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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
“When Daddy Poops Backwards” - kids book by Chasten Buttigieg-Goldman    01/31/25  (1)
One of the more aggravating things about corp work is pretending to be friends    01/31/25  (10)
Michael Buffer voice: “LLLETS GET READY TO DIE FOR ISRAAAAEEEEEEEELLLLL    01/31/25  (73)
PSA: Women are usually constipated & stick fingers in cunt to push shit out    01/31/25  (7)
CNN: Scott Jennings stays, but buh-bye to Jim Acosta    01/31/25  (12)
Whites as a race are really shitty at breeding    01/31/25  (4)
RSF & Pilots: How Are Pilot Hours Measures? Are They Padded Like Biglaw?    01/31/25  (15)
Pounding Mayor Pete — a Children’s Book    01/31/25  (2)
BREAKING: Pete Buttigieg removes pronouns from bio    01/31/25  (35)
you watch ONE Shawn Ryan show and your feed's slam full of CIAniggers    01/31/25  (1)
Rate my first edition book collection (CSLG)    01/31/25  (62)
White lady gets her ass beat by youths at DC's L'Enfant metro station:    01/31/25  (50)
2 DC Litigator Chicks Doing Depo In KS On AA Flt: AZNgirl (w Handsome) & WG (PIC    01/31/25  (54)
Ricky can you poast today's McDonalds haul    01/31/25  (8)
You guys have no idea how badly my gf has ruined my life    01/31/25  (14)
I'm an alcoholic    01/31/25  (11)
anyone tried chatgpt on LSAT games?    01/31/25  (23)
"Catastrophe" at Clemson after wide receiver gets in transfer portal with fly in    01/31/25  (3)
croaking 'DADDY DICK DADDY DICK' in the Babadook voice    01/31/25  (2)
NO MY FARTCOINS    01/31/25  (4)
Crashed Blackhawk pilots reported tall black athletic apparition w 5 big rings    01/31/25  (3)
gonna be a little DATE PIG this coming week    01/31/25  (40)
Pretty big argument with wife about the Superbowl.    01/31/25  (28)
I just quit/walked out on my Adjunct Professor gig, never teaching again    01/31/25  (35)
Pretty big argument with my wife about the Toilet Bowl    01/31/25  (3)
"Listen man, I'll pay you $50 to jizz on my face." (Whok)    01/31/25  (4)
Mainlining - rate this unreleased Slowdive song    01/31/25  (2)
The Sundays - "Here's Where The Story Ends" still fucks    01/31/25  (2)
putting my life savings in JEWISHSHEKELFRAUDCOIN    01/31/25  (8)
Men really do transform into beta drones after marriage and kids    01/31/25  (65)
Consuela taking questions    01/31/25  (44)
scholarship with butterfly wings    01/31/25  (8)
You all sense it coming. The moment where everything MOVES    01/31/25  (3)
Very Good Chance Left keeps failing to kill Trump,so they take Vance out instead    01/31/25  (2)
Just farted, pretty sure a little shit juice shot out    01/31/25  (7)
ITT name a better album than Less Than Jake’s “Losing Streak”.    01/31/25  (2)
Theory: XO oscillates between periodicity and chaotic diffusion    01/31/25  (1)
The Lack of Interest in Hiring Belichick is Lol    01/31/25  (4)
media now reporting it was a “perfectly executed squib flight”    01/31/25  (9)
PSA, you are not supposed to feel sexual urges after age 40    01/31/25  (44)
“Prove u never got laid in HS” *slides Operation: Mindcrime CD across table*    01/31/25  (5)
Odd only 2 of 3 (pilots) have been identified    01/31/25  (28)
"tulsi gabbard" is such an innocuous name    01/31/25  (7)
Any mfes on tracking down some slut in russia?    01/31/25  (13)
SAD when Execs decide to become active on LinkedIn    01/31/25  (3)
Gulf of America    01/31/25  (3)
What fuels birdshits to overdose on METH?    01/31/25  (2)
Breaking: your spirit and capacity for optimism.    01/31/25  (3)
In-house compensation experts needed itt    01/31/25  (55)
Prove your empathy bro. Accept migrant HIV cock into your anus bro.    01/31/25  (1)
Brian De Palma is a criminally underrated director    01/31/25  (6)
Anyone else cop dat o3 mini high update?    01/31/25  (5)
NYT Connections had ‘Snoot’ as a clue today    01/31/25  (5)
"Honey? What's this Autoadmit website you left up on your screen...OH MY GOD"    01/31/25  (72)
What fuels pajeets and chinx to overachieve in STEM?    01/31/25  (45)
Their horrible idolatry | Our gleaming values    01/31/25  (1)
Roadside Picnic    01/31/25  (1)
Aella is the hottest woman who showers only every 10 days and it's not close    01/31/25  (7)
"Hey man, you're looking really faggy today." "Thanks dude, that means a lot"    01/31/25  (31)
Ruthless Beria style purges in the gaming community    01/31/25  (2)
Good morning I fucking hate extroverts so much holy shit    01/31/25  (4)
Panera killer lemonade    01/31/25  (2)
Reminder: Coach K's last game was a loss to UNC    01/31/25  (1)
holy fuck these new FL Drivers Licenses are horrendous    01/31/25  (18)
benzo, serious q, have you ever been on a plane?    01/31/25  (34)
The tranny actor from that “Emilia Perez” movie turns out to be based as fuk    01/31/25  (4)
A rat can tread water for 3 days.    01/31/25  (6)
Oscar nominated tranny hates Muslims, thinks George Floyd faked his death    01/31/25  (2)
Can a poaster regale me w/some hearty bons mots before I retire for the evening?    01/31/25  (8)
in multiverse there should be infinite butterfly effect sequels    01/31/25  (6)
US society and "culture" is incredibly SHIT    01/31/25  (3)
XO poasters riding the wave into the noosphere like digital Bodhisattvas    01/31/25  (8)
Solana price predictions for next 4 years?    01/31/25  (9)
RFK exposes Bernie as a pharma shill right to his face (link)    01/31/25  (4)
havent drained my balls in almost 8 months, starting to go bonkers    01/31/25  (1)
taylor swift lying in your bed emaciated, squishing a pop tart between her toes    01/31/25  (89)
STICKY: The word "jeet" is banned on xoxo    01/31/25  (1)
like butterfly, xo emerged to live beautifully, but only for a day    01/31/25  (5)
Reminder: human joke & cumrecepticle Peterman is worth $100 mil    01/31/25  (6)
I Do Nothing at Work and No One Seems To Notice or Care    01/31/25  (44)
Jeets making “jeet” a banned no no word on Twitter is hilarious    01/31/25  (8)
What Happens In Prison When You Can't Pee On Command    01/31/25  (1)
Recent DNC townhall shows Dems learned their lesson from 2024 defeat (link)    01/31/25  (1)
Uranus is 1.7966 billion miles away but UR ANUS is never far from my mind    01/31/25  (1)
Pacific Palisades rebuilding must include low income housing (link)    01/31/25  (5)
Psychotic lib pumos nestling in for another 17hr spamming marathon    01/31/25  (5)
January 31st 1990 - The first McDonald's in the Soviet Union opened in Moscow    01/31/25  (1)
Zuckerberg: “That’s cute” — proceeds to build a bigger LLaMa.    01/31/25  (1)
Weird how the guys with the biggest dicks always have the weakest piss streams.    01/31/25  (5)
BREAKING: Blackhawk pilot was a woman    01/31/25  (45)
So Much Awesome: Howard Stern and Amy Schumer Help Madonna Make Stand-Up Debut    01/31/25  (1)
Denver led Colorado in a 30-year journey to welcome immigrants.    01/31/25  (1)
The World's Deadliest Aviation Accident    01/31/25  (9)
doodikoff what was the 32x launch like    01/31/25  (4)
Cons why do you think blacks never went extinct?    01/31/25  (28)
"this community fucking hates niggers" the realtor exclaimed    01/31/25  (13)
Black Hawk helicopters are named for Black Hawk, a Sauk Native American leader    01/31/25  (2)
5,609 people died in the construction of the Panama Canal.    01/31/25  (3)
Million Dollar Point is an area in the Pacific where the U.S. army dumped all it    01/31/25  (1)
Pluto takes 248 Earth years to orbit the Sun    01/31/25  (3)
people can only meet you where theyre at    01/31/25  (1)
Antarctica is about 1.3 times as large as Europe.    01/31/25  (1)
Hawaii is moving toward Japan 4 inches every year.    01/31/25  (1)
Redditor started disliking things he loved in the algo turns into a Chad (link)    01/31/25  (1)
Kamala: "and when I awoke, I wondered if I was a butterfly dreaming I'm a person    01/31/25  (3)
A road intersects the airport runway in Gibraltar and consequently has to be clo    01/31/25  (1)
Family of second Pilot has asked Pentagon not to release THEIR name    01/31/25  (1)
List of unusual deaths    01/31/25  (1)
So everyone involved in the crash except the airline pilot was white and male?    01/31/25  (1)
"like the guy from 'The Fountain' except you blow your bubble from cum"    01/31/25  (1)
The only continent with no active volcanoes is Australia.    01/31/25  (1)
hey fidelity, issue my 1099 you piece of shit nigger brokerage blackie    01/31/25  (1)
Dead chickens are thrown into plane jets during safety tests.    01/31/25  (1)
Trump opens his Big Fat Retarded MOUTH = Stocks Drop    01/31/25  (11)
There is some weird, gross shit lodged deep in my beard.    01/31/25  (27)
Movie rec: Diving Bell and the Butterfly    01/31/25  (7)
Video of Steven Seagal SHREDDING on a guitar, live    01/31/25  (1)
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has banned skinny jeans    01/31/25  (1)
FYI: the "lib quotemo" is WLMAS trying to sneak back on to xo    01/31/25  (27)
Crocodiles can live up to 70 years in the wild    01/31/25  (1)
The plans crashed because the pilots were distracted and watching child porn btw    01/31/25  (3)
Why are people these days so awful and horrible    01/31/25  (5)
Humans and tree shrews are the only known mammals that like spicy food.    01/31/25  (1)
military screen collides with passenger screen    01/31/25  (2)
Rainwater is no longer safe to drink anywhere on Earth due to "forever chemicals    01/31/25  (1)
The most prestigious child pornography law discussion board in the world.    01/31/25  (2)
Murder. Death. Kill.    01/31/25  (1)
Stories about how shockingly dumb juries are?    01/31/25  (9)
“What do you do as a ‘public servant’?” “Watch child pornography all d    01/31/25  (1)
women can't stand an idle man. u have to cower & hide at work to relax    01/31/25  (7)
Poll: should this alien be shotgunned in the face?    01/31/25  (1)
what do you consider a good income    01/31/25  (4)
"teach a man to fish..." (trump teaching black guy how to inherit $400 million)    01/31/25  (7)
Report: Unidentified Blackhawk pilot hit control stick while TWERKING    01/31/25  (2)
How are libs still going crazy today?    01/31/25  (2)
Mentally Retarded Jewish Pedophile tp    01/31/25  (2)
It seems Retarded POTUS has UNILATERAL Power to Tariff    01/31/25  (3)
There's an inordinate amount of dick juice in my poop chute    01/31/25  (6)
at what income should your bitch be a SAHB/W/GF?    01/31/25  (1)
Latham requiring all associates to bill time before flying    01/31/25  (1)
Wow, that is a REALLY faggy thread. I gotta get in there    01/31/25  (40)
man realizes his childhood dream - a $12k giant tamagotchi in his office    01/31/25  (3)
Butterfly fluttering its wings on xo can cause a Boltzmann brain to emerge    01/31/25  (1)
Bundestag narrowly defeats second anti-asylum bill - link    01/31/25  (2)
"It was at that moment, when all hope was lost, that Lasko returned."    01/31/25  (19)
RTE the tweets from Emilia Perez star Karla Sofía Gascón.    01/31/25  (1)
butterfly effect movie w ashton kutcher proof we can all make it    01/31/25  (2)
Melania: "I'm gonna float like a butterfly and sting like a bee."    01/31/25  (2)

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