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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
TBF: can u fix the stocks & bitcoin? TYIA    03/06/25  (1)
What coins to buy to moon and how high bitcoin    03/06/25  (1)
It's hard to understate how much Wind Waker pissed people off    03/06/25  (3)
We choose to moon in this decade and the other things (JF Trump coin)    03/06/25  (1)
Yeah so we defrauded a ton of people and burned down your home    03/06/25  (2)
Looks like Syria is getting a badly-needed civil war again - link    03/06/25  (17)
It's just murder and demon rape man. Stop being a redditor    03/06/25  (1)
Why are Redditors always sticklers for the rules?    03/06/25  (5)
Ricky typing "most painful way to make someone quadraplegic" ChatGPT    03/06/25  (1)
I am murdering my wife if she puts captions on the TV again.    03/06/25  (6)
Jesus himself rolling up on your faggot fucking dad & paralyzing him for life    03/06/25  (4)
TRUMP shd execute 1 relative of Tim Walz a day until Chauvin is pardoned    03/06/25  (1)
In the end, it wasn't for all the money and pussy. It was for the nookie    03/06/25  (2)
Anyone ever feel like you're in some fake and gay contest that y're not aware of    03/06/25  (10)
my life is a financial jenga tower waiting to collapse    03/06/25  (8)
"Libs"=people sick of being ruled by petty, vindictive, white-hating Jews    03/06/25  (1)
These "people" are repeatedly making me so ill that I can't function    03/06/25  (1)
How did xo survive making so many bad threads for decades?    03/06/25  (2)
NYC Meetup 03/08 @ The Canuck (8pm)    03/06/25  (4)
I am fucking boiling over with rage @ libs for last election + 4 years    03/06/25  (4)
Why is Gen X obsessed with The Tick    03/06/25  (5)
To be Fair tp outted as driving a Lexus ES350    03/06/25  (2)
Your sister really smashing the balls into her face so she can lick the taint    03/06/25  (4)
Renada Deshada is an of counsel in shitlaw now doing unlawful detainer cases    03/06/25  (4)
Holy shit this place sucks    03/06/25  (8)
China secretly diapered US will win on trade (WSJ)    03/06/25  (1)
China secretly worried US will win on trade (WSJ)    03/06/25  (18)
"Most Gen Xers I meet are Losers, to be honest"    03/06/25  (4)
Tip: don’t use condoms when bottoming.    03/06/25  (9)
Used to jerk off to all of the bitches on Step By Step    03/06/25  (14)
Do you guys remember jdu? Most of the board was Gen X and Poor af    03/06/25  (5)
I'm nude    03/06/25  (7)
Hypo: 50 million dollars but Starbucks employee drops hot drink on your dick    03/06/25  (21)
my life is a shadow people knock out game waiting to eat souls    03/06/25  (2)
Best pic of JD Vance    03/06/25  (12)
Posters with rabies, how’s it going    03/06/25  (9)
Tip: don’t use diapers when bottoming.    03/06/25  (1)
My life is a pre-loaded diaper tp    03/06/25  (1)
little girl teaches duckling how to play on a playground slide    03/06/25  (1)
An oven big and wide enough to fit every "doctor"    03/06/25  (2)
Posters With Babies tp    03/06/25  (3)
does IRS even have manpower to hunt me down anymore?    03/06/25  (1)
Wife let my kids spend $600 collectively at the school book fair    03/06/25  (2)
We do not stand on ceremony in this house. *enter Vivek w shit smeared bare feet    03/06/25  (1)
🚨🚨Trump crypto reserve details:    03/06/25  (15)
Real talk. My Tesla is the best car I have ever owned or driven    03/06/25  (83)
prole tell: referring to your tax refund as a tax return.    03/06/25  (8)
Babies with posters, how’s it going    03/06/25  (3)
Steph Curry is absolutely ridiculous.    03/06/25  (6)
Morgan Stanley: "$190 Target Price for TSLA -- 'Sell now, or get ready.'" (LINK)    03/06/25  (9)
REMINDER: Tesla will be a ~$4-5 Trillion company by ~2030.    03/06/25  (68)
Posters with babies, how’s it going    03/06/25  (107)
Market crash no Epstein list Israel BFF Clintons still free inflation up jobs do    03/06/25  (2)
Lmao Obeezy BTFO Bondi confirms full release no redactions Epstein List TODAY    03/06/25  (1)
NYT: ActBlue is in chaos    03/06/25  (55)
Calling it: Trump chaos will cause tax refunds to be delayed, proles will freak    03/06/25  (8)
Yeah Becky he posts online a lot but he’s irreverent 2 both sides. it’s hot    03/06/25  (11)
8-Bit Legacy bros (correctly) debate Nintendo "gatekeeping" its titles    03/06/25  (17)
Zelensky in black Cavariccis and tucked in Guess t-shirt    03/06/25  (1)
In the end, it wasn't for all the money and pussy. It was for the science    03/06/25  (1)
Are Hispanic people pooping IN the lettuce fields?    03/06/25  (3)
Franzen: 'We all have our 'Mamaws.' Whether in Wesbter Groves or Kentucky Holler    03/06/25  (1)
Gastropubs with an item called “The Burger” on their menu    03/06/25  (122)
why is Rao's pasta sauce so $$$    03/06/25  (30)
Libs are trade policy experts now    03/06/25  (7)
Elon and Trump claim to have uncovered mass fraud and crimes - but no arrests?    03/06/25  (17)
“Epstein who? Like my accountant? What do you mean?” (Trump)    03/06/25  (5)
*Epstein Files released to Hulk Hogan and Kid Rock*    03/06/25  (15)
Another SpaceX Starship just blew up    03/06/25  (3)
Top Trump allies hold secret talks with Zelenskyy’s Ukrainian opponents    03/06/25  (27)
European Commission posts goatse on Twitter    03/06/25  (9)
New poll on Ukraine War - link    03/06/25  (32)
Where are we on the Teewinot Mountain Problem, Disco Fries, my friend?    03/06/25  (2)
I can't imagine being a lawyer under these circumstances    03/06/25  (8)
Trump to be frogmarched out of White House soon?    03/06/25  (7)
Franzen's 2015 review of Hillbilly Elegy in NYRB: 'Mamaw is a revelation.'    03/06/25  (1)
"Gamers are the unseen backbone of modern America" - John Birch Society (link)    03/06/25  (5)
There FIVE Universal Soldier movies lol    03/06/25  (1)
the Ricky Cinematic Universe    03/06/25  (1)
dbg would you go gay for Patrick Mouratoglou    03/06/25  (4)
Louis Poasteur tp— who the fuck is this moron?    03/06/25  (2)
Sniggle is a truly terrible poster    03/06/25  (2)
Free tip: O'Keeffe's Healthy Feet Cream nicest thing u can do for your self 4 $8    03/06/25  (3)
My Review Of THE BRUTALIST - Film Is A Warning Against US Jewish Assimilation    03/06/25  (7)
flw toady tp = horrible poster    03/06/25  (1)
Boom Bat$ ADM—3/6/25 Kraftwerk $trike, MPM LOCK?    03/06/25  (1)
Trump tells his entire cabinet "Elon's not in charge, and neither am I"    03/06/25  (3)
Franzen is obsessed with people thinking he's a / calling him a fag    03/06/25  (6)
Ass is ass    03/06/25  (1)
rate Donald Antrim's novel The Hundred Brothers    03/06/25  (5)
r/LeopardsAteMyFace is full of posts about MAGAs who go fucked over by Trump    03/06/25  (17)
Forgot that the best part of Trump is the lead up to him winning    03/06/25  (6)
what's w the constant black pills and neurotic pearl clutching    03/06/25  (1)
tedious Jewish shenanigans    03/06/25  (1)
Oldhlsdude: there exists an opportunity for all time great xo content    03/06/25  (2)
Wow guy just leaped over short dude    03/06/25  (1)
Why is Trump doing this “high knee” march now?    03/06/25  (1)
quid pro quo: we give Jews a 'Greater Israel,' but they have to go live in it    03/06/25  (3)
the macho, womanizing often alcoholic writer was an American archetype    03/06/25  (28)
If Tesla shares hit $235 Zuckerberg will become the world’s richest man    03/06/25  (1)
Realtalk: Trump is SERIOUSLY furking the US economy    03/06/25  (103)
wow, looking around and every war for 100 years has been due to Jews    03/06/25  (1)
Being in a permanent vegetative state doesn’t sound that bad    03/06/25  (8)
Mikaela Madison Rosberg (b. Mar 25, 1999), known professionally as Mikey Madison    03/06/25  (12)
I’m scared I’ll just end up marrying someone like Mikey Madison    03/06/25  (2)
Why aren’t patriots dumping $ into the market? Do they not have faith in Trump    03/06/25  (12)
Would you leave wife and kids for Mikey Madison?    03/06/25  (14)
Basic economics of tariffs (MAGA morons don't click)    03/06/25  (65)
Trumpmos, dont fret about the markets. Trump & his cronies are making billions    03/06/25  (1)
Trump has fucked up SO BADLY that Trumpmos don’t even wanna poast anymore    03/06/25  (11)
so boomer 'elites' flew to Epstein pedo island, thought 'no possible blowback'?    03/06/25  (7)
Just finished Rome (2005-2007)    03/06/25  (2)
Have any Dem politicians explained why they couldn't clap for brain cancer boy?    03/06/25  (12)
really can't get past Tucker Carlson's insane 'demon attack' story    03/06/25  (10)
“Home cooking” is effeminate and a waste of time    03/06/25  (125)
🐊Alligator counts as fish for Lent. Fucklibs.🐊    03/06/25  (3)
1L's on xo2025 fuct (nyt)    03/06/25  (1)
"Tim Miller" needs to be tarred and feathered    03/06/25  (1)
Jewish patriots are in control    03/06/25  (1)
Trump caused a recession but at least he wants to ethnically cleanse Gaza    03/06/25  (2)
Tommy: You're an annoying loser. If you're impacted by daily fluctuations, sell    03/06/25  (19)
Beastie Boys 'Eggman' intro plays as Jews taze you, toss you into van at 1AM    03/06/25  (1)
I think my new biglaw shtick is to be 'sprechstimme' guy like B52s dood    03/06/25  (2)
Trump targets Perkins Coie in new Executive order    03/06/25  (3)
evan39's voice sounds like Fred Schneider from the B52s.    03/06/25  (1)
a badly needed civil war tp    03/06/25  (2)
How do people justify buying beef at the grocery store at this point?    03/06/25  (1)
AP US History 2000-2025: Chapter header is tubgirl image    03/06/25  (1)
Treasury Sec was on Soros team that shorted British pound but prob isn't manipul    03/06/25  (1)
Rate the Beach view from my $32.43/night 5-Star Hotel Room in Vietnam    03/06/25  (47)
Screens, imprisoning me, all that I see, absolute horror    03/06/25  (17)
people reading history of US in 2020s will just assume you were gay    03/06/25  (2)
Sunday meal-prep bulls on suicide watch due to egg shortages    03/06/25  (3)
WFH: 2020-2025    03/06/25  (35)
party that was trying to remove boys' penises 2 wks ago: 'WE'RE NORMAL AGAIN NOW    03/06/25  (3)
Mister Zensky should have just said tank you    03/06/25  (1)
Super Mario 3D All-Stars, much discussed on xo, selling for $120 used at Gamesto    03/06/25  (1)
lmao TDNW's prostitute wife is about to get deported    03/06/25  (23)
If you had to give a piece of US territory the size of Crimea up, which one?    03/06/25  (46)
Gavin Newsom: "We have to get these disgusting trannies out of girl's sports"    03/06/25  (15)
I had six figures of student loans forgiven, the superiority I now feel is    03/06/25  (4)
how did all entertainment become uncreative woke garbage in a decade    03/06/25  (44)
Trudeau announcing tariffs against banner reading “2 CAN PLAY DAT GAME”    03/06/25  (3)
we need integrated Pan-European market between US/AUS/CA/EU/RUS    03/06/25  (1)
Real talk. That blown out Bumble 3 is the best girl I have ever boinked or dated    03/06/25  (2)
this egg shortage is killing me man    03/06/25  (4)
8-Bit Legacy Asks: Which Final Fantasy Should You Start With?    03/06/25  (3)
XO is just nonstop lib shrieking now    03/06/25  (11)
everything "in your screen feed" is jewish    03/06/25  (5)

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