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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Let's tally our streaming services ITT    02/05/25  (16)
Do female prisoners get to shave their pubes?    02/05/25  (9)
How did these DOGE niggas uncover all this stuff so fast?    02/05/25  (3)
Lmao at how mad inbred terrorist Paralegal Mohammed got at Trump claiming Gaza    02/05/25  (5)
Today thousands of worthless Trumpmos OD'd on fentanyl    02/05/25  (1)
Are libs still whining about “eggs”?    02/05/25  (4)
So everyone just forgot about the "Ukraine War"    02/05/25  (14)
Trumpmos have a constitutional right to wreck themselves with fentanyl    02/05/25  (6)
Libs praying to Satan for death, destruction, chaos    02/05/25  (71)
Rate this drawing of the current situation re: trump vs. fed workers    02/05/25  (2)
The sim creators must fucking hate libs to unleash Musk like this    02/05/25  (1)
everyone that doesnt listen to me gets destroyed and fucked hard by god irl    02/05/25  (1)
Would you eat a 1 pound dog shit for $1,000,000?    02/05/25  (4)
DOGE gonna uncover MASSIVE fraud when it audits CMS    02/05/25  (17)
do you think TBf/Anthony Zappin disbarred atty’s kids even talk to him?    02/05/25  (13)
*Vivek grabs the karoke mic* "Cuz I'm paaaajeeeeeet... I'm a weirdoooooo...."    02/05/25  (1)
From a military perspective Gaza cannot be "emptied"    02/05/25  (6)
DOGE gonna uncover MASSIVE fraud when it audits CVS    02/05/25  (5)
Remember Covid Vax mandates? I know the date every one of my directs got the Jab    02/05/25  (7)
The Wraith of Birmingham    02/05/25  (4)
Even though I'm a brown turd I love Israel so much (gunneratttt)    02/05/25  (4)
Disney+: Nice ad-free subscription you have there. Be a shame if something happ    02/05/25  (21)
Trump is slow playing all the USAID revelations. He'll be able to force the Dems    02/05/25  (6)
“Daddy I miss you!” wails disbarred atty Andrew Zappin’s ex wife’s son    02/05/25  (31)
gibberish what's the latest fuck report    02/05/25  (33)
(Cause I'm Zappinnn) poast along if you feel like a lawyer without a license    02/05/25  (7)
TBF/Zappin saga ends in DISBARMENT (you won't believe for who!)    02/05/25  (76)
12 minute video of Anthony Zappin bitching.    02/05/25  (72)
Elon Musk announces first building on Mars will be a Holocaust Museum (link)    02/05/25  (2)
*Shoves gunneratttt's head into a pile of shit on the ground that he created*    02/05/25  (1)
NO MORE STUPID WARS!!!!!! because wars for Israel are by definition not stupid    02/05/25  (3)
The Dems and globalists are utterly FUCKED. They are quite simply done here    02/05/25  (2)
i am super drawn towards super slutty tattooed pierced goy broads    02/05/25  (2)
Is this what it looks like? The NYT and Politico receive big taxpayer funding??    02/05/25  (67)
(protoss voice) your Holocaust Museums are under attack    02/05/25  (30)
Wife refuses to let me do doggy style and it is my favorite    02/05/25  (28)
Now we know why they wanted Trump in prison    02/05/25  (4)
Ricky can you post a crazy McDonalds order please I'm having a rough day    02/05/25  (4)
Derek Chauvin applying for remote-only gig at Andreessen Horowitz    02/05/25  (12)
So we're going to spill American blood for Israel? Congrats TBF!    02/05/25  (4)
Trump willing to send US TROOPS TO GAZA! (link)    02/05/25  (31)
Trumpmo lie of the week: Tranny helicopter pilot --> USAID money to politico    02/05/25  (1)
Wait usaid funded politico? Lol why    02/05/25  (10)
The gentlelady has used a phrase.    02/05/25  (3)
No one is paying taxes this year, right?    02/05/25  (2)
Truly iconic image from today    02/05/25  (6)
Why don’t people understand Series X has Four Gens    02/05/25  (3)
You never hear about people driving over the influence    02/05/25  (1)
Delta Airlines bends the knee, terminates all DEI programs    02/05/25  (1)
AIC bragging that she has a sub-$500k net worth    02/05/25  (5)
Luka Doncic left practice with what team doctors fear is a torn achilles (ESPN)    02/05/25  (1)
None of you faggots pearl-clutching over Gaza understand the art of the deal    02/05/25  (1)
Love reading about Reddit proles getting ripped off by app delivery services    02/05/25  (2)
Cons Jan 2029:“Libs we know Trump did some crazy stuff but plz go easy now”    02/05/25  (3)
Mitch McConnell (1842-2025)    02/05/25  (20)
I'm so sick of "YouTubers" these people could not be more awful    02/05/25  (24)
With 2025 tech, how are bank robberies still feasible, absent inside-job?    02/05/25  (4)
CNN: Scott Jennings stays, but buh-bye to Jim Acosta    02/05/25  (22)
TRUMP: GAZA To become 51st STATE LOL    02/05/25  (102)
New poaster, first day. The Goy World. TGWTP.    02/05/25  (2)
Libs protesting Elon uncovering massive amounts of out and out corruption    02/05/25  (3)
*Elaine Chao pushing Mish down flight of stairs, getting cabinet appt next day*    02/05/25  (1)
i am literally retarded when it comes to identifying classical music    02/05/25  (4)
fucked up when strangers say "hey can you do me a favor?"    02/05/25  (35)
Shitlib boomer dad thinks it’s fine tax dollars go to Politico et al.    02/05/25  (1)
Tufts. WUSTL. Bates. Colby.    02/05/25  (2)
All I want for Christmas is a Politico power subscription. Think of all the info    02/05/25  (1)
Explain how Daniel Penny can be a Portfolio Manager at Andressen Horowitz    02/05/25  (53)
Married. 3 & 1 y/o kids. Wife won’t fuck, is always tired, and kind of hates m    02/05/25  (35)
Torah Brings Fulfillment (TBF) tp    02/05/25  (43)
Running list of countries that have humiliated Trump    02/05/25  (28)
Trayvon Martin would have turned 30 today.    02/05/25  (4)
I don't buy for one second that Biden was deporting more people    02/05/25  (7)
*Trump licking Bibi's anus on Times Sq Jumbotron*"what a brilliant negotiation!"    02/05/25  (10)
Imagine telling people with TDS in 2015 that they'd be MAF for the next 15 years    02/05/25  (1)
Trump adding wine cellars to Gaza terror tunnels below Trump Casino Gaza    02/05/25  (1)
$omeone drew cocks on my car! Fucking huge balls and pubes    02/05/25  (27)
George Zimmerman hired by MidCap Advisors NYC (link)    02/05/25  (2)
PDiddy sucking a filthy jail cock rn    02/05/25  (2)
The Law Office of Pam Bondi is pleased to announce Ms Bondi is now US Attorney G    02/05/25  (16)
MSM outted as paid propaganda    02/05/25  (5)
DrakeMallard here. Popping in to laugh at EPAH    02/05/25  (66)
Under Trump’s plan Hamas/Palestinians would still be right on Israel’s borde    02/05/25  (9)
Raymond's subscriber count is greater than cowshit's income    02/05/25  (16)
In junior high, kids on my bus would intentionally fart next to the bus driver    02/05/25  (4)
Lil Marco is going around World on Taxpayer Dime not even Speaking in American    02/05/25  (1)
Son Escapes Interrogation Room After Killing Entire Family    02/05/25  (3)
to some console generations much is given. of some much is asked    02/05/25  (1)
A day in the life of Donald Trump's Greater Israel.    02/05/25  (73)
ChatGPT in Shambles    02/05/25  (2)
Leftist here. I refused to vote for Harris out of solidarity w/ Palestine    02/05/25  (5)
I need you guys to rate Allison Wolfe, singer of riotgrrl band Bratmobile (link)    02/05/25  (7)
He said pussy. He's a rapist and a felon. He's committing Dastardly Deeds.    02/05/25  (1)
Westlaw Edge (AI tool) is insanely good for legal research    02/05/25  (1)
did "daycare" or "childcare" even exist when we were kids?    02/05/25  (21)
gooning isn't about sex, it's about power    02/05/25  (2)
ITT: I summarize Gamergate in 6 short bullet points    02/05/25  (170)
Muslims really cannot FATHOM why ppl hate them...    02/05/25  (1)
What if I’m sublimating my misery and it causes back pain    02/05/25  (1)
Grinning Joe Biden on enormous billboard: "Miss me yet?"    02/05/25  (4)
Two (maybe obvious) social comments Ive seen on twitter that resonated:    02/05/25  (8)
Trump says (((world people))) will live in Gaza after Gazans are expelled (VID):    02/05/25  (12)
Andreessen Horowitz is full of SEXY AZNgirls for Daniel Handsome Penny to Bang    02/05/25  (9)
Coffee prices have plunged 50% so far under Trump    02/05/25  (1)
Are J Edgar Hoover and Joe McCarthy the Same Guy?    02/05/25  (1)
Ruth Bader Ginsburg + John McCain joint dying wish: NO dastardly deeds    02/05/25  (1)
Bodies inside Great Wall except it’s Gaza condos and zoomers    02/05/25  (1)
So Trumpmos are now pro-H1B and pro-sending US troops to take over Gaza?    02/05/25  (13)
Making my kitchen kashrut-compliant today    02/05/25  (1)
Guess which MSM publication ran this article yesterday    02/05/25  (3)
Heard the most direct pompous Maid of Honor speech this weekend    02/05/25  (15)
SP: I'm squanching a boy in my home. I dare the feds to take my son.    02/05/25  (6)
"He'll stand up to the Jews this time. It'll be different. You'll see."    02/05/25  (13)
A tall guy took me under his wing    02/05/25  (2)
"it's not a toupee, it's a 'hair system' ok"    02/05/25  (2)
Which one of these would a man living in 900 B.C. trade the MOST for:    02/05/25  (10)
did we ever figure out if cracking your knuckles is actually bad    02/05/25  (1)
gaza strip > vegas strip    02/05/25  (3)
Jared Kushner to be Prince of Gaza - link    02/05/25  (4)
Broccoli zoomer in khaki shorts and crocs evicting Fox Mulder from FBI basement    02/05/25  (1)
fentanyl only kills society's unproductive    02/05/25  (103)
Kid Education Bros: Heard Of The Heggerty Phonemics Program?    02/05/25  (2)
Paralegal Mohammed, where are your sibling and goat fucking cousins ending up?    02/05/25  (3)
"I know his cock well. I can get it sucked within 24 hours." -- Peterman    02/05/25  (9)
Who will people blame when the first dirty bomb goes off in DC or NYC?    02/05/25  (3)
I follow a couple on FB that breeds and trains drug sniffing dogs    02/05/25  (5)
It always struck me odd that Just Cause (1995) got such terrible (((reviews)))    02/05/25  (3)
Countdown to Ricky smoking weed again ITT    02/05/25  (13)
Disney removed a scene from the French Connection    02/05/25  (6)
Prior to 75 years ago men did not have to plan for retirement    02/05/25  (1)
They're buying subscriptions to the AP too (link)    02/05/25  (1)
How long has USAID been funding the MSM?    02/05/25  (7)
Nobody talking about the WSJ lol    02/05/25  (1)
"my wife is my best friend" lets bash this TTT    02/05/25  (4)
Just saw a Disney+ ad, featured gay marriage and interracial couple prominently    02/05/25  (10)
Disney claims Disney+ subscription terms indemnify them against death at park    02/05/25  (97)
peaceful protests are useless; libs need to vandalize all tesla dealerships    02/05/25  (1)
Independence Day plot hole: They didn't need Jeff Goldblum's virus    02/05/25  (11)
The most Reddit picture of all time (link)    02/05/25  (1)
How are you doing these days? How's your mental health, workload, etc?    02/05/25  (3)
The Virtuous Christian Man's Guide To Consensually Beating Your Wife (longread)    02/05/25  (2)
Rate this guys Philosophy YouTube channel?    02/05/25  (4)
George Foreman Grill    02/05/25  (5)
lol @ believing they found remains of all 67 victims    02/05/25  (2)
Filipino POTUS calling Trump: "HelloSir! No Tariffs Please Sir. Tank u Sir Sir!"    02/05/25  (1)

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