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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Why is trump's bandage over his entire ear    07/16/24  (7)
JD Vance's book looks ghostwritten like Obama's    07/16/24  (13)
Ppl who think shooting was deep state conspiracy, not incompetence, are so smart    07/16/24  (8)
bullet barely grazing ur skull as you turn head downward to blank bump luis post    07/16/24  (17)
The bitter truth is that I'm a fat man    07/16/24  (13)
California bans notifying parents of child’s sex change    07/16/24  (17)
Gavin Newsom vs. JD Vance families - pic    07/16/24  (20)
Gay barber said Trump assassination attempt was planned by Trump's team    07/16/24  (15)
Burned by offline irl xo interaction 15 years ago tp    07/16/24  (3)
WaPo Conservative Columnist: "Trump is responsible for assassination attempt."    07/16/24  (3)
There is now no question: Trump is JFK's spiritual successor    07/16/24  (4)
CNN guest suggests shooting was a setup, CNN host IRATE (link)    07/16/24  (15)
Trump's head movement during the shooting was incredibly lucky    07/16/24  (3)
here's probably what happened    07/16/24  (22)
Immigrants do all the disgusting jerbs Birdshits won't (like sex JD Vance)    07/16/24  (9)
Disco you know the smart people are leaving America and it's set up that way    07/16/24  (2)
just noticed i have three gray hairs at 35    07/16/24  (10)
Remember 3-4 yrs ago askav was huge shitlib?    07/16/24  (28)
How do guys get new GFs so quickly?    07/16/24  (51)
Let's get Trump in and take out the garbage    07/16/24  (1)
so shooter made explosives despite having no training or search history for it?    07/16/24  (11)
Real fraudflation is over 500%+ and more    07/16/24  (1)
Time to cut Ukraine loose, send all the money to Israel (GOP Platform)    07/16/24  (2)
How Is Vance's Wife A 12th Year Associate At Munger?    07/16/24  (27)
Trump had economy perfect..then fraud planned covid&fraudflation    07/16/24  (1)
It's all fraud and all greedflation    07/16/24  (1)
OYT: $JMIA loves you, my friend    07/16/24  (66)
We come on the Sloped Roof B    07/16/24  (4)
Hillbilly Jim, Uncle Elmer, Cousin Luke, JD    07/16/24  (2)
i can't fucking stand text message marketing    07/16/24  (1)
does biden have ANY chance of winning now?    07/16/24  (21)
NOT FLAME this biglaw partner is a swinger (link)    07/16/24  (34)
Asian men are 180 and I’m tired of pretending otherwise    07/16/24  (5)
There is no greater powder keg in human history than whites fighting whites    07/16/24  (6)
whats the cr taco bell order?    07/16/24  (5)
SS Director: “Unsafe to put someone on a sloped roof”    07/16/24  (94)
wtf askav outed on livestream    07/16/24  (5)
JD Vance mistaking Justin Trudeau for his wife at Davos    07/16/24  (3)
prole askav's limp disappearing as he walks out of trust fund managers office    07/16/24  (7)
Squinting at ur wife's tablet screen as "How do you move up an incline" autocomp    07/16/24  (7)
"As my wife would say, Mrs. aska---uhh vance--"    07/16/24  (1)
Trump tells Boris Johnson what he wants to hear on Ukraine - link    07/16/24  (1)
GJR stuffing her fat tits into a top in the Dress Barn Plus Department    07/16/24  (3)
Consuela shaking and crying in fear when Ricky logs on    07/16/24  (2)
you killed yourself at least two weeks ago    07/16/24  (12)
On grounding mechanisms: avoid untethered schizophrenia    07/16/24  (15)
It was all the same dream; a dream you had inside a locked room    07/16/24  (1)
Newlywed husband noticing wife's mouth eats and talks nonstop but sucks no dick    07/16/24  (2)
apparently ricky was right about the mcdonalds app. what else was he right about    07/16/24  (20)
Ricky was right about everything    07/16/24  (25)
JD Vance enters RNC to R.E.M. - Crush With Eyeliner (vid)    07/16/24  (2)
Do you and your bros “PreSteam” before you head to Steamworks?    07/16/24  (1)
LMAO, Trump didn't even bother to call widow of victim at his rally    07/16/24  (9)
Luis, leaning back and lighting up a Marby Red, contemplating your anus    07/16/24  (2)
Group of drunk shrews clapping & chanting "small, penis, humiliation" in unison    07/16/24  (2)
Rewatching What About Bob? 180 film    07/16/24  (8)
new video released of chick in stands giving blowjob then her head explodes    07/16/24  (3)
2008: first black president 2024: first vice president married to Indian    07/16/24  (2)
The Trump Rally incident was a STAGED HOAX    07/16/24  (7)
Looks like Evan Wright (the 'Generation Kill' writer) killedself:    07/16/24  (2)
Isn’t it strange how internet bandwidth increased, bloatware and spying did to    07/16/24  (1)
LOL libs getting violenttly ragdolled    07/16/24  (3)
Jack Black cancels Tenacious D tour because brother said he wants Trump dead    07/16/24  (37)
Crooks had Sharpied ‘Sekret Surviss’ T-Shirt, Further Confusing Response (li    07/16/24  (1)
How did they not pull Trump when shooter was spotted on roof?    07/16/24  (4)
"Look, didn't even leave a scar! I got the best plastic surgeons, believe me!"    07/16/24  (1)
corrupt prosecutions? assassination? let's just call it a slippery slope *wink*    07/16/24  (1)
Philly man sought by police after woman claims "he nutted on my leg" (video)    07/16/24  (4)
Reminder: It’s all just Jacob’s Ladder-esque hallucinations    07/16/24  (3)
The Bikeriders was 180    07/16/24  (2)
Jfc 99.99% of xo poasters will never know this level of adorable devotion    07/16/24  (4)
Thinking a lot about the song No Scrubs lately    07/16/24  (10)
SS had no plan to get outside perimeter fence, had to ram it with a SUV (vid)    07/16/24  (7)
Secret Service/local police locked themselves out of the rally (link)    07/16/24  (1)
ss agents jabbering and running into each other like power ranger putties    07/16/24  (3)
Trump shooter bent chain link fence at 45 degree angle, stalling SS pursuit    07/16/24  (1)
Secret Service director not getting fired is evidence that this was not a setup    07/16/24  (1)
your dear friend sussudio tp seeks a $200k WFH sinecure    07/16/24  (5)
Partners yelling, arguing about how to make word that ends in "s" possessive.    07/16/24  (10)
"Oh, I'm afraid the roof will be fully sloped by the time the Secret Service arr    07/16/24  (13)
Re-watched First 2 Seasons Of CURB. Some Observations    07/16/24  (22)
I can give SS benefit of doubt re incompetence for kid on roof    07/16/24  (1)
There's a group of guys who call themselves "The Rooftop Boys" who run the local    07/16/24  (5)
Larry David's Dotter Laying On The Bed In Red And White Heart Panties (PIC)    07/16/24  (1)
"We had a bad incident once when President Clinton visited a Wienerschnitzel"    07/16/24  (8)
Larry David's Dotter In A White Tank Top, Braless & Showing Nip (PIC)    07/16/24  (9)
Female SS agent drawing diagram w person standing perpendicular to slope of roof    07/16/24  (11)
“Oh no the slope!” *Trump mockingly tiptoes on stage* *crowd roars*    07/16/24  (4)
what if you went on FOX and were like, 'Look, we need to hit Israel, hit em hard    07/16/24  (5)
Romney: I'm no Coors Drinker, but I invite Pete to my Ski Chalet    07/16/24  (8)
"But we know what's up there, ma'am. It's a sloped roof" "Somebody get this hoth    07/16/24  (1)
Report: police were chasing shooter before shooting occurred (link)    07/16/24  (12)
Trump. We Love Our Slopes. Elaine Chao Come On Up. Tremendous Secretary.    07/16/24  (3)
Hey there’s a guy on that impassable sloped roof, should someone check that ou    07/16/24  (1)
Why so few FEMALE Secret Service Agents even in VPOTUS's Detail?    07/16/24  (3)
the unguarded roof seems weirder and weirder to me    07/16/24  (53)
Anyone else never beat the sloped roof level in TMNT NES game?    07/16/24  (2)
*D-day boats turning around after seeing a heavily sloped beachhead*    07/16/24  (6)
Boart Fats: Recs On Home Pizza Ovens    07/16/24  (61)
Political event of the decade and the momentum stops bc GOP decides RNC should    07/16/24  (24)
luis/MASE have your wives gone crazy yet post-children?    07/16/24  (19)
I will build a great grade slope on our southern border, and Mexico will pay for    07/16/24  (2)
No Doubt - I'm Just A Girl plays as woman tries to drive up hill in 4th gear    07/16/24  (1)
SS: We Need To Import More Central Americans To Work Sloped Roofs    07/16/24  (3)
the shooter 'kept disappearing.' lolwut?    07/16/24  (3)
Mother in law threw out our kids' fans. Make her leave?    07/16/24  (5)
WE COME ON THE SLOPE JOHN B    07/16/24  (4)
“Civil war NOW!!” “And libs need to cool it with their irresponsible rheto    07/16/24  (18)
XO Roofers LLC: Sloped Roofs A Specialty    07/16/24  (1)
benny hill music plays as old man chases bikini girl around sloped roof    07/16/24  (2)
why do we 'need to do something' about Iran? why? help me out?    07/16/24  (6)
"It was a sloped roof, okay? It was sloped Jerry! Sloped!"    07/16/24  (8)
I read this article about the water level "iq" test every day now. Women are 180    07/16/24  (96)
*Iranian generals nodding in agreement that sloped roofs are the Achilles heel*    07/16/24  (2)
MPAA demanding "Sloped Roof Trap" be cut from latest Saw movie    07/16/24  (6)
Sick video of the moment when Ukraine became doomed    07/16/24  (2)
6% grade and an attitude, 6% grade and an attitude    07/16/24  (2)
Billy Squier--The Slope.mp3    07/16/24  (1)
Husband "wife-proofs" his shop by adding 4 foot long sloped wheelchair ramp (lin    07/16/24  (4)
Sloped, and to the left. Sloped, and to the left.    07/16/24  (2)
"sloped roof" is sexual slang for an azn cervix    07/16/24  (2)
and the Spartans did it too, think of it like a bonding exercise." hi who just    07/16/24  (2)
a Praetorian Guard of fat, gassy women    07/16/24  (1)
Elon moving SpaceX from CA to TX because of CA's tranny laws (link)    07/16/24  (3)
Is Dave Ramsey CR in any way at all?    07/16/24  (44)
This teacher likes pigtails as well as fucking teen boys. Pigtails thing seems o    07/16/24  (5)
Microsoft lays off entire DEI team, says no longer "business critical" (link)    07/16/24  (5)
guys cmon it was just a bunch of coincidental security lapses    07/16/24  (1)
VP "jd vance" gets Trump the rust belt-- what does VP kamalafornia get Biden    07/16/24  (2)
Does anyone have the link to the "homespun private equity firm" JD Vance post    07/16/24  (1)
so, when head of SS fired or resigns? how hasn't that happened yet?    07/16/24  (20)
kenny hit the 'sloped roof' in cslg's firm imo.    07/16/24  (3)
Ending Of Series Finale Of Curb Is Retarded Legally (Spoiler)    07/16/24  (1)
You're WHAT?? "Sloped roof! Unsafe!"    07/16/24  (2)
"I'm a gay, buttfucking queer, mamaw!" "Have you considered Indian women?"    07/16/24  (2)
"Hyman" At JD Vance Press Conference: Admit You're Jewish, My Man    07/16/24  (2)
mamaw was also a keen Zionist, as I was soon to learn    07/16/24  (8)
rate this totally straight excerpt from Hillbilly Elegy    07/16/24  (18)
Women talking about organizing or not from getting eaten out    07/16/24  (7)
Grinning Tom Cruise running up sloped roof unaided in next Mission Impossible    07/16/24  (7)
**SHOTS FIRED AT RNC** siren 🚨    07/16/24  (1)
lol at what an utter and complete loser that shooter was    07/16/24  (38)
Friends, I am pooping out a huge log as we post rn    07/16/24  (1)
   07/16/24  (1)
***Rate this women and what's going on here***    07/16/24  (7)
This is why we should believe all women (vid)    07/16/24  (2)
gujarati elegy    07/16/24  (2)

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