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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
JD Vance is ‘99 percent’ certain to be Trump’s running mate, campaign sour    07/15/24  (5)
I can't believe a former XO POASTER is going to be VP LMAO    07/15/24  (28)
Pastor MA$E, dressed in 90s futurist attire, arriving at Trump Tower (link)    07/15/24  (2)
"And in a gesture of unity across partisan lines, I'm proud to announce Will Sta    07/15/24  (3)
JD Vance is at 72 on predictit    07/15/24  (4)
Secrer Service had 2 FULL MINUTES to kill the shooter (link)    07/15/24  (16)
Vice President Burzum    07/15/24  (2)
Lib media caught Trump slipping razor blade into his pants liner after shooting    07/15/24  (1)
IT'S MASE!    07/15/24  (5)
how do i get into alex jones' inner circle    07/15/24  (5)
I can’t lie, I’m struggling a little without KamalaSexy’s presence online    07/15/24  (10)
IT'S HOGG EVERYBODY! IT'S HOGG!    07/15/24  (5)
Burgem/Vance/Youngkin/Rubio all at RNC waiting to be told who's VP    07/15/24  (12)
rhode island state police after trump assassination attempt: "we're ok" (link)    07/15/24  (6)
"good morning, my friend" (cucumbers in tahini sauce tp)    07/15/24  (29)
In just a week XO went from SME re Parkinsons Disease to SME re Snipers    07/15/24  (2)
"Welcome to the Vice Presidency, my friend"    07/15/24  (6)
at least w/ Vance, people will spell his name right - not w/ Burgum or Vivek    07/15/24  (1)
Alex Jones drank 20 shots of titos live part night then dies 5 hours live today    07/15/24  (1)
Copa America final was better than Euro    07/15/24  (10)
farting in biglaw    07/15/24  (3)
Trump: I've chosen my VP. His name is Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii    07/15/24  (4)
Benny Johnson is claiming TRUMP still hasn't picked VP, meeting with RFK now    07/15/24  (1)
"And it's a great dog, the certain dog, and it's going to certainly be a great V    07/15/24  (2)
Main takeaway of the assassination attempt - US is a shithole overrun with guns    07/15/24  (22)
There’s a certain doctor of law forum, our top Talmud scholars hand picked    07/15/24  (6)
Biden unveils new personal attack on Jared and Ivanka    07/15/24  (2)
IT'S FRENCH! IT'S FRENCH EVERYBODY!!!    07/15/24  (75)
Dyslexic news anchor refers to Curtis Yarvin as Curtis Jackson (link)    07/15/24  (12)
Reminder: constitution doesn't have limits on number of VPs a candidate can have    07/15/24  (2)
is this whole convention just going to be more Trump 'nigger outreach'    07/15/24  (4)
Srs ? for XO legal scholars: would it be “Trump/Jackson” or “Trump/Cent”    07/15/24  (3)
IS THAT JARED TAYLOR'S MUSIC????    07/15/24  (4)
Why is VIVEK so unlikeable and why did he poll so poorly?    07/15/24  (14)
What time is "The Announcement"?    07/15/24  (1)
It's 50 Cent, not flame! (Link)    07/15/24  (4)
VANCE IS OUT    07/15/24  (1)
Dark horse candidate: Elise Stefanik    07/15/24  (1)
I feel like 50 cent is a Trumpmo    07/15/24  (9)
Need a running mate? Pre-order the redesigned 2025 4Runner at Marco Rubio Toyota    07/15/24  (6)
Israel has no way of replenishing its weapons stockpile or getting money    07/15/24  (1)
Kanye West's private jet on the way to Wisconsin, why?    07/15/24  (2)
Israeli government has been silent since the botched assassination. They're dead    07/15/24  (12)
Libs losing&getting smacked! CFB next month! Mmm 😋 delicious?    07/15/24  (1)
Trump to offer Rubio VP of sales at Department of Transportation    07/15/24  (3)
TRUMP to pick FETTERMAN for UNITY TICKET VP    07/15/24  (1)
It's Haley    07/15/24  (3)
Com'on down to our STAYING IN BUSINESS sale at Marco Rubio Toyota    07/15/24  (1)
The Wizard of Oz was peak moviemaking    07/15/24  (17)
"I dont drink folks, but if I did it'd be the moonshine from his meemaws holler    07/15/24  (2)
2025: White House dinners consist of naan and curry    07/15/24  (1)
Bergcum    07/15/24  (1)
BURGUM IS OUT!! BURGUM IS OUT!!    07/15/24  (1)
BREAKING: Judge dismisses Trump's classified documents case    07/15/24  (62)
'JD's wife USHA, lovely Usha, who happens to be.. Indian. Very Indian, in fact.    07/15/24  (1)
Tim Tebow on plane to Wisconsin right now    07/15/24  (2)
Fucking Buc-ee's...middle nowhere..prole population density of Tokyo.    07/15/24  (13)
some poor guy bleeding out at Trump rally, took bullet meant for Trump    07/15/24  (7)
JD Vance riding elephants through Himalayas with his soyface turd kids    07/15/24  (1)
"And as part of my new UNITY approach, I've chosen GENERAL MICHAEL FLYNN"    07/15/24  (6)
TT: I found the perfect azn girl for you (pic)    07/15/24  (10)
Trump: "And now to introduce my VP to serve as Joe Biden's UNDERTAKER"    07/15/24  (1)
Romney grits teeth, grunts, backs into wall-mounted dildo    07/15/24  (128)
It's RFK Jr.!!!! (Link)    07/15/24  (25)
This is a clown 🤡 show    07/15/24  (1)
RFK agrees to drop bid and endorse Trump    07/15/24  (1)
re: the consuela v. ricky feud, i stand with the mentally ill, megapoasting kike    07/15/24  (8)
Pussy Plowin Power Penis    07/15/24  (1)
Acting Tall (2024) starring The Rock and Peter Bread    07/15/24  (3)
First Gentleman shirtless, playing ukelele    07/15/24  (1)
Anyone else Acting Tall this morning?    07/15/24  (5)
Drudge is still shilling for Ben Carson    07/15/24  (1)
OOOOOOOOOoooooh-Sha Vance!    07/15/24  (1)
Someone just updated the www.TrumpRamaswamy2024.com Domain Info    07/15/24  (2)
Trump: "And now, ladies & gentlemen, my vice president: *GLASS SHATTERS*    07/15/24  (10)
I'm so fucking high on TRUMP right now, whatever VP comes down from those rafter    07/15/24  (1)
What do Jimmy Carter's SS agents do all day?    07/15/24  (39)
Trump just HINTED the VP pick is someone not DISCUSSED before    07/15/24  (20)
Trump is like Dostoyevsky except he writes compelling storylines in actual life    07/15/24  (2)
Here’s your SS detail Mr. President. She’s 5’3” HR ninja with a bowl cut    07/15/24  (3)
completely insane to watch 'Ramaswamy' invoking '1776'    07/15/24  (52)
really hoap trump picks someone cool as his vp    07/15/24  (3)
xoxohth.com/careers    07/15/24  (2)
Trump reportedly "sizing up" Seattle grocery clerk to be his VP    07/15/24  (135)
# of poasters who think Israel will exist in 12 months = 0.00    07/15/24  (1)
It may not be Marco, but there’s still TONS of TOP TICKET DEALS at Rubio Toyot    07/15/24  (2)
Trump: "Holograms have done many things! Just see Tupac. But a Hologram VP??"    07/15/24  (2)
We WANT them to come in LEGALLY -- like USHA Vance! Ooh-SHA *over-enunciates*    07/15/24  (11)
TDNW in two years: Trump giving Ukraine to Putin was actually a great move for U    07/15/24  (2)
antisemitism.com/careers    07/15/24  (5)
Tim Dillon's EMERGENCY BROADCAST with Alex Jones is heart warming    07/15/24  (12)
TRUMP holding Apprentice style CONTEST for VP at the RNC    07/15/24  (2)
jd prance! the vice president dance!    07/15/24  (4)
Kid Rock just cancelled all his upcoming performances    07/15/24  (1)
Danzig alters Misfits “Bullet” lyric to “ride Donny ride”    07/15/24  (1)
Why Is Trump Going With Unity Cuck Bullshit? Libs Are The Enemy    07/15/24  (41)
IT's Don Jr.    07/15/24  (1)
Rumors that Nikki Haley is getting a VP push    07/15/24  (12)
John Kasich on a plane to Milwaukee. Can't believe this.    07/15/24  (1)
The Fleshy Part of the Ear    07/15/24  (2)
Trump: I've changed. I love everyone. *lib corpses seen floating in sewage canal    07/15/24  (1)
Shooter once again adds credence to Cowgod theories.    07/15/24  (13)
*White House phone rings at 4AM* *Trump answers w/ VP Vivek's tongue up his ass*    07/15/24  (23)
Vivek walks on stage to accept VP in authentic formal sherwani    07/15/24  (7)
Professional sniper: Crooks had help on the inside. Nothing else makes sense    07/15/24  (49)
“Archie” comics introduces trans character    07/15/24  (4)
Americans used to idealize rural life (aka Wizard of Oz, 1939) - now despise it?    07/15/24  (15)
Trump was JFK Jr. all along    07/15/24  (1)
BREAKING: IT'S RUBIO!    07/15/24  (4)
poll: who is trump going to pick as vp? who do you want him to pick?    07/15/24  (12)
Amazing how many people are losing jobs today for social media posts    07/15/24  (2)
Bhangra music getting louder as presidential limo approaches    07/15/24  (41)
Trump supporters get bullets, Trump offers 'unity' to their (((killers)))    07/15/24  (1)
FBI Employee Expressed Disappointment That Trump Lived    07/15/24  (4)
Shooter's 50 kill killstreak ends in spectacular failure after tac nuke misfires    07/15/24  (1)
First Post-Assassination Attempt Poll: TRUMP (10+)    07/15/24  (8)
Soccer Fags: Who Cares About "The Euros." Sounds Like A Season AL East Tourney    07/15/24  (7)
FBI can't unlock shooter's phone. Very odd case    07/15/24  (3)
Why the fuck is the secret service director a woman    07/15/24  (72)
It's Youngkin folks    07/15/24  (2)
just some based 1488 bros with jewish fever-dream dread of 'the midwest'    07/15/24  (4)
2002: BF1942 with int’l buddies; 2024: “Intolerable Whiteness of 1942 USA”    07/15/24  (13)
Trump supporters knew the shooter had a gun before Secret Service did (link)    07/15/24  (5)
I think I found peak reddit    07/15/24  (2)
It's down to Vance, Youngkin, or Carson    07/15/24  (1)
Reddit is deleting pics of Trump raising his fist after shooting (link)    07/15/24  (1)
BURGEM OUT: Burgem has received the call notifying him he will not be VP    07/15/24  (3)
rate (scale of 1-10) this hot blonde who crashed her car into a popeyes chicken    07/15/24  (15)
It's DBG everyone! DBG is the VP pick!    07/15/24  (1)
MALIK OBAMA ANNOUNCED AS TRUMP VP! (link)    07/15/24  (1)
Chinks, and Turds, and Jews, Oh My! *Dorothy in The Wonderful Wizard of ZoZo    07/15/24  (4)
It will be Ben Carson btw    07/15/24  (7)
OYT: $JMIA loves you, my friend    07/15/24  (65)
Computer Farthole    07/15/24  (2)
Dorothy’s dress from Wizard of Oz, missing for 50 years, found in a shoebox    07/15/24  (4)
Trump: Sorry folks, he's still too short    07/15/24  (1)
Trump throws a curveball - Mike Pence running it back as VP    07/15/24  (1)
Rubio is out? Rubio is OUT?    07/15/24  (1)
Ben Carson will Trump's VP pick (MASE)    07/15/24  (65)
Uncle Ben's Rice but with Ben Carson's face    07/15/24  (1)
Don’t let them memoryhole that the 2020 election was blatantly stolen    07/15/24  (31)
Very satisfying to hear the toilet gagging trying to swallow a giant shit    07/15/24  (2)
Max IQ to think Rubio has a shot?    07/15/24  (4)
Hot mom of kids’ friends just propositioned me- how to respond?    07/15/24  (56)
Interesting observation about shooting into crowds    07/15/24  (1)
"Political prosecutions must end! And only the AG can decide who to prosecute."    07/15/24  (1)
Who else is still an Israelcuck besides MASE and two dozen pumos right now?    07/15/24  (26)
RUBIO OUT: Rubio reports that he has been told he will not be VP    07/15/24  (3)
LOL it's Ben Carson    07/15/24  (1)

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