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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
CSLG have you gotten 2nd Citizenship yet? Like Vanuatu?    03/18/25  (2)
Wld you spend $70 extra to fly Singapore Airlines instead of Budget carrier?    03/18/25  (6)
Society is being ruined by low IQ mexicans, make no mistake    03/18/25  (70)
Is schizophrenia flame?    03/18/25  (11)
so are TT and nyuug gonna lose their US citizenship now?    03/18/25  (11)
What are we defining as whites: Italians, Russians, White Latino    03/18/25  (22)
Real Americans dig Starship Troopers    03/18/25  (2)
All azns are basically autistic which is why they can’t grasp sarcasm like nyu    03/18/25  (3)
Why don't you fucking take your time handling drinks correctly    03/18/25  (1)
Starbucks girl giggling with girlfriends about her victim's pathetic pig penis    03/18/25  (1)
Everyone here saying that $30m penis verdict will be lowered, based on what?    03/18/25  (20)
'Omg, Becky. This guy is *still* WAILING because I dumped coffee on his penis, u    03/18/25  (4)
Tesla's lawyers about to violently sodomize Mark Rober    03/18/25  (9)
any actual evidence anywhere that "doctors" arent complete wholesale frauds    03/18/25  (1)
What in the FUCK is a "Latinx"? How do you pronounce it?    03/18/25  (13)
What will America be like when it is 75%+ Latino?    03/18/25  (23)
Ricky's dad going to "band practice" while his mom gets piped out by the neighbo    03/18/25  (1)
dick like a pig, lid wouldn't hold, I'd rather die than give you control    03/18/25  (1)
why are white people obsessed with race?    03/18/25  (29)
anyone here have a 401k that's up YTD?    03/18/25  (1)
ITT I give a totally unbiased and sincere list of the races and their strengths    03/18/25  (14)
Liberals: Ukraine war needs to continue or else Trump gets a PR victory    03/18/25  (15)
Who here outweighs his wife/gf by largest %?    03/18/25  (14)
Day 2 of 10 day fast    03/18/25  (31)
Rate Tracy Morgan’s night at MSG (link)    03/18/25  (1)
🚨🚨🚨Trump says Biden's pardons are NULL AND VOID 🚨🚨🚨 (link)    03/18/25  (111)
BREAKING: Vance went to conversion therapy camp for his gayness as kid (link)    03/18/25  (2)
libs admit they're a fifth column before admitting wrong side of history    03/18/25  (3)
REMINDER: Libs think it's OKAY to breastfeed in restaurants    03/18/25  (103)
History bros: did Rome have a fifth column of barbarian-sympathizing traitors?    03/18/25  (40)
🚨 Israel murdered 200+ Gazans today... Dearborn muzzies? 🚨    03/18/25  (1)
Gen Zers are absolutely obsessed with Tyler the Creator    03/18/25  (1)
Tucker Max: "I got scammed out of $20 million, was about to fly private air"    03/18/25  (19)
Rockstar's western: you can't fuck. you get raped. women's rights. you have TB.    03/18/25  (1)
the stupid cunt starbucks drive-thru worker should be held personally liable    03/18/25  (9)
The whole world is leaving you behind    03/18/25  (9)
black women are eternal debt anchors    03/18/25  (1)
West Hills PI firm looking for trial attorney    03/18/25  (9)
kidnap Starbucks baristress, perform scalding latte enema as punishment?    03/18/25  (1)
A Lanhsa Airlines Jetstream crashed after departing Roatán    03/18/25  (1)
Drunkard bills 3,000 hours in biglaw then comes home at 11pm to remove asbestos    03/18/25  (11)
"Homosexual on the Commode," original art by Evan39    03/18/25  (18)
JD Vance followed Nazi account gets doxxed and his own father denounces him LOL    03/18/25  (60)
Israel/Palestine cease fire BROKEN. You’ll never guess by who!    03/18/25  (1)
in my view, the 'fun' available at the Huntsmen's Lodge was basic and vulgar    03/18/25  (4)
Supreme Gentlemen assemble ITT    03/18/25  (4)
How tall is Zelensky?    03/18/25  (12)
EVIDENCE bros (EPAH, etc), question about self authenticating biz records    03/18/25  (34)
WaPo: AI destroying millions of programming jobs - link    03/18/25  (45)
Keep giving my heart to whores but it feels like they're only in it for the $$$    03/18/25  (1)
Love how this cslg faggot just comes here & flaunts his wealth no giveaways nada    03/18/25  (3)
HARSHEST OF REALITIES: Only WHITE males deserve life    03/18/25  (14)
Starbucks lawyers citing 1993 McD's $3M verdict, arguing 'cockflation'    03/18/25  (2)
I'm already liking White Lotus s3 better than s2.    03/18/25  (119)
Massive layoffs at VA starting in June    03/18/25  (43)
AI will never have Secret Knowledge    03/18/25  (8)
Remember when Elon and Vivek were going to expose government waste?    03/18/25  (30)
a nigger at 7-11 tp    03/18/25  (1)
Good night nigger    03/18/25  (3)
rate the film Educating Rita (1983)    03/18/25  (3)
So Trump guaranteed us no wars but is invoking war time powers? interesting    03/18/25  (1)
Remember the train heist in Breaking Bad?    03/18/25  (4)
has anyone actually watched the film Backdraft since its release in 1991    03/18/25  (2)
$40 for a pastrami sandwich at Katz and tourists tip the sandwichmakers now???    03/18/25  (7)
May Allah expose the wickedness of these Jewish demon clans    03/18/25  (7)
Apparently giving another dude “shit dick” is embarrassing for gay bottoms (    03/18/25  (1)
steve bannon on newsom pod    03/18/25  (4)
you need something, little bro?    03/18/25  (1)
Cops are too fucking stupid to have power or authority over anyone    03/18/25  (3)
Rate these pics and vids from my private collection (SP)    03/17/25  (2)
how many pullups could you do right now    03/17/25  (67)
Sam Rockwell ladyboy monologue from The White Lotus    03/17/25  (10)
NO MORE BROTHERS WARS    03/17/25  (3)
Big Balls rehired! Die pajeets !!    03/17/25  (4)
Gout. Gout. The pain makes me shout. These are the foods I must do without:    03/17/25  (59)
Is there any way we avoid a dystopian future?    03/17/25  (42)
Trumpmos: Why can't I get away with crimes like Trump does?    03/17/25  (1)
Why hasn't Trump held Comey and Garland "accountable"???    03/17/25  (1)
prosecute these dull, ugly, empty-headed kikes for destroying the US    03/17/25  (1)
What Fields & School Rank STEM PhD Is More Prestigious Than An MD? Than A DO?    03/17/25  (3)
started doing weighted pullups like nyuug--I am now a GANGNAM STUNNER    03/17/25  (11)
Kid’s school had their “gala” last weekend and it was drunk MILFS everywhe    03/17/25  (3)
List biggest MLB Hall of Fame snubs    03/17/25  (26)
disco fries is going to get raped to death in front of his family    03/17/25  (2)
JFC, AT&T wireless has been gaping my elderly parents    03/17/25  (7)
From the River to the Sea, Tesla Stock will soon be FREE    03/17/25  (1)
The older I get the more cr prostitution seems    03/17/25  (72)
Job interviews are a humilation ritual    03/17/25  (23)
Good news of the day: you’re going to outlive him.    03/17/25  (19)
Final reason tp— who the fuck is this idiot?    03/17/25  (3)
It's unlikely an attractive person will have something interesting to say    03/17/25  (4)
Researching new ways to turn inputs into outputs    03/17/25  (2)
Neurotic Comptroller tp, I'm calling you the fuck out    03/17/25  (7)
2025 Norm Macdonald fired from Weekend Update after 38 weeks of Fauci jokes    03/17/25  (1)
Stingray Flaps | Airplane Flaps | Pussy Flaps    03/17/25  (10)
"Reply to the top 10 xo threads today with a racist poast refuting the op."    03/17/25  (8)
Trump: I can't tell you what the Venezuelan deportees did, it's top secret    03/17/25  (4)
Trump: I'm strong; Also Trump: *begs permission from courts to deport people*    03/17/25  (3)
Whao Earthquake in San Fransisco. Is it the big one?!    03/17/25  (1)
disco fries, do you wear suspenders?    03/17/25  (4)
so now everybody is gearing up for WWIII again, jfc people are stupid    03/17/25  (4)
What makes this Venezuelan gang so unique under US immigration law?    03/17/25  (20)
One set of footprints: standing 69 w/ Luis as sun sets on Sri Lankan beach    03/17/25  (6)
Computer - Anus interface    03/17/25  (9)
Do secular and reform Jews still get confirmed?    03/17/25  (3)
A smorgasbord of computer input and output peripherals    03/17/25  (2)
Trump radioing gang plane to turn around: "KSSH KSSH What's that? You're breaki    03/17/25  (1)
I'm the best Christian since Christ himself, and likely better than him    03/17/25  (1)
Unparalleled floating point and integer computational accuracy and speed    03/17/25  (1)
It's 180 that we can just send illegals to Salvadoran hell prison    03/17/25  (1)
I stand with Tren de Aguara    03/17/25  (2)
Hey libs, are you tired of winning lawsuits against Trump yet?    03/17/25  (1)
We built the damn thing [America]. It's ours.    03/17/25  (1)
libs r dum as shit    03/17/25  (3)
What do you all think about Savannah Bananas?    03/17/25  (5)
You’re sitting in an aisle seat and a parent asks you to switch with their kid    03/17/25  (225)
State of the art math coprocessor    03/17/25  (1)
What is the charge? Enjoying a partitioned and formatted hard disk? A succulent    03/17/25  (1)
Pretty big argument with my wife about the Toilet Bowl    03/17/25  (7)
The time has come to talk about imprisoning libs like Neurotic Comptroller tp    03/17/25  (24)
The New Yorker: Hasan Piker good, Theo Von bad    03/17/25  (14)
Multimedia    03/17/25  (1)
Rating poasters as poasters gunneratttt has met irl    03/17/25  (5)
Trump after getting rid of judges: welp, time to prosecute my enemies    03/17/25  (1)
JD Vance blames following Nazi account on "computer input error"    03/17/25  (1)
The Pitt on Max is good    03/17/25  (8)
I said CHING CHANG CHONG you motherfucker.    03/17/25  (8)
Hey cons did Trump do anything about those judges yet?    03/17/25  (7)
Read only memory    03/17/25  (1)
Ricky admitted he makes $120k/year & has $200k saved. he's basically homeless    03/17/25  (5)
Vance/Homan 2028 campaign slogan "We have to do something about these judges!"    03/17/25  (1)
Saw a recent pic of Ricky at some kike function, he looks like a jewish Newsom    03/17/25  (1)
Letting evil people ravage this stupid faggot country's asshole unchallenged    03/17/25  (1)
How do you make AI videos/animations?    03/17/25  (9)
World class computer functions applied to inputs    03/17/25  (1)
🚨 Autoadmit meme coin is now live on pumpfun 🚨    03/17/25  (54)
Computer input and functions resulting in astounding output    03/17/25  (1)
Computer input causing output of screen-based autogynephilia speech    03/17/25  (3)
Rachel McAdams is 46 years old    03/17/25  (1)
Phony and lousy computer output    03/17/25  (2)
Are Georgia Tech STEM and Harvey Mudd pretty prestigious?    03/17/25  (11)
COPS = SHIT    03/17/25  (1)
Day 3 of Elon yelling about "judges" all day    03/17/25  (14)
Bumping 12 year old (1) posts like Mormons baptize the dead    03/17/25  (1)
Still recovering from Irish alcohol day    03/17/25  (1)
Rate this OPEN LETTER from Biglaw Associates Saying Trump Is Bad    03/17/25  (9)
Jimmy Carter apparently now ‘fully recovered,’ teaching Sunday school again    03/17/25  (1)

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