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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
The Pandemic Probably Started in a Lab (NYT)    07/13/24  (22)
quick, hire a 20y/o girl with pink hair to be the 'armorer' on this movie set    07/13/24  (1)
Opening Statements in Alec Baldwin involuntary manslaughter trial    07/13/24  (172)
wait, so everyone here isn't gay?    07/13/24  (6)
German right wing pushing Kalingrad acquisition as major issue    07/13/24  (2)
successful cannabis gardeners ITT    07/13/24  (3)
Folks, let's dispel once and for all with this fiction that bad credit is holdin    07/13/24  (6)
If I have to listen to faggy “Teewinot” shit on here for the next year I swe    07/13/24  (5)
The Russian/Ukranian escorts in Western Europe are insane!    07/13/24  (22)
lol @ little cunt hair 'emilio'/Jewfar zipping around 'bumping' his cunty posts    07/13/24  (3)
been biting my lower lip thinking about killing someone i know irl for hours    07/13/24  (9)
Could disco fries set a record for heaviest man to climb Eiger's north face?    07/13/24  (1)
Poaster wakes from coma in 2027: “did disco summit Teewinot?”    07/13/24  (8)
the sweepings of the shtetl    07/13/24  (1)
i want to work in an office full of gen-z girlbosses who act like it's a daycare    07/13/24  (13)
I think I would have let Ted Kennedy drown me too    07/13/24  (3)
“They’re all fags,” I shouted to Emilio tp across the lawn. “And you’r    07/13/24  (23)
jews are clever at comedy, but they are completely outshone by brits    07/13/24  (12)
CFB 25 Megathread 7/13    07/13/24  (1)
italy officially the shittiest 1st world country after electing girl mussolini    07/13/24  (2)
Laying on my death bed wishing I had chased more Asian pussy    07/13/24  (2)
god, this is gay beyond belief. gossiping about taylor swift/'sydney sweeney'    07/13/24  (3)
gen z girlboss calls iphone her "penis organizer"    07/13/24  (2)
How much AZN pussy is there in NYC vs other cities in the US    07/13/24  (32)
It is so horrible to be in Biden's position right now    07/13/24  (30)
smoking a Titan Philly laced with coke and fentanyl tp    07/13/24  (3)
why tf am i getting an impulse to go back to slimey shithold MFH?    07/13/24  (1)
24 year old Turo Redditor takes out 8 car loans with no income verification    07/13/24  (20)
Is Sydney Sweeney the next January Jones?    07/13/24  (15)
CA. OC filed motion to redact with their MSJ. What to do with redacted figures?    07/13/24  (13)
🚨 Holy Shit 🚨 New Eminem album is πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ Culture shifting art Li    07/13/24  (31)
Women’s bodies are sexy and hot    07/13/24  (23)
Silent Gen boss and a diaper. Silent Gen boss and a diaper.    07/13/24  (1)
sexually taming gen-z boss in a mini, bringing her to heel    07/13/24  (1)
Maybe you can be my gen z boss over mini golf haha    07/13/24  (5)
Ringo in Beatles doc: "Even before Hamburg it was skiffle bands and MPA threads"    07/13/24  (10)
good morning    07/13/24  (1)
TWIST: Psycho Karen tp looks like Leonor Varela circa Cleopatra    07/13/24  (25)
overarching theme of Autoadmit is pretty clear    07/13/24  (12)
how was "ask the audience" 87% right?    07/13/24  (8)
Elder Scrolls lorists have my friendship    07/13/24  (21)
Autoadmit.com lorists have my friendship    07/13/24  (7)
wait, so there's a karen that frequents this board and her name is really karen?    07/13/24  (2)
Anything sexier than petite mousy Asian girls?    07/13/24  (6)
5'10" with an attitude    07/13/24  (7)
How many times per day do you think about the Lion of the Senate    07/13/24  (3)
whats tcr Akira Kurosawa film to watch for someone with 149 IQ?    07/13/24  (9)
guten tag    07/13/24  (5)
Curb episode where Larry commits manslaughter with a prop gun    07/13/24  (46)
Lol Dems are so fucked    07/13/24  (70)
an enjoyable night of homosex    07/13/24  (1)
Pics of 180 GORGEOUS XO CHINA 🐼    07/13/24  (38)
Neo prole offering tours of the ruins of Boomers’ McMansions in 2055    07/13/24  (4)
I have sex with money for men    07/13/24  (6)
17 yo white boi Cooper Flagg dominates against team USA    07/13/24  (1)
Many retired Boomers are absolutely awful    07/13/24  (8)
Average Height by Console    07/13/24  (5)
what am i doing here with you people?    07/13/24  (5)
The world is your! You own it! You get this friends! Go get em tiger!    07/13/24  (4)
Alec Baldwin 1st-Person Shooter    07/13/24  (1)
baldwin thought he could buy proles half price grand slams and avoid litigation?    07/13/24  (18)
Fat proles are my people    07/13/24  (4)
Katie Ledecky BANNED for PED use from taking finasteride    07/13/24  (8)
Business Idea: App that ALERTS you if a PAJEET comes within 10 feet    07/13/24  (5)
Boom I live in a Trailer atm, live off Investments. Alpha?    07/13/24  (2)
cowgod, DBG, et al, have annihilated the myth of Jewish 'intelligence'    07/13/24  (1)
Chinks, and Turds, and Jews, Oh My! *Dorothy in The Wonderful Wizard of ZoZo    07/13/24  (2)
Just told off a furking PAJEETA at CHINA train station    07/13/24  (6)
Black kween tries stealing $$ left by customer at NYC chink restaurant (video)    07/13/24  (4)
'Thread needs more cowgod..' *halting chrisopher walken voice*    07/13/24  (11)
2006: Snakes on a Plane 2024: Turd on a Train    07/13/24  (2)
rate these Gen Z girl bosses (pic)    07/13/24  (103)
luis dancing on tiktok singing 'itty-bitty titties and a bob, itty-bitty titties    07/13/24  (4)
Taking not 1, not 2, but 3 furking BULLET TRAINS today in Gorgeous CHINA 😘    07/13/24  (6)
How certain (%) are you that your wife has never taken a black cock?    07/13/24  (38)
McDonalds is so fucking 180    07/13/24  (6)
Ken ye the gloaming hour doon by the willows weeping???    07/13/24  (6)
lol @ wog-eyed turdnigger 'jag' posting bizarre interracial porn cartoons    07/13/24  (1)
i bet even scottish people need subtitles to deal with scottish accents    07/13/24  (1)
no, babe, that's "cowgod." the 50yo dweeb obsessed w/ nintendo. no he hasn't kil    07/13/24  (4)
What Console are you starting your kids on?    07/13/24  (18)
Fuck any old pussy and go nuts    07/13/24  (13)
Addicts are sick fucks    07/13/24  (12)
pussy ain't got a face bro    07/13/24  (6)
evan39 thoughts on Crumbl πŸͺ cookies?    07/13/24  (3)
Best All-Time NBA Starting Five with ZERO All-Star Appearances?    07/13/24  (1)
Crumbl Cookies is the most overrated shit ever    07/13/24  (51)
There should be a fatlympics with obese lawyers doing the 100m dash    07/13/24  (2)
i love deleting peoples numbers and then they text me    07/13/24  (4)
smelly pregnant women    07/13/24  (3)
possible to be in love at first sight with a 37yo female biglawyer?    07/13/24  (12)
board reaching its usual nice, gay, midwit equilibrium tonight    07/13/24  (5)
rach. hold an auction. allow 1 winnin poster to have an avatar.    07/13/24  (2)
If you’re triggered it’s about you    07/13/24  (1)
So many easy paths but at least u can simply say you're a prestigious lawyer    07/13/24  (1)
"That notary stamp is more than just rubber, you know. It's an avatar of The Law    07/13/24  (3)
Turd on a Bullet Train    07/13/24  (1)
What was the point of the "how to improve xo?" sticky yet still no avatars    07/13/24  (3)
My kids are better than yours    07/13/24  (2)
Hot mom of kids’ friends just propositioned me- how to respond?    07/13/24  (44)
Already copped FASTPASS tix for Avatar: World of Pandora @ Walt Disney World    07/13/24  (8)
DC shrews dancing in PANTSUITS to celebrate HILLARY (link - not flame)    07/13/24  (86)
evan39 do you respect Taylor Swift hustling all the retards?    07/13/24  (3)
evan39 do you buy any of the fraud in amerikkka?    07/13/24  (3)
TT u know the cheifs are frauds lost 6 games and faced no one but Purdy scurb    07/13/24  (3)
Shrew gf:Nitrites are bad 2nd cousin: wanna see me in tights?    07/13/24  (3)
Should I throw this fraud addict gamblers head into the pavement?    07/13/24  (2)
Remember the Hillary "girl power" flash mob (video)    07/13/24  (1)
Hogwarts Center of Witchcraft and Wizardry    07/13/24  (2)
TT rate Taylor Swift As a scammer/hustler of retards..he's fans die at her "conc    07/13/24  (2)
Professor Rubio of Hogwarts, teaching class on diSpells and Notions    07/13/24  (5)
Fat proles panic as smoke fills plane cabin (video)    07/13/24  (1)
TT you know amerikkkan sports are all political rigged fraud u know it! Ahhh    07/13/24  (3)
when i see a gen-z boss in a mini walking down the street, i think 2 things. par    07/13/24  (1)
do colleges still say all their buildings look like hogwarts?    07/13/24  (9)
not really visited here for 3 months - anything new?    07/13/24  (27)
BRONNY JAMES was absolutely horrendous in his summer league debut    07/13/24  (5)
any maf dorks posting rn?    07/13/24  (8)
Blessings Chat    07/13/24  (10)
So gratifying seeing people who worked for Trump lose everything    07/13/24  (1)
$20 gay butt sex at the pilot/flying J    07/13/24  (1)
Rate this Austrian table tennis player and her ping pong handsome    07/13/24  (7)
Don't be a hostage to high prices! Check out our CEASEFIRE SPECIAL at Marco Rubi    07/13/24  (7)
A lot of shit people..we need to take out the πŸ—‘garbage&put them in their plac    07/13/24  (3)
tall girls momming short girls around within female friend groups    07/13/24  (1)
Gamblers are truly evil&sick and that's all it is    07/13/24  (1)
Shap and addicts neck hate these frauds    07/13/24  (1)
CFL>NFL NFL=flame an easy rigged political fraud league full of padded pussies    07/13/24  (1)
Cr purchase friends? Thus should do the job on about anyone    07/13/24  (1)
What cool shit have you bought recently?    07/13/24  (7)
You've got LeBron, I've got the Bronny, let's make lots of money    07/13/24  (2)
when is cowgod tp going to start selling cowgod branded 'merch'    07/13/24  (5)
1989 life: Taco Bell, Albert Belle; 2024: bell notifications re: billing    07/13/24  (3)
Why didn't humans selectively breed to have soft fur like a bunny?    07/13/24  (16)
In 1989, Taco Bell spent $95m to create a tech noir commercial by Ridley Scott    07/13/24  (13)
Is this Peterman or doobs?    07/13/24  (5)
The concept of “fun” is total flame. Only exists for women and children    07/13/24  (3)
What is your best guess about what consciousness is?    07/13/24  (60)
xo refreshing on a CRT screen in a secret room in the museum of modern art tokyo    07/13/24  (19)
I get I'd going back 2 get more degrees constantly working out nailing tail(Boom    07/13/24  (7)
As a lib, I like seeing this political turmoil    07/13/24  (5)
This is why Jews are working on turning America into a favela:    07/13/24  (3)
"all of my dead friends were up there" (shellshocked mr bubble re: tsinahs ass)    07/13/24  (1)
Should "addicts" be put in a room and beat up rill good?    07/13/24  (1)
None of this is fucking funny    07/13/24  (13)
Why are posters so terrified of black men's penises    07/13/24  (2)
Music by Tangerine Dream    07/13/24  (4)
Watching Into the Wild. Was Chris McCandless alpha?    07/13/24  (12)
an economy based on women selling adult coloring books on 'etsy'    07/13/24  (3)

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