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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Are all the rich Crypto roasters gone?    07/27/24  (3)
what does over the top gay stuff have to do w the Olympics    07/27/24  (9)
Satanic Olympic Opening Ceremony featured trannies mocking Jesus's Last Supper    07/27/24  (35)
Why does Beyoncé look white on NBC Olympic coverage.    07/27/24  (1)
Would you notice if $1,000 disappeared from your bank account?    07/27/24  (10)
Rate my $41 a night Mongolian Apartment    07/27/24  (70)
Dave Matthews is 57, looks 37    07/27/24  (20)
🚨🚨🚨Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony Megathread🚨🚨🚨    07/27/24  (236)
my favorite Kamala Harris quote: "Today is today, yesterday was today yesterday,    07/27/24  (5)
Tucker's fave ultra-'conservative' degenerate Dave Portnoy triggered by Vance    07/27/24  (14)
ratfaced nasally piece of shit clique    07/27/24  (1)
Some people have surnames like Armstrong, others “Gay” or “Short”    07/27/24  (3)
Rating poasters as Magic the Gathering cards Geoge20 has flung in anger    07/27/24  (59)
Birdshits in 5y: "Paris Olympic Ceremony wasn't as bad as this world"    07/27/24  (2)
I’m just so ANGRY about the Olympics opening ceremony    07/27/24  (12)
scumjews    07/27/24  (1)
What clique is Vance?    07/27/24  (27)
Vance must be torn given how iconic the couch from Friends is    07/27/24  (3)
Trans friend insists on calling her girlfriend her 'little sister'    07/27/24  (1)
** new Kamala Harris ad drops!    07/27/24  (3)
JD Vance: "It was about honesty in gaming journalism"    07/27/24  (7)
So these “Olympics” are going to be a bunch of globalist kike propaganda?    07/27/24  (11)
hang on babe, i'm analyzing 'cliques' w/ the other revolting ratfaced kikes    07/27/24  (5)
Trump speaking at Crypto event is all the evidence you need that CRYPTO = SCAM    07/27/24  (1)
EPAH why are you such a left wing fag    07/27/24  (78)
Has RSF weighed in on JD Vance’s “childless people suck” argument    07/27/24  (7)
Rand Paul and Thomas Massie as Nerd Clique wouldn't have had Vance problems    07/27/24  (1)
John McCain is an American hero. The stuff of legend. And you're just a fag on    07/27/24  (16)
jews degrading discourse with sordid retarded projections about fucking a sofa    07/27/24  (5)
Message for all alt right isolationist pacifist pussy queers. McCain was a HEROO    07/27/24  (7)
It'sssssssss π™‰π™žπ™œπ™œπ™šπ™§ Saturday πŸ¦πŸ—πŸ‰ πŸŽ‰πŸ₯‚    07/27/24  (58)
Rate this xo poaster's art gallery display (pic)    07/27/24  (9)
McCain was more popular 2008 than Trump is now    07/27/24  (8)
*Passes back TiNa pipe* *Logs into communityacct in law library computer lab*    07/27/24  (5)
Even with all of the blowback this week, Vance is obviously still    07/27/24  (11)
Honestly want Kamala to win just to see what Trumpmos do    07/27/24  (24)
The Mr Beast trans guy is getting a bit of a raw deal IMO    07/27/24  (18)
Money is measured in K units    07/27/24  (1)
What happened to the xoxo BBS?    07/27/24  (3)
Making an autoadmit group chat on IRC    07/27/24  (2)
For ITE2 are you guys doing NEET?    07/27/24  (1)
Making an autoadmit group chat on Twitter    07/27/24  (20)
why do libs, Aniston, always go for people's kids in these rants?    07/27/24  (1)
Board libs, when Kamala loses to Trump, will you riot?    07/27/24  (13)
Normal to feel like you’re always on thin ice with your wife?    07/27/24  (17)
JD Vance going back and forth with Jennifer Anniston now    07/27/24  (33)
what an 'accomplished', hedonistc, 55y/o, botox ravaged, childless woman    07/27/24  (3)
if boner police/gjr is ur average nescac couple, what do other conferences look    07/27/24  (9)
ok, quick, everyone act like they don't think Jennifer Aniston is pathetic, sad!    07/27/24  (3)
America's sweetheart is a 55 year old Hollywood shrew (libs)    07/27/24  (1)
Jennifer Aniston will lead us!    07/27/24  (1)
We need to have a conversation about the State of Gaming    07/27/24  (1)
Taxes are insane    07/27/24  (2)
Voodoo Child crew— let's form up and crush the Shareblue scum on the board    07/27/24  (3)
Kamala just overtook Trump on PredictIt    07/27/24  (22)
So Dems nominated the weakest major party candidate in 40 years (if not ever)?    07/27/24  (3)
it's time to start banning jews from civilized society (link)    07/27/24  (1)
JD giving Aniston a Trumpian nickname: 'Gross Old Jennifer'    07/27/24  (1)
cat ladies, jews, fags retreating into literal alternate reality w/ 'sofa' etc    07/27/24  (1)
What's with the Kamala "500,000 rancid libs joined a Zoom!" forcememe    07/27/24  (3)
Not gonna lie, I've fucked a couch    07/27/24  (7)
Why does JD Vance fuck couches instead of his beautiful brown wife?    07/27/24  (2)
So Kamala goes from hated to a goddess instantly? Hmm πŸ˜’    07/27/24  (4)
Tufts BA and a small dick! Tufts BA and a small dick!    07/27/24  (24)
guy behind anti-christ olympics is literally a gay jew    07/27/24  (2)
wow libs are really gonna turn this into a Hillary 2.0 pantsuit brunch election    07/27/24  (6)
Hey libs if Kamala wins we will REALLY claim fraud this time    07/27/24  (5)
People are truly sick..I despise everyone the prole masses worship    07/27/24  (1)
America ia very laughable..totally backwards weird fraud shit    07/27/24  (1)
It’s Shocking how Dumb NFL coaches are    07/27/24  (9)
Board libs, describe your reaction when Trump takes the oath of office    07/27/24  (2)
You guys are delusional about Kamala's chances    07/27/24  (16)
xo JD Vance: 'we're deporting 20M people. deal with it, nigger.'    07/27/24  (1)
I have been working 15 plus hours a day for almost 3 weeks now    07/27/24  (9)
Reminder nothing changes..it's the same shit constantly sloshing around    07/27/24  (1)
Dems are supposed to be party 4 the poor..everything is 10x higher priced with t    07/27/24  (1)
I 100% support muzzies stabbing French people after watching opening ceremonies    07/27/24  (12)
ITT we poast videos of black people smashing up restaurants and box stores    07/27/24  (76)
Kamala Harris's cackling is a social hostage situation - & ur the hostage    07/27/24  (5)
Mark Kelly giving his VP nom acceptance speech will be most epic night of 2024    07/27/24  (3)
Kamala at all time high of 48 on PredctIt    07/27/24  (12)
Bloomington tp. Jordan Love is about to be the highest paid QB in the NFL    07/27/24  (4)
what was the EXACT moment that America peaked?    07/27/24  (92)
grrrrr    07/27/24  (2)
will return of football stem the tide of endless useless politics threads?    07/27/24  (1)
Why do people with 2 first names suck so much?    07/27/24  (2)
How is it the US can be so fucking rich but have piss poor quality of life    07/27/24  (15)
(Newsweek) With support slipping, Trump thankful for his loyal Redwallers.    07/27/24  (1)
kamala running on 6% surtax to fund expanded cat tax credit    07/27/24  (2)
i feel like the shareblue posters clammed up about donations all of a sudden    07/27/24  (11)
Leon Degrelle on his one regret    07/27/24  (5)
i hate to say it, but i don't think kamala is a very effective border czar    07/27/24  (7)
Why is Trump not punching back?    07/27/24  (4)
Trinity Rodman scores sensational first goal for USWNT at the Paris Olympics.    07/27/24  (1)
"They say I'm incompetent. That I'm a diversity hire. And that's true. But I cho    07/27/24  (3)
Mark Kelly is going to double NASA’s budget and get us to Mars by 2035    07/27/24  (1)
chaz palmentieri dropping mug realizing kamala hype is lonely women and fags    07/27/24  (4)
Japan called the Kamala shrew zoom "Spoiled Christmas Cake Sadness Gather"    07/27/24  (2)
Marilyn Manson - Couchfuckers.mp3    07/27/24  (1)
bipartisan house passed resolution condemning kamala's failure as border czar    07/27/24  (4)
fine, maybe she is an alcoholic whore, but she's also completely incompetent    07/27/24  (4)
"Who does a president have to blow to get a decent red around here!? HAHAHAHAHAH    07/27/24  (3)
I fucked a grapefruit once. Some people fuck couches. It’s nbd    07/27/24  (1)
The Virgin Donald Trump | The Chad Thomas Matthew Crooks    07/27/24  (3)
Trump refusing FBI interview, he’s afraid they want to say he wasn’t shot    07/27/24  (5)
Did I jus see an implied gay threesome in the Olympic Opening Ceremonies?    07/27/24  (8)
underrated parts of recent XO revival: no shitlib pumo, no bandwidth throttler    07/27/24  (15)
Can someone explain the "BRAT" meme like I'm a 50 yo Indian virgin?    07/27/24  (16)
what was the EXACT moment that Xoxo peaked?    07/27/24  (10)
just went to mcdonalds for the first time in years, almost $20 for a meal?!!?    07/27/24  (2)
Tommy T resembles a Brahmin Bryson DeChambeau    07/27/24  (14)
Love my kids more than anything. Nothing else in life matters to me    07/27/24  (22)
The Amiable Attack Dog From Kentucky Who Could Join the Harris Ticket(NYT)    07/27/24  (2)
Superior French Culture is the PINNACLE of Western Civilization    07/27/24  (6)
Hey karlstack I have an interesting lead (not flame)    07/27/24  (5)
Silent No More, Harris Seeks Her Own Voice Without Breaking With Biden(NYT)    07/27/24  (4)
Epah’s kids: Valedictorian ==> Amherst. Haters’ kids: Graduated HS ==> CC    07/27/24  (31)
imagine Bill Clinton or George Bush wearing eyeliner    07/27/24  (1)
creepy foreign fag spook 'Thiel' is now calling the shots in America    07/27/24  (2)
top athletes in europe competing in august thats right FSU vs GaTech dublin 8/24    07/27/24  (5)
Why does Don Jr. look so swarthy?    07/27/24  (1)
You get a text from your wife. "So this happened and I'm not at all sorry" (PIC)    07/27/24  (6)
why does swarthy (((French)))-Canadian kike Karlstack dye his hair blonde    07/27/24  (11)
FYI: Farisa's Crossing dropped    07/27/24  (103)
sleeping alone in the ghetto to save a few dollars tp    07/27/24  (1)
Kamala is up 5 points since Monday. She can only go down from here.    07/27/24  (15)
bimbo Karlstack at one of Thiel's 'dinner parties' taking Jew cock in every hole    07/27/24  (1)
Karlstack being heli-dropped into Gaza to fuck little kids' dead bodies    07/27/24  (2)
how often do women get stuck in washing machines irl?    07/27/24  (2)
Rate my breakfast    07/27/24  (1)
"Generations" are flame..didn't even know what this fraud was until recently    07/27/24  (2)
hahahaha, JD Vance 'fucked a couch', hahahagaggahahaha    07/27/24  (1)
i saw post-hardcore group Fucked Up last night    07/27/24  (19)
Karlstack masturbating to clips of IDF snipers shooting 6yos' genitals off    07/27/24  (1)
Karlstack is angling for Mossad invite to Epstein Island II to fuck little boys    07/27/24  (1)
Amazing thread about BLM about normalizing black criminality?    07/27/24  (1)
Renting a Miata on Turo, hitting the Wendy's drive thru, blasting Party in the U    07/27/24  (1)
a bus full of chinks and niggers -- oh! how AMERICAN!    07/27/24  (4)
Olympics Beef Ribs are on the Barbie!    07/27/24  (20)
'Thiel' seems even even more retarded than 'Elon'    07/27/24  (2)
based (((Thiel))) and (((Elon))) will save us    07/27/24  (2)
So "to be fair," what're u doin on NYE? Wait, nevermin    07/27/24  (2)
Hot Mexican girl (24) gets engaged to fugly Arab dude (36). Rate.    07/27/24  (36)
No thank you CIA heart attack gun    07/27/24  (1)
Shitlibs are furious at JetBlue owner for buying his tradwife an apron    07/27/24  (3)
Why is Daniel Brou not punching back?    07/27/24  (1)
cowgod's irl identity: Shabbos Kestenbaum    07/27/24  (1)
Has Grindr ended the gay truck/rest stop, park bathroom, etc cruisin scene?    07/27/24  (1)

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