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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Remember DSL? High speed internet over your 80 year-old twisted-pair copper wire    01/05/25  (3)
I’m poast human. Chloroplasts, bioluminescence, carbosilicate neural networks    01/05/25  (1)
Autistic dolphin discovered. It’s probably Consuela.    01/05/25  (18)
Lawyers should be curb stomped, shot, burned alive and cannibalized on TV    01/05/25  (15)
Just Created a Seeking Profile and HOLEE FUK    01/05/25  (183)
How much does a Fortune 500 plant manager make?    01/05/25  (8)
Weird trend in gay porn (evan39)    01/05/25  (32)
Complaining or dwelling on a woman is the ultimate sign of a pathetic man    01/05/25  (2)
Life hack -- (Race: Solutrean Cro-Magnon) (Ethnicity: Atlantean)    01/05/25  (2)
Netflix GF ripping rancid ice cream farts in the living room    01/05/25  (19)
woman with rancid vagina goes on date with man with poopy butthole    01/05/25  (11)
/*/*/*/*my nuts smell absolutely rancid right now/*/*/*/*    01/05/25  (2)
Passport bros Filipina wife wants divorce after 2 years    01/05/25  (16)
Randy Savage JOI    01/05/25  (2)
constant rage from MPM getting fucked up so bad eating away at my 2025 happiness    01/05/25  (2)
Just realized I have been on the toilet playing with my phone for 4 full hours.    01/05/25  (6)
🚨 MPM DAY 3: ROUND OF 16 - No Indians allowed to vote 🚨    01/05/25  (29)
wait what if *i'm* the art hoe all along    01/05/25  (6)
Charli XCX is a poppier less demented/drug addled less soulful Amy Winehouse imo    01/05/25  (4)
You down with OPP? No H-1-B    01/05/25  (1)
ITT: Dangerously Fertile H1B Engineers    01/05/25  (1)
Would you rather: 1. big booty arab girl or 2. large chest castiza?    01/05/25  (14)
Any dumb niggers in here?    01/05/25  (4)
Hopefully Israel gets those hostages back soon    01/05/25  (12)
wait    01/05/25  (1)
just about that time of year to hang myself in my garage    01/05/25  (101)
Good nite, ZoZo! *saws off arm and replaces it with a chaingun*    01/05/25  (4)
business idea: 'Small Macs' = a Big Mac but slider-sized    01/05/25  (14)
Minority Report, except it's just insane Indians on xo reporting their opinions    01/05/25  (1)
Think Im depressed again    01/05/25  (4)
U: ~nobonus~ @ Mortmann’s    01/05/25  (1)
assfaggot dressing as 'buckethead' at biglaw for halloween. it's april.    01/05/25  (20)
You can waste tons of people's time by replying "source?" To random reddit comme    01/05/25  (4)
I'll... never forget it. *sniffs and suppresses a light sob* The Day of Diaper.    01/05/25  (4)
GunneratTTT really wants MPM finals to be TBF vs. Karlstack    01/05/25  (1)
"Bernard Kim" CEO of Match is such a dysgenic looking freak nw they suck ass    01/05/25  (3)
3. you heckin disrespected sex workers    01/05/25  (16)
coke booger    01/05/25  (1)
Just almost died in England    01/05/25  (43)
Buck can you remind me why the "elite" are so petty, evil,& depraved again?    01/05/25  (7)
Manga 'My Senpai Is A Racist Attorney' Causes Splash Online (Link)    01/05/25  (3)
Remember when ppl thought kind of music you listened to revealed important stuff    01/05/25  (51)
Would you rather: 1. evan39 bent over in skirt or 2. evan39 with wonderbra?    01/05/25  (2)
jcm is the epitome of millenial loserdom    01/05/25  (78)
Black chimps out at women who rear ended him (video)    01/05/25  (1)
I have Zero purpose in life but not sure that's unusual    01/05/25  (12)
Is total BULLSHIT they haven't made faster planes    01/05/25  (4)
"Yeah so that's what a circuit split is" evan39 explained to juggalo coworker    01/05/25  (183)
Prole employees "call out sick" every day (evan39)    01/05/25  (8)
recovering art hoe tp    01/05/25  (5)
it sucks to not matter    01/05/25  (7)
Lads, lads, lads, it's snowing.    01/05/25  (1)
"Time" vaporizes and everything is a lie    01/05/25  (27)
Any NYers have experience with this attorney who calls himself THE BULL?    01/05/25  (6)
Where’s the new mpm thread for today    01/05/25  (13)
RATE This WGWIG (Bikini PIC)    01/05/25  (24)
Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me. I'd fuck me $o hard. (Mainlinining/Evan39/Boom)    01/05/25  (16)
im the most observant jew here now lol    01/05/25  (1)
We're going to have to arm UK rebels    01/05/25  (1)
Hypo: $5 million if you can beat 1 player from each NFL team in fist fight    01/05/25  (16)
anyone else have depression haha    01/05/25  (9)
Oh yeah? And is this "Balatro clown" in the room with us now?    01/05/25  (7)
Lifehack: buy a juicer and make your own banana juice    01/05/25  (5)
Sam Hyde at his best    01/05/25  (4)
Why did Robert Baratheon let himself go    01/05/25  (64)
Before Sunrise: Mainlining & Evan39 Edition – The Denver Chronicles    01/05/25  (34)
DSL let you do 1.5Mbs internet while using the phone to make calls    01/05/25  (3)
How would you make it across the grass sea raptor chase scene in Jurassic Park 2    01/05/25  (1)
George's boss Mr. Kruger was an avant garde postmodern television icon    01/05/25  (1)
Funeral home sued for failing to deflate corpse's visibly perpendickular boner    01/05/25  (2)
Tommy as our organization's academic chair on Indian Affairs    01/05/25  (1)
OpenAI o3 Model Is a Message From the Future    01/05/25  (3)
M.I.A. is a hunny imo    01/05/25  (1)
What if the other xo poasters are all AI    01/05/25  (3)
Gonna try not to drink for 2 NIGHTS in a row...    01/05/25  (1)
Will the latest fake "AI" advancements finally improve vidya bot skill?    01/05/25  (1)
Why Are So Many Christians So Cruel?    01/05/25  (7)
Taking questions on the French Revolution    01/05/25  (68)
New year, next film. Al Pacino signed.    01/05/25  (26)
The only people who actually "improved" the internet for you are the people who    01/05/25  (5)
Massie is like Robespierre. The Incorruptible!    01/05/25  (43)
In Ancient Greece, small penises were celebrated and seen as a sign of high    01/05/25  (13)
“where da manager at?” (black women and sassy gay guys like tsinah)    01/05/25  (2)
The company that makes Unraid is worth more than Microsoft and Redhat combined    01/05/25  (16)
Maybe I'm the last man alive, and everything else is just AI    01/05/25  (2)
Rank all the Rocky movies ITT. Include the Creed movies if you want    01/05/25  (21)
Intel has a mafia of paid promoters pushing 10Gbe ethernet controllers    01/05/25  (1)
Indian chatgpt farming poasters replying in your threads with bland summary info    01/05/25  (2)
Why do Indian aunties smell like vanilla heaven?    01/05/25  (4)
how much money would one need to come up with to make an offer for this bort?    01/05/25  (15)
Indian men, come to Israel, and find love with beautiful Jewish women!    01/05/25  (4)
Dan Crenshaw >>>> Massie. Sorry xo MADBOIS lol.    01/05/25  (3)
Biden to bestow nation’s highest honor on Soros, Anna Wintour    01/05/25  (49)
Business idea: scallop farm (sells for $40/lb. retail)    01/05/25  (8)
It's been close to 8 years if me derogatively being called Jewish on autoadmit    01/05/25  (5)
disco fries is probably a sodomite    01/05/25  (2)
He's chasing the muff off! Hes making her run! She's all alone crying call 9-1-1    01/05/25  (1)
Reminder: FUCK Trump and the retards who support him    01/05/25  (11)
Sofia Wylie‘s undoubtedly white boyfriend tp    01/05/25  (1)
Would you rather win high school state championship, play on a .500 college    01/05/25  (11)
Russian and Hahol fight to the death hand to hand and film it    01/05/25  (48)
all i want for christmas is an art hoe gf    01/05/25  (14)
Discord server full of art hoe girls who listen to Japanese city pop    01/05/25  (2)
the latest exchange rates as of 12/15/24: 4.5 AZNgirl gfs = 1 art hoe gf    01/05/25  (2)
What is the difference btw an art hoe and a manic pixie dream girl?    01/05/25  (10)
art hoes with too-small tits who won't shut up about disco elysium    01/05/25  (11)
your freshly fucked art hoe gf breaking down ur front door w/ a fire axe because    01/05/25  (7)
wide-eyed hipster bar art hoe asking you what else the jews nefariously control    01/05/25  (14)
me and Emilio tp traversing thru Williamsburg in Brooklyn to find art hoe gfs tp    01/05/25  (13)
"The Last Art Hoe" (Bernardo Bertolucci Historical Epic)    01/05/25  (3)
Deranged shoenice-style stuntman has EATEN 15% of a Cybertruck thus far:    01/05/25  (1)
Rep. Suhas Subramanyam from Virginia has most GORGEOUS Phenotype in Congress    01/05/25  (1)
Art hoe gf: only wears Brandy Melville, loves to quote Herman Melville    01/05/25  (5)
Waiting for glamorous Bollywood version of Autoadmit’s rise to prominence    01/05/25  (3)
The Tamil Richard Hammond    01/05/25  (1)
The Marathi James May tp    01/05/25  (1)
Frequently told I resemble a Gujarati Jeremy Clarkson IRL    01/05/25  (1)
Poasting online on the 12th Day of Christmas’s Eve tp    01/05/25  (1)
Sometimes I say imo; sometimes imho    01/05/25  (2)
Summon TBF    01/05/25  (2)
The first job of the poaster is to endure the hatred of kings    01/05/25  (1)
Loool that the fake news Paki rape gang story is already dead and never existed    01/05/25  (6)
Doodikoff is a creepy 50 year old Jewish guy and has the "ick"    01/05/25  (3)
People's music taste is predictive of their personalities though    01/05/25  (31)
Reminder - most Apex Chad of the 20th Century (Steve McQueen) had Flip wife    01/05/25  (5)
Romans and Greeks had "sumptuary laws," but you don't even know what those are    01/05/25  (1)
Colfax Ave. property was sold to Boom Car Wash LLC for $2 million    01/05/25  (35)
U open k-cup and tiny CGI Steven Seagal head pops out &bellows ME WAN THE PUNANI    01/05/25  (2)
<Adrian Dittman has joined the server!> TDittman420: HAWKTUAH <Adrian Dittman wa    01/05/25  (4)
99% of Americans can recite the lyrics to Beat on the Brat, <0% read Article III    01/05/25  (1)
Anaconda (1997)    01/05/25  (1)
anyone here tried to write a book / wrote a book    01/04/25  (101)
Jack White retired from music to reupholster furniture    01/04/25  (4)
Darmok and Jalad at Tenagra    01/04/25  (1)
Alphabet's new Chief Financial Officer, Anat Ashkenazi,    01/04/25  (2)
Was U2's "Rattle and Hum" actually underrated?    01/04/25  (2)
Can anyone explain Web 1.0 throwback bulletin boards    01/04/25  (1)
Get a girl that looks at you like gunnerattt looks at jcm.    01/04/25  (5)
I want Massie as Speaker of the House    01/04/25  (1)
On 1/20 all of this shit better end    01/04/25  (4)
Can anyone explain Westerners    01/04/25  (2)
RATE this UVA College Student (pics)    01/04/25  (13)
At what age did your kids learn to read?    01/04/25  (34)
Half of US tech firms run on laggy backend mainframes managed by H1Bs    01/04/25  (1)
Anyone else ready to take some weed edibles tonight ?    01/04/25  (12)
Anyone here tried to bring I/O lag down to absolute zero on their NAS array?    01/04/25  (1)
Rate this video of Elon DEEPTHROATING w sustained EYECONTACT Jews    01/04/25  (13)
Liberal Jews Online INSISTING that you DISAVOW and HATE Elon/Trump    01/04/25  (1)
Shitcock Holmos    01/04/25  (6)
REMINDER: Karlstack is a tall, decently built, blond / blue eyed white man.    01/04/25  (14)

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