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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
I'm sucking dog dick and I don't GAF who knows (Karen)    07/04/24  (1)
Biden says he was "the first Black woman to serve with a Black president.”    07/04/24  (1)
‘Nigger in the woodpile’ means ‘elephant in the room’    07/04/24  (3)
in hindsight, i wish i had submitted and taken the vax    07/04/24  (26)
tsinah dunham    07/04/24  (13)
do any of hunter's laptop pics of drug use coincide with handgun purchase date?    07/04/24  (11)
Movie idea: Jesus returns and becomes a plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills    07/04/24  (2)
Biden announces he will be going to sleep by 8PM everyday    07/04/24  (59)
*pulls a bunch of phallic food out of ass* "rate my 4th of july food" (tsinah)    07/04/24  (1)
Beheaded babies on the timeline. Imperialist lawyers: Well, you see, it's compli    07/04/24  (3)
Definitive list of dumbest current posters    07/04/24  (140)
Apple lawyer ordered to pay SEC $1.15M fine for insider trading    07/04/24  (50)
rating poasters as ways i will kill myself and/or die naturally    07/04/24  (17)
having a wife sounds awful    07/04/24  (35)
Based Chinks banned from Twitter    07/04/24  (54)
USA = SHIT    07/04/24  (1)
Hard to imagine how bad consuelas phenotype is. Probably hilariously lol    07/04/24  (5)
Just put dinner down for my sweet doggie    07/04/24  (11)
Didnt pack enough nicotine for my long weekend trip.    07/04/24  (12)
Blasting load full of microplastics (no sperm) into blue-haired tranny    07/04/24  (12)
China airport has fresh 🍊 JUICE machine for $2.75, I'm crying brehs whycant U    07/04/24  (11)
Who need they declarussy signed?    07/04/24  (2)
RATE my Fourth of July food (TSINAH)    07/04/24  (36)
Bowlcut Asian geek from Silicon Valley is dating a blonde chick: (WGWAG):    07/04/24  (11)
Ted Cruz tp, how do you feel about Oliver Cromwell?    07/04/24  (2)
Habitual pesticide ingestion tp    07/04/24  (2)
The writer truly understood the female mind tp    07/04/24  (3)
The human body is so defective, every part of it fails miserably, lmao    07/04/24  (33)
OYT (Liberal) is going to Lose the Election, just like he lost the gen and Hair    07/04/24  (20)
Comedy clip turns into titty clip - video    07/04/24  (2)
Hey it’s me    07/04/24  (78)
rating poasters as disco fries thread titles    07/04/24  (91)
FUCK COPS. FUCK AMERICA. FUCK GOD and most of all FUCK YOU    07/04/24  (2)
Wow look at that it’s rape-o-clock already    07/04/24  (2)
Reddit has a sub dedicated to the Chris Watts murders    07/04/24  (10)
For Joe Biden, What Seems Like Age Might Instead Be Style (link)    07/04/24  (2)
FUCK this STUPID AS FUCKING DOG SHIT country    07/04/24  (1)
Neighbor dood (Marine vet) with PTSD just ran down sidewalk w AR-15    07/04/24  (3)
Just put my dog down for dinner (uvt    07/04/24  (3)
Going to be 180 when LePen puts (((RSF))) and Jewish parents in woodchipper    07/04/24  (1)
Just spent 300 dollars on fireworks    07/04/24  (2)
Jeff Bexos builds 10,000 yr monument to how FUCKING STUPID america is (link)    07/04/24  (1)
Just put doggie down for my sweet dinner    07/04/24  (1)
High social status fanily invited us over for bbq today. Very nervous bros.    07/04/24  (24)
rate this Indian technique of fighting (video)    07/04/24  (2)
what's a good slur for haitians?    07/04/24  (22)
So literally no one is celebrating America today? Lol, good. Shit country    07/04/24  (1)
FUCK AMERICA    07/04/24  (1)
"SO RONG SUCKAS!!" cackles exeunt as his private jet takes off    07/04/24  (233)
Crumple up this FAGGOTSHIT country & underhand toss thru the DEMONCHIPPER    07/04/24  (1)
Demons waiting in hell for all these FUCKING FAGGOTS in america    07/04/24  (4)
KJP: White House 3 AM Phone Calls Will Be Routed To Voicemail    07/04/24  (2)
the female “mind” tp    07/04/24  (2)
Buckwild July 4 nigger thread. nigger nigger nigger NIGGER    07/04/24  (5)
This country is a pile of FAGGOT SHIT and FUCKING GARBAGE    07/04/24  (4)
should I buy a half lb of weed later    07/04/24  (9)
So the crypto scam is done?    07/04/24  (8)
Just got a fuckin hernia doing squats    07/04/24  (37)
Biden slowly sipping cup of warm milk during second debate    07/04/24  (3)
I fucking hate this country    07/04/24  (2)
RSF, do you celebrate the 4th? Or do you feel no loyalty to your country?    07/04/24  (5)
Guido fatty meats tray at WASP party tp    07/04/24  (2)
disco fries rebuilding Karma in his house like Kramer’s Merv Griffin set    07/04/24  (3)
Just rewatched "Lost In Translation", realized they get together at the end    07/04/24  (14)
A mousy brunette French girl named "Minuet" chained to the wall in your basement    07/04/24  (6)
RSF is about to drop I'm a goy and conservahero charade soon. Mask off moment    07/04/24  (1)
RATE Reese Witherspoon & Dotter In Matching Bare Midriff Outfits (PIC)    07/04/24  (14)
Most Americans Think Trump is Unfit to Serve as President    07/04/24  (6)
Amateur video: mousy V5 midlevel doing client development for very first time    07/04/24  (9)
Slitting my FUCKING WRISTS over how STUPID this FUCKING COUNTRY is    07/04/24  (1)
🚨 Superstar rapper Sellolistic assassinated in Toronto 🚨    07/04/24  (3)
(((RSF))) spends July 4th in France every year.    07/04/24  (12)
(((RSF))) spending another holiday outside America again    07/04/24  (9)
Neighborhood sounds like Fall of Saigon. Fuckin dipshits.    07/04/24  (1)
Libs: why are domesticated animals allowed to behave like this?    07/04/24  (1)
The theology of the Da Vinci Code is absolutely abysmal    07/04/24  (1)
If Jesus Himself ejaculated in a dude's ass, what would happen?    07/04/24  (10)
Hey faggots, here's why some people are obsessed with true crime    07/04/24  (1)
Just lost my Alipay virginity, roly rhit CHINA is living in future 🇨🇳    07/04/24  (1)
Scientists isolate gene preventing women from breaking down boxes before recycli    07/04/24  (6)
Took kid to public pool and the female lifeguards were in “cheeky” suits    07/04/24  (10)
The Biden senility tour continued today - link    07/04/24  (7)
I’d rather eat broken glass every day than live in this faggot fucking country    07/04/24  (1)
met a crypto degenerate today not flame    07/04/24  (3)
About to deploy some pep    07/04/24  (9)
Verbally assaulted last night by an "unhoused" person (Mainlaining)    07/04/24  (78)
Russian literature is fairly overrated.    07/04/24  (4)
can we talk about law?    07/04/24  (5)
pretty clear that the abrahamic religions were all made up    07/04/24  (20)
How to defrost 7.5 pork butt?    07/04/24  (12)
UK 10pm Exit Polls Released    07/04/24  (32)
Would you date/marry Shanann Watts?    07/04/24  (2)
This is the best comedy sketch I’ve seen in a while    07/04/24  (1)
George Floyd was actually killed in 1997 and defrosted by deep state/soros    07/04/24  (3)
Rejected at IMMIGRATION by not so GORGEOUS China 😭    07/04/24  (31)
Ate poop today    07/04/24  (1)
sluts and whores    07/04/24  (5)
Lol sluts    07/04/24  (2)
I love sluts    07/04/24  (2)
nyuug in 2019: "guy who lives in a first world fallout shelter here, sup"    07/04/24  (44)
So I’ve been 40 for like a week now (OYT)    07/04/24  (8)
Sluts    07/04/24  (2)
Obama: "If I had a restaurant, it would look like Karma Sushi."    07/04/24  (7)
CDC moves S.Korea to Level 3 Warning. nyuug FUCKED    07/04/24  (184)
*SNL intro voice* AND GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY GRAAANDPA    07/04/24  (4)
Michelle Obama Has A Big Package For Democrats This Election Season    07/04/24  (5)
CSLG, can I buy the "Karma's a bitch" sign from you?    07/04/24  (9)
Praying DuPlessis kills this dog fucking nigger in the cage    07/04/24  (2)
My wife just peed on the new couch    07/04/24  (13)
unreal how STUPID this FUCKING FAGGOT country is    07/04/24  (2)
Can we outlaw certain phenotypes    07/04/24  (1)
1999: varsity blues, she's all that, cruel intentions, deep blue sea, idle hands    07/04/24  (6)
If you don’t drink you are at a Serious Disadvantage for networking    07/04/24  (2)
I get stoned nearly every day, have for the last 20 years, and will never stop    07/04/24  (10)
Rewatching DCI Banks    07/04/24  (1)
Should I buy apt next door and convert?    07/04/24  (17)
Jeff Bezos 2 pizza rule means a meeting with 3 people    07/04/24  (2)
hatred has no place on xo.    07/04/24  (9)
Crypto probably getting cut in half in one day this week but no one gives a shit    07/04/24  (5)
AMERICA = SHIT    07/04/24  (2)
FUCK “GOD” and FUCK OUR COUNTRY    07/04/24  (5)
Exeunt caught the last train for the coast ... the day the crypto died    07/04/24  (1)
Killing myself over how fucking stupid this faggot fucking shitfuck country is    07/04/24  (1)
What happened to the value of "NFTs" will happen to all crypto.    07/04/24  (1)
Best delta 8 gummies    07/04/24  (6)
mayor of shroomville clearing his schedule for a very important matter to discus    07/04/24  (1)
NYT: Trump campaign changing course after losing popularity with autistic lawyer    07/04/24  (1)
Thank God this stupid fucking holiday is almost over    07/04/24  (3)
I’m starting to become Auntie Trump, after 8 years (Donald announcing transiti    07/04/24  (3)
Guy living in a first world country here, su... *vomits blood*    07/04/24  (12)
i love witty banter too! maybe we can make 'sparklers' fly together haha    07/04/24  (2)
I’m starting to become anti Trump, after 8 years    07/04/24  (29)
Immigrants should "speak American" (Sarah Palin)    07/04/24  (29)
tories i know the election is bad but dont forget u also lost the colonies    07/04/24  (5)
"Yeah, all my uncles say that" (boner police walking past Uncle Sam I Want You p    07/04/24  (1)
A blonde Ukrainian girl hand-makes dumplings for an Asian man. Why?    07/04/24  (2)
i'm a pretty high t guy (they didn't throw it into the harbor haha)    07/04/24  (2)
forget about the roman candles, watch out for my roamin' hand-les haha;)    07/04/24  (1)
How long after the first shells hit before nyuug self deports back to USA?    07/04/24  (15)
Put. That cock. Down. Cocks are for closers. You think I'm fucking with you?    07/04/24  (1)
Libs believe "evolution" caused this stupid shit    07/04/24  (2)
this is bowlcut gook to ground control    07/04/24  (2)
looks like she’s back on cocaine    07/04/24  (1)
Cr thing to do knowing there's a good chance i'll be laid off in September?    07/04/24  (10)
i come off as a lesser to oversocialized gays    07/04/24  (1)
Very excited spaceporn has emerged from his dormant stage    07/04/24  (28)
why is ggtp pretending like he has something better to do than post rn    07/04/24  (6)
It’s impossible to “connect” with women except via sex    07/04/24  (18)
Biden's exit only being delayed b/c they can't agree on severance package    07/04/24  (3)

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