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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
i got served by a irl 'shabbos goy' at a friday night shabbat dinner last night    01/04/25  (6)
any other Losers playing Caves of Qud    01/04/25  (24)
I never realized the core of Judaism is basically hosting God for Shabbat    01/04/25  (1)
Anyone here actually look like Brian Peppers?    01/04/25  (1)
New traffic signal light tells humans they should just copy the AI cars (not fl    01/04/25  (3)
Anyone here actually like Bell peppers?    01/04/25  (23)
Login, poast shit thread, log off    01/04/25  (5)
SF influence hates on gourmet hamburger; Chef responds; is fired    01/04/25  (6)
Not flame, Elon Musk has started turning X into state run media    01/04/25  (1)
Agnetha Fältskog had a 10/10 heavenly voice    01/04/25  (1)
Going to start doing things I enjoy    01/04/25  (2)
Magic Johnson has lived MOST of his life with HIV    01/04/25  (5)
Musk now personally sperging out at people for talking about Jewish influence    01/04/25  (6)
"Well why don't you get "dishespilled" and start cleaning up after dinner, honey    01/04/25  (1)
They call me the benchod / Been fucking moms, my guy    01/04/25  (1)
Abusive love triangle between cowgod, karlstack, and paul town    01/04/25  (5)
the ethics of breaking a string of blank bumps: where do we draw the line?    01/04/25  (6)
why can't people who commit suicide just kill me first 😭    01/04/25  (1)
Why did historical "humans" independently produce "pyramids"    01/04/25  (9)
Reminder, Trumpmos: Disagreeing with Elon Musk is not free speech    01/04/25  (2)
another incel sockpuppet tp    01/04/25  (3)
jcm can't keep getting away with this    01/04/25  (1)
JCM's cunt entered the US public domain on 1/1/25.    01/04/25  (1)
jcm is the epitome of millenial loserdom    01/04/25  (73)
Tintin entered the US public domain on 1/1/25.    01/04/25  (3)
structuralism is more pernicious than marxism by a thousand fold    01/04/25  (2)
anyone here tried to write a book / wrote a book    01/04/25  (100)
Need my chocobar touched & kissed thank    01/04/25  (1)
RATE this UVA College Student (pics)    01/04/25  (11)
Face/Off but it's "cowgod" and Paul Town    01/04/25  (1)
JCM takes 8 guys, 5 black 1 asian 2 whites, in this week's Gangbang Creampie    01/04/25  (5)
Explain like I am five. Why Uruguay is the only habitable South American country    01/04/25  (2)
remember that time some fag tried to shame luis for hiking without a mask on    01/04/25  (9)
girls who come over and won't leave    01/04/25  (16)
Lex, MASE, gunnerattt, and HATP sitting bobsled style in bathtub full of cum    01/04/25  (28)
Have a date with giga weed tonight, taking Qs    01/04/25  (4)
JCM: "Had a hard day, honey? Come lay on & suck my DDD tits for an hour"    01/04/25  (7)
Linkin Park defined jcm’s entire 20s    01/04/25  (2)
bort is markedly better without that annoying twat JCM    01/04/25  (108)
lol how is Magic Johnson still alive?    01/04/25  (6)
Israel: "we're switching from ethnic cleansing to genocide of Gaza under Trump"    01/04/25  (4)
Aubrey Plaza natal sun degree    01/04/25  (3)
is Ricky a TBF alt or vice versa?    01/04/25  (2)
Bboom come fix up this motel w us casino right down block little slice of heaven    01/04/25  (5)
update: aubrey plaza is single again guys    01/04/25  (20)
Remember when ppl thought kind of music you listened to revealed important stuff    01/04/25  (47)
Keith Woods and Paul Town discuss Clique Theory    01/04/25  (31)
How many BIRDSHIT Amerikkkan Bitches have been killed by NIGGAS w/o Media caring    01/04/25  (1)
Trump: "White Americans have too many problems, I like winners like Hindus"    01/04/25  (24)
RATE this poem by an H1-B Pajeet:    01/04/25  (2)
USA 2024 Smartest Ppl: Secret Service has BULLET PROOF Hearse for Det POTUS    01/04/25  (7)
Many jeets wish pipe upon me    01/04/25  (7)
Rate this abbo story    01/04/25  (5)
Coffee is 180, especially in the morning with nonfat yogurt plus granola    01/04/25  (2)
How many abortions have you had jcm?    01/04/25  (7)
Is every movie by the studio A24 overt anti-white propaganda    01/04/25  (99)
“TIGHT, TIGHT, TIGHT BRIEFS!” (Mainlining/Evan39/Bboom)    01/04/25  (53)
He called me “bro.” I wished he meant something more.    01/04/25  (28)
i love chao$ its where magic happens    01/04/25  (2)
I don't want to go to the gas chamber. I have headaches.    01/04/25  (4)
Tow truck fag come at me & enjoy skull shatter via wrench fag    01/04/25  (50)
"Escape from SeaTTTle: Mainlining and Evan39 Go Remote"    01/04/25  (21)
Why did Robert Baratheon let himself go    01/04/25  (61)
Rate this clip of David Bowie dancing with a cane    01/04/25  (71)
Is Jimmy Carter's "chill" Secret Service assignment now turning into hell?    01/04/25  (10)
He watches me every shift. Tonight, he left a note. (Evan39)    01/04/25  (46)
Keisha took her third "ADA break" of the day. I kept working.    01/04/25  (27)
Come on Precious! Come on! I got Yummy Yummy Snack, for ya!    01/04/25  (3)
"All Work and No $hredding: Evan39’s Last Shift"    01/04/25  (3)
4 "billion" years & basically nothing on "Earth" happened    01/04/25  (39)
What happened to Paul Town?    01/04/25  (10)
Mainlining : BOM :: skinny buu : fat buu    01/04/25  (2)
mainlining is gayest straight poster & evan39 is straightest gay poster    01/04/25  (11)
Mainlining can the mahchine maek a Chad for me?    01/04/25  (27)
I want to dress like Bowie in Ashes to Ashes vid and suck Mainlining off    01/04/25  (34)
The good news is, we got you the death penalty    01/04/25  (2)
Aubrey Plaza rolling her eyes as she sees your suicide note next to the shotgun    01/04/25  (34)
Obama is basically Castlevania final boss in blackface - how did he get elected    01/04/25  (15)
can't drink coffee anymore because it makes me anxious af. what are my options    01/04/25  (11)
Is Ricky the only Hasidic poaster here?    01/04/25  (11)
🚨🚨🚨MPC IS CANCELLED🚨🚨🚨    01/04/25  (33)
"Time" vaporizes and everything is a lie    01/04/25  (18)
Law student inquiry    01/04/25  (3)
Libtards: Those chinese foxconn workers are slaves, meanwhile...    01/04/25  (17)
Exeunt: Will Nvidia keep on climbing in 2025?    01/04/25  (9)
Russia does not understand (nor can it afford) force multipliers    01/04/25  (2)
i’m literally mentally retarded    01/04/25  (8)
there is no fraud    01/04/25  (4)
'A 0.06 microseconds delay': NASA says China is slowing Earth down    01/04/25  (9)
Space Station keeps dodging debris from China’s 2007 satellite weapon test    01/04/25  (19)
At 445 Days, 46 BCE Was The Longest Year In History    01/04/25  (3)
the shining but its about normal millennial marriage    01/04/25  (7)
if the situation was hopeless, their propaganda would be unnecessary    01/04/25  (1)
the millennial era was so fucking gay lmao    01/04/25  (48)
jcm jcm jcm u didnt queef out a baby so youre worthless barren withered jcm jcm    01/04/25  (4)
People's music taste is predictive of their personalities though    01/04/25  (21)
We need more Powerful Female CEO's with CUM down their throats, pussies bleeding    01/04/25  (1)
forgot about MPM this year. Just checked and saw I lost to cowgod    01/04/25  (25)
Face down ass up that’s the way I like to cuck (JCM)    01/04/25  (3)
Marvelmos when did they make Captain America BLACK?    01/04/25  (4)
I'm just going to say it: Men fuck my asshole (whok)    01/04/25  (11)
Are there seriously no Hunt: Showdownmos on XO    01/04/25  (45)
Everything men do in life is so they can cum in small pussies    01/04/25  (5)
Chad means never having to say you're sorry    01/04/25  (52)
Pajeet means never having to say you're sorry    01/04/25  (1)
Everything women do in life is so they can cum on large cocks    01/04/25  (5)
cowgod has a 1.79 kda on hunt showdown    01/04/25  (5)
Countdown to JCM ragequitting xo again megathread    01/04/25  (8)
I have never once seen a woman take resonsibility for something bad that happene    01/04/25  (4)
U open k-cup and tiny CGI Steven Seagal head pops out &bellows ME WAN THE PUNANI    01/04/25  (1)
bro, read my self-published novel titled 'Incel'    01/04/25  (10)
Steven Seagal (Feat Lady Saw)---Me Want The Punani    01/04/25  (14)
Never thought I would leave my wife and family but I’m thinking of it now    01/04/25  (31)
Russian and Hahol fight to the death hand to hand and film it    01/04/25  (46)
Any Protoss/lifehacks for meeting women to suck/fuck & spiritually brutalize?    01/04/25  (4)
luis 'nature walking' around open office barefoot w a handmade hiking stick    01/04/25  (15)
Spent all night watching old Columbo movies on DVD    01/04/25  (12)
Brawl erupts at chicken wing restaurant after woman clogs toilet    01/04/25  (3)
why do women think all younger women are "children"    01/04/25  (9)
the snoot's wilder Native American cousin, the snut    01/04/25  (2)
Trump/Elon wont stop fentanyl shipments so they can justify not hiring whites    01/04/25  (1)
It's kind of insane we don't have a President atm    01/04/25  (2)
advice on how to divorce in NY? Assume BL salary    01/04/25  (14)
I’m going to make seafood risotto this evening    01/04/25  (1)
Met hot woman at wedding for guy named "Anil" - what ethnicity?    01/04/25  (18)
Men in their 30s flirting with 18yos IS predatory    01/04/25  (12)
gunneratttt can't keep getting away with this    01/04/25  (1)
God made anal sex as natural birth control before era of birth control    01/04/25  (7)
Rate the following statement NYT EdBd says was dogwhistle to white supremacists    01/04/25  (11)
I'm afraid of the ranchod/ I'm afraid of the gora / I'm afraid of the benchod/    01/04/25  (1)
If you're not instinctively hissing and recoiling from the "written word" ur ins    01/04/25  (3)
jcm jcm jcm youre so fat and old and gross and buttsex jcm jcm jcm    01/04/25  (1)
Fremont Restaurant Group ($FRG) set to merge with Darden in Q2    01/04/25  (8)
JCM dating ad: 5'10 230 lbs. No fat shaming.Must love sports & anal.Humor a must    01/04/25  (20)
I wont let this channel become another Dbdr..    01/04/25  (14)
jcm how do I get into anal? I’m curious    01/04/25  (21)
I can think of at least a Dozen AZNgirls in Asia who are just Shrew Living on IG    01/04/25  (29)
despite my sarcasm i'm secretly offended xo thinks i'm an anal whore (JCM)    01/04/25  (18)
At what age did your kids learn to read?    01/04/25  (9)
Jism cunt monkey (“JCM”)    01/04/25  (7)
whok is det    01/04/25  (12)
Wearing long socks to the gym today so zoomers think I’m hip    01/04/25  (1)
Zurich my friend. I love you 🥰    01/04/25  (11)
I'm sure in past some Civs have tried to "Empower" Women and it failed    01/04/25  (1)
When I kissed my wife as the ball dropped in NYE, I pretended she was discofries    01/04/25  (9)
Julius Caesar's Mouse jiggler    01/04/25  (1)
Is there a bigger 110 IQ NPC tell than being really “into movies”?    01/04/25  (15)
jiggling cunt monkeys (jcm)    01/04/25  (1)

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