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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Boom pulls out his eyebrows when he can't find dicks to suck.    06/20/24  (2)
35yo white female, single, reasonably attractive, NYC    06/20/24  (10)
Anyone watch the Kendrick "Pop Up" concert last night?    06/20/24  (2)
Have been to GUYana and MENton this summer    06/20/24  (7)
XO India building GORGEOUS NEW SEAPORT. Anything like this possible in West?    06/20/24  (6)
Lmao Putin & Kim Jong Un do 'comedians in cars w coffee' & bash Biden (link)    06/20/24  (5)
Why is it 90K degrees in Connecticut    06/20/24  (1)
What is the purpose of sampling a bottle of wine at a restaurant?    06/20/24  (1)
what if watching CSLG spend money is some sort of cuckold fetish for disco fries    06/20/24  (3)
Anyone have experience with female anorgasmia? How to solve?    06/20/24  (9)
Roughly 100% of niggers should be lynched or catapulted to AFRICA.    06/20/24  (6)
SCOTUS holds mandatory repatriation tax unconstitutional, Kavanaugh 7-2    06/20/24  (5)
A whistle grows louder over African Savannah: US catapulted another NIGGER    06/20/24  (7)
Black niggers are shitstained parasites that should be catapulted back to AFRICA    06/20/24  (25)
Rate LAs new luxury high rise homeless Shelter    06/20/24  (31)
currently a loser in blue collar trade, possible to ascend to scumbag?    06/20/24  (13)
correction tp makes Jeffrey Epstein look like a sexually abstinent christian    06/20/24  (13)
If I'd just invested $10,000 in NVDIA in 2010 I could retire    06/20/24  (7)
Rape and kill the love of your life, NIGGERS WILL.    06/20/24  (19)
Trumpmos, will Sleepy Donald Trump be able to stay wake for his debate?    06/20/24  (1)
Golfer Tony Finau (age 34, 0 major wins) has $51 million career earnings    06/20/24  (21)
Shot in the face with a shotgun, ghettorillas must be.    06/20/24  (28)
Eat shit and die, all niggers MUST (Racist Yoda)    06/20/24  (8)
Hung from trees, inner city NIGGERS must be.    06/20/24  (17)
Delightfully cute nigress, Kerry Washington is.    06/20/24  (41)
Friends, my obesity has absolutely gotten out of control.    06/20/24  (30)
Smell like cocoa butter and violence, all niggers do.    06/20/24  (35)
Aldi is king shit any other great value markets?    06/20/24  (1)
Grocery delivery is so CR    06/20/24  (2)
Ky. shitlawyer referred to bar 4 auto-reply: "Dis office closed fo Juneteenf"    06/20/24  (5)
Jerking off to Mormon classmate's daughter pics on FB, who's with me?    06/20/24  (2)
Just Stop Oil shitlibs attack Taylor Swift's private jet    06/20/24  (6)
Earn 7,500 Air Canada Aeroplan points with a $100 Miles4Migrants donation cr?    06/20/24  (3)
Craziest aspect of German law- politicians can sue citizens for insulting them    06/20/24  (33)
Becoming a drone operator in Ukraine seems like a 180 opportunity for a psychopa    06/20/24  (1)
Tranny FREAK guns down parents    06/20/24  (8)
Cars/prolemobiles r nothing but shit&kill in amerikkka    06/20/24  (1)
the fact that americans cant walk *anywhere* is getting to be a bit much    06/20/24  (15)
i am ready to disincarnate    06/20/24  (3)
still LOL that mooslims will get 72 raisins, not 72 virgins - big mistranslation    06/20/24  (1)
USC student stabs homeless criminal, arrested for murder.    06/20/24  (72)
good morning    06/20/24  (4)
Oakley founder's $200M Malibu mansion, selling fraud sunglasses to proles    06/20/24  (7)
Epic OYT House Party happening soon    06/20/24  (13)
"And who is capable of unclogging this drain?" "Only me."    06/20/24  (2)
Someone dox the kike faggot who throttles the board so we can crowdfund a hit on    06/20/24  (14)
Bump when cons blame the “deep state” for Trump’s shitty debate performanc    06/20/24  (2)
Missouri sues IBM for discriminating against whites and Asians    06/20/24  (2)
Some sucker paid 9mm for shit celeb house that has 25m asking price ljl    06/20/24  (1)
Nothing is worth anything except what some sucker will give you    06/20/24  (1)
Real estate is all fraud    06/20/24  (1)
The estimate I filed with the contractor lists me, my men, the plumber here, but    06/20/24  (3)
Gigi D'Agostino did nothing wrong #FreeGigi    06/20/24  (1)
INSPIRATIONAL: Musbro goes directly to paradise, meets Mohammed early :)    06/20/24  (7)
SCOTUS 4th Amendment Case - Thomas Opinion; Gorsuch, Kagan & Sabaro Dissent    06/20/24  (3)
What is your wife’s record for # of days before cracking screen on new phone?    06/20/24  (53)
LOL Russiacucks, South Korea threatening to give Ukraine weapons after NK stunt    06/20/24  (1)
I'm only spending $16,616 annualized in Vietnam    06/20/24  (33)
Trump Tries to Set Expectations, and Floats Excuses, for His Debate With Biden    06/20/24  (1)
Trump likely does have genius level intellect    06/20/24  (81)
Biden daddy send us some free stimulus money 💰😞 &u got my vote ;)our vote    06/20/24  (1)
Does EXERCISE actually work for DEPRESSION or is this flame?    06/20/24  (71)
RATE Rowan Beard & 2 Other Birdshits w 3 DPRK Tourism Officials (PIC)    06/20/24  (7)
Even Biden considers fraud "resort fees" junk fees    06/20/24  (1)
TT thoughts on all the crooked fraud "resort fees" in america..junk charges    06/20/24  (1)
You are aware all a "job" is is pandering to a fraud Jew..right?    06/20/24  (1)
Which practice area has the hottest biological female attorneys?    06/20/24  (6)
Welcome to the Hotel California!    06/20/24  (1)
RATE The Food At This 2* Restaurant In Greenland, KOKS (PICS)    06/20/24  (6)
You will have no better life at 50k 50 million 500 million 500 billion 500t    06/20/24  (4)
Ever take a normal shit (standard solid log) that smelled like terrible diarrhea    06/20/24  (4)
Libs&all other frauds deserve beatings from the homeless looted&burned    06/20/24  (2)
why can't Tommy type "ou"?    06/20/24  (6)
Kavanaugh’s Latest Hottie Clerk is “Proudly Celibate” (link)    06/20/24  (5)
Rate this woman who just randomly gave away her inheritance    06/20/24  (9)
Mr Belvedere but the son is an unemployed adult who lives w them    06/20/24  (1)
Fucking fake ass Jews fraud money time fraud money fraud die Jews    06/20/24  (2)
Low IQ sports fraud thugs didn't make shit until recently with Jordan    06/20/24  (4)
Oooo disco knows someone whom made 52m+ go eat ur $2 worth of beans    06/20/24  (5)
"two face" type poaster that is half TT and half GGTP    06/20/24  (1)
Trump is going to win Michigan, black people in Detroit love him now    06/20/24  (2)
PON DE FLOOR    06/20/24  (4)
OYT: $JMIA loves you, my friend    06/20/24  (53)
Reminder: Trump could’ve put his inheritance into an index fund and been riche    06/20/24  (16)
demiurge threading is spiritually 180    06/20/24  (1)
have like 6 women obsessed with me rn i could not give a single fuck about    06/20/24  (20)
How is this allowed when Trump has a bldg w/ his name on it in this guy’s stat    06/20/24  (2)
Hard to trust a guy like Biden who doesnt come from money to lead the country    06/20/24  (9)
interesting article about Crimean history (link)    06/20/24  (3)
autist geolocates a pic from a plane in ten minutes (link)    06/20/24  (12)
shitlaw boss insists on using long skinny bob barker mic in opening statement    06/20/24  (4)
Trump Media stock surging today    06/20/24  (2)
The homeless have it better than you! Rate their new LA luxury high rise!    06/20/24  (1)
When cons say Obama was divisive they just mean “not white”    06/20/24  (36)
Fauci: Trump got the idea for THE CURE from Laura Ingrham    06/20/24  (8)
Obama set America down a path of a 24/7 carnival of faggotry    06/20/24  (3)
It's just a hobby, babe. Like being a birdwatcher. But with cocks, not birds.    06/20/24  (13)
Ukraine has sunk so many Russian ships that it’s restarting passenger ferry sr    06/20/24  (1)
AOC Twitter war with AIPAC    06/20/24  (15)
Con Air Plot Hole: why were there all those guns in the Airplane cargo bay?    06/20/24  (9)
Roko's Basilisk Life    06/20/24  (1)
it's time to interrogate 'wine' as a staple    06/20/24  (1)
Found NYUUG's TikTok, LOLERCAUSTING hard!    06/20/24  (6)
xo has become a complete fucking wasteland. I'm retiring.    06/20/24  (39)
Meet the "Egyptian" (((Business Tycoon))) Accused of Charging Gazans To Flee    06/20/24  (8)
IDF Sends 10/7 Commander To 72 Virgins With Rooftop Airstrike (VID)    06/20/24  (1)
XO is barely fucking working    06/20/24  (1)
Fraud fraud fraud fraud fraud fraud. The kike and Jew fake money lie    06/20/24  (1)
What a Tony Finau? Do I stick it in my arse?    06/20/24  (1)
All these times people think are long periods of time are nothing    06/20/24  (4)
would you move to Hartford CT for a good job?    06/20/24  (15)
Would like to pound the skull of every fucking fraud    06/20/24  (1)
'based and plungermaxxing!' (plumbers high-fiving after hanging up on lawyer)    06/20/24  (5)
dressing up like sexy long leg woman bugs bunny style to trick plumber into work    06/20/24  (4)
Who decide all men need to wear white shoes in the summer?    06/20/24  (3)
MASS-SHOOTING in CALIFORNIA - Democrats, explain:    06/20/24  (8)
All of these financial numbers are fraud u will have no better life    06/20/24  (1)
Wait, why *do* so many poasters fail to get married and have kids?    06/20/24  (10)
"stop eating seed oils" the fat overfed koi whispers to u    06/20/24  (12)
Disco xo mentality is all fucked up people are stupid    06/20/24  (1)
People are all fucked up all shit for brains    06/20/24  (1)
Rate this DIVERSE and EQUITABLE Juneteenth celebration in CA    06/20/24  (2)
Movies in the 1980s really liked huge revolvers with scopes/lasers mounted on th    06/20/24  (11)
Single MILF co-workers with porn star bodies and multi-racial children    06/20/24  (6)
Having to peacock in silly hat to pick up day laborers at Home Depot    06/20/24  (20)
Wow twenty whole dollars in Cali..ljl at restaurants closing over this    06/20/24  (1)
called a plumber yesterday, they are "not taking new customers" like a doctor    06/20/24  (18)
Running 'dread game' on my plumber    06/20/24  (3)
xo poaster: "I'll pay you a small fortune!" plumber: "And this gives you power o    06/20/24  (3)
Plumber wants me to pay 12% "Hunter Biden tip" on invoice    06/20/24  (3)
Sad that amerikkka is just a place you pay high dollar to be abused    06/20/24  (2)
called a plumber today to try and get work done, he hung up on me    06/20/24  (55)
the power of a “thnank”    06/20/24  (1)
Disco did you get your bloody stool worked out?    06/20/24  (3)
Clark Howard gets to live in Los Angeles, teaches other not to spend $$$    06/20/24  (2)
Had a 10 hour fuck session with a hot 25 yo Jewess last night, taking qs    06/20/24  (75)
How much child porn (and snuff films) were found on government servers?    06/20/24  (2)
les quatre cents cooze    06/20/24  (1)
Is it a thing for middle aged lawyers to get 18-YO girls to be a Muse?    06/20/24  (6)
Alaska Airlines Completes Move to San Francisco Terminal 1    06/20/24  (1)
"Boss told me to say nigger online" "Funny, he told me something similar"    06/20/24  (8)
“I’m refusing no loads, Jerry! NO LOADS!”    06/20/24  (1)
CrossFit national champs visit WH, Biden "kicked ass" in closed door workout    06/20/24  (11)
mangled brown genitals tp    06/20/24  (4)
glowniggers in your feed    06/20/24  (2)
RICKY. Just straight up screenshot your By You and imgur link me    06/20/24  (22)
Danny D converts to Judaism and gets circumcised (AVN Media)    06/20/24  (2)
Bboom's penis and the dog. Interlinked. Penis and dog. Interlinked. Interlin    06/20/24  (6)
I get HUNDREDS of HOT loads daily    06/20/24  (3)

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