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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
America sucks, everywhere is infested with tranny refugees and internet culture    09/09/24  (4)
Too bad all the GoT fans are all cringey libs. Could have so many great memes    09/09/24  (2)
So Tyreek Hill was in fact being a dumb nig and got arrested for no reason?    09/09/24  (33)
Here is how the Switch 2 could actuall pwn if true    09/09/24  (6)
Why didn’t Jesus ever claim to be divine?    09/09/24  (41)
PhD in Bible is the only thing that can save me at this point    09/09/24  (19)
Why do proles not differentiate between WiFi and Internet service generally?    09/09/24  (17)
In retrospect Mexican illegals were the least shitty migrant group possible    09/09/24  (15)
Console wars are affecting my mental health    09/09/24  (2)
People who hate boomers should hate ORMs/URMs instead    09/09/24  (11)
Lot of cons are kind of dumb and use the doctrine as vehicle for sadism rather    09/09/24  (2)
Rate these Russian airborne troops    09/09/24  (1)
WSJ: The Colleges Falling Behind on Black Student Enrollment    09/09/24  (20)
what are some credited ways to make friends irl?    09/09/24  (10)
Nintendo should offer a $1000 lifetime subscription to the latest console    09/09/24  (6)
Harris absolutely raw dawging MAGA into the head board    09/09/24  (9)
Congrats on the modeling gig, FizzKidd!    09/09/24  (4)
Dying of liver failure. Anyone have questions before I go?    09/09/24  (66)
home workout equipment for small space    09/09/24  (4)
"I'm literally French," wheezed the overweight jew from new jersey    09/09/24  (17)
Jets getting screwed by refs    09/09/24  (3)
Best place to live on earth is actually Bali but only in the capital city    09/09/24  (3)
booooooom stoically being lowered into tuna oven    09/09/24  (11)
Reminder: A guy got slowly baked alive in a commercial tuna oven    09/09/24  (97)
Traditional Balinese art was created in the 1920s    09/09/24  (1)
99% of hot chicks have no idea how cars work, it's basically like magic to them    09/09/24  (10)
Lord High appreciation thread    09/09/24  (18)
Just mailed off my quarterly tax check. Fuck!    09/09/24  (8)
Gonna start a Branch Davidian cult chapter. U can join if I can sex ur wife    09/09/24  (3)
Trump 281 EVs in the RCP average    09/09/24  (17)
20% discount to the first 10 posters that sign up for my OnlyFans (GJR)    09/09/24  (1)
Ernst Junger on (((XO)))    09/09/24  (1)
Why are proles so obsessed with the nuances of the trolley problem?    09/09/24  (1)
The real reason the education system has gone down the toilet    09/09/24  (21)
SouTTTheast Asia discussion thread with richard clock and Tommy Turd    09/09/24  (120)
New poll by Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR): Kamala losing Muslims    09/09/24  (12)
Have you ever wondered what Zurich is stained tp’s favorite bands are?    09/09/24  (1)
Just discovered that my tuxedo doesn’t really fit; neither do my cap toes    09/09/24  (3)
back in 90s could guys like george constanza get women?    09/09/24  (8)
work wife said she loves me    09/09/24  (173)
Click to enable printing is the most idioitic feature of Word    09/09/24  (37)
if someone other than TBF writes "to be fair", it is appropriation & (c) infring    09/09/24  (1)
Name a part of the world u like and I'll name a place in USA that's better    09/09/24  (30)
Lord High's scathing rant about his gf's subpar breast appearance tp    09/09/24  (1)
James, Earl Jones's son will not be eligible to sit in House of Lords    09/09/24  (3)
What did Temple jews do with all those lamb carcasses leftover from sacrifices?    09/09/24  (16)
Animal sacrifices are tedious. I'll fuck some guy's wife & phase them out. (God)    09/09/24  (1)
Many do not know the Savior    09/09/24  (1)
Trump now beating Harris by 2 points    09/09/24  (8)
"You a cop?" Peterman asked the trucker, narrowing his beady eyes    09/09/24  (203)
Dems winning MI, PA, and WI Senate polls and the NC Gov race    09/09/24  (4)
Why are Losers always attacking me and Winners ignore me when I talk    09/09/24  (3)
Why did God even want sacrificed animals? He can make anything he wants any time    09/09/24  (4)
"now THIS is manly!"--niggerball fan grilling factory meat & sipping mantit juic    09/09/24  (89)
Blood sacrifices are extremely barbaric    09/09/24  (1)
Sitting on $140k in cash. What should I do?    09/09/24  (88)
*GJR spreads butthole* “I’m Boner Police's rage!” *whole XO laughs*    09/09/24  (11)
*Right-wing Podcasters after cashing check* "HA HA, WOW! I love Russia now!"    09/09/24  (19)
*FBI Agent spreads butthole* “I’m Spaceporn Jr!” *whole office laughs*    09/09/24  (337)
Do you think Kamala makes Doug engage in RACE-PLAY in the bedroom?    09/09/24  (17)
"Oui, oui! Fordham law, école prestigieuse!"    09/09/24  (2)
Joseph: Mary's working late again. Honestly, gives me more time for my carpentry    09/09/24  (26)
Haven't seen EPAH and Meaty Penis shitpoasting about Harris winning as much    09/09/24  (6)
Why would Jewish law permit Jews to sacrifice goats they bought off the rack?    09/09/24  (3)
itt: we brainstorm the “zingers” kamala will forcememe at debate    09/09/24  (43)
"You can't relax at $1.5 mil" seems like flame    09/09/24  (85)
Psychotic gookbot Lord High is back to harassing GJR    09/09/24  (20)
Should I move to Bangalore    09/09/24  (1)
I name a vehicle and you share your gut impression    09/09/24  (309)
So Lord High is an unhinged azn incel who’s obsessed with a fempoaster?    09/09/24  (292)
Spaceporn reentering dormant phase = horrors beyond comprehension for SP jr    09/09/24  (16)
Gormghlaith, or the Prof and the Profane. by Lord High Everything Else    09/09/24  (54)
Lord High FB live-streaming himself cooking GJR’s head in a big outdoor wok    09/09/24  (16)
Herro jijaeah dis a roar hai carring, roar hai Numba Wan Aznman4uuu!!    09/09/24  (33)
All happy cishets are alike; each unhappy tranny is unhappy in zher own way    09/09/24  (1)
"i work hard. put challah on table. and what Jesus do? he hit" (Money changer)    09/09/24  (1)
how do know anything is this life is real, what is real, you're not real    09/09/24  (2)
RIP James Earl Jones    09/09/24  (1)
Libs explain how Trump down 5-10 in 2020, now TIED isn't horrible for Kamala?    09/09/24  (20)
conservative finally saves America by pointing out lib hypocrisy (link)    09/09/24  (96)
Rangely, Maine is the best place I've ever visited on earth    09/09/24  (24)
Wht if Jesus thought, "can't drive out moneychangers, they might do it to us l8r    09/09/24  (3)
my ex friend is using my real life face as a profile picture    09/09/24  (2)
I broke my oath today. Only today.    09/09/24  (1)
I'm in hell where is my Christ    09/09/24  (1)
Have you ever been to a networking function that didnt make you suicidal    09/09/24  (9)
Is having a work spouse the most beta thing ever??    09/09/24  (6)
ITT:Give your definition of what the heck "America" is anymore..    09/09/24  (24)
are there any sundown towns but for jews?    09/09/24  (1)
Smash that mf blank bump button if ur nude rn    09/09/24  (1)
luis: "looking good MPA!" MPA: "feeling good luis!"    09/09/24  (4)
dear racists, you eat birds too.    09/09/24  (1)
TOO HOT FOR THE BIBLE. Jesus pushes lamb into traffic    09/09/24  (3)
iPhone 16 and Apple Watch 10 today    09/09/24  (6)
i just don't find xo that enjoyable anymore. (serious)    09/09/24  (15)
what's Rio like to visit?    09/09/24  (8)
who's going to shit the bed worse tomorrow -- kamala or trump?    09/09/24  (3)
I refuse to believe anyone would fornicate with a shampoo bottle    09/09/24  (6)
What if Jesus had controlled his temper when he saw the money changers?    09/09/24  (30)
OldHLSDude, do you like Ray Bradbury    09/09/24  (3)
GO TRUMP!    09/09/24  (1)
Principal at my kids' school is a Trumpmo    09/09/24  (6)
His blessings are endless    09/09/24  (1)
Do people put pants on/off while wearing shoes?    09/09/24  (1)
Message to all depressed bros here: Keep Fighting    09/09/24  (13)
Libs need to crawl in the oven and slam the door shut    09/09/24  (1)
I am enraged with a righteous fury    09/09/24  (2)
You are not God    09/09/24  (1)
God does miracles for His children    09/09/24  (1)
"Saint" Paul was a huge fraud.    09/09/24  (6)
Assuming 5 mins of skimming videos, could you do 18 holes in 1 at Pebble Beach?    09/09/24  (3)
Most are hell bound if not already there    09/09/24  (2)
Our God, is a wrathful God he reigns, from Heaven above    09/09/24  (2)
I asked ChatGPT to write an "edgy" poast... RATE it    09/09/24  (3)
God has ordained many to suffer the eternal torments of hell    09/09/24  (1)
zonkpilled    09/09/24  (1)
"that shy, beautiful girl in hs/college really did have a crush on you" tp    09/09/24  (18)
given two years to train, could you break the nba single season scoring record?    09/09/24  (12)
"sic semper squanchantibus" the boy cries, lifting the sharpened pickle rick toy    09/09/24  (22)
zonked    09/09/24  (1)
SP’s day: Squanch. Breakfast. Post. Squanch. Legal malpractice. Squanch.Post.D    09/09/24  (16)
Plaintiff's antitrust is a huge racket.    09/09/24  (4)
Literally 0 celebrities or entertainers have come out as MAGA since Trump shot    09/09/24  (29)
What are your top 5 most popular posts on your page 1 By You?    09/09/24  (98)
Monhegan, Maine is the best place I've ever visited on earth    09/09/24  (3)
🔥 📝 William Wordsworth >>    09/09/24  (4)
Lots of beady eyed goblins screeching about being Christians on XO again.    09/09/24  (4)
God made gay penguins. So... Think about that.    09/09/24  (2)
When will people accept that the 32x was actually good?    09/09/24  (6)
Silicon breast leakout causing toxic shock fully explains RSFs abnormal behavior    09/09/24  (5)
did ohnoes tp ever cop tendies with hunny mussy?    09/09/24  (1)
NBA 2k 25    09/09/24  (2)
You will be mocked for saying His name    09/09/24  (1)
Johnsmeyer w/ headset mic in HS gym: "anything can be a meme. see this apple?    09/09/24  (120)
Ben Franklin at Penn's founding "I hope jews and asians come to study here"    09/09/24  (43)
I am a Christian    09/09/24  (10)
Seeding white towns with Haitians is what George Washington would have wanted    09/09/24  (2)
Heading back to XO Paris tomorrow then to SoF, Qs? (RSF)    09/09/24  (61)
Lady at hotel bragged to me that they have someone at front desk 24/7    09/09/24  (7)
Cons does it ever bother you your messiah is a Jew who lied about who he was?    09/09/24  (11)
Double predestination is real    09/09/24  (1)
Had the weirdest bar experience of my life last night    09/09/24  (14)
so people really thought Luis’ cancer thing was real?    09/09/24  (41)
It’s weird that people can just claim little parts of the planet as their own    09/09/24  (22)
We Need to Talk About Gen X    09/09/24  (8)
Langley, Virginia is the best place I’ve ever worked on earth (TBF)    09/09/24  (1)
Post pics of hot filipina bitches w big asses    09/09/24  (17)
Bruce Willis' brain is "soup," according to family.    09/09/24  (45)

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