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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
lol, so amazing libs cannot comprehend the minority low iq    09/19/24  (161)
Trump royally fucked Boeing on Air Force One    09/19/24  (12)
Tucker is 100% an intelligence asset. But so are 95% of other talking heads    09/19/24  (8)
Rape SPIKES at University of Utah (150 out of 175 reports from ONE woman)    09/19/24  (15)
Talked to Japanese tutor about meeting up IRL with a poaster (FizzKidd)    09/19/24  (15)
Link to best supreme court oral arguments w/ gorgeous ACB    09/19/24  (1)
if these goofballs can get w/in a few hundred yards of the president    09/19/24  (3)
Could really use a spicy chicken sandwich and an obctoberfest tbh    09/19/24  (10)
All my problems would be solved by being MURDERED    09/19/24  (1)
If you're not listening to Japanese New Age music now, wtf is wrong with you?    09/19/24  (3)
Pumpkin patch milfs.    09/19/24  (3)
Whites like meritocracy in college admission until AZNS ruin it    09/19/24  (18)
My retirement 'number' was $3M net worth. Hit that today.    09/19/24  (17)
Independent photojournalism is litereally dead. They killed everyone    09/19/24  (2)
The Asian IQ myth    09/19/24  (96)
Controversial take: Only white Anglo-Saxon Protestants should be in power    09/19/24  (21)
Swift had parents drive her to bumfuck Tennessee never went to school    09/19/24  (1)
It was all yours..you've done it all! Were&are being cheated out of it all    09/19/24  (6)
More on the "High Asian IQ Myth": 400 million Chinese are cognitively retarded    09/19/24  (30)
Video of IDF throwing man off roof of building (link)    09/19/24  (33)
problem solving    09/19/24  (1)
blackpill me on redpill whitepills    09/19/24  (1)
Carly Fiorina: Chinks are uncreative robots (not flame):    09/19/24  (72)
how did all entertainment become uncreative woke garbage in a decade    09/19/24  (21)
Reptiles: what should we do with blacks since they have low IQ?    09/19/24  (27)
Kamala is easy on the eyes. Is this the reason for her good poll numbers?    09/19/24  (1)
Ohtani 50 / 51    09/19/24  (7)
Thank God our grandparents died to liberate Saipan and make it US territory    09/19/24  (5)
HR / SB "Clubs" Seem Like Fun Trivia But Who Cares. HR + BA > HR + SB    09/19/24  (3)
The Cecil Hotel    09/19/24  (18)
What's with all of the weird human interaction in america?    09/19/24  (4)
No Rules Just Right ("Kamala Harris" to disco fries tp)    09/19/24  (1)
It was all yours..literal retards get all of the credit..never went to "school"    09/19/24  (1)
Ok now dumb it all down and send it to Tucker    09/19/24  (1)
What's with all this weird shit going on in "Kansas City"?    09/19/24  (1)
DBG used to wipe down his grocery deliveries during COVID and fled to ARE COUNTR    09/19/24  (2)
OYT is Bald    09/19/24  (5)
NFL HOT TAKE: I actually think the Jets will win the division this year    09/19/24  (1)
How much you want to bet the Israelis will bill the widows for the pager bill?    09/19/24  (4)
How are all my faggy droogs doin on this lawyer honeypot 1st amendment chatbort?    09/19/24  (1)
No one "takes the text seriously"    09/19/24  (1)
I bless the rains down in Nude Africa    09/19/24  (1)
Conclusive proof that Italians are savages and are not white:    09/19/24  (16)
Society is being ruined by low IQ mexicans, make no mistake    09/19/24  (20)
The US was a great country. Before it got infested with sandniggers    09/19/24  (1)
Some decent polling for Trump just dropped    09/19/24  (1)
Let me try to find where I left off here    09/19/24  (2)
ohtani not getting 50/50. people jinxed it    09/19/24  (8)
Somebody please end the shitlib menace    09/19/24  (10)
Is the US becoming more or less of a meritocracy?    09/19/24  (27)
Thomas Jefferson high school to eliminate merit based admissions, will do divers    09/19/24  (46)
Putin could make millions of iPhones blow up without warning    09/19/24  (1)
You may hate his wgwag spamming, but nyuug IS always right    09/19/24  (19)
I caught a big fish today. I named it whokebe. Full story.    09/19/24  (25)
NYUUG IS ALWAYS RIGHT.    09/19/24  (22)
Oh Africa, Nude Africa    09/19/24  (1)
Asians not defined as diverse by google. Asians and whites need to team up    09/19/24  (141)
Do young men today really feel “left behind” or is it just media slop?    09/19/24  (58)
Article: Young men seeking jihad because of Western feminazism    09/19/24  (9)
men who would vote for a female president - explain yourselves    09/19/24  (37)
Will there EVER be another Republican President?    09/19/24  (12)
what if "accelerationism" doesn't work    09/19/24  (29)
Another woman caught fucking her dog    09/19/24  (98)
how important is assassin-deflection game as potus?    09/19/24  (25)
Reminder: the Civil War was fought over the issue of slavery    09/19/24  (25)
Guy in first world country, president hasn't been impeached, sup    09/19/24  (147)
Why the fuck is the secret service director a woman    09/19/24  (110)
Too much homosexual stuff on this board    09/19/24  (2)
There is a "magic Aryan dirt" you can eat that will increase IQ and stamina    09/19/24  (1)
remember when America was 90% white?    09/19/24  (40)
ITALIANS AREN'T WHITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1    09/19/24  (6)
Paul Thomas Anderson films Official XO ranking not subject to debate    09/19/24  (62)
Why isn’t Julian Assange speaking to the media?    09/19/24  (6)
I miss the rains down in nude Africa    09/19/24  (1)
what is the single greatest piece of writing you have ever read    09/19/24  (29)
300-page thread on Pierre Douton vs Snake Assombo on Nude Africa    09/19/24  (3)
"Welcome to Nude Africa, my friend."    09/19/24  (1)
“I have an invisible dragon in my garage.”    09/19/24  (2)
New millennial TikTok trend: snorting lines of sawdust.    09/19/24  (2)
Now that Trumpmos are on record as not supporting free speech    09/19/24  (110)
GOP candidate for North Carolina declares self a “black nazi” who loves tran    09/19/24  (32)
Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice    09/19/24  (4)
Nude Africa Addio    09/19/24  (1)
I make the poasts on nude africa    09/19/24  (3)
Wrestling announcer: “the Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiid” (300 pound Chinese woman enters)    09/19/24  (3)
Anyone registered for an account on Nude Africa yet?    09/19/24  (1)
Archer Daniels Midlands Company.. did this to me    09/19/24  (116)
Rating posters as pics of my friends wives in bathing suits.    09/19/24  (7)
Lol, Twitter mods the phrase "tranny porn"? What about my free speech?    09/19/24  (2)
Posting on a porn forum might be the most culturally black thing in US history    09/19/24  (6)
Science is Settled. "UMC folks have average net worth of around $300,800."    09/19/24  (16)
Ohtani 49 / 51    09/19/24  (3)
NSAM57: what r the odds an intel agency killed this photojournalist?    09/19/24  (21)
Governor Robinson RESPONDS in video tweet (link)    09/19/24  (2)
They should make a movie about a guy that says "Yes" to everything    09/19/24  (17)
Proud to admit I had first date unprotected anal with Fizz (MPA)    09/19/24  (1)
"Now THIS is perestroika!" lisped ARE Reptile as Darnell prolapsed his asshole    09/19/24  (44)
Typical XO Thread: Can I have travel tips? But, no, I won't say where I'm going    09/19/24  (1)
Nude Africa tp    09/19/24  (9)
CNN royally fucked up: Robinson was set to rally with JD Vance TODAY    09/19/24  (1)
So here's to you Mr Robinson Biden loves you more than you can know    09/19/24  (2)
Why do Indians smell like saffron perfume?    09/19/24  (5)
Some shit going on in NC governors race    09/19/24  (48)
Lindsay Graham tweets support for Mark Robinson    09/19/24  (1)
How to increase the volume of my seminal fluid?    09/19/24  (9)
MarkSexyDarkChocolateNazi tp    09/19/24  (2)
Ashamed to admit that I never consummated my marriage w/ my ex (MPA)    09/19/24  (2)
Intel CPU failures confirm what I said years ago: they can't do metallurgy    09/19/24  (1)
Best part of Robinson scandal, he can't just say he was "joking" because then    09/19/24  (2)
XO Yard Signs Just Dropped (pic)    09/19/24  (3)
Meeting Plenty Asians    09/19/24  (9)
Mark Robinson had explicit sexchats with white "slaveboi" named Karlstac...    09/19/24  (3)
Live Free of Die is literally the ONLY Ukrainecuck who admits it was a nuke. Win    09/19/24  (2)
Thank God our children will died to defend Taipei and not make it US territory    09/19/24  (1)
America First! (then transgender porn viewing)    09/19/24  (2)
can't wait for a female president    09/19/24  (26)
Negress Bluesmoke is back pushing Negress Harris?    09/19/24  (9)
Will there ever be a black-native american midget tranny prez?    09/19/24  (9)
imagine this country if white people could have a city    09/19/24  (4)
A major component of nude bodybuilding is seminal volume.    09/19/24  (2)
Thank God our grandparents died to liberate Vietnam, then their kids died there    09/19/24  (1)
Trump statement: "I don't know him, but they say he supports me very strongly."    09/19/24  (2)
brown eyes = not white    09/19/24  (47)
Why does the GOP hate free speech?    09/19/24  (2)
toxic white male privilege seeping from every corner of xo    09/19/24  (2)
Touching: Perrod unloads 6 cumloads on 7 y/o boy with Leukemia    09/19/24  (211)
Thank God our grandparents fought Japan and let the Great Leap Forward happen    09/19/24  (6)
Poll: is Handsome Truth a Fed, or no?    09/19/24  (2)
Video of IDF throwing live piglets under tank treads    09/19/24  (1)
why does the cost of living keep going up?    09/19/24  (22)
Remember when American presidents would pwn the USSR?    09/19/24  (7)
The real reason the education system has gone down the toilet    09/19/24  (34)
apparently i’ve been poasting from a medically-induced coma for 4+ yrs    09/19/24  (4)
GOP: dirty tranny cock porn for me but not for theeeeeeee    09/19/24  (2)
Blank bump this thread if ur a chad (no melvins or fats allowed)    09/19/24  (9)
Dogs that resemble Ewoks are 180    09/19/24  (4)
Do you expect your wife to tell you if a guy from work is hitting on her?    09/19/24  (2)
In-Depth Analysis of the Poaster "cucumbers":    09/19/24  (3)
Thank God our grandparents drove Japan out of the Philippines    09/19/24  (1)
Nancy Mace exposes CNN shitlib for sliding into her DMs    09/19/24  (1)
He commented on the porn sites we created!    09/19/24  (4)
the PROBLEM in America is not BLACKS, its WHITE RACISM    09/19/24  (26)
A major component of intelligence is empathy?    09/19/24  (17)
Turkish parliament opens session with land acknowledgement for Constantinople    09/19/24  (17)
Fuckhead Roosevelt could have just let Japan have that oil    09/19/24  (7)
Genghis Khan's descendants apologize for legacy of Mongolian Supremacy (link)    09/19/24  (38)
people on the street always ask me, “cucumbers, what should i do?”    09/19/24  (5)
Is Cantonese or Mandarin or prestigious?    09/19/24  (3)
Man opens Indian bakery in Harlem called "Hindu Muffin" (link)    09/19/24  (6)

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