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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
White males are done here    01/15/25  (2)
ITT Jim Varney "Ernest" titles for post-2010 America    01/15/25  (2)
Why not just drop a massive fire resistant tarp over Cali fires?    01/15/25  (8)
could whites have conquered world if they faced microaggressions    01/15/25  (23)
JFC Women: 24 year old wants me to do rape fantasy (Clarence Thomas)    01/15/25  (2)
2nd cousin: Let's pretend it's rape :) Shrew gf: They were defaced with tape!    01/15/25  (44)
French woman scammed out of $800K+ by Brad Pitt    01/15/25  (22)
Being CHINESE right now must be PEAK 180 Experience    01/15/25  (49)
Soon Jews will spew "Indians are CAUCASIAN, Birdshit"    01/15/25  (1)
NYUUG S. KOREA is well and truly fucked, and will likely collapse    01/15/25  (34)
how sad are you rn    01/15/25  (1)
White males are the envy of all others    01/15/25  (24)
Fucked a married licensed marriage and family therapist last night. lol, women.    01/15/25  (27)
Why do white women always kill their kids?    01/15/25  (25)
Why do white people deny their racism?    01/15/25  (43)
Are native Americans and Africans just like Europeans if you go back far enough?    01/15/25  (18)
Feather indians need to accept they were beat fair and square    01/15/25  (8)
Vivek’s career is over?    01/15/25  (10)
White woman leaves disabled son to die in fire. Does dolled up TV interview    01/15/25  (51)
Where my "moniker" all began, but it was not the true beginning (Mainlining)    01/15/25  (1)
I’m really fucking sick of all this bloviating about “A.I.”    01/15/25  (5)
Is Stalker (1979) on HBO Max a cr film?    01/15/25  (7)
How can we recruit cute overachieving Latinas in their 20s to poast here?    01/15/25  (20)
South Korea is about to get simultaneously nuked and anally raped by China and    01/15/25  (21)
East Asians simply cannot live in other cultures, it's just not possible    01/15/25  (1)
South Korea is failing to thrive    01/15/25  (10)
How do you pay for sex without getting arrested?    01/15/25  (17)
Started teaching a “live” winter class at a top state university, horrifying    01/15/25  (26)
XO sex-havers, recommend a keyfob camera?    01/15/25  (3)
The last world historical event was 9/11. What will be the next?    01/15/25  (37)
Looking back on video games, did you get any value out of them?    01/15/25  (26)
South Korea arrests its own POTUS - nyuug defend your banana republic    01/15/25  (2)
Allow me to reintroduce myself! I'm a FAG! F to the A-G!    01/15/25  (1)
smoking hot high school cheerleader pulled from palisades fire    01/15/25  (1)
Can't believe you guys actually pay for sex lol    01/15/25  (1)
Decentralized Craigslists    01/15/25  (3)
found the potus ww2 docuseries    01/15/25  (5)
Was Biden ever really president?    01/15/25  (5)
Do you even know what you’re doing?    01/15/25  (2)
pelosi's folly brought down biden    01/15/25  (24)
INDIANS are unethical indecent people    01/15/25  (1)
Twitter anon says Indians now 50% of all US tech    01/15/25  (64)
The best cup for drinking lean (forbes.com)    01/15/25  (7)
Only Jesus can save the jews    01/15/25  (1)
How does one square “porn is a jew industry” w/Hugh Hefner & Bob Guccione?    01/15/25  (6)
The Lord Mayor of Brighton, UK starts his speeches with "al salamu ‘alaykum"    01/15/25  (1)
How far south in Chicago suburbs do you have to go where it stops being "South C    01/15/25  (1)
Niggers are retarded. I paid 200K for polsci degree (xo po    01/15/25  (215)
Chad asked me to join a MMF threesome but turns out the "F" was a "T" (evan39)    01/15/25  (9)
Eagles fan calls Packer fan a "dumb ugly cunt", is promptly fired from job (link    01/15/25  (67)
rap music is cartoonish and its pervasiveness is proof we live in hell    01/15/25  (5)
antifa girl aborting her black baby to save it from institutional    01/15/25  (53)
You should eat your wife's pussy tonight    01/15/25  (22)
What are you doing about your sin problem?    01/15/25  (3)
God is giving you a chance    01/15/25  (7)
Julia’s ass is an objective 9    01/15/25  (10)
Tips on growing your Xiaohongshu account?    01/15/25  (11)
now that China is in charge can I mention small chink dicks or do they not like    01/15/25  (1)
Ljl even Rednecks are joining China App Red Note in protest of TikTok ban    01/15/25  (4)
Vivek has died Vivek is risen Vivek will thank you come again    01/15/25  (1)
yeah i got that gas, and yeah i got that lean    01/15/25  (1)
TT gets a golden ticket to Indian Willy Wonka but all the chocolate is poop    01/14/25  (2)
I really hate being a lawyer. What a worthless profession.    01/14/25  (14)
***Hegseth Confirmation Thread***    01/14/25  (20)
Noted male feminist “Neil Gayman” busted on a bunch of Weinstein #MeToo shit    01/14/25  (21)
Boomers got to live in rich communes/cults w land and orgies    01/14/25  (7)
With rising horror, you realize the firm's name is an anagram for A JINXIAN PLOT    01/14/25  (41)
IDF losses keep on mounting    01/14/25  (17)
When is Tulsi's confirmation hearing?    01/14/25  (2)
Millennials Turning Into Boomers    01/14/25  (13)
Guys with JDs: Do you ever wear panties to the law office?    01/14/25  (3)
Americans and their excessive "showering" is weird flame    01/14/25  (13)
anyone here have a sister they like being around?    01/14/25  (39)
Catholicism is insane    01/14/25  (61)
Trump to raise BAC limits to 1.0 nationwide    01/14/25  (2)
Gwyneth Paltrow has never lived amongst normal regular people    01/14/25  (5)
Top Ten Scientific Flaws In The Theory of Prehistoric Dinosaurs    01/14/25  (140)
china is going to take over the electric car market    01/14/25  (10)
I caught Chad having sex with fem co-worker in grocery store bathroom (evan39)    01/14/25  (9)
"Cities" don't have to be nightmarish hellscapes (evan39)    01/14/25  (35)
Any money you spend on Only Fans goes to AIPAC (link)    01/14/25  (2)
ricky, im thinking of selling my floripa condo    01/14/25  (11)
Do weed stores make you show ID or what?    01/14/25  (3)
OpenList: host your own Craigslist server in a private docker container    01/14/25  (2)
I’m a dinosaur rawr! <is a resin cast in Jewish manipulated rock cavity>    01/14/25  (12)
Is Norse a cr airline?    01/14/25  (2)
why every time you shit at a gas station    01/14/25  (5)
Theory abt Karlstack's Disappearance....    01/14/25  (11)
Microsoft to charge $61/yr for Windows 10 updates; Trump to offer tax credit    01/14/25  (1)
Elon Musk: Fake Gamer; Lowest Scum; Stupid, Petty Fraud (Andrew Anglin longread)    01/14/25  (21)
REMINDER: I am hosting an xo meetup on March 22 in New Jersey    01/14/25  (12)
Microsoft breaking your thinkpad unless you pay up    01/14/25  (3)
how dumb of me to go to Trump Inauguration in DC danger/risk wise?    01/14/25  (1)
Is MADD still aroud?    01/14/25  (2)
LinkedIn profile headlines that contain “Award-winning ________”    01/14/25  (1)
Can you just volunteer for jury duty everyday as your "job"?    01/14/25  (10)
Witch hunt at DOD for Marine who left Afghans stranded    01/14/25  (1)
The Afghanistan withdrawal was overseen by the Marines; Hegseth thinks they suck    01/14/25  (1)
I played Deadline for two years, never beat it    01/14/25  (3)
Insiders say Hegseth is totally addicted to gaming, can't be bothered with work    01/14/25  (1)
Who among us has not experienced the background tasks, the mysterious CPU cycles    01/14/25  (1)
LJL at UVT and NYUUG thinking prostitutes are normal for whites    01/14/25  (151)
Freedom of Windows proposed as constitutional amendment    01/14/25  (1)
Thwapping America in the face with your oafish dong    01/14/25  (1)
Can Rand Paul do something about Windows 10 security updates being cancelled    01/14/25  (2)
Rand Paul is bold. He was the only Senator to vote against raising the debt ceil    01/14/25  (1)
Rand Paul entering year 17 of zero accomplishments as a Senator    01/14/25  (9)
Nintendo Switch 2 docked / undocked, total power/ tflops have been revealed.    01/14/25  (6)
Latest video of that new anti-drone tech are reptile's been bragging up    01/14/25  (1)
I’m going to wake up as high agency person on Jan 1st    01/14/25  (7)
Paralegal Mohammad's goat kicked over candle, started Great LA Fire    01/14/25  (2)
Report: Los Angeles Fire Started by Mrs. O'Leary's Cow (link)    01/14/25  (1)
"thanks for inviting me over. where can i play this creed cd    01/14/25  (5)
The actual image quality in Barry Lyndon is awful because of that NASA lens    01/14/25  (11)
Movies where the cameraman was obviously a geek: Lawrence of Arabia    01/14/25  (4)
fuck this nightmare kike casino    01/14/25  (1)
lol libs whining about “H3N2” flu now    01/14/25  (4)
White guy knocks up Boston mayor Michelle Wu for a THIRD TIME:    01/14/25  (4)
Hegseth takes off for Kiev as Ukraine's last aircraft mechanic is hooded and bli    01/14/25  (1)
Why didn't Sony keep more of their Japanese teams? (Or: The State of PS5)    01/14/25  (2)
I miss the raccoon bros I was feeding, apparently they sleep in winter    01/14/25  (3)
ljl@ all of Ukraine's aircraft mechanics being drafted    01/14/25  (1)
Why did China lock factory workers in their apartments and make them sing?    01/14/25  (1)
China's economic miracle: it happened under totally different leadership    01/14/25  (1)
Totally plausible theory: Xi Jing Peng operates at a Fox News level    01/14/25  (1)
Italian horrorcore rapper Vittorio de Sickle    01/14/25  (1)
Italian Neo-Realist Bugsy Malone Style Movie "The Tricycle Thieves"    01/14/25  (3)
Hegseth and Patel agree: critics of Israel likely being controlled by China    01/14/25  (1)
Senator, that sounds like something they'd say over in CHINA    01/14/25  (1)
The new administration is literally going to try to paint opponents as pro-China    01/14/25  (1)
NSAM thoughts on this CCP sleeper agent ?    01/14/25  (2)
We come on the H-1B. Subramanian and me.    01/14/25  (13)
Backtrack, Pause, Rewind, Reset: Queering Chrononormativity in Gaming    01/14/25  (1)
Soyciety    01/14/25  (2)
ITT: Asking AI to make LinkedIn posts    01/14/25  (6)
Søren Karlstackgaard    01/14/25  (1)
Surviving the Reset: Speedrunning Spyro, Trans Mundanity, and Playing in the Imp    01/14/25  (1)
This goth girl has a scooter like a coffin    01/14/25  (3)
Chik-Fil-A is Kashrut    01/14/25  (2)
Microsoft is going to charge for security updates to Windows 10 later this year    01/14/25  (3)
Strategien gegen Karlstack    01/14/25  (1)
Xiao hong shu    01/14/25  (1)
Xiao hong shu    01/14/25  (5)
Xiao hong shu    01/14/25  (8)
Xiao hong shu    01/14/25  (5)
Windows 11: take the needle today    01/14/25  (1)
Throw every single nigger into a pit of acid and old teeth    01/14/25  (1)

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