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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Canada just gonna shut off electricity to US completely    03/11/25  (7)
One night stand from months ago is accusing me of anal warts/HPV (PICS): what do    03/11/25  (38)
Digging your heels in and targeting Canada as his main priority is stupid    03/11/25  (26)
Love the goofy pictures of Vance’s face on other peoples bodies meme    03/11/25  (1)
Dead Infowars employee fought w/ guy breaking into his car    03/11/25  (2)
Golf bros, what's in your bag for 2025??    03/11/25  (3)
we took libs at face value& heard them out but they were insane this whole time?    03/11/25  (1)
WHY is TWITTER reorg being used as a good example for US GOVT???    03/11/25  (6)
ActBlue now under criminal investigation for funding Tesla protests    03/11/25  (33)
Canada not backing down in tariff war - link    03/11/25  (23)
Is there a free/alternative to Adobe Acrobat that works just as good?    03/11/25  (79)
Trump: "Hey proles, what if I crash the economy for zero tangible benefit?"    03/11/25  (15)
Trump orders Navy Seals to Storm NYSE after Stock Futures move up .49%    03/11/25  (3)
BOMBING capital of the world now is...... Sweden! (Congrats, Birdshits!)    03/11/25  (6)
Terrible news: Cathie Wood says Economy will BOOM.2nd half of 2025    03/11/25  (5)
Hey Cons, any update on when those JFK files are coming out?    03/11/25  (8)
Wld you rather by 5.5h on Narrow Body like 737 or 7.5h on 767?    03/11/25  (2)
TT: party is over. Back to work , bitch. Whhooooppppsshhh!    03/11/25  (4)
Sonic 3 movie: least realistic characters ever. Also has talking Hedgehogs    03/11/25  (5)
just spent the entire day fighting heartburn    03/11/25  (16)
It's insane how much cooler cigs are than vaping    03/11/25  (9)
Just never say or do anything you wouldnt blasted across the entire internet    03/11/25  (1)
is anybody doing anything cool or interesting and not mentally ill    03/11/25  (14)
Hey “blackpillers” can we get an update abt how “The Jews” are controlli    03/11/25  (24)
Libs are illegally boycotting Tesla.    03/11/25  (13)
Trump on electricity tariffs: "Your not even allowed to do that"    03/11/25  (12)
John Kerry under investigation for secret meetings with CCP    03/11/25  (23)
Burisma owner has 17 audio recordings of his bribing Hunter and Joe Biden    03/11/25  (263)
Trump still trying to get rid of Massie lol? Massie about to put him in Humbler    03/11/25  (40)
Largest states without a prestigious university?    03/11/25  (58)
massive drone attack on Moscow, LMAO    03/11/25  (1)
The High-Pressure Tactics Attorney Gloria Allred Uses—On Her Own Clients (WSJ)    03/11/25  (18)
Orange Swan event    03/11/25  (2)
Study: female cops mix up Taser and gun in 40% of draws.    03/11/25  (1)
ITT we play which is MOAR PROLE    03/11/25  (87)
libs are poasting up a storm today    03/11/25  (1)
Cons: Describe your economic outlook for the near term    03/11/25  (15)
Tracking Claire's prediction of a mass redneck violent uprising    03/11/25  (28)
Whatever happened to that “Burisma” stuff Drake had a 24 month meltdown over    03/11/25  (4)
Imagine caring about the stock market, GDP, employment, interest rates, etc.    03/11/25  (1)
There will be a LOT more whistleblowers coming (lsd)    03/11/25  (123)
There is a freight train of election audits coming (lsd)    03/11/25  (57)
Joe “Biden”: 3 press conferences a year. TRUMP: 3 a day.    03/11/25  (22)
Tracking lsd’s prediction that Clinton Obama and Biden will be arrested    03/11/25  (28)
“Epstein who? Like my accountant? What do you mean?” (Trump)    03/11/25  (6)
Lucy pulling the Epstein files away from Charlie Brown    03/11/25  (8)
Should extremely low iq ppl (gunner, drakemallard) be purged from the gene pool?    03/11/25  (4)
He Drove A Convoy To Kyiv. Now He's Transporting The Epstein Files (NYT    03/11/25  (3)
“ELON EXPOSED BILLIONS IN CORRUPTION” how many arrests? “ZERO BUT    03/11/25  (24)
ITT: We track vandalized Tesla cars, dealerships, and charging infrastructure    03/11/25  (172)
Congrats Dearborn Muzzies, now ur electricity is going to be shut off too!    03/11/25  (1)
THE GREAT TARIFF CRASH OF 2025 (March 3, 2025 - March 3, 2025)    03/11/25  (88)
Many retail MAGAs that bought at $400 will panic sell    03/11/25  (8)
REMINDER: Tesla will be a ~$4-5 Trillion company by ~2030.    03/11/25  (90)
Cons while your 401(k) plummets don’t forget epstein list rug pull!    03/11/25  (15)
A literal goat fucking terrorist poasts here and he's not even top 3 worst perso    03/11/25  (1)
Bands whose hits were their worst songs.    03/11/25  (91)
Terrified to check your 401(k) tp    03/11/25  (2)
NYC bros, come ITT    03/11/25  (18)
Just got banned from every Sega sub except r/32x    03/11/25  (5)
short Trumpmos taking t-supplements, going insane, and ruining society    03/11/25  (1)
will greta thunberg do anal?    03/11/25  (81)
Dark Deeds 6    03/11/25  (1)
The Stock Market Rapidly Descending Into Irrelevance (The Hill)    03/11/25  (1)
Democrats Are Rapidly Descending Into Irrelevance (The Hill)    03/11/25  (1)
market was ticking higher briefly so Trump promptly doubled tariffs!    03/11/25  (1)
What's your go-to Chinese takeout order    03/11/25  (5)
The case against Anthony Fauci (Boston Globe)    03/11/25  (1)
Peter Thiel my friend would you like to get lunch this weekend    03/11/25  (1)
Federal Judge blocks Trump from deporting Columbia muzzie protester    03/11/25  (14)
What do Peterman and lettuce have in common?    03/11/25  (106)
An Argument For Middle Children (Longread)    03/11/25  (5)
Do people still “vape” or has everyone acknowledged it’s gay as fuck?    03/11/25  (11)
What's The Deal With Zoomer Girls & Big Baggy Sweatpants?    03/11/25  (34)
Canada: "25% tax on Canadian imports to US." Trump:"50% tax on Canadian imports    03/11/25  (1)
Pizza Party with Beer with the bros    03/11/25  (2)
Stock market crashing again    03/11/25  (21)
Thinking of getting into WARHAMMER. Any advice?    03/11/25  (24)
Is getting deep into Mormon theology a good idea?    03/11/25  (2)
Anyone else get 'uncanny valley' from watching Mary Trump talk?    03/11/25  (2)
why bitcoin is so valuable    03/11/25  (18)
Breaking point: Greta goes based    03/11/25  (54)
Daniel Jones is going to ball out for the Colts.    03/11/25  (5)
Southwest adds bag fees, Costco Hot Dog now last vestige of the 90s    03/11/25  (7)
XO is done. It's over    03/11/25  (21)
"Lulzy thread" cooed nyuug at the braid of Jamaican cum on his chest    03/11/25  (18)
NYT: ActBlue is in chaos    03/11/25  (70)
Trump saw the stock market in the green this morning and said “NOT ON MY WATCH    03/11/25  (29)
Love of money is root of all evil; Trump is saving us from demonic lib greed    03/11/25  (2)
RATE this Bob Hope movie line    03/11/25  (37)
Make American Stock P/E Ratios Sustainable Again    03/11/25  (4)
Ai makes it much harder to be effectively scammed/blackmailed.    03/11/25  (3)
As much as libs hate Twitter they sure use it and post about it a lot    03/11/25  (2)
“Even my Tesla stock?” “No, that has no value”    03/11/25  (2)
You can get a used low mileage Tesla for $20k    03/11/25  (4)
This place is becoming a shitlib/blackpillers echo chamber on Elon    03/11/25  (24)
Why is Trump mad at Canada for selling US bonds?    03/11/25  (1)
Why are libs being so panicky and annoying?    03/11/25  (2)
Is it gay to like Halsey?    03/11/25  (5)
Most of these lib posts are nonsensical borderline spam    03/11/25  (1)
Memo to fellow Trumpmos: we hate Canada now    03/11/25  (38)
Trumpmos: this market crash is actually because of Biden    03/11/25  (6)
Trump needs to order the govt to buy Tesla shares to prop up the price    03/11/25  (3)
xo Ann Coulter calling out the Zionists re: Columbia deportation    03/11/25  (5)
Text TORAH to 69696    03/11/25  (3)
I have to go write a proxy statement but can't make myself    03/11/25  (1)
What are we hoping to accomplish re: Canada and do Trumpmos support this?    03/11/25  (2)
Hey libs, Trump just said it’s ILLEGAL not to buy a Tesla    03/11/25  (16)
Both Catcher in the Rye and Gatsby are great books    03/11/25  (7)
I bought micron last day of year STOCKS    03/11/25  (8)
Libs are more loyal to foreign countries than to America    03/11/25  (1)
Every girl deep down has a breeding fetish and it’s 180    03/11/25  (41)
S&P down .95%    03/11/25  (2)
Trump to Canada: I'm going to hit you back - in three weeks - link    03/11/25  (5)
Thomas Massie is TBF (link)    03/11/25  (2)
Tesla shareholders driving around blasting Chevelle - Seeing Red Again.mp3    03/11/25  (1)
Trumpmos have pivoted to “HERE’S WHY THE CRASHING ECONOMY IS A GOOD THING”    03/11/25  (19)
Mumbai has a Murder rate of 0.7, Chicago is 23.8, LA 8.9, NYC 4.8    03/11/25  (3)
Chinese Factory sells 100k+ Shirts saying "Boycott China Make America Great Agai    03/11/25  (2)
This is Lithuania's Minister of Defense    03/11/25  (6)
XO DailyMail has FRONTPAGE photo of a Hideous PAJEETA    03/11/25  (10)
Harvard Law Review Editor, Justice Dept Atty fired for not pardoning Mel Gibson    03/11/25  (3)
Trump looks at smoldering America, “so anyway, gimme money”    03/11/25  (25)
Favorite type of nut for snacking?    03/11/25  (3)
I'm already liking White Lotus s3 better than s2.    03/11/25  (60)
Cowardly, duplicitous violence is the final tool of American leftist movement    03/11/25  (2)
I love bouncing on cock 😍    03/11/25  (9)
Tesla is back up 5% today?    03/11/25  (1)
Reminder: market corrections are a good thing.    03/11/25  (21)
Trump’s handling of Ukraine-Russia 100% vindicates libs on Russiagate    03/11/25  (23)
Just bought a Cadillac EV because FUCK ELON    03/11/25  (1)
Rate these before and after pictures    03/11/25  (13)
sometimes i just want to suck on some round fat girl titties, is that so bad?    03/11/25  (2)
Just took big, soft, gassy shit--smells like raw meat    03/11/25  (1)
TBF I need your expert legal opinion ITT    03/11/25  (7)
I said I wanted a cherry danish, not a hairy anus!    03/11/25  (1)
any BIGTIPS for fantasy baseball draft tonight    03/11/25  (9)
Gonna do my duty and cop a Tesla this week    03/11/25  (5)
Tanks are pretty cool    03/11/25  (6)
Happy KKK Day!    03/11/25  (1)
Trump supporters are conspiracy theory friendly but refuse to engage    03/11/25  (29)
Elon named his department DOGE because he’s a draft DOGER    03/11/25  (2)
See this scroll here says we can do whatever we want.    03/11/25  (2)
It's not worth getting out of bed    03/11/25  (1)
Kraftwerk - Europe Endless.mp3    03/11/25  (87)
"ze goyim are cattle!" *literally lives by wire boundaries*    03/11/25  (2)
tony pizza appreciation poast    03/11/25  (4)

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