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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
trumpmos i know ur sad about the epstein files but at least the mlk and rfk file    03/11/25  (1)
Pic of your average white xoer    03/11/25  (1)
Unless someone like u poasts a whole awful lot, xo's never going 2 get better it    03/11/25  (2)
“Epstein files on my desk but SDNY SAID I CANT RELEASE HAHA SAD FACE EMOJI”    03/11/25  (4)
BOOM, what was it like to be gay in high school in the 80s?    03/11/25  (3)
good morning    03/11/25  (4)
is ZoZo still relatable. seems like it's not. seems like it'll never get better.    03/11/25  (3)
All hahols are going to die    03/11/25  (2)
Is that bitch Nancy Mace going to get sued over accusing all those men of rape?    03/11/25  (5)
Rate these before and after pictures    03/11/25  (6)
*** Official March College Basketball Thread ***    03/11/25  (4)
The Bboom That Shouted Fraud At The Heart Of The World    03/11/25  (1)
singing 'fill my naughty asshole full of your seed' to tune of puff the magic dr    03/11/25  (3)
Yoga pants and make up.do wonders! What else?    03/11/25  (4)
Trump on electricity tariffs: "Your not even allowed to do that"    03/11/25  (1)
Top 5 places to flee america for in order funnel cash out with better value?    03/11/25  (4)
TT: party is over. Back to work , bitch. Whhooooppppsshhh!    03/11/25  (3)
Feel like I'm being crushed with stress right now.    03/11/25  (7)
“daylight” “saving” “time”    03/11/25  (5)
NW down to $1,062,932, you HAPPY now Trumpkins? Is Amerikkka Great Again?    03/11/25  (33)
How are Argentinian chicks in Argentina?    03/11/25  (47)
BOM is mentally retarded. 🥴    03/11/25  (13)
Ukrainians ambush 100 Russians trying to infiltrate their lines - link    03/11/25  (12)
Chinese Factory sells 100k+ Shirts saying "Boycott China Make America Great Agai    03/11/25  (1)
On this day in 32x History    03/11/25  (1)
seriously, who let the dogs out?    03/11/25  (1)
Let's get down to diapers. To defeat the runs.    03/11/25  (2)
ITT: We predict what TSLA will be trading at in 2030.    03/11/25  (58)
So this is what xo has been freaking out about for the past month? (pic)    03/11/25  (88)
Chronicling Blackpillers' Mea Culpa for saying Trump could never win in 2024    03/11/25  (7)
House maintenance is utter flame: wife paid $400 for a plumber to change faucet    03/11/25  (31)
This is Lithuania's Minister of Defense    03/11/25  (5)
I work for Walmart, taking questions    03/11/25  (13)
Elon Musk is now losing about $20 Billion a day. This seems cool and sustainable    03/11/25  (3)
Why are Americans so needy&claim to always be fucking "hungry"?    03/11/25  (3)
Gorgeous Salt of the Earth American Hero Balaji Says MAGA is Right!    03/11/25  (1)
R    03/11/25  (1)
U    03/11/25  (1)
N    03/11/25  (1)
Z    03/11/25  (1)
A    03/11/25  (1)
Church giving out Runzas to homeless. Bboom snatching them back, scream in faces    03/11/25  (1)
Trump orders Navy Seals to Storm NYSE after Stock Futures move up .49%    03/11/25  (1)
Wld you rather by 5.5h on Narrow Body like 737 or 7.5h on 767?    03/11/25  (1)
Runzas spraying out of Bboom like sonic rings    03/11/25  (1)
Bboom going long to catch thrown Runza    03/11/25  (1)
Bboom waving Runza in front of homeless' face. "Sandwiches are for closers"    03/11/25  (1)
Bboom shoving Runza after Runza in his mouth as onlookers barely notice    03/11/25  (1)
The "homeless" enjoy it&are pieces of shit    03/11/25  (5)
Peterman ejaculating into a trucker's mouth: "I just signed your death warrant."    03/11/25  (95)
Why do people say obama is a socialist, when he's clearly a Fascist?    03/11/25  (4)
The fraud must be wheelchaired and diapered    03/11/25  (1)
The bald must be norwooded & toupe'd    03/11/25  (1)
guess what fraud    03/11/25  (2)
Addicts must be tortured and executed    03/11/25  (7)
evan39 do you throw trash at homeless bumb frauds? What do u do 2 them?    03/11/25  (6)
Rate this rural Nebraska retards    03/11/25  (4)
   03/11/25  (2)
Same fraud bullshit and it never changes    03/11/25  (8)
Fuck all the shit pussies    03/11/25  (7)
$1million for every year of your life (taken from end). How many years?    03/11/25  (6)
50% of Zoomers have never been in a relationship    03/11/25  (9)
America=retards and retarded low level fraud    03/11/25  (1)
*******TT ITT LIST ALL POSITIVES ABOUT AMERICA*******    03/11/25  (19)
It was all yours easy and still is    03/11/25  (8)
American women now shove on jeans/yoga pants call it good&get away with it    03/11/25  (2)
"Only 335% have a favorable view of the Democrats" = Libs, is this a "problem"?    03/11/25  (2)
Terrible news: Cathie Wood says Economy will BOOM.2nd half of 2025    03/11/25  (2)
Fat fucking American retarded pieces of shit! TT chime in!    03/11/25  (4)
*******TT ITT LIST ALL NEGATIVES ABOUT AMERICA*******    03/11/25  (8)
You should be praying for a true collapse of amerikkka    03/11/25  (1)
Creampie all that pussy! Take what u want fuck it all let it burn 🔥    03/11/25  (1)
Put it all on black tt double or blow brains out    03/11/25  (1)
It's still the fraud "month" of "March"?    03/11/25  (9)
You're going to have to marry and creampie impregnate zoomers as u call them    03/11/25  (1)
Gunnerattt are you still picking me up from the airport tomorrow?    03/11/25  (2)
Evan! Thoughts on Trump doing this to Bumbs, homeless&welfare fraud/poors?    03/11/25  (4)
U can make millions "coaching" some shit school most have never heard of    03/11/25  (4)
Isn’t it crazy how there’s an INSTABUYER for all your stock & crypto    03/11/25  (1)
Is "Alec Baldwin" a fraud?    03/11/25  (1)
Generations and none of this fraud exists shut the fuck up fags and die    03/11/25  (1)
What's The Deal With Zoomer Girls & Big Baggy Sweatpants?    03/11/25  (19)
To the mentally ill woman lurking and following my poasts u made a huge mistake    03/11/25  (6)
So much of an easy momey grab for so many literal retards in sports fraud    03/11/25  (1)
So dirty drug addict illegal immigrant Musk calls a US veteran a traitor?    03/11/25  (2)
Mainlining is Bossier City, LA nice for a midwest town?    03/11/25  (7)
Trump is cuming for your fraud deadbeat social security asses    03/11/25  (2)
"Bort is glitched, poasts have tomorrow's date." (you unaware it's past midnight    03/11/25  (13)
XO is unrelatable at this point    03/11/25  (4)
should I spend $500 on a hooker tonight?    03/11/25  (25)
St. Patrick's Swayze Marathon    03/11/25  (1)
women drive their cars like go-carts and it's insane    03/11/25  (5)
that fag "mainlining" & all 30 of his shitty mentally ill monikers signed on    03/11/25  (2)
ive been watching the liver king recently, he seems based imo    03/11/25  (4)
How often do you "game"    03/11/25  (3)
even though TBF is jewish, drakemallard is a worse poaster and "person"    03/11/25  (1)
It's 2000. You're listening to Smashing Pumpkins and chatting w ur crush on AIM.    03/11/25  (15)
I think I'll buy the shitty ugly electric car that everyone vandalizes! *farts c    03/11/25  (1)
Anora pussy song    03/11/25  (2)
Largest states without a prestigious university?    03/11/25  (51)
Mumbai has a Murder rate of 0.7, Chicago is 23.8, LA 8.9, NYC 4.8    03/11/25  (2)
Naomi Woods is a hotter, sluttier, more talented version of Emilia Clarke    03/11/25  (2)
are we witnessing the end of capitalism in america    03/11/25  (13)
Dead infowars guy was hired < 6 months ago    03/11/25  (1)
So Michelle was born Michael Obama, the product of a human/chimp experiment ?    03/11/25  (122)
For me, the action *is* the juice.    03/11/25  (1)
Eternal Darkness (GameCube) Movie Cutscenes    03/11/25  (1)
Hey DrakeMallard, ur a fat faggot and now also poor    03/11/25  (1)
Trumpmos: this market crash is actually because of Biden    03/11/25  (5)
Gavin Newsom is launching his own podcast — and inviting MAGA favorites    03/11/25  (24)
Kraftwerk - Europe Endless.mp3    03/11/25  (86)
If HBO’s “Rome” came out today it would be about 1991.    03/11/25  (6)
Why are whites such a violent race?    03/11/25  (16)
Why don’t whites accept Jews as one of their own?    03/11/25  (38)
Unfortunately we're not going to see a Chinese-like Cultural Revolution    03/11/25  (166)
Duterte arrested by ICC, Netanyahu is next    03/11/25  (10)
let's make March Asian Pussy Month    03/11/25  (12)
Why would DOGE want to hide and do everything in secret?    03/11/25  (1)
TRUMP's economic policy is so 180, I've made $183,539 cause of him    03/11/25  (4)
Cons while your 401(k) plummets don’t forget epstein list rug pull!    03/11/25  (14)
"My supporters are too stupid to play the stock market anyway" -Trump    03/11/25  (4)
reality check: trump's second term will just be daily leaks & hawaii judges    03/11/25  (2)
ASIANS - explain yourselves    03/11/25  (1)
Hey TBF u deserve all ur misfortune in life you jewish piece of shit.    03/11/25  (1)
WHOA!!!! WHO'S ZAPPIN TBF'S 401(K)?????    03/11/25  (4)
Thinking of getting into WARHAMMER. Any advice?    03/11/25  (21)
The Nintendo Entertainment System "Zapper" was pretty cool tech for 1985    03/11/25  (8)
The alliance between AIPAC ghouls and blackmailed libs pretending to be cons    03/11/25  (3)
Ralph Waldo Emerson was a necrophiliac    03/11/25  (2)
lol @ women trying to 'hide' their big bubble butts    03/11/25  (5)
I love bouncing on cock 😍    03/11/25  (2)
Battlediapers are pretty cool    03/11/25  (1)
Battleships are pretty cool    03/11/25  (1)
They voted for Trump's 2nd term and lost everything; why these voters are happy    03/11/25  (1)
Hey S, does L still date alcoholics and let them around her kids?    03/11/25  (1)
Bands whose hits were their worst songs.    03/11/25  (60)
my settlement is coming from archer daniels midlands    03/11/25  (11)
time for your antisemitism booster, goy    03/10/25  (1)
Oldmos: Remember when people had to memorize phone numbers? Lost art    03/10/25  (1)
RFK Jr eating Steak n Shake on live TV (link)    03/10/25  (1)
@JDVance: 'Canada just signed their own death warrant.'    03/10/25  (1)
Rate these retards    03/10/25  (1)
Trump to Canada: I'm going to hit you back - in three weeks - link    03/10/25  (4)
Rate these retards    03/10/25  (1)
I banged and sucked him into silence    03/10/25  (1)
Turdette missing after taking walk on the beach in Dominican Republic    03/10/25  (8)
Anglos are awful    03/10/25  (45)
Defense just ASKED jury to award 7.5 to 10 million in my penis burn case (CSLG)    03/10/25  (49)
Jewelry Is fucking flame fraud 😤 agree otherwise    03/10/25  (4)

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