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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
evan39 coming back to XCU as Doctor Bbbooom    07/29/24  (8)
Turkey's Dictator Erdogan Threatens To Invade Israel    07/29/24  (25)
Jewish neighbor tonite: "I heard the opening Olympic ceremony was great"    07/29/24  (9)
How many decades in advance can I get a nursing home room    07/29/24  (9)
the two greatest societies in human history: the US pre-FDR, and china today    07/29/24  (13)
Me and dirte, both 100% VA disabled, standing 69 in    07/29/24  (11)
i feel very european taking multi-hour long breaks midday doing WFHomo    07/29/24  (5)
No one has heard a peep about the Olympics. Completely memoryholed.    07/29/24  (6)
Great analysis by alpha yamnaya BALAJI on US politics and decline of West    07/29/24  (3)
Autoadmit is a secret we keep from everyone    07/29/24  (41)
Libs Went From Trump = Hitler / Threat To Democracy ... To Trump Is Weird?    07/29/24  (6)
Orthodox Jewish Family Vacations In Cambodia (PICS) #TT    07/29/24  (10)
Can't wait for the entire WEST to furking COLLAPSE    07/29/24  (8)
Luis is the Ramesh Srivastava of unexpectedly handsome public servants    07/29/24  (8)
Who’s more broken between nyuug and TT?    07/29/24  (7)
Sofia Coppola's Luis (2025) abt quiet atty w internet addiction wins palme d'or    07/29/24  (35)
Nyuug has much more in common w white dork English teachers than real Koreans    07/29/24  (56)
LSAC: Logic games removed beginning August 2024    07/29/24  (107)
Trump to unveil “amazing” new replacement plan for ACA “very soon” (link    07/29/24  (1)
Why doesn't Meta just buy Netflix?    07/29/24  (2)
LOL how long will Nyuug continue to post while everyone ignores him    07/29/24  (7)
Gibberish: The Meme    07/29/24  (2)
when will nyuug off himself like kpop past-their-prime stars have?    07/29/24  (10)
Crazy sim writing: Luis (“Andy Garcia”) dated Sofia Coppola in Godfather 3    07/29/24  (15)
My father stared at screens, and my father's father's stared at screens, now I    07/29/24  (6)
If u have 4 grandparents who stared at screens their entire career ur a real Ame    07/29/24  (1)
Barebacked a Kurdish/Turkish-German girl w/DD cups this weekend. Taking ?s ITT.    07/29/24  (48)
your MiL singing to your 3yo in Cantonese while he humps spiderman stuffie    07/29/24  (19)
Turkish are the worst people on earth ime    07/29/24  (16)
Holy shit nyuug “speaks Korean at a 1st grade level”    07/29/24  (351)
Ji Seong Ho: Awarded South Korean Citizenship. NYUUG: <><><>NO PASSPORT<><    07/29/24  (46)
Clitdick nyuug: no korean passport, refuses korean military service    07/29/24  (95)
Ever met a young black guy that WASN'T an aspiring rapper?    07/29/24  (1)
AFter 40+ years on this shit Earth just realized I'm a PAJEET    07/29/24  (39)
Weird minority sexpats like TT and nyuug always get MAF abt white alphas    07/29/24  (4)
NYUUG S. KOREA is well and truly fucked, and will likely collapse    07/29/24  (9)
will nyuug ever post again after the gaping he got this AM?    07/29/24  (18)
Reminder: nyuug isn't a Korean citizen, only has US Passport    07/29/24  (100)
NYUUG is fucking done here    07/29/24  (19)
luis learning french to think sad thoughts in a different language    07/29/24  (27)
Naked selfie of me with nordic white american i fucked back in the day. WGWAG!    07/29/24  (95)
GOOK Poasters: if JEJU island worth visiting?    07/29/24  (21)
when will nyuug kill himself?    07/29/24  (29)
Seems like conturds get triggered, seek safe spaces, just as much as libtards    07/29/24  (24)
rating poasters as future taco bell menu options    07/29/24  (45)
I'm involved in a bespoke intellectual online meeting place    07/29/24  (5)
Will someone smart please explain how inflation happens    07/29/24  (36)
As a proud Talmudic-American man, I    07/29/24  (1)
“Obviously she’s not a white person…but I love Usha, she’s such a good m    07/29/24  (18)
It'd be interesting to know how much that Opening Ceremonies cost in viewership    07/29/24  (13)
Mr. Jinx IS Brat    07/29/24  (6)
Can we maybe have a conservatism that isn't entirely submissive to Israel    07/29/24  (13)
Satanic Olympic Opening Ceremony featured trannies mocking Jesus's Last Supper    07/29/24  (81)
Elite golden Aaron Retrievers speaks out: “I really, really like 🎾”    07/29/24  (37)
Girl with slimy pussy streaming on Twitch atm - nsfw    07/29/24  (8)
Hunger games is just an extreme example. We’re all in that simulation    07/29/24  (4)
Anyone else always failing upwards?    07/29/24  (5)
Need dirte to explain these “Alaskans”    07/29/24  (3)
Childless cat lady >>>> Having creepy mulatto autists like "JD" Vance    07/29/24  (5)
FUCK | THE | TURKS    07/29/24  (6)
The Turks need the GAS    07/29/24  (7)
Turks are such pure shit    07/29/24  (14)
Turks are actually everything racists accuse Arabs of being    07/29/24  (6)
How many people actually care about the MCU plot lines?    07/29/24  (40)
List of Shitty Nationalities: Japs, Turks, Americans, Argentinians, Italians    07/29/24  (29)
fucking hate doing business with chinks, turks and indians irl    07/29/24  (3)
i put like $40k into NVDA, will i lose it all?    07/29/24  (27)
XO shitlibs: do you believe in rent control?    07/29/24  (4)
biz idea: HIMS but it delivers SSRIs to cat ladies    07/29/24  (4)
this peep show synopsis. LMAO.    07/29/24  (13)
I'm attracted to men only if they're taller than me    07/29/24  (1)
Robert Downey Jr coming back to MCU as Doctor Doom    07/29/24  (34)
Question for economists regarding the "casuistry" of george20    07/28/24  (2)
Rate my plan to marry a whore and not get domestic abuse pwned    07/28/24  (22)
Richard Carrier loved the Olympic show (link)    07/28/24  (3)
2.8% GDP growth is pretty amazing.    07/28/24  (17)
Do like it when girls wax their pubic hair? Do you wax your own?    07/28/24  (30)
Still can't fucking believe they got rid of logic games on LSAT    07/28/24  (4)
i fuck my wife 9 times a day and get into fights w my neighbor with an asian wif    07/28/24  (1)
Neighbor and baseballs (wiffle balls actually)    07/28/24  (47)
Did you know you're allowed to like people even if they're weird    07/28/24  (2)
scholarship tp is teaching frogs and turtles about easements    07/28/24  (6)
Why even bother with the head fakes on polls at this point?    07/28/24  (1)
boner police/correction tp is genuinely retarded    07/28/24  (6)
House of Dragons - the actors on this show fucking suck    07/28/24  (7)
"oh cool! what kind of lawyer are u?" "...are u familiar with myth of Sisyphus?"    07/28/24  (38)
I have 40k as saved "PTO", can I just leave and come back in 2 months so it does    07/28/24  (6)
We can't bag a CGWBT, but we can recreate her in the aggregate    07/28/24  (2)
XO Civil War: "yeah? well, what KIND of anti-semite are you?"    07/28/24  (1)
Goldman Sachs: AI is a scam bubble that will pop    07/28/24  (9)
Tua is one concussion away from a $167.5M sinecure.    07/28/24  (3)
Mayor Pete 2 wks ago: Biden not dropping out. Pete today: Kamala grassroots!!    07/28/24  (2)
More autistic and annoying: JD Vance or TBF?    07/28/24  (2)
EPAH: UCL lawsuit against MrBeast when?    07/28/24  (2)
I'm involved in a backroom where Jews coerce out and trade blackmail on Gentiles    07/28/24  (1)
Who is more attractive, Fizzkidd or GJR?    07/28/24  (20)
Never impregnate thralls    07/28/24  (1)
DNC says “Fuck it” and nominates Trump (link)    07/28/24  (5)
Rate this 23 y/o azn tinderella (pic)    07/28/24  (4)
AutoAdmit as a Service AAaaS    07/28/24  (3)
LUANDA ... LUSAKA... Sim Glitch?    07/28/24  (7)
gunnerattt is trans-in-denial    07/28/24  (15)
ITT mr jinx explains why he's a BLM supporter for life.    07/28/24  (6)
TSwift: fucking tons of doods. U: fucking tons of doods.    07/28/24  (5)
Do HBS bros dominate the Ouagadougou bar scene in Burkina Faso?    07/28/24  (2)
Ouagadougou: actual capital of Burkina Faso or flame name to make fun of Africa?    07/28/24  (4)
Gourmand here. Mexican food is a top 3 world cuisine.    07/28/24  (130)
a multi-message board species, if you can keep it    07/28/24  (1)
Bald and Bankrupt in Ulaan Bator they say gunneratttt has many female friends    07/28/24  (2)
In Burkina Faso, people are calling gunnerattt a trans in denial    07/28/24  (1)
how many monikers does this "Mainlining" retard have    07/28/24  (12)
I think Kamalamania is dying down. It was a short lived boost.    07/28/24  (26)
was at the South Pole and tales of Gunnerattts female friends were running wild    07/28/24  (1)
The only way to maek it is by going off fraud script anyways    07/28/24  (2)
So boner police/correction got a TUFTS degree and went insane bc it's trash?    07/28/24  (8)
America literally has the worst climate&weather    07/28/24  (2)
Gorgeous Buff as Furk CHINK Swimmer absolutely MOGS competition    07/28/24  (17)
Instrumental version of Imbruglia's Torn plays as Emilo bumps your thread 50x    07/28/24  (10)
treat-filled Monday scholarly feast awaits us, brothers    07/28/24  (1)
MAINLINING HERE...let's form a Nightcrew alliance (secretly) & wipe out XO nerve    07/28/24  (2)
gunnerattt is a proud gay man in the vintage Walt Disney sense 🪴    07/28/24  (3)
TBF is insane! He's a retard! He's an FBI Agent! Whatever you do, don't listen!    07/28/24  (7)
Retard Helmet tp    07/28/24  (4)
Mr. Jinx establishing the Choades Scholarship in his will    07/28/24  (4)
Why is it so hard for Western Firms to make games    07/28/24  (1)
Harvard-grad Joy Reid's home smoke detector happily chirping away (video)    07/28/24  (8)
GunneratTTT is the Sudhir Venkatesh of the transgender community.    07/28/24  (2)
This dive earned a 0    07/28/24  (14)
Guitar Bros - desperately need some perspective and opinion in a new axe    07/28/24  (50)
are Trumpos retarded enough to nominate Trump AGAIN in 2028 if he loses in 2024?    07/28/24  (10)
Bboom on Jeopardy: "I'll take Homo erectus for free."    07/28/24  (6)
Inflation is fake& is greedflation faked by fraud birdshits and jews    07/28/24  (1)
Kamala-Tulsi unity ticket announced (Gorgeous WoC Alliance) 🦄    07/28/24  (11)
Am I crazy or is becoming multi-planetary species a fake impossible goal?    07/28/24  (62)
Jinx even jokes "cream of some young guy" at Italian restos    07/28/24  (6)
Jinx expels 731 ounces of semen from his butt.    07/28/24  (2)
TT can vouch for this! Beautiful Chinese Mao.was 180&did nothing wrong    07/28/24  (5)
mr. jinx encouraging all his ladyboys to eat Mexican beef    07/28/24  (4)
Tonight we xo celebrate 🍾 Mao Zedong (1893-1976)    07/28/24  (3)
How did mr. jinx end up from Princeton ug-->GW law?    07/28/24  (13)
Kamala and MN Birdshit Gov Tim Walz are same age, BIRDSHITS totally done here    07/28/24  (1)
SIL: "Can you see my hard nipples?" Wife: "Jesus, I popped 6 pimples!"    07/28/24  (9)
An Italian adventure    07/28/24  (15)
Changed 20 Old Receptacles To Decorator Style. Rate Me As A Prole Goy Mr Fix It    07/28/24  (1)
Ghost of Ernst Junger begging consuela to get a job    07/28/24  (8)
anyone read Junger's The Worker? thoughts?    07/28/24  (4)

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