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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Lauren Boebert taking credit for Biden’s infrastructure legislation is 180000    05/27/24  (4)
Greeks are not white! hth    05/27/24  (27)
Scholarly mediations on the Angry Birds Movie    05/27/24  (24)
The Spectacular Failure of the Star Wars Hotel (4:05:38)    05/27/24  (46)
XO cons never commented on Trump supporting China's Propaganda and Spy App?    05/27/24  (21)
Ricky listens to zoomer emo rap    05/27/24  (4)
Gen Z invents new dating app: thing doing and outside going    05/27/24  (3)
CSLG 2 years ago: “I can easily conquer Denali” CSLG today: “I learned to    05/27/24  (4)
Angry Birds Movie should have won Best Film at Oscars & Nobel Peace Prize    05/27/24  (2)
So 180 those Trump scum Missourians were executed in Haiti    05/27/24  (6)
if Isreal only targeted Hamas fighters and spared kids would ppl be less mad?    05/27/24  (16)
for an erection lasting 4+hrs, call ur doc. for an erection of 8+ inches, call m    05/27/24  (42)
FACT: At age 38 you will still be posting here    05/27/24  (16)
I am crazy for PENIS    05/27/24  (5)
This extremely racist cataloguing of late 19th Century USA immigrants is 180    05/27/24  (168)
So FizzKidd is flirting with "Chingada Madre" to make Karlstack jealous? lmao    05/27/24  (7)
I Lost the Gen (doodikoff)    05/27/24  (8)
Fine, I Lost the Gen (OYT)    05/27/24  (77)
I acutely miss drinking on Sunday nights    05/27/24  (14)
Audio of shootout in Winnetka after a resident interrupted car thieves    05/27/24  (7)
Pick a 7th gen or older console to play    05/27/24  (3)
KOREA EXPERT here taking Qs on Korea, other topics    05/27/24  (10)
Boebert on AOC vagina eating movie would make $25M    05/27/24  (3)
WAAH why is anti-semitism rising? LMFAO at these garbage people    05/27/24  (1)
gave mcdonalds drive thru chink chick my number last night and she texted me    05/27/24  (33)
Rate the comments on this TikTok    05/27/24  (1)
"Ritual purity" laws as Darth Vader breathing apparatus    05/27/24  (1)
Queer little goblin people writing books of accusations against you    05/27/24  (1)
Post something that embodies High Loser qualities    05/27/24  (2)
Watched Falling Down: Empathized with Michael Douglas    05/27/24  (5)
No good war movies on today...just zoomer bullshit    05/27/24  (5)
Freedom fighter drops two dumbass kike orcs with his sniper rifle    05/27/24  (1)
A hot tranny dropped my Walmart curbside pickup order off    05/27/24  (1)
partner told me 2day: u can’t spell ‘memorial day’ w/o ‘memo.’    05/27/24  (11)
Is my wife getting too fat?    05/27/24  (24)
Breaking: Egypt and Israel exchange fire at Rafah    05/27/24  (65)
"oh hey i'm downwardly mobile too!" (rsf eating popcorn, watching wtc jumpers)    05/27/24  (38)
Disappointingly few tit links here today.    05/27/24  (1)
It’s 180 as shit that every kike monikor Is a Ricky alt    05/27/24  (6)
autistic manic pixie squeaky dream-nerdatrix tp    05/27/24  (4)
NOT FLAME, thinking of voting Jill Stein as the most anti-Israel candidate    05/27/24  (4)
Are lake houses 180? If you had $50m, would a sick lake house with a dock    05/27/24  (17)
ITT: all the evidence that 10/7 was an Israeli operation    05/27/24  (16)
correction tp = a jewish pedophile. don't engage.    05/27/24  (35)
Mad Max: Furiosa Bombs (the FF7 Rebirth of Film)    05/27/24  (37)
Secretary General of the UN condemns Israel (link)    05/27/24  (5)
Men all just want to fuck each other. Simple as.    05/27/24  (3)
Check out unreal turkish plastic surgery results    05/27/24  (2)
Boebert licks Wall Street bull’s testicles (pic)    05/27/24  (2)
Voting for Biden probably    05/27/24  (27)
MPA? More like NPC amirite    05/27/24  (19)
“You have a collect call from”: “Good Morning bitch ass nigga” “to acc    05/27/24  (3)
Rate this GoPro vid of a Russian Jew scuba diver getting pwned by depth    05/27/24  (6)
REMINDER: Deranged clowns try to shut Lynn Conway tp up for hurting their feelin    05/27/24  (3)
Blue Angels to be renamed Rainbow Angels (link)    05/27/24  (1)
An Asian Childhood, A White Adolescence: A Memoir (link)    05/27/24  (2)
Why North Korea wants a war (sooner than you think) | Mapped Out    05/27/24  (1)
Louisiana swamp houseboat life seems 180 AF - video    05/27/24  (5)
Reminder: 100+ threads where sp admitted to molesting his kid were shitmodded    05/27/24  (3)
What are people even buying at Target    05/27/24  (41)
troubling trend: Young adults seem to be slacking on sun safety.    05/27/24  (3)
33-yo white dude dismembers cute 19-yo WOC after a date:    05/27/24  (38)
who the pretty faggot now, you the pretty faggot now    05/27/24  (1)
people who dont know aphex twin are my worst enemies (FizzKidd)    05/27/24  (9)
Luka is so fucking 180, white nigger summer coming boyos!    05/27/24  (1)
REMINDER: Lynn Conway tp tried to get xo shut down bc we hurt his feelings    05/27/24  (192)
"my wife wants to spend time with me. anyone know how to make ricin?"(disco fri    05/27/24  (1)
i instinctively autobump any luis tp poast tp    05/27/24  (4)
Wife dragged me to fucking target ($37 on fucking bs) now some shit restaurant    05/27/24  (30)
US Tech company hit with DOJ fine after Indian employee posts 'Whites Only' job    05/27/24  (6)
Turd owned business allegedly discriminated against immigrants/non-whites (link)    05/27/24  (3)
Pope Francis: There is too much "faggottness" in seminaries (link)    05/27/24  (16)
Study:Women's panties "significantly wetter" watching vids of hardened criminals    05/27/24  (2)
why are Greeks such irresponsible pieces of shit?    05/27/24  (41)
collection of guys' cocks in my asshole now at 3 (whok)    05/27/24  (5)
Biden’s Gaza pier cost $320 million Lmao    05/27/24  (51)
Hindi rappers Mobb Pradeep    05/27/24  (4)
richard clock announces DJ tour "Cumin After All"    05/27/24  (8)
Target Brand asshole/vagina wipe    05/27/24  (4)
disco fries is disgusted by how his wife looks in a swimming suit    05/27/24  (2)
caitlyn clark is a bigger deal than lebron    05/27/24  (3)
friend has a friend with terminal brain cancer @ 31    05/27/24  (18)
Crying TikTok birthday cake mom exposed husband child support    05/27/24  (2)
BREAKING: Jimmy Carter dies at Georgia home    05/27/24  (2)
Terence Trent D'Arby's new album is actually pretty good    05/27/24  (2)
Stabbing is South Africa's national pastime    05/27/24  (3)
FNC: "Memorial Day 'Google Doodle' Omits American Flag" (link)    05/27/24  (8)
chicks in finland are little wood elve nymphs with squeaky voices    05/27/24  (8)
Hippie gf is antiwaxer    05/27/24  (1)
*gives karen a tiny american flag for memorial day*    05/27/24  (3)
Dry cleaning career: Crotch Care and Semen Stain Removal Specialist    05/27/24  (1)
We're all gonna be at war soon.    05/27/24  (1)
Does the fact that Jordan sucked by the time he was Lebron's age hurt his legacy    05/27/24  (2)
whites: should we emigrate back to Europe ?    05/27/24  (51)
Report: Ukrainian counter-attack with Bradleys makes "massive gains" - link    05/27/24  (1)
Putting down my phone after seeing moniker time spent looking at my phone    05/27/24  (13)
For the first time in 28 years, Super Mario 64 has been beaten without using the    05/27/24  (38)
Bama QB3 played in Rose Bowl in January, won lax natty w ND in May, fraudlie$    05/27/24  (1)
Lynn Conway tp flopping like suffocating fish as you push to 2nd knuckle    05/27/24  (1)
There's no point in owning all consoles in a Gen anymore    05/27/24  (10)
US gun homicide rate: 33 times higher than Australia's    05/27/24  (31)
South Korean birth rate plunges to all-time low    05/27/24  (57)
Best-selling video games in the United States by year    05/27/24  (15)
What were some tangible practices Americans had when US was high trust society?    05/27/24  (36)
MASSIVE RALLY in France to show solidarity with ally Israel (link)    05/27/24  (2)
the horror is that high IQ whites really do make the best cultures    05/27/24  (172)
Ji Seong Ho: Awarded South Korean Citizenship. NYUUG: <><><>NO PASSPORT<><    05/27/24  (42)
How many people actually care about the MCU plot lines?    05/27/24  (17)
Fizzkid is obviously a Jewish man. He’s constantly flirty with consuela    05/27/24  (21)
POLL: Do you consider Israel an enemy or an all of the United States???    05/27/24  (13)
when did u last "sound off"    05/27/24  (1)
'quietly quitting' a space due to the phenotypes on display    05/27/24  (6)
Leaving America forever. *moves to San Clemente 2 months later* (Ricky)    05/27/24  (15)
BASED BoomerJew Richard Dreyfuss BTFOs millennial libs    05/27/24  (1)
Your sister burping loudly and saying "So much cum today!"    05/27/24  (2)
Dislodging a huge turd in your wife, with your pecker.    05/27/24  (1)
Bboom arrested for sucking Karen's cock in public library bathroom    05/27/24  (4)
Why are girls so smelly?    05/27/24  (74)
Bradley destroyed. ANOTHER Bradley picks up UNHARMED crew.    05/27/24  (1)
Obese Wheelchair User    05/27/24  (1)
Reminder: no one died, ever, before the COVID vaxx    05/27/24  (9)
Reminder that turds and abbos are basically the same subhumans    05/27/24  (2)
EU considering sanctions against the terrorist state of Israel (link)    05/27/24  (3)
exeunt is so pathetic he's doing NOTHING with his $100+ million    05/27/24  (7)
exeunt just stays home and makes rap beats all day (vid)    05/27/24  (2)
Trump Wins Libertarian Party Nomination With 56% of the Vote (link)    05/27/24  (5)
My firm hired two SEC sorority girls for the summer temp jobs    05/27/24  (93)
This Luka guy is a chubby weirdo.    05/27/24  (4)
What Shakespeare monologues soliloquies and speeches are worth knowing    05/27/24  (15)
Is WIF going anywhere??    05/27/24  (2)
I would never tolerate my son being a bottom    05/27/24  (1)
Filing motion for $6.6M in attorneys' fees on Monday (epah)    05/27/24  (27)
"Sorry, we only serve non-vegan dick here." -- Lucifer to Bill Walton in HELL    05/27/24  (2)
why no new next gen Batman: Arkham games?    05/27/24  (1)
Tom Joad's death is the end of the California we knew.    05/27/24  (3)
binoculars fundamentally don't work, why do we forcememe them?    05/27/24  (1)
Plutarch, Life of GunneratTTT    05/27/24  (1)
USA Today: Welp, time to start race-baiting the electorate    05/27/24  (3)
Hate holidays...would rather go to work and have a normal day    05/27/24  (1)
Shabbos Goyim--> Shkibidos Goylet    05/27/24  (4)
southern 'men' are histrionic faggots    05/27/24  (16)
fucking literal demons tp    05/27/24  (1)
whats the % of gettgin killed if i move to Tel Aviv for a few months?    05/27/24  (1)
i have standards now btw    05/27/24  (8)
i started building an international harem of mentally ill israeli chicks    05/27/24  (3)
Should I risk it and mow the grass right now? Kids are driving me crazy.    05/27/24  (6)
Met SEC sorority girl intern on tinder; said nebbish associate slobbers over her    05/27/24  (2)
Bill Walton's death is the end of the California we knew.    05/27/24  (1)
Gambling in the Temple    05/27/24  (1)
Tinder match "tired of games", looking for N64 user    05/27/24  (1)

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