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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
KAMALA COLLAPSE    10/16/24  (1)
Kamala Harris is melting down in her Fox News interview right now    10/16/24  (26)
what is Obama saying to Joe at Ethyl Kennedy's funeral?    10/16/24  (7)
Cliffs on Karlstack dad?    10/16/24  (2)
I have grown to love jewish holidays    10/16/24  (2)
I guess the One Direction was down    10/16/24  (5)
Pharmacists are insanely low-income and Ruined    10/16/24  (42)
Karlstack goes NUCLEAR: "Rufo shut down plagiarism pce on Ackmans wife bc $$$"    10/16/24  (15)
Looks like One Direction isn’t getting back together    10/16/24  (4)
Casting "Autoadmit: The Movie"    10/16/24  (69)
People here really, really hate women    10/16/24  (101)
Real talk: Deep State wants Trump to win    10/16/24  (6)
Russia asks millions to have ‘sex at work’ during lunch breaks    10/16/24  (2)
When did Karlstack become redpilled? and is xo responsible?    10/16/24  (2)
Lmao at people who say “why bring kids into this world?”    10/16/24  (1)
Normie but I completely HATE this IVF trend    10/16/24  (2)
Won my first trial today    10/16/24  (36)
I don’t think goy heads can actually comprehend that the Demiurge is ‘God’    10/16/24  (12)
take on me but it's karl emerging from a torah to burn a rabbis beard    10/16/24  (6)
My outsider's take on Karlstack    10/16/24  (5)
The Holy Grail for Karlstack now: getting a "Wow" re-tweet from Elon Musk    10/16/24  (5)
are we all dogs left in God's hot car    10/16/24  (1)
Karlstack I can make you world famous bro    10/16/24  (3)
hey whok, you said jinx and you're first wife ruined you're life    10/16/24  (45)
massive Conf USA matchup tonite if anyone is left here w normal T levels    10/16/24  (1)
LOL now Rufo is putting out an OFFICIAL STATEMENT on Karlstack    10/16/24  (60)
Penis 69. 69 I said!!    10/16/24  (1)
Neri Oxman sighing, sewing on prosthetic dick and messaging Karlstack    10/16/24  (2)
Karlstack is an IVF baby and his dad is a giant CUCK!?    10/16/24  (6)
NYT admits DEI is a disaster    10/16/24  (42)
My life is shit because I don't have enough money    10/16/24  (7)
G. Washington: everlasting peace with the Hebrew, Kstack: hold my beer    10/16/24  (2)
Karlstack seems to be manic/depressive, in manic phase currently    10/16/24  (2)
Communists rule the world and capitalism is some gay game they let us play    10/16/24  (1)
(Peter Thiel sipping Mike's Hard by the pool) "Et tu, Karlshit?"    10/16/24  (1)
I thoroughly despise the Kibbutz Jews, who run Florida with an iron fist    10/16/24  (1)
Kibbutzim Jews rule everything in my prefecture agh    10/16/24  (1)
Why do people choose revolvers over pistols?    10/16/24  (4)
Oh no Kibbutzim Jews control everything grrr    10/16/24  (1)
Vitaly Klitscho heads huge prostitution business - link    10/16/24  (3)
anyone have a full list of “movie pairs?”    10/16/24  (56)
“Dance like nobody’s watching” (trumps campaign manager apparently)    10/16/24  (12)
disco are you in hawaii yet    10/16/24  (12)
Great podcast with Hotwife Serenity Cox    10/16/24  (9)
Roided-up Karlfash beating coloureds to death for botching his mojito    10/16/24  (2)
new Gallup poll on trust in media. Boomer Dems stand alone.    10/16/24  (3)
i was meant to be idle rich, this is all a big mistake    10/16/24  (150)
Redditors are so fucking retarded it’s mind boggling    10/16/24  (1)
‘New York Times’ To Cease Publication    10/16/24  (1)
Mom, he spent ALL of dinner talking about the Bat Flu Fraud and the Holohoax!    10/16/24  (8)
Self-hating closeted gays lean into xtreme right thought + troons/masculine azns    10/16/24  (2)
Karlstack konnects with the Taliban on twitter. Fascinating convo    10/16/24  (66)
PI shitlaw kings: how do i get more $$$ out of insurance?    10/16/24  (1)
"oh yeah that's my favorite version of ave maria" (michigan auto worker)    10/16/24  (8)
Musk at least doing something right - link    10/16/24  (1)
Jones Day Official Statement On Chris Brunet    10/16/24  (1)
Jews are done here (Karlstack)    10/16/24  (3)
Newest article connects the dots on the Holohoax (Karlstack)    10/16/24  (7)
Why do black people never replace their smoke alarm batteries? (Karlstack)    10/16/24  (26)
Night Out in SeaTTTle: The Boom, Mainlining, Evan39, and Disco Fries Escapade    10/16/24  (10)
Karlstack was a frequent user of white nationalist law school forum "Autoadmit.c    10/16/24  (2)
New article up about how I’m starting to loathe kikes (Karlstack)    10/16/24  (3)
Chris Rufo: "Wait... Karl turned down FizzKidd tp? FUCK THAT FAGGOT."    10/16/24  (7)
I’m ashamed to be affiliated with CharlesXII, the white supremacist (Karlstack    10/16/24  (4)
New Karlstack article: "The Pressing Need to Eradicate Kikes"    10/16/24  (3)
A creative (final) solution to the fertilizer shortage (Karlstack)    10/16/24  (5)
Chris Brunet aka “Karlstack” (karlstack.substack.com) is a Neo-Nazi white su    10/16/24  (3)
Fuentes: "Fuck jews lol" Karl: *retweets* Rufo: "I can't believe that you of all    10/16/24  (2)
Karlstack going to gay bar for "Final Solution to the T-Cell Problem"    10/16/24  (2)
Moderators of R/Ufo have no idea what just hit them    10/16/24  (2)
Username: KarlNotEnoughSmokeStacksatAuschw
itz taken. Ok fine, KarlStack
   10/16/24  (2)
Ku Klux Karlstack    10/16/24  (9)
something needs to be done about extreme racist Karlstack aka Christoper Brunet    10/16/24  (5)
Here’s my biggest fear about why Trump will lose: systematic overcorrection    10/16/24  (84)
BREAKING: Paul Giamatti Spotted Stocking Shelves at Seattle Safeway    10/16/24  (1)
Karlstack accepting position at the Maid In Manhattan Institute    10/16/24  (1)
MIG and I make $120k in are country    10/16/24  (2)
I'm up to my eyeballs in degenerate kike vermin (Chris Brunet) (Karlstack)    10/16/24  (1)
I really like it here    10/16/24  (1)
Karlstack (the substack author) is raging antisemite.    10/16/24  (5)
Hugo Boss was just a great designer, that's all I'll say. (Karlstack)    10/16/24  (3)
Harvard University has to do something about its all-Kike faculty (Karlstack)    10/16/24  (2)
rate this twitter thread where I talk about my plan to kill kikes (Karlstack)    10/16/24  (3)
I have named the Jew (Karlstack)    10/16/24  (3)
karlstack appearing in ilhan omar venmo friends list from the future    10/16/24  (1)
Poast ITT if you stand with Karlstack    10/16/24  (19)
Election poll asks likely male voters their height. Results are hilarious.    10/16/24  (4)
“Curb stomp jewish babies for being filthy kikes.” — Karlstack    10/16/24  (1)
I might get divorced because my wife doesn’t want to circumnavigate the globe    10/16/24  (1)
I’m still confused. Did he say good people on both sides or not?    10/16/24  (10)
In saying this, I promise you I am quite free of all racial hatred (Karlstack)    10/16/24  (12)
Top 10 things Gobbels was Right About (Karlstack)    10/16/24  (9)
"There are good people on both sides. Except Israel, fuck kikes" -Karlstack    10/16/24  (3)
Should I buy SOXl, ASML or MU??    10/16/24  (2)
Kill all jews. Grind them up. Burn & piss on remains. Subscribe to Karlstack    10/16/24  (7)
50 Quotes by Hitler That Will Inspire You To Achieve Your Life Goals (Karlstack)    10/16/24  (9)
Trump continues to chip away at Harris’s national lead    10/16/24  (1)
subscribe to Karlstack. Heil Hitler    10/16/24  (8)
Wow! Hmm. Interesting!    10/16/24  (1)
I really don't understand how people who work in fast food, etc survive    10/16/24  (13)
My pronouns are Sieg/Heil (Karlstack)    10/16/24  (7)
“Subscribe to Karlstack” *racks AR-15, runs into mosque and starts blasting*    10/16/24  (25)
I’m really sad TT gave up the sailing cruiser lifestyle    10/16/24  (7)
Saying "subscribe to Karlstack" after mass shooting like Christchurch/pewdiepie    10/16/24  (11)
Obama and Biden together in public 1st time since coup. Don’t seem too happy    10/16/24  (2)
Are people sick of the frikkin bullcrap yet?    10/16/24  (4)
What is Karl “stacking” exactly?    10/16/24  (44)
Hoping to make lead bullets Kosher for Passover this year (Karlstack)    10/16/24  (3)
Christianity is the prototype of Bolshevism (Karlstack)    10/16/24  (8)
Hitler to Karlstack, “Verily, before the rooster crows, thou wilt deny me thre    10/16/24  (6)
Wait so after bombing 4 different countries and killing 100k people    10/16/24  (3)
wishing MASE a blessed evening    10/16/24  (2)
"Karlstack? What are you 'stacking'?" "Jewish corpses brother"    10/16/24  (27)
“don’t play my music at your rallies”. (pavarotti‘s ghost)    10/16/24  (1)
lol at a bunch of fat proles clogging up the streets of Salem MA every Oct    10/16/24  (1)
"I stand with Karlstack against the agents of World Jewry" -Donald J Trump    10/16/24  (1)
I want to do to the Jew what SP has done to his son's anus (Karlstack)    10/16/24  (3)
Which type of fertilizer should jews be turned into: compost or ash? (Karlstack)    10/16/24  (2)
Blacks are apes (Karlstack)    10/16/24  (2)
I just miss him so much (Karlstack on Adolf Hitler)    10/16/24  (7)
This Karlstack thing is the best October Surprise yet    10/16/24  (3)
I love gas and Hitler, brothers (Karlstack)    10/16/24  (5)
Watching the 1st half of American History X in honor of Juneteenth (Karlstack)    10/16/24  (5)
Trump has cancelled at least 5 interviews in last week or two, he HAS DEMENTIA    10/16/24  (32)
Adam Silver, suck my dick you dirty kike. (Karlstack)    10/16/24  (4)
So Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson AND Chris Rufo are all compromised by Jews?    10/16/24  (3)
Gonna skip work tomorrow, what should I do all day?    10/16/24  (18)
Karlstack is it true you're a foot taller than everyone else at Manhattan Inst?    10/16/24  (1)
Karl is a good person at heart but its clear something is going on in his life    10/16/24  (1)
Poast ITT if you raped Karlstack    10/16/24  (1)
I should start doing drugs    10/16/24  (4)
Banging a 24 year old tonight. Taking abuse & Q's ITT.    10/16/24  (346)
kkkarkstack - i don't care that you fuck trannies    10/16/24  (1)
Not flame but I heard Bill Ackman is willing to ruin Karlstack's life    10/16/24  (2)
Standing with Israel tp    10/16/24  (1)
Hey guys. New conservative, Kris Brunet. I stand with Israel.    10/16/24  (2)
"At least I got some blank bumps" thinks 40-year old Karlstack while shivering    10/16/24  (7)
What's the real life equivalent of "going pumo?" Asking for karlstack    10/16/24  (1)
Playing footsie with Fuentes    10/16/24  (2)
WPATH buried negative John Hopkins studies it paid for to promote child transiti    10/16/24  (3)
This pic of the Hegelian egirl pops up on your Hinge feed. Swipe left or right?    10/16/24  (19)
Any good via ferratas on o’ahu?    10/16/24  (3)
Wow, it seems that all ShareBlue quotemos and pumos are GONE    10/16/24  (21)
Redditors start panicking as they realize Kamala is losing    10/16/24  (82)
Florida condo owners: $3k/month increases *not* including insurance increases    10/16/24  (90)
DMing all those feuding on Twitter with Karlstack about his racism on here    10/16/24  (1)
Dems will suffer "greatest mental health crisis in the history of the country"    10/16/24  (8)
Right age to enroll your kids in the Karlstack Youth?    10/16/24  (2)
What makes the people on this forum so uniquely shitty    10/16/24  (29)

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