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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
What was Chief Brody being paid in "Jaws"? Seems like a 180 job    01/08/25  (17)
wait so everyone is a schizophrenic driving around fiddling with phones now?    01/08/25  (8)
Gays of Our Lives    01/08/25  (1)
friend’s sister got 2nd DUI, license suspended for 5 years    01/08/25  (32)
Criminal appeals lawyer taking Qs    01/08/25  (81)
Ricky buying fire insurance on Palisades airbnb before paying homeless guy $50 t    01/08/25  (1)
What the fuck is Maxwell's Silver Hammer supposed to be alluding to?    01/08/25  (2)
K K K K K K I wonder what I'll have to eat today    01/08/25  (1)
Hypo: $5M to attend 162 randomly assigned MLB games in 2025    01/08/25  (89)
Karma Sushi: Fire Sale, everything must go! Water only $7.99 🚨    01/08/25  (5)
Hey TSINAH you can access your hard drives faster over ethernet than SAS    01/08/25  (1)
the whole "driving in snow" thing is maybe the gayest "fake tough" aspect of ame    01/08/25  (12)
just had the shittiest bagel of all time here, i hope Cali burns down to nothing    01/08/25  (10)
Fire in Hollywood near Runyon canyon - Magic castle at risk    01/08/25  (8)
It is hard to connect with Trumpenproles    01/08/25  (8)
Who is next up for sexualization after MASE's half-joking mental breakdown?    01/08/25  (2)
I could tolerate fucking retarded in a woman but not "completely evil&shameless"    01/08/25  (15)
Multiple Miggs: “I can SMELL your phenotype!”    01/08/25  (2)
Brutal baseball bat beatdown in the UK captured on video.    01/08/25  (11)
Top 3 Goosebumps books?    01/08/25  (24)
looks like i've more or less got myself a gf 180    01/08/25  (1)
Marjorie Taylor Green has a song written about her - video    01/08/25  (1)
Federal court is SHIT PURE SHIT. Def filed MSJ in mid-December, opp is overdue!    01/08/25  (3)
Honey, I Shrunk the North Korean Arms Shipment (2024)    01/08/25  (5)
Why is daycare so expensive?    01/08/25  (45)
Rate my PC build for large model local LLM    01/08/25  (50)
Tired of working at Goodman Tovrov Hardy & Johnson LLC    01/08/25  (1)
Benzo's SHitvax Case Going Into Its Third POTUS Administration    01/08/25  (1)
Someone should start a day in the life of a lawyer accounts    01/08/25  (1)
my love language is phenotype    01/08/25  (4)
"All the kids are brown (alll the kids are brown), and/or fucking gay.."    01/08/25  (186)
Wife accepted $25 from friend for taking their kid to the movies. How prole?    01/08/25  (19)
God is purging Southern California before Trump takes office    01/08/25  (1)
chinese chicken    01/08/25  (2)
I just learned the outdoorboys dood was a fucking lawyer, ljl at all of us    01/08/25  (1)
"cyber security" seems like complete flame    01/08/25  (1)
MASE's Ego died for your sins & in 3 days He will Rise again    01/08/25  (1)
How are you so burnt when you’re barely on fire    01/08/25  (3)
God's Mercy is incomprehensible    01/08/25  (16)
five million bees en route to Alaska die after shipment stranded on hot tarmac    01/08/25  (86)
MASE is right, Gunneratttt's MPM is not legitimate, MASE lost in the 1st round    01/08/25  (1)
Threads that make me laugh.    01/08/25  (451)
"I give XO 100% effort, brood sreat tear, and what XO do? It hit!" (MASE)    01/08/25  (1)
"Did the cancer spread to the organ that writes memos?"    01/08/25  (186)
"Gonna need you to inspect this too," said MASE, spreading his buttocks    01/08/25  (85)
Solos -- how do you deal with the solitude?    01/08/25  (21)
Halford prancing around his Hell Room to jock jams    01/08/25  (11)
Credible deep background reports Switch 2 will come w/ 48GB RAM, anal-aural inte    01/08/25  (1)
any board muzzies want to defend the UK child rape scandal?    01/08/25  (26)
Downfall of Jock Jams    01/08/25  (1)
Which poaster has the most ruinous phenotype?    01/08/25  (3)
Fellow Tall Guys come itt    01/08/25  (5)
🚨🚨🚨 MPM DAY 5: FINAL FOUR 🚨🚨🚨    01/08/25  (166)
A dying man lying in bed quietly weeping at the reality of his ending existence.    01/08/25  (18)
Hard to overstate how BULLSHIT it is that you fags ran MASE off the bort. It's    01/08/25  (1)
Issues with various phenotypes    01/08/25  (13)
"Here, have some ripple" said Kasich, forcing XRP coins into the poaster's mouth    01/08/25  (61)
Actual black people remind me of my wigger friends in subtle ways    01/08/25  (4)
Gunneratttt's MPM is not legitimate. Explanation ITT    01/08/25  (22)
"It's the itsy bitsy spider!" Kasich shrieked as he sliced my perineum.    01/08/25  (3)
Prediction: Marionetted Trump will give shitloads of money to Palisades Jews    01/08/25  (3)
Impressive how committed MASE is to a failed flame schtick.    01/08/25  (1)
can we pls stop talking about gooks and gook countries    01/08/25  (26)
If the Switch 2 comes with 12gb of RAM it's over for Sony    01/08/25  (33)
It was the worst paper jam of my life, the old lawyer said    01/08/25  (86)
fuck it, if mase's out, i'm out.    01/08/25  (4)
At Calabasas High School, PS1 Dominates and Socioeconomics Collide (NYT, 1991)    01/08/25  (27)
You have 1 message from the moderation staff    01/08/25  (3)
glad to see nigger shitting all over the wall inside starbucks tp is back    01/08/25  (5)
Trump was right yet again    01/08/25  (1)
Basic faggot move all Linux users make is the chmod 777 on everything    01/08/25  (1)
is Rachmiel one of the 10 most important Millennials?    01/08/25  (6)
So tonight MASE learned his shitty MPM showing last yr was due to fraud    01/08/25  (2)
The “Jock Jams” CDs were successful because they explicitly acknowledged Cli    01/08/25  (17)
Southern California hellscape    01/08/25  (8)
Here's my response to the posters who put cucumbers over me in MPM.    01/08/25  (142)
holy shit XO is about to enter a long form cyberpunk Nathaniel Hawthorne era    01/08/25  (1)
You are retarded if you live in the natural disaster magnet that is LA    01/08/25  (8)
"Wait, grandpa, I'm confused. Cucumbers aren't supposed to go up a grocery clerk    01/08/25  (5)
I’m retiring. (MASE)    01/08/25  (29)
Has any #1 seed lost as spectacularly and early in MPM as MASE did this year?    01/08/25  (33)
LA mayor seems pretty smart - link    01/08/25  (2)
can’t wait until someone kills Lynn Conway tp like they kill Joe Pesci in casi    01/08/25  (1)
has nyuug ever tried not being a retarded gook    01/08/25  (6)
How do these black mayors keep getting elected in cities with lower black pop    01/08/25  (6)
Rate the new Franklin County Ohio Prosecutor    01/08/25  (1)
Did antifa light all these fires again?    01/08/25  (1)
The State of Clique Theory    01/08/25  (28)
anyways, passable transexuality & race realism is the only way out *goes to bed*    01/08/25  (56)
ur childhood toy to U: "passable trannys? but why?"    01/08/25  (12)
golden retriever pads up to you, whispers, "look, I'm not a racist, but..."    01/08/25  (8)
*floridians denying climate change while paying $5K/month flood insurance*    01/08/25  (7)
can someone just ban nyuug pls    01/08/25  (9)
Switch 2 motherfucker    01/08/25  (6)
here's a 3 page detailed screed about why i don't care about losing MPM (MASE)    01/08/25  (29)
Rach PLEASE ban nyuug    01/08/25  (7)
TSNIAH watch this EPYC Genoa series toss a Threadripper's salad in Cinebench    01/08/25  (1)
Pacific Palisades was almost all SFH. Wonder if they'll rezone it to hi-density    01/08/25  (3)
libgook quotemo spammer is arguably as bad as nyuug at this point    01/08/25  (1)
gunneratttt plagiarized his 4th grade science essay (MASEstack)    01/08/25  (1)
Trump Calls Alito re Former Clerk Job Ref | Lugenpresse: Amid Trump Legal Case    01/08/25  (7)
I'd like to formally advance a motion to ban nyuug. Seriously. Go away.    01/08/25  (26)
MASE penning lengthy substack screed about MPM    01/08/25  (1)
seriously please ban nyuug i'm so sick of this    01/08/25  (7)
Jfc ban nyuug already    01/08/25  (3)
Hilarious how cowgod finally met his match in gamefaqs poster Azuredoragon    01/08/25  (104)
Neither MPA or TT deserve to win btw.    01/08/25  (1)
Home where Matthew Perry died now just a charred husk    01/08/25  (2)
lol...asians are robotically obsessive    01/08/25  (19)
Can MODS disable all threads with "Korea" in them?    01/08/25  (9)
I sure hope nutella and her lovely family are safe from these wildfires    01/08/25  (7)
can we enter a COMPACT to entirely IGNORE nyuug?    01/08/25  (360)
These poor women (video)    01/08/25  (2)
Nintendo Switch Mario Kart edition play Mario Kart only (all versions): how much    01/08/25  (1)
How can the world consist of so much Terror and Horror and Ruin    01/08/25  (1)
Trump on JRE spoke for 7 min about CA water mismanagement    01/08/25  (4)
MACE tp here, first day    01/08/25  (1)
NYUUG S. KOREA is well and truly fucked, and will likely collapse    01/08/25  (29)
Biden has GOOD NEWS for LA wildfire victims (link)    01/08/25  (2)
Asians are so FUCKING gross and STUPID. living near them is a nightmare    01/08/25  (15)
the united states of america has a third world infrastructure.    01/08/25  (102)
Why are whites never emigrating to brown countries?    01/08/25  (23)
My wife brunchfarted in front of all of our friends at brunch    01/08/25  (38)
Asians are a disaster for America    01/08/25  (12)
Just booked the Ultimate Family Townhouse cruise (CSLG)    01/08/25  (113)
asians are NOT intelligent LOW IQ UNCREATIVE REPETTIVE    01/08/25  (22)
Asians are such weird fanatics    01/08/25  (15)
Why women hate Korean men (politico)    01/08/25  (31)
asians are the worst race without a fucking doubt    01/08/25  (62)
LOLLERCAUSTERING at the shit show in South Korea    01/08/25  (5)
I take it back. This year’s MPM is awesome.    01/08/25  (8)
TT's arc ends in Greenland with an anorexic Danish wife    01/08/25  (5)
ATTN Karen, please state "bitch boi MPM" thread, MASE needs to win something    01/08/25  (1)
I’m rediculous. (MASE)    01/08/25  (2)
Idk about you but I am really enjoying California libs’ homes burn down    01/08/25  (1)
Coronavirus spread by Asians and Shit. San Francisco is doomed.    01/08/25  (7)
OldHLSDude Entering his 78th Year - taking questions    01/08/25  (144)
A world without men: Inside koreas 4B movement    01/08/25  (44)
South Korea convicts man who avoided military service by binge eating    01/08/25  (12)
the NVIDIA RTX 5090 is here: $1999 MSRP    01/08/25  (17)
What are we defining as whites: Italians, Russians, White Latino    01/08/25  (6)
This fire is going to bankrupt CA’s insurance industry    01/08/25  (2)
Hey MASE, consolation prize... I bet you'd win "bitch boi MPM" if there were one    01/08/25  (1)
poor african men shell out for DEM GUCCI SHOES [news item]    01/08/25  (35)
amerika is a racist shithole country.. fuck this shit    01/08/25  (3)
(((RSF))) is considering divorce    01/08/25  (384)
dont know how "substack" is real    01/08/25  (19)
Why are White/Asian fertility rates so low, and any hope of a rebound?    01/08/25  (7)
Pro Tip: Only buy NVIDIA GPU's    01/08/25  (111)

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