/24  (3)
Khoisan linguist posts Click Theory Outline    07/04/24  (9)
Just shat out a 9 inch loaf    07/04/24  (8)
Pic of obese Korean ass    07/04/24  (9)
Sir Kier's Staff Throwing Away 152 Different Elephant Statues From No. 10    07/04/24  (1)
everyone's obese now    07/04/24  (2)
BRITAIN'S NEXT TOP NONCE    07/04/24  (2)
Sir Kier Moving Into No. 10, Finds Supplies Well Stocked But No Toilet Paper (DM    07/04/24  (1)
Is Panda Express open on July 4?    07/04/24  (1)
Tommy, thoughts on Rishi being the biggest political failure in modern UK histo?    07/04/24  (4)
My fiance (42f) and I (37m) are lovers of all things Norton Rose Fulbright    07/04/24  (4)
are you mentally normal?    07/04/24  (9)
putin won't see july    07/04/24  (120)
Question about bonuses and profit sharing.    07/04/24  (2)
Saving my $100k DUMP in $TSLA @ $150.21 for posterity    07/04/24  (13)

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