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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Women are 180: The Poast (link)    07/01/24  (5)
Me, a lawyer, to lib female: "technically the President can now rape with impugn    07/01/24  (1)
Come on down to Husserl's ontological brackets & fasteners    07/01/24  (3)
Wait KARMA SUSHI went under already?    07/01/24  (143)
Where to find THE best Kyoto Skillet in Sherman Oaks?    07/01/24  (2)
xo lawyers think EVERYONE is on set path, funny, they aren't.    07/01/24  (8)
A Cenobite, a rabbi and a priest walked into a bar    07/01/24  (2)
Gunnerat’s “crew” is a mentally ill tranny and Guy who got cucked by the b    07/01/24  (12)
"Don't go to law school, guys!" *poasts 2.7 million in Net Worth thread*    07/01/24  (12)
Really a this point slightest deviation from norm is going to be end    07/01/24  (2)
Pic of Clint Eastwood mogging on Paul Newman    07/01/24  (1)
Which XO Crew am I in    07/01/24  (2)
Lots of grievance being aired out on the boart today    07/01/24  (2)
Ljl at most XO lawyers thinking they've actually or "worked" or "work"    07/01/24  (6)
Experience phenomenal savings at Heidegger Volkswagen    07/01/24  (4)
Looking to get ur loved ones something special? Give old man Schopenhauer a chan    07/01/24  (1)
disco fries is jewish?    07/01/24  (1)
Cash balance plans discuss    07/01/24  (9)
Someone describe the various xo "crews"    07/01/24  (42)
Tsinah clowning on Cslg after cslg disrespected him years ago is 180    07/01/24  (108)
Does gunnerattt always have a faggy opinion about everything    07/01/24  (59)
NYT: "average" 25 y/o can run 1.5 miles in 12 minutes    07/01/24  (19)
ZZZ is retarded and probably deserved whatever CSLG did or didn’t do    07/01/24  (8)
Erections matter    07/01/24  (5)
Cons hate free speech now?    07/01/24  (1)
First off, fuck adoptive fathers    07/01/24  (3)
done sucking cock, i'm going hetero from now on    07/01/24  (4)
"What's your MOS?" "35F. Subthread Wasteland Intelligence Collector"    07/01/24  (2)
another big city Editorial Board demands Biden drop out now (link)    07/01/24  (1)
Suck that cum out, bro    07/01/24  (2)
law prof of the year: Philip Hamburger of CLS    07/01/24  (9)
If POTUS has immunity, what's stopping Biden from having military detain Trump?    07/01/24  (18)
Update:French socialists to drop out of 2nd round to help Macron regain majority    07/01/24  (36)
"Goddamnit it's like Chevron Step Zero just never happened" the 3L screamed    07/01/24  (2)
RATE This Kiwi Hapa Who Beat #8 Seed At Wimbledon (PICS) #tennis    07/01/24  (5)
How will the Chevron decision affect the country    07/01/24  (26)
How mad are libs this week? Been a tough stretch.    07/01/24  (1)
"Give him that Hawk Tuah!" (Karlstack before spitting on Bill Ackman's dick)    07/01/24  (10)
OYT, how do I become a Philosopher-Engineer?    07/01/24  (7)
NYT: "average" XO poaster can bat .150 in MLB after 12 months training    07/01/24  (2)
We will split the money after the show, my friend    07/01/24  (1)
Sabrina carpenter has an annoying bird face    07/01/24  (1)
Kike Parker aka CSLG’s cell # is (818) 632-0172 BTW    07/01/24  (2)
Reminder: nyuug isn't a Korean citizen, only has US Passport    07/01/24  (92)
Here's a guide to all my haters    07/01/24  (307)
Wife might be miscarrying. This sucks. Spotting the last two days    07/01/24  (60)
Marine Le Pen: "I will not wear it"    07/01/24  (1)
They lied to you about the Federal charges against Trump    07/01/24  (1)
Low-flying drone drops explosive in orc's lap, vaporizes that son of a bitch    07/01/24  (1)
if you dont have blond hair youre not white.    07/01/24  (20)
Private call with top national DNC members promoted Biden, allowed no questions    07/01/24  (14)
Why does every "conspiracy theory" that comes true involve Democrats + MSM?    07/01/24  (6)
Biden’s Family Tells Him to Keep Fighting as They Huddle at Camp David (NYT)    07/01/24  (56)
CSLG's Family Tells Him to Keep Fighting as They Huddle at Camp Disneyland (NYT)    07/01/24  (5)
Richard Carrier    07/01/24  (8)
2024 mid year Net Worth check-in    07/01/24  (7)
Can we all agree that the Hawk Tuah girl is extremely cute? Especially her accen    07/01/24  (99)
I would respect NYUUG if he would just admit to being a virgin    07/01/24  (24)
Sort of awesome that shitliberry has jumped the shark    07/01/24  (26)
the horror is that high IQ whites really do make the best cultures    07/01/24  (188)
Dejected Cheff James returning to job as Gibson Dunn of counsel    07/01/24  (2)
Just how USELESS is law school in preparing for BIGLAW?    07/01/24  (26)
Wildest part of SCOTUS immunity opinion is that indictments were never discussed    07/01/24  (3)
Why does NYUUG bump his own posts dozens of times over years    07/01/24  (1)
Clitdick nyuug: no korean passport, refuses korean military service    07/01/24  (93)
Now South Korea is cracking - 245 new cases today    07/01/24  (84)
wife's unmarried rich uncle made her executor of his estate    07/01/24  (19)
Jews, Italians and Irish are not white people, XO needs to stop    07/01/24  (17)
so CHAZ has borders and border patrol but USA cant have either?    07/01/24  (16)
Guy in first world country, president hasn't been impeached, sup    07/01/24  (65)
Do azns celebrate 4th of July?    07/01/24  (11)
Sacramento firefighter brags about 'killing' obese people, gets 6 month paid vac    07/01/24  (2)
going to paris this summer, taking Qs    07/01/24  (8)
S&P Water Stock Index Down 27% On News Of Karma Bankruptcy    07/01/24  (1)
Insane that tech is still going    07/01/24  (2)
Pensive-level intelligence always means autistic, right?    07/01/24  (24)
Soft on income, hard on phenotype.    07/01/24  (2)
Ribs? Ribs?!    07/01/24  (4)
Head down, CSLG's chef walks back into the Mongolian Grill.    07/01/24  (1)
libs have truly lost it    07/01/24  (1)
Discuss Habib ukrops and Yankee scum    07/01/24  (1)
Pumpkin-headed fat girls who ooze sex    07/01/24  (10)
"pussy" slip........but when guys do it    07/01/24  (1)
CSLG Lost $ Is Chump Change; Just An Ego Blow. The Mongol Is Far More Fucked    07/01/24  (1)
What would u do if you were hit w a DMRT1 knockout lentiviral transfer plasmid?    07/01/24  (10)
Everything coming up TRUMP    07/01/24  (2)
I Still Unroll: This Mongol Is A Former Sushi Chef Who Lost Everything He Had    07/01/24  (3)
Your grandson bring a "Karma's a Bitch" sign to Antiques Roadshow in 2065    07/01/24  (3)
Candy Ride tp, will you represent CSLG in the Karma Sushi BK proceedings?    07/01/24  (2)
Smallest city by population with underground subway?    07/01/24  (28)
How much better is working evenings versus overnights??    07/01/24  (3)
Oyt poast ur income pls    07/01/24  (7)
Karma Sushi Creditors Cmte Seeking Discovery On Transfer Of Assets To Negrobill    07/01/24  (1)
I'm not gay. I have relationships with trans women. And sex with trans men.    07/01/24  (2)
how much $$ did CSLG sink into Karma Sushi?    07/01/24  (2)
I’m surprised Soccer hasn’t figured out a way to become GC yet    07/01/24  (2)
I wish XO poasts were automatically converted to Pidgen English    07/01/24  (1)
libs jumped into nazi fantasies over this ruling pretty quickly    07/01/24  (6)
CSLG isn't a bad guy imo.    07/01/24  (36)
5 aliens visited me last night    07/01/24  (5)
Would u be willing to upload these type of vids to replace ur law salary? (vid)    07/01/24  (7)
Remember when (((Ricky))) went to Karma sushi and was fanboying for CSLG?    07/01/24  (9)
just bought a golf bag for the range    07/01/24  (85)
Woman zookeeper watches gorilla masturbate, sprayed with semen    07/01/24  (2)
It's okay to eat wax in fairly large quantities, right?    07/01/24  (7)
40yo indian man microblog bragging about text messages from married goofy shrew?    07/01/24  (1)
Wife told me she got gangbanged in college    07/01/24  (51)
oyt taking cowgod to work, letting him feel like an Engineer for a day    07/01/24  (10)
Will tucker have Charles on the pod?    07/01/24  (6)
Libs you have 6 months left. Your response?    07/01/24  (1)
cowgod in Engineer cap & onesie, riding choo choo train, holding oyt's hand    07/01/24  (5)
ITT we poast videos of black people smashing up restaurants and box stores    07/01/24  (72)
Omg omg Jimmy Carter REALLY DET    07/01/24  (1)
Life as a man with bottom 3 percentile head circumference    07/01/24  (4)
So many women fantasize about fucking demons that there's a bookstore section...    07/01/24  (1)
Any new karma sushi reviews?    07/01/24  (49)
rate this text from my work wife 😑    07/01/24  (72)
OldHLSDude's funeral is planned for next Tuesday :(    07/01/24  (4)
Thoughts on this offer? (Lynn Conway)    07/01/24  (35)
fulano, u left ur salt life tshirt at my house    07/01/24  (1)
guy i know exclusively orders harvey wallbangers at the bar    07/01/24  (1)
why did fat fuck disco fries lie about having cancer?    07/01/24  (47)
it's 180 that Biden's dementia is dominating the news cycle    07/01/24  (1)
Karen fearfully asking if you'll still sexualize her in a Trump presidency    07/01/24  (2)
Generational trauma: TSINAH saying 'we don't want you here' like CSLG said to hi    07/01/24  (1)
SRS Q: does having a JD help or hurt with getting chicks in 2024?    07/01/24  (6)
Libs: we wanted trains. But not like this.    07/01/24  (1)
jfc libs let's just make America Great again wtf is ur problem    07/01/24  (131)
CHEVRON: DEAD---------BIDEN: DEAD---------TRUMP: IMMUNE----------LIBS: TRAINS    07/01/24  (3)
Your dad yelling "Damn it, who farted!" as he puts down car windows    07/01/24  (4)
Roberts just made Breyer's admin law casebook worth $0    07/01/24  (13)
Have any of you guys stayed at a Red Roof Inn? Do you recommend?    07/01/24  (8)
Ukrainian MAGA congresswoman arrested with gun at Dulles Airport    07/01/24  (6)
if he's willing to falsify a business record, he'll firebomb the Dem Convention!    07/01/24  (1)
splurged on some Vilebrequin swim trunks    07/01/24  (8)
150 topic Jeopardy categories    07/01/24  (2)
Think “Olivia Rodrigo” takes it up the shitter?    07/01/24  (2)
“men” who are very petty and vindictive    07/01/24  (4)
girls look like they got beard but it mask    07/01/24  (4)
NATO to establish new post in Kyiv    07/01/24  (1)
Where do I request TRUMP legally assassinate me now?    07/01/24  (1)
Poker Bros: anybody played/playing WSOP this summer or going for cash games?    07/01/24  (4)
It's pretty clear the "United" States is headed for a civil war    07/01/24  (21)
Biden is on death's door. Chances he sacrifices his political future to Save Dem    07/01/24  (1)
Important excerpt from Bob Woodward’s Deep Throat article    07/01/24  (1)
even when CSLG FAILS & doesn't even POST he gets 100+ reply threads    07/01/24  (8)
The Economist: "Why everyone should think like a lawyer"    07/01/24  (5)

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