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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
It's ridiculous that you let your wife have a boss (CSLG)    09/23/24  (15)
"Women" "marrying" guys they claim annoy them=thoughts?    09/23/24  (3)
Best city in US for rich single bachelor $$$?    09/23/24  (39)
Is Israel claiming success after Iron Dome failed again?    09/23/24  (1)
Most poasting is pointless    09/23/24  (3)
Trump is a pretty competent fella. It's sad that MSM has convinced people otherw    09/23/24  (2)
Taking qs on French politics    09/23/24  (23)
Public Health Experts: Pervasive Racism now bigger health threat than COVID    09/23/24  (72)
why is israel allowed to kill hezbola members en masse is this fair    09/23/24  (6)
Can someone explain the P Diddy situation. I have questions.    09/23/24  (3)
How infuriated are u how well the lowest mass retards have it at this point?    09/23/24  (2)
Tough to keep going "existing" around mostly retards isn't it?    09/23/24  (2)
Should I get a PhD in biology? What are job prospects?    09/23/24  (5)
going on an apple picking date with a corporate career woman tomorrow (lex)    09/23/24  (260)
Kamala endorsed by HUNDREDS of top notch national security experts    09/23/24  (6)
Lex tp angrily skipping "Tired of Sex" as he listens to Pinkerton on repeat    09/23/24  (6)
RFK Jr fucking Olivia Nuzzi 😂😂    09/23/24  (67)
Most traveling is pointless    09/23/24  (89)
Junior associate in biglaw vs investment banking. What's the difference?    09/23/24  (6)
Just saw a woman defuse a street fight literally using her pussy    09/23/24  (21)
Married guys, how do you get your wife turned on? Or any woman?    09/23/24  (10)
It's been about a year since I made those first 'lol divorce' poasts; ty to all    09/23/24  (19)
avoiding porn and masturbating is proving to be very difficult    09/23/24  (4)
Hot Lebanese Christian Refugee Girls Coming To A City Near You. Unnnghhh    09/23/24  (3)
The Bodybuilding.com forums (1999 - 2024):    09/23/24  (72)
MASE has never said anything interesting or smart    09/23/24  (3)
'cowgod' is some weird desert person jew who does not belong in this country    09/23/24  (10)
So is Nebraska going WINNER TAKE ALL or no? I need 269-269 to feel anything    09/23/24  (18)
"Biden" Calls On Israel To Urge Caution To Protect "Innocent Gays And Lebanese"    09/23/24  (1)
Look, I hate political violence as much as anyone, but    09/23/24  (7)
Mayor of largest Muslim-American pop in MI writes scathing Trump condemnation    09/23/24  (14)
3 year old singing "They're eating the cats, they're eating the dogs" (link)    09/23/24  (6)
"It came from CHINA" Trump says while pointing at Fizzkidd    09/23/24  (5)
WERCOME TO CHINER!    09/23/24  (11)
10 million per year tax free with no work but you can't leave Warrensburg, MO    09/23/24  (12)
No matter how good a comment is, if TDNW blank bumps it it’s a failure    09/23/24  (35)
Student Loan checkin: how much does everyone have if you have any? Also    09/23/24  (15)
lex, I like you. I’ll be your Mommy & smother you with my giant tits (JCM)    09/23/24  (19)
His name was "Diddy" what did libs expect?    09/23/24  (2)
What do people even do in the suburbs?    09/23/24  (95)
Really sick of these sand people and their constant fighting    09/23/24  (3)
hot take: i welcome eating of cats/dogs, at least we won't have them in baby str    09/23/24  (2)
Moscow Synagogue Donates Torah to Struggling Tel Aviv Yeshivah    09/23/24  (1)
Hungarian rabbi finds 103 stolen Torah scrolls in Russia    09/23/24  (1)
In Missouri you can't sleep 😕 in park u pay 4 but cab have 3 ounces of dope    09/23/24  (1)
Since most are too pussy 2 do anything they should bend over, shut up&enjoy    09/23/24  (1)
RSF's mom forced to transmit knowledge orally until Putin gives back the scrolls    09/23/24  (1)
Best whok threads of all time    09/23/24  (7)
why are we so obsessed with big titted Jewesses from U Mich?    09/23/24  (16)
US NSC Spox: It Doesn't Appear Hamas Is Negotiating In Good Faith    09/23/24  (4)
IDF May Have Killed New Hamas POTUS Sinwar. Conflicting Reports.    09/23/24  (9)
Ukranian lawyer asked for my phone #, twice, during WhatsApp text chain    09/23/24  (1)
Biz idea: large format Hebrew scroll inkjet printer    09/23/24  (1)
What profession do you have the most disdain for?    09/23/24  (34)
RFK with brain worms is still more lucid and coherent than you, lol    09/23/24  (1)
Bangor, Maine imports bunch of Haitians, suddenly many pet cats go missing    09/23/24  (15)
Setting up “Relationship Audit” service for people who suspect    09/23/24  (1)
Literally 100% of electronic protection plans(including AppleCare) are Goy traps    09/23/24  (1)
Shitcons crawled over broken glass for Trump, watch them self immolate for RFK    09/23/24  (3)
FK: "Are we in Harvard now?" MPA: "No, this is Allston." 'But why?' I ask myself    09/23/24  (2)
Chiefs, Steelers, Seahawks, Vikings are the only remaining unbeaten teams    09/23/24  (1)
Everyone here is retarded/crazy besides the imgur guy.    09/23/24  (2)
Dick Tracy criminal named "Stats Handsome"    09/23/24  (4)
ljl Israeli jets has to make emergency landings in Cyprus after runways bombed    09/23/24  (3)
"And this," MPA said, "is Newton." *briefcase full of yarmulkes spills out*    09/23/24  (3)
"This is where I play chess with troons who work at MIT" MPA shows Fizz neighbor    09/23/24  (4)
"Welcome to my harem" MPA shows Fizz his one room Somerville student rental    09/23/24  (6)
"This could all be yours, Fizz" MPA surveying Roslindale trash fires    09/23/24  (2)
Every third Bostonian asking FizzKidd a question in Mandarin tp    09/23/24  (3)
FizzKidd lands in Boston, is immediately convinced she is in Guangzhou    09/23/24  (3)
FizzKidd throwing futile haymakers at Handsomes up and down Seaport    09/23/24  (2)
Drunk FizzKidd crying on the Common stuffing face with lobster sandwich to-go    09/23/24  (2)
FizzKidd to MPA: "I honestly thought Duck Boats would be something edible"    09/23/24  (6)
FizzKidd scribbling down monikers on her Scrote List like Deathnote    09/23/24  (2)
So Kamala never actually tried a case in her career as 'prosecutor'?    09/23/24  (12)
Sean and Julian Lennon kicking off the Boogaloo    09/23/24  (2)
NSAM interrupting joyful forcememe monday with feud and politics poasting    09/23/24  (12)
Trump supporters operate on the same level of intelligence as goats    09/23/24  (7)
Biz shrew clutches monkey's paw: "I just wish I could be a mommy "    09/23/24  (5)
Kamala LARPing as a prosecutor and Walz LARPing as an Middle East vet    09/23/24  (2)
"Mommy, pick apples!" (Lex asking out biz shrew)    09/23/24  (1)
what is your liquid net worth portfolio breakdown in asset class terms?    09/23/24  (17)
Milli Vanilli is a very underrated band    09/23/24  (5)
new lifeguard tv show has female lifeguards wearing shorts    09/23/24  (4)
I wonder what Buffett’s kids will do with the $ when he dies    09/23/24  (1)
holy shit AOC is 34 years old lmao    09/23/24  (9)
what's your biggest existential fear    09/23/24  (24)
It's such a small small imterconnected fraud "world"    09/23/24  (1)
Houston Astros owner Jim Crane borrowed 10k from sister..used to be easy    09/23/24  (1)
women can heal the world with their pussies    09/23/24  (7)
taking date apple phone picking tomorrow (doodikoff)    09/23/24  (16)
Cheever's 'The Swimmer' but about a Boomer Cyclist riding around attacking kids    09/23/24  (3)
I'm going to express myself as a ruthless kidfucker with a kind heart (Spaceporn    09/23/24  (2)
taking Olivia Nuzzi to a screening of Newsies (1992)    09/23/24  (1)
things that will die with Boomers ITT    09/23/24  (18)
Orthodox Synagogue In Orlando Set On Fire. TSINAH?    09/23/24  (24)
I'm going to express myself as a ruthless fucker with a kind heart(Boom)    09/23/24  (7)
Will KAMALA HARRIS win in 2024?    09/23/24  (129)
Olivia “Leonardo” Nuzzi: “I wanted to fuck JFK Jr. I compromised”    09/23/24  (2)
Olivia Nuzzi is incredibly gorgeous and talented    09/23/24  (1)
shitting & barfing uncontrollably in hut full of people dropping ayahuasca    09/23/24  (7)
Just saw Slayer/Lamb of God/Mastodon at Riot Fest. 1 of 3 Slayer reunion shows.    09/23/24  (5)
Everything is simple fraud&simple to figure out..apple doesn't fall far from tre    09/23/24  (2)
In the late 1700s, Algeria kicked the US's ass in a war.    09/23/24  (3)
THE University of Central Missouri 1871    09/23/24  (1)
Guy who predicted Kamala's polling lead here; shes fuct    09/23/24  (26)
brand new russian ICBM blew up in its silo (link)    09/23/24  (13)
"i can't my back taxes" (luis)    09/23/24  (2)
It's all simple fraud..what's the trouble rising above this?    09/23/24  (1)
Is it possible to make friends through hobbies in your 30s    09/23/24  (32)
Trumpmos will never say anything bad about RFK ever again. Hypnotized.    09/23/24  (1)
A deeper look into where the really big one could occur    09/23/24  (16)
The War of 1812 is the only just war the US has ever fought.    09/23/24  (1)
Russia Kidnapping People All Over Europe (link)    09/23/24  (1)
Shitcons I hope you can appreciate how LOL the whole Project 2025 thing is    09/23/24  (7)
RATE this 29-yo Aussie woman who may cheat but her BF isn't allowed    09/23/24  (9)
There's no controversy that can bring down RFK and you don't know why    09/23/24  (1)
Kevin Can F**k Himself    09/23/24  (2)
You thought RDK was a joke but he's actually your daddy and that won't change    09/23/24  (1)
On the topic of Drinking    09/23/24  (16)
maine is 180 is 180    09/23/24  (26)
giga weed tp    09/23/24  (3)
Andrew "CSLG" Tate "I'm rich"    09/23/24  (1)
"Carl Jung" is completely irrelevant. Why do poasters care about this fraud?    09/23/24  (12)
Neo Nuzzis    09/23/24  (1)
what's your biggest ontological fear?    09/23/24  (2)
biz shrew serving cut apples from orchard and dino nuggies to lex for dinner    09/23/24  (8)
JP Dimon confirms he’s a massive asshole (link)    09/23/24  (2)
Nuzzi's high-t Dick Tracy lantern jaw    09/23/24  (6)
nothing but these faithless Nuzzis out here    09/23/24  (1)
Golfing has been a 180 hobby, met some good bros from it too    09/23/24  (5)
wonder if there's some bizschool bort with some 250 poast thread about lex date    09/23/24  (7)
Justin Fields blows but the Bears were smart to trade the Bryce Young pick.    09/23/24  (16)
Wishmaster reboot to be filmed during lex & shrew museum date    09/23/24  (6)
Nick Fuentes: "Trump is a grave threat to this country"    09/23/24  (33)
BREAKING: Kamala Harris accepts Oct. 23rd debate on CNN    09/23/24  (38)
Remember Covid Vax mandates? I know the date every one of my directs got the Jab    09/23/24  (3)
Trumpmos tears are gonna taste so good Nov 5    09/23/24  (13)
my life has collapsed again, long term gf moving out tomorrow, fma    09/23/24  (252)
Libs rebranding RSF as successful life outcome and not insane childless loser    09/23/24  (3)
Libs rebranding Venezuelan gang members as "Potential Voters"    09/23/24  (2)
Libs rebranding useless fabric masks as 'educated person signal'    09/23/24  (4)
Remember how Biden saved millions of lives by forcing kids to wear masks?    09/23/24  (30)
We need a separate bort for the "inside jokes" threads    09/23/24  (8)
why is israel being allowed to attack peace-loving ppl in such a way    09/23/24  (3)
"I can change him" the shrew thought, looking past lex @ serial killer on TV    09/23/24  (10)
Bill Maher guaranteeing a Kamala victory and one house in my neighborhood put up    09/23/24  (3)
RFK sues Olivia Nuzzi for sending him "way too many" nudes:    09/23/24  (33)
hezbolla rocket hits arab village (again). gjge    09/23/24  (1)
ashamed Barron confronting dad: "S-so basically, you're a big fat kike stooge?"    09/23/24  (15)

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