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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
It's better to just be racist than some half assed gay non racist crap    01/06/25  (5)
dont know how "substack" is real    01/06/25  (1)
First Female Vatican Prefect Appointed Under Pope Francis    01/06/25  (4)
Sexy FS1 host Joy Taylor traded sex for tv jobs at Fox    01/06/25  (36)
Trudeau imported a million Indians into Toronto and then resigned    01/06/25  (34)
Elon Musk CONFIRMED to be "Adrian Dittman" -- TBF? Bud? You OK?    01/06/25  (19)
Enron: We’re back. Can we talk?    01/06/25  (10)
anyone watch the Lex Fridman / Zelensky podcast?    01/06/25  (20)
🚨 πŸ‘¬ 4 πŸ’° 🚨    01/06/25  (3)
Anna Cramling perplexed as to why you're so obsessed with impregnating her (pic)    01/06/25  (17)
UK threatens to jail musk, Musk proposes US invasion of UK    01/06/25  (3)
rate this Wharton slut sucking off a ghetto black nigger    01/06/25  (44)
anna cramling resting her bare legs on your lap: "so, would you die for israel?"    01/06/25  (4)
HYPO: You are appointed POTUS of Canada. What reforms do you make?    01/06/25  (10)
15 y/o named Tina, likely on TiNa, shredding thru DragonForce    01/06/25  (11)
Remember Grantland lol?    01/06/25  (27)
Kelly Ripa from Regis&Kelly was really gorgeous tbh    01/06/25  (1)
rate these LABS playing w/ automated ball throwing machine    01/06/25  (17)
SHAVUA TOV    01/06/25  (3)
last japanese rpg that made you cry?    01/06/25  (91)
Buddy of mine insists ZoZo is superior to XO or Autoadmit    01/06/25  (3)
Art hoe gf: only wears Brandy Melville, loves to quote Herman Melville    01/06/25  (6)
Went to buddy’s trailer park, people still have CRTs with Sega hooked up    01/06/25  (6)
Never forget that this life is a cosmic bootcamp πŸŒŒπŸŒ…πŸΆ    01/06/25  (55)
if Italians "aren't white" how the hell are the French, Spanish white?    01/06/25  (51)
The Heavenly music playing inside churches in Dragon Quest XI, tp 🌈    01/06/25  (37)
Performance artist Rikesh “Ricky” Patel tp    01/06/25  (4)
How are jobs prestigious if they don't pay well?    01/06/25  (6)
4chan for Juris Doctors and Juris Doctor-adjacent individuals    01/06/25  (2)
Emilio telling associate his closing argument was a banger    01/06/25  (14)
Maybe this weight was a gift - like I had to see what I could lift    01/06/25  (7)
Just booked the Ultimate Family Townhouse cruise (CSLG)    01/06/25  (102)
Trump Appoints LI Shitcourt Judge As EDNY US Atty. Which Job Would U Prefer?    01/06/25  (5)
ITT: Rate Joan of Arc's great great great great great grand niece    01/06/25  (24)
Kamala presents herself as full on Negress, no acknowledgement she's Indian    01/06/25  (69)
"Some black people are white"    01/06/25  (4)
Rachmiel circa 2004 was the patron of the arts we didn’t know we needed    01/06/25  (39)
the NVIDIA RTX 5090 is here: $1999 MSRP    01/06/25  (15)
I guess Adam Schiff was told he’s not getting a preemptive pardon    01/06/25  (11)
what happened to paul joseph watson    01/06/25  (7)
The weirdest thing abt "race realists" is they pretend Asians aren't savages    01/06/25  (26)
Interesting how trans kids are mostly pure white Anglo/Nordic types nowadays    01/06/25  (24)
In 15 years first world countries are going to look like the Mad Max movies.    01/06/25  (36)
xo is majority minority yet still white nationalist. america will be fine.    01/06/25  (24)
Explain this graph of US Intentional Homicide Rate, 1910-2010    01/06/25  (37)
WEF elite want misery index high failed deteriorating infrastructure & dysgenics    01/06/25  (13)
Sad truth: Anglos are less white then Celts.    01/06/25  (5)
Japan is the only white nation left    01/06/25  (38)
Why are whites such a violent race?    01/06/25  (9)
TSINAH taking q's for exactly 10 minutes between meetings    01/06/25  (14)
We come on the H-1B. Subramanian and me.    01/06/25  (11)
Deep, thoughtful essays on both sports and pop culture topics.    01/06/25  (1)
english are white-washed iberians, not germanics    01/06/25  (6)
Are white ppl in America done here?    01/06/25  (38)
Look Jerky, this is Adrian Dittman, and I'm very angry about these ceramic tiles    01/06/25  (2)
on a plane ride / the more it shakes / the more i have to let go    01/06/25  (1)
It's a coincidence all the best countries in the world are white    01/06/25  (36)
isn't it strange how predominantly WHITE countries, and ONLY    01/06/25  (33)
Fuck me im starting to like Bernie Sanders    01/06/25  (1)
Judas jones & i hold hands: a lush meadow leads 2 hidden wine ta    01/06/25  (32)
cfb game of the year tonight: montana st. v. north dakota state    01/06/25  (5)
Detriot the best value& lowest cost of living?    01/06/25  (2)
HYPO: You work out and eat a strict diet every day for 1-2 years, and get ripped    01/06/25  (1)
Is this enough ventilation for my Xbox?    01/06/25  (1)
Pro Tip: Only buy NVIDIA GPU's    01/06/25  (110)
lord destroy these black mirror sigil scrying demonic abominations    01/06/25  (1)
credited pre-built gaming computer?    01/06/25  (194)
PC nerds: How big of a deal is "ray tracing?"    01/06/25  (7)
RATE my new computer build (TSINAH)    01/06/25  (1)
🚨🚨    01/06/25  (1)
HYPO You have to drive 1000mi/day on I95 for 365 days    01/06/25  (97)
TBF, what kind of trees are you planting for Tu Bishvat?    01/06/25  (1)
Richest genius on planet earth can't make a website where videos fucking load    01/06/25  (1)
performing idol worship for 30+ years tp    01/06/25  (1)
Is being peed on as good as it looks in the movies?    01/06/25  (5)
Tosin Abasi comes out as Jewish (Louder Magazine)    01/06/25  (1)
The power to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power to blank bump    01/06/25  (2)
Is there any poster with a higher poast to impact ratio than poerkan?    01/06/25  (2)
poerkan, so hot right now, poerkan    01/06/25  (1)
🚨🚨 It's Porkean! 🚨🚨    01/06/25  (2)
🚨🚨 MPM DAY 4: THE FINAL 8 🚨🚨    01/06/25  (87)
🚨🚨 MPM DAY 6: THE FINAL🚨🚨    01/06/25  (14)
🚨🚨 MPM INTERLOCUTORY APPEAL🚨🚨    01/06/25  (15)
Luis getting a haircut (TikTok)    01/06/25  (6)
🚨🚨 MPM WINNER ANNOUNCED ITT 🚨🚨    01/06/25  (8)
Is NYUUG there? (an old friend)    01/06/25  (17)
Golden Retriever Emilio looks back, begging you to follow him to the True West    01/06/25  (12)
anyone else getting more pumped about Greenland?    01/06/25  (46)
alcohol is so bad for you, yet makes you feel so good    01/06/25  (17)
Moving out of NYC -- Seattle or Boston?    01/06/25  (25)
Ukraine now has aircraft carriers (link)    01/06/25  (2)
"hi mykonos. hi cher. hi adelle. hi rihanna." (luis feeding his stray cats)    01/06/25  (66)
Tommy, you a cricket fan? If so what do you make of Isha Guha?    01/06/25  (4)
how much would someone have to pay you to drive 8 hours each day    01/06/25  (29)
emilio in paris    01/06/25  (4)
Anyone's child ever undergo surgery?    01/06/25  (12)
Got back from night out. Totally out of the loop on XO stuff    01/06/25  (13)
Gladiator 2 sux    01/06/25  (1)
Remember when we paid $200k to listen to dumb law profs pontificate about "duty"    01/06/25  (2)
i'm creating an autonomous AI agent to leave megapoasting on xo 24/7    01/06/25  (1)
I am a terrible person, father, husband, lawyer, provider, and leader.    01/06/25  (2)
so Goyim will think Moschiach from Joseph line will be Antichrist?    01/06/25  (3)
Son got accepted at UCLA, berkeley, UCSB, & UCSD which one would you pick    01/06/25  (43)
karlstack: are u ever going to tweet about anything besides Nick Fuentes?    01/06/25  (3)
Just imagine what pussy and sex was like for most of human existence    01/06/25  (200)
I sent a TCPA demand letter and got a response lol    01/06/25  (2)
MPA is a snake    01/06/25  (9)
A land of magical talking animals, but they're all morose overweight lawyers    01/06/25  (4)
everything from the past is a lie and sucks now    01/06/25  (1)
EPAH plz provide your thoughts on this lawsuit    01/06/25  (2)
🚨🚨🚨 MPM DAY 3: SWEET SIXTEEN 🚨🚨🚨    01/06/25  (404)
Waiting for glamorous Bollywood version of Autoadmit’s rise to prominence    01/06/25  (5)
180 how 1992 Dallas Mavericks tp always comes back to vote in mpm    01/06/25  (9)
MPA’s comments on his MPM votes are pure scholarship, unironically    01/06/25  (5)
MDH bank robbing pedo in jail, SP incest pedo walks free    01/06/25  (1)
What happened to "MMORPGs"? Did (((they))) stop making them?    01/06/25  (56)
This stop is Willoughby!    01/06/25  (16)
Rate this court clerks explanation for why a motion is not on calendar    01/06/25  (41)
Did MoreDoughHi ever get released from prison?    01/06/25  (16)
Tired of hearing about immigrants and minorities all the time    01/06/25  (2)
Cons you will still claim fraud when Newsom wins in 2028 cr?    01/06/25  (2)
"Welcome to Diaper Island!" said Freddie as he put on a garland of fresh diapers    01/06/25  (54)
The pilot season of Seinfeld would be called Creatively Bankrupt if goyim made i    01/06/25  (1)
"Haha wow. Holy shit." 1919 Chicago White Sox looking at 2025 MPM.    01/06/25  (5)
come itt and choose from the following superpowers    01/06/25  (45)
nyuug getting recruited to squid game by mysterious twink at grocery store    01/06/25  (22)
China is implementing a social credit score, like Black Mirror s3e1    01/06/25  (25)
Which poaster has the most ruinous phenotype?    01/06/25  (1)
greenland and canada stamps disappearing from livid travel shrews' passports    01/06/25  (2)
how long till trump calls it the chink virus?    01/06/25  (3)
if u concentrate hard enough, u can poast to xo directly from ur brain    01/06/25  (8)
Proles and their mixed-race mongrel children on Facebook    01/06/25  (44)
where is the line to beat gunnerattt's ass    01/06/25  (2)
Coronavirus TARGETS NOWAGS <><><><>
   01/06/25  (29)
Coronavirus spread by Asians and Shit. San Francisco is doomed.    01/06/25  (6)
Why has FRANCE, in particular, had such a brutal SECOND WAVE?    01/06/25  (10)
I’m like Louis CK - can’t cum unless someone is watching me jerk it    01/06/25  (7)
peterman: “That’s not a virus. *shows Kaposi sarcoma* THIS is a virus.”    01/06/25  (22)
Imagine if the death rate was like 10 or 20 percent. Ppl would be freaking out    01/06/25  (16)
invisible chink virus    01/06/25  (4)
Will Covid 19 fade quickly from our minds next year?    01/06/25  (6)
airborne, undetectable incubation. lethality increases w/ viral load.    01/06/25  (64)
What is the most prestigious form of lymphoma?    01/06/25  (2)
Study shows LUNG CHANGES in asymptomatic COVID-19 patients & VIRAL LOADS    01/06/25  (24)
Laughed at first but now coming around to idea of annexing Canada IMHO.    01/06/25  (1)
Shitlibs, what viral loads do you have for Americans in 2020?    01/06/25  (79)
taking your organic Athenian gf to the agora    01/06/25  (18)
coronavirus spreading, we're all done here    01/06/25  (19)

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